The Villain Has Something to Say

Chapter 27


In the pouring rain, a cyan figure stood among the green trees in the mountains.

The rain seemed to be downturned from heaven, accompanied by deafening thunder, bombarding the entire space with constant shaking. Luo Jianqing stood in such a terrifying thunderstorm and watched silently. The rain was the same as it was forty-one years ago. .

Luoshui was not cloudy at all, but became clearer.

Fish and shrimp swim in the water, and the green hills on both sides of the river are connected, winding and twisting, turning into green hills with splashes of ink in the hazy rain curtain. The Luoshui was too long and the water flow was too fast. The monk in Tsing Yi stood on the top of the hill and looked at the vast Luoshui, but he saw that the water had no end at all.

In the rain curtain, Luo Jianqing seemed to see a young couple.

Behind them, the villagers squinted and hated. They wrapped a small figure with thick quilts, put countless things in wooden barrels, blocked the pouring rain with oilcloths, and cried bitterly, while putting the little baby Put it into a wooden barrel and push it into the turbulent Luoshui.

Thunder, drifting gradually with the baby's departure.

Wherever the barrel passes, it is always clear. No matter how big the stormy wind and waves arrived here, it became extremely calm. The young couple on the shore hugged their heads and cried. Finally, the young man pulled the pale, tearful woman away, and the crying in the wooden barrel gradually stopped.

Luo Jianqing sighed softly, and before the familiar white figure appeared, he wiped the picture with his sleeves.

There was thunder and thunder in the sky, and every sound seemed to smash the mountain, but Luo Jianqing slowly closed his eyes.

Forty-one years ago, in the quiet side of Gujia Village, Gu Qi and his wife married for twelve years and finally had their first child. This child was born very handsome, and the two named him Gu Liu. May he be like a willow tree with buds at birth, and may he and Meimei be evergreen in life.

Gu Liu was talented and intelligent. When he was six years old, he entered the village school and studied with a scholar who could read and write. When she was twelve years old, the old show felt that Gu Liu was diligent and intelligent, so she wrote a letter recommending Gu Liu to study in the town.

When Gu Liu left that year, Gu Liuli from the village took a box of candy and stuffed it into his hand, and said in a glutinous voice, "You can read, I can cook."

The little girl with pigtails boldly showed her love, but Gu Liu suddenly blushed.

Gu Liu, carrying a shabby and shabby bag, entered the town to study. Ranked first in the township test! Will try, and then take the lead! In one fell swoop, they arrived in front of the Golden Throne Hall. The current sage appointed the flowers, bestowed the word Feng Zhang, and Gu Liu returned home. When the group walked to Gujia Village, before entering the village, they smelled the fragrance of sweet and glutinous rice.

The accompanying imperial envoy asked, "Gu Tanhua, there is delicious food in your hometown."

Gu Liu was stunned for a moment, but before he could answer, he saw a young and pretty girl running out of a room at the head of the village, with her hands in her skirt pockets, looking very shy, but her words were very bold: "Gu Liu Liu, when you come back from reading, I will cook too."

Gu Liu blushed, and the two got married a year later.

Although it is only a name in the middle, but within ten years, Gu Liu has broken down several high-ranking corrupt officials in the court one after another. On the outside, he is a censor with iron and blood. Once a year, he gives a death remonstrance, and the golden palace is mottled with blood. Even the saint can't help him. On the inside, he is a gentle and meticulous husband. The two have never had children, but He was very considerate to the little sixteen from Gujia Village.

Such a married couple is rumored all over the world.

When Gu Liu was forty years old, he stepped into the cabinet and oversaw the army on the battlefield. At sixteen, he washed his face in tears all day at home.

When Gu Liu was fifty years old, there were many children and grandchildren, but only the husband and wife walked hand in hand in the huge Gu mansion.

When Gu Liu was sixty years old, he became a prime minister and was in charge of the cabinet.

When Gu Liu was seventy years old, the new emperor ascended the throne, and with the order of the faint-hearted new emperor, he beheaded the iron-blooded and loyal old prime minister, making the capital cry for three days.

Gu Shiliu's hair was already pale. On that day, she hugged her wife's urn and buried it in the ground alone. She sat in front of the monument and looked at it for three days, and finally left suddenly. When she came back, she had already held a small lunch box. When she opened it, it was full of bright, sweet and glutinous rice.

"You can read... I can cook."

After eating the meal one bite at a time, Gu Shiliu slammed his head against the stone tablet, causing his head to bleed, and he was completely dead.

Everything freezes into a picture.

Forty-one years ago, Gu Qi and his wife from Gujia Village gave birth to a child. The willow trees did not sprout that year, and all died because of the severe drought, so the two named the child Gu Yuan. I only hope that the days in the future will get better and better, and I hope this child can get better and better.

Gu Yuan was naughty since he was a child, and was the least fond of reading. Every day he was naughty and gave his parents a headache.

This time, the 16th girl in Gujia Village was stillborn, and Gu Yuan followed her parents to visit the distant cousin who had just lost her child. He hid behind everyone and still played with his own bamboo toys.

The seven-year-old Gu Yuan is extremely powerful. When his parents saw that he was so playful, they asked him to learn tricks from the retired soldiers in the village.

