The Villain Has Something to Say

Chapter 154: There is cause and effect (end)


As a white egg, the egg idly ignores people all day long, showing no sign of hatching.

When he was a little phoenix, Dandan was lustful and greedy for money, and every day he stayed in Luo Jianqing's arms and refused to come out.

When it became a humanoid, it was like a bear child suddenly grew up. Dandan suddenly became calm, self-controlled, noble and elegant. He devoted himself to his practice on weekdays and rarely went out. When he met people, he politely greeted people, which shocked the peak masters of Taihua Mountain who came to peep at the "human-shaped phoenix".

Eggy was very self-conscious, built a nest for herself, and lived in an open space behind the bamboo forest. It used to be the forbidden area of Yuxiao Peak, but now without Venerable Jiulian's natal lamp, it has become the private domain of Little Phoenix Dandan.

At first Luo Jianqing also thought that Eggy was wronged, how did it become... so normal.

After worrying for a long time, Xuan Lingzi was not willing to let his disciples think about it, so he called Eggy directly and asked about the situation.

The elegant and noble youth saluted seriously, and said in a soft voice: "Father, I have acquired the inheritance memory of the Phoenix Clan. The hope of recovering the Phoenix Clan rests on me, and naturally I can no longer be like that. It used to be so free and free."

Luo Jianqing was deeply touched, and felt a sense of loss that "the son can't help his father when he is older".

But after Dandan turned around and left the bamboo house, Luo Jianqing finally couldn't help laughing softly and said: "Does the Phoenix tree have to be on the head? I haven't seen Chiyun Zhenxianding before. With a phoenix tree, will Dandanhe last forever? Or will it last until adulthood?"

Xuan Lingzi: "... People haven't gone far."

Eggy's face, who hadn't gone far, blushed, a breeze blew, and the small green tree above her head made a clattering sound.

Even if Luo Jianqing had stopped smiling immediately, Eggy could still hear it clearly, and her fair little face was full of shyness. Finally, the little boy couldn't help turning his head, shouted "You can take it off as long as you are an adult", and then ran back to his little lair.

... No matter how mature and calm, that egg is still that egg, and it has never changed.

Luo Jianqing urged Little Phoenix to cultivate seriously. After waiting for a while, he took time to go with Xuan Lingzi to Long Island in the First Sea of the Demon Realm. When he got there, Luo Jianqing finally saw the legendary dragon egg.

This is a pure white egg, without the magnificent patterns on the little phoenix egg, but there are waves of shocking and oppressive momentum that spread from this egg. Jin Li placed the egg in the middle of a lake in the center of Long Island, and watered it day and night with the power of thunder and the coercion of the dragon family.

When Luo Jianqing asked about his friend's situation, Jin Li's expression darkened, and he simply said, "There is something urgent that needs to be dealt with in the Magic Palace."

Luo Jianqing rushed to the Demon Realm again, and saw the red-clothed Demon Venerable who was bored and bored himself and played chess with him. This scene is extremely familiar. In the last life, Luo Jianqing once played a game of chess with the seriously injured Mo Qianqiu. The two bet on a question. Luo Jianqing asked whether Mo Qianqiu was Mo Qiu, but was denied by the other party.

Now that I think about it, Luo Jianqing can probably understand what his friend thinks.

If it is Mo Qiu, then the death is already dead, and he can earn a clean reincarnation, and Luo Jianqing can feel less guilt.

If it is Mo Qianqiu, then after death, it will be a beast of 3.61 million lives. Luo Jianqing will feel more guilty and will grieve again because of Mo Qianqiu's death.

Some pain only needs to be borne by one person. If it is replaced by Luo Jianqing, he will probably choose to deceive his friends, and even deceive his lover.

When he came to the Modao Palace, Luo Jian had guessed early in the morning that Mo Qianqiu could not really be in trouble. In this regard, the glamorous Demon Venerable sneered and asked Luo Jianqing to play chess with him, and said displeasedly: "He didn't tell me in advance and just randomly recruited a dragon egg, if this child is born After coming down, what should I think of it? That child has nothing to do with me, so who am I to him?"

The relationship between Mo Qianqiu and Jin Li is very obvious, and he has no intention of concealing Luo Jianqing.

Luo Jianqing heard the words and said in surprise: "Could it be that the child has nothing to do with you at all, and is Jinli alone?"

