The Villain Has Something to Say

Chapter 122


Li Xiuchen's endurance was obviously worse than what Luo Jianqing had imagined. Luo Jianqing only waited half an hour, gouged out some of his flesh, and was about to peel the skin from him, when Li Xiuchen rolled in pain, tears and snot. A lot of telling the truth.

"When I was practicing before, I got a treasure. This treasure can make me immortal. As long as my primordial spirit is not broken, I can be resurrected. Now outside the ninth danger of Duanqing Cliff, they Everyone is there, waiting to arrest you and Xuan Lingzi. You must not go out, I really didn't lie, I didn't lie!"

Li Xiuchen, who had lost two arms, looked extremely pitiful, tears streaming down his face, and he fell to the ground like a long stick, dripping with blood.

Luo Jianqing ignored Li Xiuchen's tragic situation. He thought for a moment and asked, "Yin Ji should be outside, who else is there?"

Li Xiuchen said one by one: "There are also Hao Xingzi, the ancestor of Guiyan of the Broken Soul Sect, the ancestor of the Bai family, the Yun family, the Mo family, the Wei family, the Que family... They all sent people, and there are others. Less scattered repair." After a pause, Li Xiuchen remembered: "Monster clan! There are also a lot of demon clans, many of them are monsters in the Mahayana period and the tribulation period!"

Luo gradually looked down at him: "Didn't you lie?"

Li Xiuchen cried and said, "I really didn't lie!"

Luo Jianqing asked calmly, "Dude Tianlao didn't come?"

A dim light flashed in Li Xiuchen's eyes, and he nodded vigorously: "He didn't come, he didn't come at all."

Luo Jianqing suddenly smiled: "Then he's coming soon, right?"

Li Xiuchen didn't dare to speak anymore.

Luo Jianqing stepped forward and looked calmly at the very embarrassed young monk in front of him. His eyes were fixed on the other person's face carefully, looking at his red eyes from crying, looking at his expression of begging for mercy and wanting to kneel down for himself, Luo Jianqing sighed, and suddenly felt that he didn't know where he was Obsessed with what.

Is this kind of thing, in the past life, he died without a place to be buried

Luo Jianqing asked: "You seemed to recognize the flame I used just now, why do you say this is your phoenix fire?"

Li Xiuchen was dumbfounded and refused to speak. Luo Jian calmly raised his finger and moved a piece of meat from Li Xiuchen's lips. He cried out in pain. Luo Jianqing said: "I can cure your mouth and let you speak again, and then I can abolish it again. If you really don't want to say it, it doesn't matter."

Li Xiuchen said immediately: "I said, I said! I met a hidden world power before, he said that I could get Fenghuo, and then I was very interested in Fenghuo, and I read a lot of information about Fenghuo, you As soon as it came out, I recognized it. And Dujue Tianlao is indeed coming, and it should be at least a month or so. He seems to be in the middle stage of retreating to shock the gods, so he has not come yet. He is now Really didn't come, really!"

Luo Jianqing's eyes swirled around Li Xiuchen's face, his eyes were suspicious and his lips were slightly pursed.

Li Xiuchen quickly made a poisonous oath to himself to ensure that he did not lie.

"Then you find a reason to tell me why your acceptance test is empty?" Luo Jianqing then laughed, and he asked: "Why don't you make another poisonous oath and swear to heaven, you are because After getting some inexplicable fortune-telling, I feel that I can have Phoenix Fire, and it is true that only if the Primordial Spirit is broken, it is certain to die."

Li Xiuchen suddenly opened his eyes wide, unable to say a word.

The smile on Luo Jianqing's face became more and more prosperous, but such a bright and genial smile could not make Li Xiuchen feel any warmth at this moment.

After a long time, Li Xiuchen said in a hoarse voice, "I... I really didn't lie."

Luo Jianqing didn't look at him again, just raised his eyes and looked in the direction of the plane tree, then turned his head and looked at the exit of the ninth danger. Obviously, that position must be the exit, because all the monks who came near the plane tree came from that position, and that position was the direction of the abyss that Senior Chi Yun had said before dissipating.

