The Villain Has Blackened Again

Chapter 116: Little eight, how did I learn


Nan Xun was dragged all the way into the inner hall by Yan Mohan.

"Let go of me!" Nan Xun yelled.

Yan Mohan didn't care, and shredded the skirt on her body with a stab.

Nan Xun screamed, "Yan Mohan, how dare you! I'll hate you forever if you do this!"

Yan Mohan's movements froze for a moment and then resumed. With a wave of his arm, the candles in the entire inner hall went out, becoming extremely dark, and he couldn't reach his fingers.

Then, he directly removed Nan Xun's clothes, threw her onto the bed, and then bullied her onto the bed.

He is biting her.

Nan Xun had no doubt that he had bitten blood in several places.

In the darkness, his breathing was very heavy, Nan Xun tried to resist, but found that this person's strength and internal strength were several times higher than hers, and she was like a lamb to be slaughtered under this person.

Suddenly, at a certain moment, he suddenly left.

Nan Xun could hear that the heavy breathing gradually subsided, and the next moment a shadow came over and threw herself on top of her.

Nan Xun's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he asked Xiaoba, "Has it been replaced?"

Xiao Ba's voice was a little low, "Change, he just flew out of the window."

Just when the man on her body pressed her to kill, Nan Xun waved his arm and threw the powder Xiaoba gave her to his face.

Then, she lifted the person on her body and tucked a pillow under him.

The man on the bed seemed to have fallen into some kind of fantasy, so he hugged the pillow and rubbed it.

Nan Xun let out a pained cry in coordination, then sat at the table and turned his head to look out the window.

Her eyes became very cold at this moment, very cold.

Xiao Ba couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise, "I actually noticed your mood swings! It's so strange, you know, your mood swings have always been very small, so small that it's hard for me to notice them. It's a big thing, I can't detect your emotions, but I actually felt it just now, you seem to be... angry?"

Nan Xun slightly lifted the corners of her lips, and the momentary emotions disappeared again, she pouted, "Of course I'm angry, I was almost raped by a strange man just now."

Xiao Ba was puzzled, "Anyway, it's all a matter of moral integrity. How many times have you lost it before, and it's just this time?"

Nan Xun said lightly: "This is different, no one can force me to do what I don't want to do. No matter how I lost my integrity in the past, it was all within my permission, but this time... Yan Mohan touched my bottom line. ."

Xiao Ba fell silent after listening.

"Xiao Ba, I'm really unhappy, I want to strangle Yan Mohan to death."

Xiao Ba was frightened and said quickly: "Don't think too much, you can abuse him, but you can't kill him, or you won't get the merit value."

Nan Xun didn't answer, leaning on his chin and starting to groan, "Ah... oh... um..."

Little Eight: "What the hell are you doing?"

Nan Xun rolled his eyes to the sky and said, "With a little accent, this fake is alone, a shrewd person like Big Boss will definitely doubt it. By the way, Xiaoba, do you think I learned the same way? "

Little Eight almost choked to death on his own saliva.

It listened carefully and began to give advice, "It seems to be almost smelly."

Nan Xun rolled his eyes, "Poor taste? Nima, why didn't you say bad heat?"

Xiao Ba showed her a demonstration, and the cry was really three waves with one sound.

Nan Xun got goosebumps when she heard it. She flicked the goosebumps off her arm and started to learn by herself.

Outside the window, Yan Mohan leaned back against the wall, his hands clenched into fists tightly, he tilted his head slightly, breathing hard, as if he was out of breath.

Under the moonlight, his eyes were covered with red blood, and some strong emotion broke out from the depths, rooted in his whole body like vines, and wrapped around him after sucking nutrients, the tighter it was, the tighter it was. He was out of breath.

The moaning in the hall was like a hammer, hitting his heart again and again, each time hitting the same place.

He suddenly grasped the place where his heart was beating, and the feeling of breathlessness became more serious.

His hands tightened.

The heart beats faster and faster.

Suddenly I felt a little pain.

Yan Mohan flew away from the position outside the window and staggered into a small forest outside. was caught by him.

The fingers were too hard, and blood was already oozing from the fingertips, and then the bare tree trunk was also stained with his blood.

Yan Mohan gasped fiercely, he could clearly hear the sound of his heart beating heavily, accompanied by waves of colic pain, and a kind of evil fire slowly gathering in the lower abdomen, rushing down.

Yan Mohan gasped with his mouth open, and lowered his eyes a little to look under his lower abdomen.

He suddenly laughed out loud, but the laughter was full of self-deprecation and bitterness.

He, who was inhuman in his life, actually had a reaction. Just after he sent her to another man with his own hands, and heard their "Qinse and Ming" with his own ears, he actually had a reaction.

... how ridiculous this is, it's really ridiculous.

However, why would he react, why would he react to a woman who had insulted and betrayed him in his previous life

What's wrong with him... what's the matter...

When Yan Mohan thought of a possibility, his heart suddenly tightened, and a stench surged up in his throat, spitting out a mouthful of bright red blood.

He slid down the tree and sat on the ground, looked up at the bright moon in the night sky, and seemed to see Qin Buyao's smiling face inside. She dared to tease him, and she acted like a spoiled child to him unintentionally, everything about her... Brighter than this bright moon.

How he wished that everything in his previous life was a nightmare for him, and everything in the dream was false, if so, could he be able to…

How can it be

Hehe, he is Yan Mohan. How could he think of impossible things? The scenes from his previous life were deeply etched in his heart. When he returned to his dreams at midnight, he would often be awakened by the events of his previous life.

He was locked in a cell alone, and even the head of the cell insulted and ridiculed him. The food he ate every day was not as good as pig food, until finally his good brother ascended the throne, his woman became the queen, and he drank Putting down the intestinal poison, ended the life of that useless person.

He thought that he could never forget these things in his life. He was born again for revenge, and he wanted to make all those who had bullied him die!

Even Qin Buyao was no exception.