The Villain Big Boss Just Wants to Spoil Me

Chapter 6


Although Qiu Li was in a bad situation in the Qiu family and was not welcomed, people like the Qiu family valued face very much, and in terms of what outsiders could see, the Qiu family did not treat Qiu Li badly. Therefore, Qiu Lishang's kindergarten is the most famous and most difficult kindergarten for international aristocrats in Rongcheng. It accepts not many students every year, and all of them are either rich or expensive.

Enrollment procedures are complicated or not, and simple is not easy. Yan Xiao finally went through all the procedures on Friday, and was sent to the kindergarten by her mother.

It turns out that Yan Xiao's family background in the world is not good, and he has never been in contact with such an international school.

She had been excluded from going to kindergarten because of 'shame' before, but now that she's here, she's still very curious.

Chen Ziyi has heard a lot about the child's first day of school, all kinds of reluctance to adapt, her best friend even sent her a video of her child crying on the first day of school, she came with a heart to deal with her daughter's crying at any time .

As a result, she took her daughter by the hand and walked to the school gate, and just said a few words to the teacher in charge of the class, the daughter turned her face up and said "goodbye, mother" to her, then rushed in with a small schoolbag on her back. After leaving the school, I was as happy as a bird entering the forest, and the old mother Chen Ziyi, who was about to hug and hold her high, waited for nothing.

Looking at her daughter who didn't look back, Chen Ziyi suddenly felt a little lost, but because the class was about to start, she had to say goodbye to the teacher and made an appointment to pick up her daughter after school in the afternoon.

Kindergartens are huge.

It was bigger than Yan Xiao's previous elementary school, because she was a newcomer, and the teacher specially introduced to her what the various buildings in the school were for—mainly introducing the scope of activities of the small class.

Yan Xiao was very satisfied with the school, but when the teacher said that the small class and the big class were not in the same building, she was not so satisfied.

The school has three grades: small class, middle class and big class. Each grade has a small building, and only the leisure play area and the dining hall are together.

This means that she can't see Qiu Li all the time, so she can't always increase her hatred.

There is a three-year age difference between the two, and there is nothing to be done about it. After Yan Xiao thought about it for a while, she didn't get entangled anymore. Anyway, she is now in a kindergarten, and her chances of seeing each other have greatly improved. Look for him in the building.

There is a new classmate in the class. The children in the small class are very curious about Yan Xiao. She is beautiful and has a good relationship with the little genius of the Qiu family. After just half a day, Yan Xiao has become the most popular child in the class. .

It can be said that Xiaoman's heart is full of—

What is Qiu Li doing now

What class is he in

Long time no see, does he still remember me

If you don't remember, didn't you brush it in vain

She thought about it all morning, and finally caught the opportunity during the lunch break. She acted coquettishly and cutely, and asked the teacher to allow her to go to the dining room of the big class next door.

At first, she thought it would be very difficult to find, but as a result, she pretended to be holding her small rice plate, and as soon as she entered the dining room of the big class, she saw Qiu Li who was keeping a distance from everyone, sitting alone in a corner eating with his head down.

Especially conspicuous.

The weather is fine today, the sun shines into the classroom through the glass windows, casting a halo on the young boy's fair and delicate side face, and the crow-feather eyelashes flicker in the halo... It's just too cold.

Looking at Qiu Li who was exuding the aura of 'don't let strangers in' all over his body, Yan Xiao could only feel that he and the empty area around him were yelling at her frantically: Brush me! Come brush me!

All the blood in Yan Xiao's body was ignited by fighting spirit.

Carrying a plate of rice, squeezed behind a table with him, seeing the undisguised displeasure on his face, and the surprise that flashed in his eyes when he saw her, Yan Xiao was not only satisfied but also pleasantly surprised——

He still remembers her! Very good!

All the hard work she put in last weekend paid off!

Seeing Yan Xiao with big eyes blinking and a happy face, Qiu Li was shocked and dazed, and there was a little bit of joy that he didn't even notice.

How did she appear here

Qiu Li's gaze stayed on Yan Xiao for a while, and then looked behind her.

There was no one, only the curious eyes of the classmates.

He was a little puzzled.

So small, no one followed, how come here

He remembered that she didn't go to kindergarten.

Looking at Yan Xiao, who was still staring at him so happily, Qiu Li, who was always calm in front of outsiders, suddenly became a little nervous.

Thinking of blaming her wrongly last week, he hesitated for a moment, wondering if he should be kinder to her

But he hadn't smiled at others for a long time, and he was afraid that his smile would not look good and would scare her, so he moved his mouth around, and finally gave up.

Yan Xiao could see all his facial expressions clearly. Seeing that he was so angry that he couldn't speak, and even the corners of his mouth began to twitch, Yan Xiao was more satisfied with his operation.