Mo Qianqiu looked up at him and said, "Don't you know how the divine beast was born? In addition to normal reproduction, the divine beast can also rely on its own demon power to condense an egg, and before the egg breaks out of the shell, he All need to use demon power to nourish and hatch. That egg was condensed by his own demon power, and it has nothing to do with me." After a pause, Mo Qianqiu said softly: "It will cost him hundreds of years of demon power in vain. I feel uncomfortable, and it has nothing to do with me.”

Luo gradually opened his eyes.

Luo Jianqing is very aware of the temper of his friends. This time Mo Qianqiu is really angry. It will only be useless for others to persuade him when his anger disappears. He and Xuan Lingzi stayed in the Magic Palace for a few days, and met with Qi Luo, the Qin brothers and others again, but it was a pity that Yunxiang seemed to be playing in Cenzhou and did not return, so they could not meet.

Before leaving, Luo Jianqing was pulled over by Qin Guihe, saying that he wanted to discuss with him again.

But Xuan Lingzi did not leave with him, but stood in front of the magnificent gate of the palace, looking up at the sky, his long hair moving with the wind. He is dressed in white and has a graceful temperament, but he is only five hundred years old, but he already has the cultivation of the late stage of God Transformation. If he stood here, Qi Luo and Qin Siyi would not dare to leave, worried that he would do bad things to the Magic Palace.

However, Mo Qianqiu directly asked them to retreat, and looked at Xuan Lingzi with a half-smile: "Is there anything you want to say to this deity?"

Xuan Lingzi turned his head and looked at Mo Qianqiu calmly. The eyes of the two met for a very short time in the air, and lightning flashed and thundered in an instant. After a long time, Xuan Lingzi slightly opened his lips and said in a cold voice, "You are just a friend to Jian Qing...?"

In the last life, Xuan Lingzi knew everything Mo Qianqiu did for Luo Jianqing. In this life, Mo Qianqiu has spent decades searching the banks of the Luoshui River, and even only Luo Jianqing dared to use his scabbard to slap his face, but he has not tried his best to smash his body into pieces.

This kind of special, let Xuan Lingzi have this question.

Mo Qianqiu's blood-colored pupils flashed a shimmer, but the azure blue right eye was still calm. He looked at Xuan Lingzi for a long time, and suddenly laughed softly. The laughter stopped abruptly, his expression turned cold, and he said, "You don't believe in this deity, don't you believe in Luo Jianqing?"

"I naturally believe him." Xuan Lingzi narrowed his eyes, rolled his sleeves and left.

But Xuan Lingzi hadn't taken a step yet, and only heard Mo Qianqiu chuckle softly and said as if recalling: "... Eight hundred years ago, when I woke up alone from my memory, I was very panicked. I know which one is real and which one is a dream. My only thought is to go to the demon and find him."

Xuan Lingzi's footsteps paused, he didn't look back, but he already had the answer.

But when he walked to the door of the hall, he stopped again, turned around, and said lightly: "Although I don't know him well, I don't know him well, but you never thought that Yaozun Jinli would treat you like that. Well, why did you stay in the Demon Realm for a few months today, but he didn't come to look for you? Hatching the dragon egg already exhausted his energy. When I left the Dragon Island with Jianqing a month ago, the demon lord's strength plummeted. I no longer have the strength to get up and send each other, so…”


Before Xuan Lingzi could finish speaking, a red light flew by his side, rushed out of the Demon Palace, and headed for the demon realm.

When Luo Jianqing came back after defeating Qin Guihe, Xuan Lingzi stood at the door of the Magic Palace waiting for him.

Luo Jianqing asked casually, "Where did Mo Qiu go?" Xuan Lingzi stretched out his hand to tie the messy hair around his ear, and said softly, "He went to Jinli."

Luo Jianqing nodded lightly, didn't care, and left the Demon Realm with Xuan Lingzi. As he walked, he said, "Even though I know his real name is Mo Qianqiu, I can't help but say Mo Qiu. Master, have you ever had a great friend in your life? Can you give your back to the other party, A friend who died for each other?"

Xuan Lingzi shook his head: "Never."

Luo Jianqing was slightly stunned, and murmured, "... That's a pity."

Xuan Lingzi followed Luo Jianqing's fingers, held his hand tightly, and intertwined his fingers. Luo Jianqing also took advantage of the situation to hold his hand and turned to look at him.

I saw in the warm yellow light of the setting sun, in the slightly drunk warm wind, the cold and noble Venerable in white slightly raised the corners of his lips, and suddenly melted like spring snow, and all things recovered.

"With you as a teacher, everything is enough."

