The Villain Has Something to Say

Chapter 156: Heartache 2


When Mo Qianqiu opened his eyes again, the surroundings were silent, pitch black and cold.

He had dreamed of that dream for a long time. He dreamed of the battlefield of the two tribes thousands of years ago, of Wu Xiaozi, the leader of the human race at that time, and of the long-forgotten scene of cutting out the heart and taking pills.

A thousand years is already a vicissitude for mortals, but for the great master of self-cultivation, it is just a journey of life.

Mo Qianqiu has lived for more than 2,000 years. At this moment, for the first time, he feels that time is passing so slowly, and there is no sound around him. He can only hear his faint breathing, like an old bellows, and every breath costs money. Do your best.

And in the middle of this darkness, with spiritual sense, you can quickly find out that the blue-clothed Demon Venerable is still squatting on the ground, hugging himself tightly. Jin Li no longer murmured repeatedly at this time, he seemed stupid, just squatted there with his head down, not knowing what he was thinking.

Mo Qianqiu wanted to use his spiritual power to get his whip back, but found that the meridians were blocked and the spiritual power dried up.

He wanted to get up again, but only his fingers could move a little, and the rest could not move.

In this way, as time passed by, Mo Qianqiu silently looked at the darkness in front of him, and finally understood the feeling of being abandoned by the world.

Stealing the sky and changing the sun was a spell he occasionally obtained more than a thousand years ago. It was of little use and could only be unexpected during battles, but it had no real harm. He has spent three times in his life, and it seems that each time the object is the same person.

The first time was more than a thousand years ago, when he and Wu Xiaozi joined forces to trap each other and steal the day.

The second time was with Luo Jianqing. They were chased and killed by the other party, so they panicked the other party by stealing the sky for the sun.

The third time is this time... and probably the last time.

There was not much emotion in his heart, Mo Qianqiu just recalled his life calmly. The vitality in his body continued to flow away, but along with it, the wounds on his body gradually healed a little bit. When he could get up, he did his best to support himself with his arms, moved to the edge of the space, and sat against the edge.

No matter how magnificent and splendid you were in life, there is always only one person when you die.

Mo Qianqiu quietly waited for the arrival of death. He didn't think about the reincarnation after his death, but looked at the front with a calm expression.

If other people saw what he looked like at the moment, they would definitely lose their color. Demon Venerable has always been arrogant and arrogant. He used his powerful strength to suppress other people's dissatisfaction with him. Although he also had opponents that he couldn't beat, he was never so peaceful and quiet.

Apart from that still gorgeous face and that cold and distant temperament, he was a little different from before.

It is said that before death, there will always be some changes, Mo Qianqiu knows that he is not far from the limit, he no longer has the strength to pick up his whip, and he has no strength to attack the unsuspecting opponent. Finally, when Mo Qianqiu finally had a little more strength, he stretched out his hand and touched his heart.

It was empty, the blood from the wound had already dried up, but the heart was still gone.

Mo Qianqiu gently stroked his scarred chest, as if he could think of the ugly appearance there, so he frowned in displeasure, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

But in the end, there were not too many wounds on his face. Before he decided on this plan, the white scar beside his eyes had been healed with elixir.

Thinking of this, Mo Qianqiu raised his head slightly, his red lips hooked, revealing a pleasant and dazzling smile.

The scar on his chest can still be covered with clothes, he will die, and he will die more beautiful than anyone else.

At this moment, Mo Qianqiu suddenly shook his body and looked down at the front of the darkness. He clearly noticed that the monster who had not moved for a long time suddenly moved. The other party suddenly got up and started walking around. He took two steps to the left at one moment, two steps to the right at the moment, and sometimes squatted down and stopped for a while while walking, and then continued walking after a long time.

When he found that the other party was slowly approaching him, Mo Qianqiu's eyes were cold, and he wanted to whip the whip, but he couldn't move at all.

So after three days, Mo Qianqiu watched helplessly as he stepped on his calf. He groaned, feeling that the bone seemed to be broken, but the other party fell down like a child, and fell beside him, then hurriedly hugged himself, and kept saying "Who is it? Are you? Who?".

Mo Qianqiu sneered at this kind of slapstick behavior, but he didn't say a word.

Silence is the best choice at this moment. It is obvious that Jin Li is so stupid that he doesn't know how to scan the surroundings with his spiritual sense. As long as he doesn't say a word, maybe the other party will continue to walk aside and stay away from here.

In this way, Mo Qianqiu closed his eyes silently, through the darkness, a pair of narrow eyes stared at Jin Li tightly.

Jin Li, on the other hand, didn't seem to understand anything. He held himself tightly, said "who" for a while, and then let out an uncomfortable low hum. His every behavior was so strange that he even started talking to himself.

At this time, Mo Qianqiu believed a little: Jin Li was really crazy.

A shadow flashed in his mind. He still remembered more than a thousand years ago, when he first saw this person, the other party was wearing a royal blue brocade, standing on the top of the group of monsters, elegant and gorgeous, completely different from those ugly and vulgar monsters.

But now, he is still crazy.

Mo Qianqiu lowered his eyes silently, letting Jin Li go crazy not far from his side.

Maybe one day, maybe three days, maybe ten days...

When Jin Li said "Who is it" for the 31,209th time, Mo Qianqiu suddenly snorted and said disdainfully, "Since you have recovered your sanity when you were outside, now that you come in, it will be like this again. The deity originally thought that the deity of the demon should have the demeanor of a beast, so that he would not be able to escape his nightmare for eternity. You just admit defeat to it like this?"