After pondering for a while, Luo Jianqing took out a bundle of immortal ropes from the ring, tied Li Xiuchen, and threw it in the boundless mountains. Before leaving, Luo Jianqing thought for a while, but a sword pierced Li Xiuchen's other eye, and at the same time it was a sword qi, which pierced Li Xiuchen's left eye that was about to recover again, causing his eyes to bleed and howling in pain. .

For a son of heaven like Li Xiuchen, Luo Jianqing never dared to take it lightly. He dared to believe that if he didn't do anything, even in the face of many dangers, Li Xiuchen would probably escape from the bundle of immortals.

After Luo Jianqing did all this, he quickly turned around and flew towards the plane tree. Li Xiuchen's scolding came from behind, and the language was so vulgar that Luo Jianqing wanted to laugh a little while listening. He somehow felt that if his master heard these words, he might not even know that the other party was swearing.

Luo Jianqing used the fastest speed to get under the plane tree and found Xuan Lingzi.

He gently stroked the rough sycamore trunk with one hand, gently rubbing the bark of these tens of thousands of years of history. The sycamore tree seemed to have sensed something, it shook its branches and leaves gently, making a squeaking sound, and a few vines slowly circled down and wrapped around Luo gradually Qing's arm, as if to comfort softly.

Luo Jianqing smiled lowly and said, "I have to leave here first, Wutong, if I don't leave, an enemy I can't resist is coming."

Indus swayed slightly.

Luo Jianqing said again: "But now I can't really leave the ninth danger of Duanqing Cliff. Senior Chiyun said that for me, the only danger here is that abyss. Senior Chiyun said that I If you want to get out of the ninth level of danger, you can only go through the abyss. But now I have no choice. With my strength, if I defeat them one by one, I can fight against them two or three. If they join hands …”

Luo gradually fell silent.

Indus swayed constantly, eager to express something.

Luo Jianqing pressed on its branch gently and forcefully, and said calmly: "You can't protect me, and you can't protect my master. As Senior Chiyun's birth tree, if Senior Chiyun is still there, You may still be able to protect us for one or two, but you don't know what kind of person Du Juetian is. He has lived for tens of thousands of years, and now he may have broken through to the middle stage of divine transformation. How can we stop him? The only strategy now is, Just hide."

The parasol fell silent, and the leaves gradually gathered together.

Seeing this, Luo Jianqing burst into a smile: "It's not that I'm not coming back, I'll come to you when I have a chance. And I didn't promise Senior Chi Yun, if I don't rebirth in Nirvana in this life, or the phoenix was never born during Nirvana. , then I will teach the secret Nirvana to the next person. At that time, I will definitely bring that person here and teach him Nirvana."

The phoenix tree swayed its leaves slightly, as if responding silently.

Next, Luo Jianqing simply said goodbye to Wutong, then helped Xuan Lingzi and walked back all the way.

After flying ten miles and about to leave the range of Wutong, Luo gradually turned his head and looked at this towering tree with such shade. The ten-mile-long branches swayed constantly, such a big tree that was huge enough to cover the sky, once it swayed, it made the heaven and earth tremble.

On the boundless land, pieces of green sycamore leaves fell, mixed with red light, forming a splendid green rain. Luo Jianqing raised his hand to pick up a leaf, put it in his arms, placed it close to his heart, then smiled at Wutong, then turned around and left without a thought.

The giant tree gradually turned into a small dot behind Luo Jianqing.

Luo Jianqing had to go, he had to go!

It's not just because Du Jue Tian Lao is coming, if he still stays in the ninth danger, he will definitely be ambushed by the other party. It is also because if he stays here in Wutong, he will also be implicated in Wutong.

Wutong's body protection barrier is too powerful, can it rival the alliance of Dujue Tianlao and hundreds of Mahayana monks

Since Wutong has spent 50,000 years in the ninth danger without incident, Luo Jianqing can't make Wutong be destroyed because of himself.

Soon, Luo Jianqing supported Xuan Lingzi and found Li Xiuchen who was tied up on the mountain. When he saw the other party's situation, Luo gradually twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling relieved for his wisdom.

He knew for a long time that Li Xiuchen's luck was very strong, and his luck might be stronger than the total luck of everyone in the entire Xuantian Continent. Obviously Luo Jianqing had blinded his eyes and broke his arms, but Li Xiuchen is now more than half healed, his arms are slowly growing out, and even his eyes are about to regain his sight.


Because right next to the mountain wall where he was, a few small red fruits suddenly grew!

