The Villain Has Something to Say

Chapter 157: Heartache 3


Some stories in this world are long, and some stories are short.

Mo Qianqiu has never been able to tell stories, he simply said it, and Jin Li listened quietly. But this talk took three months.

The life of a mortal is only a hundred years, but the stories told by Mo Qianqiu have a thousand years. The story was absolutely magnificent, and the succession to Qihe was shocking and worrying, but his tone was finally flat, neither happy nor angry, and he just told it one after another.

After talking about it, he gradually began to be reluctant to talk about it in detail, just summed it up in one sentence, and Jin Li didn't even ask him.

After talking about that person becoming No. 1 in the world and killing the Quartet, Mo Qianqiu suddenly fell silent. After a long time, he let out a low laugh and said very generously: "It's over like this."

The dark space suddenly fell silent again, Mo Qianqiu had nothing to say, and Jin Li did not speak.

Gradually, Mo Qianqiu felt that he had a little energy in his body, and a faint aura slowly condensed in his damaged dantian. Although this power is very small, it cannot be ignored. Mo Qianqiu lowered his eyes and looked calm and composed, but he has already begun to try to run his spiritual power.

No one knows how long this long silence has passed, and the spiritual power in Mo Qianqiu's dantian is also increasing. This kind of spiritual power was just a drop in the ocean for him in his heyday, but at this moment, it might be able to cause some damage to this stupid monster in front of him.

Anyway, he is already doomed to die. If he hurts the enemy a little more before he dies, it will be an extra bargaining chip for Xiu outside.

The weak spiritual power is hidden in the broken meridians and flows slowly. In the darkness, Mo Qianqiu can't see Jin Li's expression, and can only use his spiritual sense to feel that the other party is still beside him, and the touch on his left hand is still telling. Him: This man is still holding his hand.

Mo Qianqiu carefully controls his spiritual power. His cultivation is lower than the opponent's, but if he really wants to attack, it is not impossible. Fine sweat gradually oozes out from the full forehead, but the red lips are still slightly raised. The more sweat on the forehead, the more smile on the lips.

The majestic spiritual power condensed in the palm of Mo Qianqiu's right hand, forming a blood-red dot. This little dot seemed to grow on his palm, red blood dripping, just when he was about to raise his palm to pat Jin Li's chest, suddenly! He only heard Jin Li make a soft "um" and asked again, "Qianqiu, who am I? Who are you? Why are we here? Where is this place?"

Mo Qianqiu: "..."

After a moment of hesitation, Mo Qianqiu slowly retracted his hand, squeezed his right hand tightly, and hid the red dot in his palm that was condensed by demonic energy and spiritual energy.

What happened next was another round of nightmares.

How could Jin Li have so many endless things to say and so many questions to ask

If this kind of crooked and noisy people were in the past, Mo Qianqiu would never have to worry, because if he turned his hands, he would slap the other party into flesh. But now, he has nothing to do with Jin Li at all. He really can't tell any more so-called stories. He has already told Luo Jianqing's story (in that story Luo Jianqing admires Mo Qianqiu very much), Jin Li After listening to the story, he continued to pester him.

At this time, Mo Qianqiu very much misses that aloof and indifferent Yaozun.

He couldn't kill, he couldn't fight, what else could he do? You can only answer each other's questions patiently over and over again, otherwise the other party can ask the same question 10,000 times.

When Jin Li asked the third thousand and four questions, Mo Qianqiu finally couldn't help shouting angrily, raising his head and hitting the opponent's chest. Even if he died, he couldn't die under the eyes of such a stupid child who was so noisy.

"Go away for the deity!!!"


A sound of breaking wind sounded in front of Mo Qianqiu, Jin Li flickered and passed the attack.

Mo Qianqiu had long known that this attack would have no effect on Jin Li, and even he knew that when he gave up the sneak attack opportunity earlier, it was doomed that he could no longer sneak attack the opponent. But he still attacked recklessly, no longer to hurt the other party, but to: Shut up this person!

The cold laughter sounded in the empty darkness, Mo Qianqiu suppressed his anger, and said word by word, gnashing his teeth: "You want to kill or cut it to give me pleasure, this deity is not your parents, why do you have to tolerate you like this? Chattering! Yaozun Jinli is such a boring person, you can't even get out of your own nightmare, it's really disappointing."

In the darkness, no one echoed Mo Qianqiu.

However, Mo Qianqiu is still happy and quiet, maybe some people just want to scold him, and he knows how annoying he is.

At this time, Mo Qianqiu keenly heard the sound of dripping water. He listened carefully for a while, and then realized that Jin Li was actually injured by his blow just now, and he was probably bleeding. However, Jin Li's breath is still very stable, it should be just a flesh wound.

There was a long silence between the two, and Mo Qianqiu's body was no longer able to accumulate any spiritual power, and he even felt the extremely fast passage of his life.

At this moment, he heard a faint sound of footsteps, and he immediately became vigilant and looked ahead, his whole body tense, and then he found a person sitting slowly beside him, a zhang beside him, quietly. sit.

Mo Qianqiu's heart suddenly felt that something was wrong, and a dangerous thought flashed in his mind, and he heard a cold and calm voice from his side: "Of course you are not the parent of the deity, the deity was born without a father. Motherless, drifting on the first sea of the demon realm. Dragons are born at the seventh rank, which is equivalent to the cultivation level of human beings in the out-of-body period. How can a sinister and vicious person like you be qualified to be the parent of this deity."