Luo Jianqing's eyes widened suddenly, as if he heard his heart beating thumpingly. He slowly raised the corners of his lips, and a bright smile appeared on his beautiful and peerless face, leaving vitality in the setting sun. He held Xuan Lingzi's hand tightly, just like he was holding him when he was a child. After so many years, he will hold it forever and ever.

Luo Jianqing said with a smile: "Let's go to the Xuantian Continent, just like the former Jiulian Patriarch and Mo Qing predecessors. Just two people, let's go to all the places together, go to see different scenery, go Take a look at this different world."

Xuan Lingzi chuckled and nodded: "Okay."

In the next five hundred years, Luo Jianqing and Xuan Lingzi set out from the Demon Territory and traveled through the thirty-six states of the Xuantian Continent, the three dangerous places, the eight great wastelands, and many, many unknown places. Sometimes they would join the crowd, and sometimes they would stay in the mountains, like the most ordinary couple in the world, doing many ordinary things, occasionally returning to Yuxiao Peak to teach the little phoenix.

After five hundred years, the little phoenix finally became an adult. Luo Jianqing, who had already entered the late stage of the transformation of the gods, and Xuan Lingzi, who had entered the late stage of the transformation of the gods, returned to Yuxiao Peak and saw the handsome and handsome boy and a lush sycamore tree. .

This tree is so familiar, it was planted next to the bamboo forest on Yuxiao Peak, with its huge branches blocking out a green shade.

Luo Jianqing couldn't help reaching out and stroking the rough bark of the parasol. The whirling voice rang in his ears, just like before, he stayed under another plane tree for ten years, and that tree sheltered him and exhausted his life. Without the phoenix tree, Luo Jianqing would not be able to refine the eighth title of "Nine Lotuses Conquering the Sky". Without the phoenix tree, the world would be overturned.

Chi Yun died, Wutong died, but Luo Jianqing finally survived and taught a little phoenix.

This phoenix, as written in every history book, is elegant, powerful, and extravagant. He possesses the pride of a divine beast and all the beautiful qualities of a phoenix. He is already an adult, and he will eventually leave Yuxiao Peak and go to a place belonging to the phoenix clan to truly start his destined magnificent life.

This is celebrating coming of age, and it's preparing to say goodbye.

Luo Jianqing has always been very reluctant to give up. In his heart, Eggy will always be the little phoenix who is nestled in his arms and lazily refuses to get up. But now, he had to send this phoenix away together with Xuan Lingzi.

At this time, Luo Jianqing was more than seven hundred years old, and Xuan Lingzi was one thousand years old. They are all too young for God Transformation Stage Great Expert.

Little Phoenix bowed earnestly and said, "The lifespan of the Phoenix clan is more than fifty thousand years. Before my father's ascension, I will often come to see you."

Luo Jianqing nodded and said: "Since you are an adult, you should have a real name. You are the last bloodline of the Phoenix clan, and shoulder the heavy responsibility of revitalizing the ethnic group. Why don't you call it Changsheng? Seek for a real longevity of heaven."

Little Phoenix's pupils trembled slightly, and he readily agreed.

When the little phoenix really wanted to leave, before leaving, Luo Jianqing suddenly thought: "By the way, today Mo Qianqiu and Jin Li also brought the little dragon to congratulate you, I remember you five hundred years ago. I once said that when the little dragon is born, you will definitely challenge him, why have you never heard of it?"

Changsheng said calmly: "She is a girl, I don't care about her."

Luo Jianqing turned his head in surprise, looked at the beautiful young boy who was standing next to Mo Qianqiu all day long with a smile on his face, and said, "Is he a girl?"

Chang angrily nodded calmly: "Yes, she just transformed that day. I originally wanted to challenge her, but she turned out to be a girl."

Luo Jianqing said subconsciously: "...Didn't you say that divine beasts have no gender?"

Changsheng: "… "


The phoenix fire soared into the sky and smashed directly at the beautiful and delicate little white dragon. Xiao Bailong suddenly shouted: "I'm going to die, I'm going to die, someone is bullying girls these days! You are shameless as a stinky piece of wood, and you actually bully girls!"

Wood is the name given to the little phoenix by the little white dragon of Mo Qianqiu's family. According to "she", this phoenix bears a tree all day long, is it not wood or what? At most it's a piece of stinky wood.

When Changsheng heard this, he immediately said angrily: "How dare you say that you are a girl? Our mythical beasts have never had a clear gender distinction!"