Jin Li's voice stopped abruptly.

For a long time, Mo Qianqiu laughed coldly, and never wanted to say a word to the other party. But the next moment, an icy hand climbed onto his cheek, causing Mo Qianqiu to froze, letting the other party touch his face.

That finger was like an ice cube, passing from the corner of Mo Qianqiu's eyes, the bridge of his nose, and the edge of his lips.

Mo Qianqiu felt very uncomfortable in his heart, and wanted to slap the whip to mash the opponent, but there was nothing he could do. Finally, this disgusting stroking ended, Mo Qianqiu narrowed his eyes dangerously, and before he opened his mouth, he heard a clear and ignorant voice: "You look like me, are you me too?"

Mo Qianqiu immediately opened his eyes: "Who looks the same as you? This deity is 10,000 times better than you!"

Mo Qianqiu felt that his hand was being pulled, and he was pulled weakly by the other party and put it on the other party's face. Jin Li stroked his eyelids with his cold fingers, and at the same time took his own hands and stroked his eyelids. And then started stroking cheeks, stroking eyebrows, stroking lips...

Jin Li touched which part of Mo Qianqiu he touched with Mo Qianqiu's hand.

Maybe it was because of the darkness that he had endured for too long, Mo Qianqiu actually found that he was slowly sketching the face of the other party.

Just like what he once said to Luo Jianqing, Yaozun Jinli really looks good.

—but certainly far worse than him!

Jin Li insisted: "Look, you and I look the same, you have here, I have here, we are all the same... So, are you me?"

Mo Qianqiu sneered: "Go away."

Jin Li took his hand again and said stubbornly, "Then you are not me, who are you? You must be me."

Mo Qianqiu refused to answer.

Jin Li was still saying it over and over again, insisting on "You are me" over and over again. When he said it forty-sixth times, Mo Qianqiu finally couldn't bear it anymore. He used his last strength to shake off his hand and said in a complicated tone. : "This deity is not you, this deity is 10,000 times better than you, did you hear that!"

Jin Li was quiet for a while, Mo Qianqiu just breathed a sigh of relief, the other party took his hand again, and said: "Who are you? What is your name? Why do you look so much like me? What are you to me? people?"

Mo Qianqiu: "..."

Mo Qianqiu has never hated children so much for a moment. Jin Li turned out to be like a child, asking some inexplicable questions all the time. If he didn't answer, Jin Li would be able to ask them over and over again, as if he could ask the question all the time.

In desperation, Mo Qianqiu told him perfunctorily: "My name is Qianqiu."

But even if he answered, Jin Li still kept asking.

Mo Qianqiu suddenly seemed to have seen the scene of Yunxiang when he was a child. He took a fancy to Yunxiang's first-grade root bone and natural induction of demonic energy, and picked up Yunxiang. But Yunxiang was still a baby at that time, and she only knew how to cry and cry all day. No matter how talented Mo Qianqiu was, she couldn't take care of such a child, so he gave Yunxiang to Qi Luo and the Qin brothers.

Facts have proved that Yunxiang grew up normally.

Mo Qianqiu racked his brains to recall how Qi Luo told Yunxiang to shut up in the past, so when Jin Li was halfway through his words, he suddenly interrupted: "I have a story, do you want to hear it?"

The beginning was rather blunt, but Jin Li murmured: "I want to listen."

Mo Qianqiu said casually: "... There was a Demon Venerable in the past, he was extremely good-looking and powerful. One day he killed the base camp of the monsters, killed all the monsters, and put those false righteous path. The old man was also killed, and in the end he became the number one in the world."

Jin Li paused for a moment, as if he didn't hear Mo Qianqiu's story, and continued the question just now: "Why didn't you tell me, why are you here? Where is this place? Why are we... "

"There is another story!" Mo Qianqiu continued to interrupt with a cold face.

Jin Li said blankly, "Okay..."

"There used to be a little beauty who was very good-looking. His name was Luo Jianqing. One day he met a person who was 10,000 times better than him - that person was called Mo Qianqiu. Luo Jianqing was completely convinced by Mo Qianqiu and willingly Worshiping him as his eldest brother, every time he saw people, he would say to them, 'Mo Qianqiu is the most powerful and most powerful monk in the world'. In the end, they soared together."

This time Jin Li was stunned for a while, Mo Qianqiu just breathed a sigh of relief, Jin Li said again: "Why are we here? Qianqiu, who am I? Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you answer my question..."

"I have another story!"

Jin Li nodded dumbly: "...Okay."

Mo Qianqiu slowly lowered his eyes, his eyes were deep and silent, as if through the thick darkness, he saw the monster who looked at him stupidly and no longer even had the heart to guard. He obviously only needs a little more spiritual power to kill the opponent, but now he doesn't even have the strength to raise his hand, so he can only let the opponent haunt him like this.

The corners of his lips gradually drooped, and there was no other expression on his delicate and beautiful face.

Just when Jin Li was about to ask questions again, Mo Qianqiu spoke calmly, and began to tell a very simple story in a light tone: "Two thousand seven hundred and eighty-two years ago, in Wanzhou, there was a third-rate sect, It’s called Qianqiu Gate…”

The author has something to say:

Chirp really seems like a bit of scum, doesn't it? But he always seems to be...