"You..." After a while, Qiu Li suppressed the slight joy in his heart, and asked in a very cold tone: "Why did you come here?"

It wasn't that he was trying to keep a straight face on purpose.

Because someone had teased him under the guise of playing with him before, although... Although he thought that the cute girl in front of him couldn't do it, he was still very vigilant.

Qiu Li's phrase 'Why are you here? 'Obviously it was caring, but it fell into Yan Xiao's ears—who gave you permission to come here! Don't touch my table! leave me alone!

Yan Xiao blinked his eyes, and he understood in his heart that his eccentricity was indeed deep down in his bones. Since he was a child, he had been very wary of the outside world and would not let anyone approach him.

However, his voice is quite nice.

Crisp and cold, just like the sound of the dewdrops on the leaves falling into the deep pool in the morning.

This is the first time she talked to him, Yan Xiao thought, and said: "I come to school, our class is so noisy, it's quiet here, I'll eat here from now on."

Qiu Li: "..."

I was so surprised just now that I didn't notice that she was wearing a school uniform.

There was bright sunshine outside the window, and a pair of big smiling eyes in front of him. Qiu Li suddenly felt that this kindergarten seemed to be pretty good.

Seeing the stagnant expression of the big villain after hearing her saying that he would come to eat at his table every day, Yan Xiao was already increasing his disgust in his heart.

According to this rhythm, she will definitely be able to brush back to full capacity soon!

Yan Xiao's happy face was filled with joy.

Qiu Li glanced at the female doll who was sitting across from him and smiled so much that her eyes were crescent.

This sound, um, was different in Yan Xiao's ears.

Such a cold and casual umm, perfunctory and eccentric, but—she likes it!

After brushing a wave, Yan Xiao happily ate her lunch. As she ate, she saw Qiu Li secretly pinching the corner of his plate, and slightly moved his plate out. After a while, the distance was opened.

Yan Xiao: "..."

Are you so resistant to contacting others? Can't even put the plates next to each other

This big guy is really lonely.

Yan Xiao murmured in her heart for a while, but she didn't pass the rice plate over. The child is young, and it's normal to have some personal preferences. Anyway, she squeezed onto his table to eat with him, and she has successfully achieved her goal. It is necessary to kill a child.

... If he really made him anxious and killed her now, wouldn't she really be cannon fodder

Step by step, slowly map it, is the kingly way.

Qiu Li secretly moved the rice plate out, wanting to give Yan Xiao some more space. Seeing that Yan Xiao didn't notice, and was only eating fish balls happily, he pursed his lips. It doesn't matter. After a long time, she will definitely be able to noticed...

After dinner, Yan Xiao's teacher came to see her, it was time for a nap.

Just now when Yan Xiao came over with a plate of rice, she was observing outside the classroom.

They work as teachers here, and they have seen many wealthy families, and they are even more familiar with the affairs of the Qiu family. The children in the school don't like to play with Qiu Li, and the teachers can't help it. Niu, they can't force these children to play with Qiu Li, and Qiu Li's temper is too withdrawn...

The teachers also turned a blind eye.

So, she was really surprised to see that the person Yan Xiao was looking for in the dining room of the big class was Qiu Li.

They can't control the children if they don't play with Qiu Li, and they can't control Yan Xiao if he wants to play with Qiu Li.

Seeing that the two of them got along quite well, she talked to the teacher in the big class, and went back to watch the children in their class eat.

"Nap?" Yan Xiao blinked his big eyes, looked at the teacher, and repeated the trick: "Teacher, can I not take a nap?"

The teacher picked up her small plate and said with a smile: "No, the children are all going to take a nap, so go back with the teacher, your friend is going to take a nap too."

Yan Xiao wanted to say that Qiu Li is not my friend, but if she wanted to say that, she wouldn't be able to lie to the teacher to come to the big class next time. She was quiet for a moment, then nodded dejectedly: "Okay then."

In order to convince the teacher more and make it more convenient for her to come to the big class in the future, when she left, she waved her little paw at Qiu Li: "Goodbye!"

Today is Yan Xiao's first day of school, and the teacher doesn't know her temper and preferences, and just thinks that she and Qiu Li have a good relationship - after all, everyone in the city knows that Yan's family and Qiu's family are good friends.

"That's right, come and play with your friends tomorrow."

Qiu Li stared blankly at the small figure led out by the teacher's hand, and forgot to say goodbye, only the word 'your friend' that the teacher just said to Yan Xiao was in his mind.

It took him a long time before he came back to his senses, something was melting in his big eyes that were blinking lightly...


That's how it feels to have friends...

The author has something to say: Xiao Lili: She said, she is my friend, happy (#^.^#)

Xiaoxiao: One lie needs a hundred lie┓(;