Xiao Bailong was stunned when he heard this. After a while, his voice became a little tougher, no longer as delicate as before, he raised his slender brows, raised his chin, and said arrogantly: "So what? You are an adult now, you are trying to bully minors. The cub? Father, come and judge, is there anyone in our three tribes of beasts who can bully the cub casually? Is this shameful?"

Jin Li said calmly, "It's unreasonable."

Changsheng was suddenly dumbfounded.

Luo Jianqing: "..."

Xuan Lingzi: "..."

Mo Qianqiu: "..."

Who taught this kind of kid! ! !

Chang was so angry that he could only stare, leaving a sentence, "I will come to challenge you when you become an adult in nine years", and left in a hurry, without even saying goodbye to Luo Jianqing. Luo Jianqing was quite disappointed, but Xiao Bailong slowly restrained the smile on his face. He raised his eyes slightly, sneered, and said, "Challenge me? After nine years, wait and beg for mercy!"

Jin Li finally realized something was wrong with the child: "Forcing Yu!"

Xiaobailong forced Yu to snort softly, and stood behind Jinli indifferently, as if nothing had happened.

Luo Jianqing was overwhelmed: fortunately...fortunately, Changsheng became very well-behaved after being transformed into a human form!

The short nine years passed quickly. Changsheng visited Luo Jianqing several times in the nine years. After he came this time, Luo Jianqing didn't know if he had challenged Puyu, but the relationship between the two was even stronger. Like fire and water.

No longer pretending to be a girl in front of Changsheng, Puyu looks more mature and restrained. After all, he was instilled by Jin Li with a little bit of demon power. He had a thicker foundation and stronger strength than Changsheng. Changsheng couldn't hurt him, and he couldn't hurt Changsheng either.

After going back and forth in this way, after waiting for three hundred years, Yu Yu took a Wannian Mengsha, eighteen polar ice lanterns, one hundred catties of thousand-year-old ice crystals... When he came to Changsheng to propose marriage, Luo Jianqing was stunned, Xuan Lingzi Also very surprised.

Jiu Yu grinned, with high spirits, and said arrogantly: "After all, he and I are the last two divine beasts in the world... Well, my father doesn't count. In this way, fat water does not flow into the field of outsiders, and divine beasts have no gender distinction. , if he gave birth to a little divine beast, it would have brought together the blood of the dragon and the phoenix clan. Even if the dead unicorns come back to life one day, we are not afraid of them and beat them up. So, today, I reluctantly Marry him."

"get out!!!"

Luo Jianqing didn't have time to speak, and a phoenix fire beat Puyu out.

Luo Jianqing felt a little weird in his heart, he felt funny, and he felt helpless. He looked at the appearance of this dragon and one wind tossing each other and couldn't help but sigh: "Master, why am I only a thousand years old, I suddenly feel ... I seem to be getting old?"

Xuan Lingzi took Luo Jianqing's hand and said softly, "There are four thousand years left before we ascend again?"

Luo Jianqing nodded: "Well, if I didn't look at them, I always felt that Changsheng would have to beat Puyu to death."

Xuan Lingzi turned to look at them: "I won't kill you."

Luo Jianqing asked: "Because Puyu's strength is stronger than Changsheng?"

Xuan Lingzi shook his head: "He is reluctant."

Luo Jianqing was stunned for a moment.

Fifty years later, Pu Yu reluctantly agreed to marry Changsheng, but a hundred years later, Luo Jianqing discovered that it was Changsheng who gave birth to a divine beast.

No one knows whether the egg is a dragon or a phoenix. When the egg was about to be born, Mo Qianqiu said casually: "Whatever it is, it can't be a unicorn, right?"

Everyone shuddered together.

Pu Yu didn't care about it, he hugged Changsheng all day long, although the latter always had a cold face and pushed him away with disgust.

It was finally time for the little divine beast to break out of its shell. Luo gradually held his breath. When he saw the gorgeous fire-colored feathers, he opened his eyes suddenly, his lips moved, and he didn't make a sound for a long time.

The day before, Luo Jianqing made a bet with Xuan Lingzi. If a little dragon is born, then they will tell the world about the relationship between the two; if a little phoenix is born, then it is nothing.

And now, it's a phoenix, not a dragon.

Luo Jianqing can't tell what he feels like. He knows that his master has always been conservative. When Xuan Lingzi could abandon morality and etiquette and be with him, he had already made a great determination. After all, their relationship is unacceptable to the world. Looking at the entire Taihua Mountain, only Venerable Yuqingzi, Venerable Guanglingzi, and Venerable Luochenzi are aware of it.