Luo Jianqing dared to guarantee that when he left here, these fruits hadn't grown yet. Why did the fruits ripen as soon as he came back? With only the last fruit left, Luo Jianqing raised his hand and sucked the fruit, carefully identifying it.

Although Luo Jianqing did not have much attainments in alchemy, he basically knew most of the elixir in Xuantian Continent. He had never seen this fruit, but it did not prevent Luo Jianqing from observing that there was a strong spiritual power in this fruit, and there was even a steady stream of vitality.

Luo Jianqing had peeked at mortal's strange novels before. It always said that the protagonist with great luck can go out to step on treasures, fall off cliffs to pick up secret books, fall into the water and see elixir, and there are beauties in death.

At that time, Luo Jianqing felt that this was simply whimsical. Taking some of the monks' deeds he knew, chances were indeed often accompanied by danger, but among a thousand monks, often only one person could get the chance. If every opportunity is yours, the way of heaven will be in chaos, who would dare to say that the way of heaven is fair and fair

But now, a real Son of Heaven is tied up in front of Luo Jianqing with a blank face.

Luo Jianqing raised his finger expressionlessly, moved his sword energy, and cut off Li Xiuchen's newly grown arm again.

"Ah! Pain!!!"

This time, Li Xiuchen knew no matter how stupid he was, Luo Jianqing was definitely back.

He kept begging for mercy, but Luo Jianqing directly tied him with the immortal rope, carried one side of the rope, and flew forward. Luo Jianqing didn't mean to torture Li Xiuchen deliberately, but he supported Xuan Lingzi with both hands, and he couldn't let him free one hand to carry Li Xiuchen.

So at the beginning, Luo Jianqing didn't care about Li Xiuchen's problem at all, the immortal bundle hung down like a pendant, and Li Xiuchen covered in blood hung below. There are many mountains here, and Li Xiuchen kept hitting the top of the mountain. Every time he hit it, he howled in pain and scolded Luo Jianqing fiercely.

"You are not as good as pigs and dogs, you are a shameless beast, I will definitely kill you..."

Luo Jianqing was about to lift Li Xiuchen up, when he heard this, he suddenly let go of the immortal rope and let Li Xiuchen continue to hit the mountain peaks.

Where are these mountain peaks where the body of the cultivator in the fusion stage is hard, and every time he is smashed by Li Xiuchen, Li Xiuchen's face is bloody, and even his nose bone is broken, and several facial bones are broken.

Luo Jianqing didn't take Li Xiuchen's dirty words to heart, but whenever Li Xiuchen scolded a word, Luo Jianqing "accidentally" flew in the direction of a certain mountain, hitting Li Xiuchen with blood on his face.

His teeth were all smashed, and the bones on his face were broken into several pieces. At this time, Li Xiuchen wished he hadn't reached the fit stage last year, otherwise he should have fainted a long time ago, instead of facing the unknown. mountain peaks!

When he really left the mountains, Li Xiuchen finally passed out as he wished. When he woke up, he was scolding again. Hearing this, Luo Jianqing laughed instead of anger, and asked, "You just want to die like this?"

Hearing the word "court death", Li Xiuchen scolded even more excitedly.

Luo Jianqing flew down the sky calmly, Li Xiuchen's eyes were stabbed blind, he didn't understand what was going on around him, he only felt himself falling. When he suddenly fell into a biting cold lake, he was filled with water and finally understood.

"Luo Jianqing, you cough..."

"Luo Jianqing, you bastard cough cough..."

"Luo Jianqing, you are shameless..."

The icy lake water poured in from all directions, and Luo Jianqing went up and down, so that Li Xiuchen could not say a complete sentence. His spiritual power has long been blocked by Luo Jianqing to prevent him from self-destructing. Now he can't even scold, and he has to endure the lake water that he doesn't know when it will be poured in.

And gradually, Li Xiuchen discovered that something was biting his body!

Luo Jianqing's laughing voice came from above: "There is a small fish in this lake, they are very fragile, they can be slaughtered by the cultivation level of the out-of-body stage, but their teeth are very sharp and sharp, even It can pierce the body of the cultivator in the fusion period." After a pause, Luo Jianqing seemed to ask with concern: "Have you reached the tribulation period?"

Li Xiuchen: "!"