The delicate eyes widened suddenly, Mo Qianqiu's lips were slightly opened, and after a long time, he sneered: "It seems that someone is rushing to be your parents."

"Have you been to Dragon Island?" Jin Li suddenly asked.

Mo Qianqiu snorted softly and was too lazy to pay attention, but his body was tense, ready to face the opponent's attack at any time.

To his surprise, Jin Li seemed to really want to ask a question, and after seeing Mo Qianqiu did not answer, he said softly: "Dragon Island is a forbidden place in the first sea, and I have been living there since I became an adult. It has been seven thousand years since I thought about it. Long Island is warm all year round, the four seasons are like spring, and the forests are dense, but there is a crescent-shaped lake in the center of the island. The lake condenses the majestic spiritual energy, in which one can cultivate in one day. After a hundred days, it will be the top cultivation place in Xuantian Continent.”

"You are bragging about yourself." Mo Qianqiu couldn't help but sneered, "The magic mountain where my Magic Dao Palace is located, gathers thousands of magic energy, which can help magic cultivation practice, which is a thousand times better than your lake."

After a while, Jin Li asked in a low voice, "Have you been to Long Island?"

Mo Qianqiu ignored him.

Jin Li asked again, and Mo Qianqiu finally said impatiently: "Why did this deity go to your small place?"

This time, Jin Li was silent for a while, and sighed, "You've been there."

This sentence was too light, and Mo Qianqiu didn't hear it clearly, but he didn't want to ask, and Jin Li didn't repeat it.

Jin Li is not that kind of person who likes to talk. Mo Qianqiu has already discovered that when his palm attacked, he didn't know where he hit Jin Li, but he actually hit him as a fool. This can be regarded as a blessing in disguise, at least no one is always arguing with himself like that, and he can die in a clean way.

Mo Qianqiu sat against the wall, his eyelids drooping, waiting for death.

Jin Li was sitting ten feet away from him, silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

Very occasionally, Mo Qianqiu would snort softly, and the meridians and dantian that were overwhelmed by spiritual power brought him indescribable pain. Later, Jin Li would also say the last sentence, what he said had no meaning, and he did not expect Mo Qianqiu's answer.

After four months, Mo Qianqiu spat out a mouthful of blood, and the vitality of the whole person was about to turn into nothingness. Jin Li just watched calmly from the side, watching Mo Qianqiu's severely injured body couldn't bear such a powerful state, and gradually declined and declined.

But this time, Mo Qianqiu survived the crisis safely after being unconscious for a month.

He only had one breath left to hang, but still half-squinted his eyes and breathed softly.

Mo Qianqiu never imagined that he would have such a lingering day.

Even when he was most dangerously pursued by his enemies when he was a child, he did not survive as badly as he does now. In this way, he no longer has the face of a strong man. If the enemy is not by his side, he does not want to humiliate and admit defeat in front of the enemy and commit suicide. I am afraid that he has already decided to end this meaningless life.

He can die in front of Jin Li, but he must not succumb to suicide.

The brain becomes groggy day by day, the extremely quiet environment and the completely dark space make Mo Qianqiu suddenly feel a trace of peace of mind. He remembered all the things he regretted in this life. He had not been able to break through the restrictions of the Mahayana period, he had not had time to train the next palace master for the Magic Palace, and he had not been able to see the last side of his best friend...

Failed to fulfill a long-ago wish.

That matter has been in Mo Qianqiu's heart for a long time, and at this moment he suddenly recalled that there is still this matter that has not been completed.

He was born in an extremely inconspicuous third-rate sect in Wanzhou. When he was born, he suffered a disaster of annihilation. Jin Li said that he has no father and no mother, why is he not? He only has the root bones of a low-ranking rank, but to his dead parents, he is already a very high talent, waiting for him to avenge his family.

So, before he had a name, he was hugged by several uncles and fled Wanzhou and started a life of escape.

At the age of seven, the last elder of Qianqiu Sect also died at the hands of the enemy, and he could only escape alone.

If you are not pushed to the extreme, you will not know how much human potential is.

It would take a few days for a Mahayana Venerable to cross ten states, because there are countless dangers, but an unarmed child secretly practiced the magic practice that destroyed the whole family, while only using five In ten years, I have crossed two wastelands and ten states!

At that time, he was tortured and nearly died several times, but he survived little by little. After two hundred years, he entered the fusion period, and his strength far surpassed the monks of the same realm.

At that time, there seemed to be a wish. What was that wish

what is coming...

Mo Qianqiu felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and his dry dantian and severely injured body could no longer bring him more pain, because the pain had already penetrated deep into the bone marrow and was numb.

Mo Qianqiu really wanted to open his eyes, but he felt that he was gradually losing the strength to breathe, and he really felt the end of his life. At this moment, he suddenly understood that this time he was really going to die.

There is no chance, and it is really going to fall and die in this place that no one knows about.

I don't know what was going on in my heart, Mo Qianqiu, who had been silent for half a year, suddenly exhausted all his strength and said three words softly. But when these three words fell, the entire dark space suddenly fell silent.

Mo Qianqiu closed his eyes deeply, exhausting the last trace of his strength, but he didn't know, just after he said those three words, the blue-clothed monster beside him was slightly shocked, waiting for After he was completely out of breath, the man lowered his eyes to cover his thoughts.

After just a stick of incense, Jin Li reached out to his chest without any warning, cut out his heart alive, and then pulled over the red-clothed clothes that had long since lost their breath and the body was getting colder. Demon Venerable, press your heart into it!