Since fate is destined to be undisclosed, Luo Jianqing can only accept it calmly.

Luo Jianqing hugged the little phoenix, as if seeing the longevity at the beginning, and was very happy.

The birth of the little phoenix tempered his disappointment, but the next day, Venerable Luo Chenzi came from Cangshuang Peak and handed a thick list to Luo Jianqing, saying: "Here is the invitation list for the wedding ceremony. , Gradually Qing, who else do you want to invite, tell the uncle, and the uncle will write it for you."

Luo Jianqing was suddenly stunned.

Luo Chenzi said as a matter of course: "Junior Brother Xuanlingzi made a hasty decision this time, and the relationship between the two of you is quite special. It is indeed difficult to invite others. But don't worry, if they don't come, it is their business. , You and Junior Brother Xuan Lingzi will only have a once-in-a-lifetime marriage ceremony, and Senior Brother will take care of it for you."

That night, Luo Jianqing stood in front of the window, staring blankly at the deserted bamboo forest under the moonlight.

A pair of warm arms hugged him from behind him, Luo Jianqing turned his head to look, only to see that under the moonlight, the man looked down at himself, and there seemed to be a clear lake rippling in his eyes. Wan Dao.

The voice was a little hoarse. After a long time, Luo Jianqing asked softly: "... This time's egg, isn't it a phoenix egg?"

Xuan Lingzi looked at his disciple tenderly, and asked back, "But this is not what you want."

Luo Jianqing turned around halfway, and said helplessly, "Don't you pay the most attention to obeying etiquette?"

"When we took that step, we violated the rules of etiquette."

Luo Jianqing's throat was slightly astringent, and he stared at Xuan Lingzi for a long time. He licked his lips and said: "After telling the world, you and I may be infamous and cast aside by the world. Just like the last life, you can remember that After Yin Ji spread our relationship, they all said that we were incest between teachers and students."

Xuan Lingzi shook his head gently: "I don't remember."

Luo Jianqing said in surprise: "Really don't remember?" After a pause, he said again: "Isn't there a big commotion at that time? When we were hiding in the Thirty-six Prefectures, we always heard cultivators talk about this. Something. Master, do you really not remember?"

Xuan Lingzi raised the corners of his lips calmly, and said in a long voice, "Master only remembers that many, many years ago, it rained heavily that day, and lightning flashed in the sky. I split my primordial spirit and came to a river. A kid was lying in a basket, giggling at me all the time."

Luo Jianqing suddenly understood, and his face was slightly red.

"At that time, I felt that I really had a relationship with this child. Although I didn't think about what happened later, but at this moment, even if I recalled it as indecent, I was destined not to let go of his hand. It doesn't matter, the person who really matters... is him."

Luo Jianqing blushed and said: "It's a big deal, after we are spurned by the world, we will put a few more restrictions on Yuxiaofeng, and learn from Jiulian Patriarch and Moqing senior, and live our lives in Yuxiaofeng with peace of mind. Days, ignore them, anyway, whether they are happy or angry has nothing to do with us."

Xuan Lingzi hugged a little tighter: "Okay, I'll listen to you."

The small bamboo hut suddenly quieted down, neither of them spoke again, only the moonlight poured silently.

"Master?" Luo Jianqing called tentatively.

Xuan Lingzi replied in a low voice, "Yes."

Luo Jianqing said again: "Master?"

Xuan Lingzi tightened his waist and looked down at him: "Huh?"

Luo Jianqing couldn't help laughing out loud, and the extremely beautiful face took away the moonlight and burst into brilliance. Xuan Lingzi couldn't help but stare for a moment, but Luo Jianqing reached out and wrapped his neck around him, leaned in and kissed, and whispered: "No sound, I am happy with you."

Xuan Lingzi's body was shocked, and after a long time, he said in a hoarse voice, "I am also happy with you."

As soon as the words fell, Xuan Lingzi suddenly exerted force, hugged Luo Jianqing, and lowered his head to kiss him forcefully.

The lingering and ambiguous breath reverberated gently in the quiet bamboo house. No one in the world could disturb this pair of master and apprentice, this pair of lovers, who spent three lives, and finally had a happy ending in this life.

That glance on the banks of the Luoshui River opened the cause of a lifetime.

The endless years of acquaintance and companionship are all fruits.

All the encounters in this game are born for love and die for love.

After three generations, the cause and effect are over, and they stay together for a lifetime.