Li Xiuchen finally relaxed a little after being bitten in this lake and covered in blood, without even a single piece of flesh. Luo Jianqing didn't want to toss him anymore, his top priority was to hurry to the abyss. There, he didn't know what danger he would encounter, but Luo Jianqing had to go, because he had no choice.

At this moment, at the entrance of the ninth level of danger, a middle-aged cultivator rushed over from the entrance of the eighth level of danger, and said, "Master, Li Xiuchen's natal lamp is not broken!"

Hearing this, Hao Xingzi's face suddenly became solemn, he frowned before opening his mouth, a black-haired middle-aged cultivator on the side said loudly, "Since Li Xiuchen's natal lamp has not been broken, why haven't they come back? That Li Xiuchen Didn't he say, he once got a magic weapon, and he could carry one person out of danger safely."

A demon venerable said in a sullen voice: "Maybe they encountered some difficulties inside?"

The black-haired cultivator immediately said, "How is that possible! My eldest brother is a great perfectionist in the late Mahayana period. If there is a danger that he cannot face at the bottom of the cliff, why is Li Xiuchen's natal lamp not broken?"

Another demon clan sneered: "Who knows if they are looking for the opportunity at the bottom of the cliff, reluctant to think about it, and don't want to come back."

"My big brother is not such a person!"

"Okay, okay, since the natal lamp is not broken, it means that the two of them are still alive." Hao Xingzi looked at the black-haired monk and said, "It's a pity that Fellow Daoist Mianchang has no natal thing, otherwise he would know his safety. ."

The black-haired cultivator said nonchalantly, "The little guy in the fusion period is all right, so naturally my elder brother is fine."

Everyone waited so anxiously, time passed day by day, the black-haired cultivator was still very complacent and leisurely, boasting every day that his eldest brother was able to reach the great perfection of the later Mahayana cultivation as a loose cultivator. , but gradually...

"How could this be? Why haven't they come back!"

Hao Xingzi comforted: "Mianwei Daoist friend, don't worry, maybe they will come back soon."

Mian Wei was pacing back and forth in a hurry, he couldn't help saying: "Daoist fellow Hao Xingzi, look at the orb that your disciple left you. He didn't say that no matter what happens inside, he and my elder brother will be fine. Did you come back from this orb unharmed? Look to see if there is anything wrong with that orb."

Hao Xingzi raised his sleeves and took out the orb, and said, "Look, this orb is very normal, and there is nothing unusual about it."

Mian Wei said again: "Then what the hell is going on? It's been twenty days. Didn't it say that I only spent ten days in the probe. No matter what the result is, do I have to come back?"

Hao Xingzi couldn't answer either.

"Pfft," a clear laughter sounded like a silver bell, and everyone looked at it immediately, only to see Yin Ji walking through the crowd of demon clan, walking slowly, her red lips hooked, and said: "You really believe that your elder brother can Come out of this orb?"

Mian Wei was dumbfounded: "Yin Ji Yaozun, what do you mean!"

Yin Ji said coldly: "I have never heard of this deity, there are treasures in the world that can save the lives of monks in the later stages of Mahayana! That kid named Li only has a cultivation level in the fusion stage, and he said that this is his life treasure. , has already communicated with him, and we can't take it by force, which makes him enter the ninth danger, but he insists that this treasure can hold two people to escape from death, do you really believe that?"

Mianwei was stunned.

Yin Ji said again: "Look, there must be a way for the boy surnamed Li to come out. He won't be so stupid to die. As for your elder brother... You can ask for more blessings for him."

"Taihua Mountain, I want you to pay for your life!"

Hao Xingzi frowned, blocked Venerable Mianwei's long stick, and said calmly: "Don't be provoked, fellow Daoist Mianwei, everything is still uncertain, I believe my disciples of Taihua Mountain will not lie."

Where does Mian Wei believe: "Then you return my elder brother to me!"

Hao Xingzi said, "Don't be restless, rest assured, don't be restless!"

Mian Wei raised the long stick and was about to split it, and Yin Ji covered her lips and smiled. Just when Hao Xingzi slashed Mian Wei with a sword, he heard an ancient voice from a distance: "Yin Ji, I have said before that chasing and killing monsters is a big thing for me. You are not playing with people's hearts at this moment. time, why do you do this?"