When he was twelve years old, Gu Yuan was called to join the army. Before he left, he still took a few pieces of candy for fun. No one in the village came to see him except his parents. Only a few little girls saw that picture every time. Junmei's face was full of spring, and then she was ordered to go back by her parents: "Then Gu Jia's A Yuan is a little white face, and those who have no future will die on the battlefield sooner or later."

Gu Yuan's mouth suddenly stopped, staring blankly at the back of the aunt who said this.

At the age of thirteen, Gu Yuan went to the battlefield for the first time. In the fire of war, he made extraordinary achievements many times. At the age of seventeen, he was promoted to commander of a thousand, and he saved the life of the general in the first war. Seeing that he was handsome and agile, the general was very helpful to him and kept promoting him.

Finally, when Gu Yuan was twenty years old, our army defeated the enemy, and the victorious army returned to the dynasty. Gu Yuan fought bravely and was named and commended by the current sage at the celebration banquet. However, Gu Yuan never liked this kind of occasion. He privately went to the small garden to cool off the alcohol, and suddenly saw a hero with a long sword. woman.

The woman was dancing her sword when she suddenly saw Gu Yuan and shouted, "You shameless person, who allowed you to come in?"

Gu Yuan was sullen and said with a smile: "Could it be that there is a sign outside this courtyard, only girls like you are allowed to come in, and heroes like me are not allowed to come in?"

The woman sneered: "Are you still a hero?"

Gu Yuan raised his head: "Today's sage hand-picked."

A dim light flashed in the woman's eyes, she raised her sword and sneered: "That big hero, dare to take a sword from this little girl like me!"

"Why don't you dare!"

The two went back and forth in the courtyard, and in the end the woman was finally defeated and was caught by Gu Yuan's wrist. After twisting for a while, she finally sighed helplessly: "You military ruffian, how can you be as strong as my father said, but you have no image all day?"

Three years later, Gu Yuan married the general's only daughter, Yingniang.

The saint bestowed the wedding, and blessed the two of them to be harmonious and beautiful.

The two gave birth to a fat son in the second year, and held three sons in five years. In the tenth year, Yingniang refused to regenerate no matter what, and the ruffian Gu Yuan couldn't help her, so she could only honestly teach her six failed sons to practice martial arts well.

When Gu Yuan was thirty years old, the old man died in battle. Gu Yuan was reused by the new emperor, went to the battlefield with a gun, took the enemy's head and brought it home to his wife, hugged the crying wife, and comforted her gently.

When Gu Yuan was fifty years old, he held the power of the three armies, the power over the court and the opposition, and each of his six sons was heroic and good at fighting.

When Gu Yuan was sixty years old, the emperor was old, suspicious and jealous, and summoned him to the deep palace, pretending to be a banquet, but gave him a bowl of poisonous wine.

Gu Yuan smiled and asked: "I don't know what the veteran did wrong!"

The emperor sighed and said, "General Gu, it is because you did nothing wrong. This is the biggest mistake."

Gu Yuan drank the poisonous wine in one gulp and threw the bowl away. He rode a fast horse to the general's mansion, but he was already poisoned on the way.

When the gray-haired Yingniang was driven out of the mansion, she saw in the cold moonlight, a sturdy hero with wide eyes, dressed in a military uniform, sitting on the back of a horse with a straight waist, staring at home.

Yingniang's body trembled, and her six sons couldn't stand on their knees, vowing to avenge their father.

But Yingniang said: "Your father's reputation is worthy of the sky and the earth. How can you be implicated by you when the emperor appointed heroes of the empire?"


"Take your father down and bring it into my room. I still have a lot to say... I didn't have time to tell him."

On that day, the General's Mansion remained awake all night. The old lady sat on the head of the bed, stroking her wife's hand, and said softly: "Actually, when I saw you, I knew that you were a wish. My father said that he found a very good seedling, that man Very smart, a general born to fight, he wants me to marry him, but I hate it."

"You asked me to marry me? My Yingniang is also a well-known figure in the capital. How can I learn from that little girl from an ordinary family and only listen to the words of my parents' matchmaker?"

"When you appeared in the courtyard that day, you were also wearing such a white uniform."

"You grabbed my hand and my heart was thumping, beating fast."

"You ruffian, you want to be a big hero when you die, but you are a big hero, and to me... you are a ruffian."

The old lady's voice kept ringing, and when the sky was about to dawn, the old lady suddenly pulled out her sword, came to the courtyard, and began to dance the sword. She is valiant and valiant, not losing to the past, but the time is gradually reversed, as if back to more than 40 years ago, she was dancing a sword under the moon, and the man peeked secretly, and the two bickered for a while, but they finally saw the right eye.

When the sword fell to the ground, the general's mansion finally hung up the white cloth.

The old lady and the old general died on the same day. They really do not want to live together, but to die together.

The six generals rebelled in unison, but were eventually suppressed by the emperor who had been prepared, and the whole family was beheaded.

Years later, the general's mansion of the once prosperous empire has long been deserted, and no one still remembers that there was once a poor boy who became a hero of the empire step by step.

Forty-one years ago, the willow tree in Gujia Village sprouted this time, but Gu Qi and his wife named their child Gu Zhen. In the end, he went into business and lost everything, even his elderly wife hanged himself, leaving only a stupid son.

Forty-one years ago again, this time his name was Gu Cheng. He was a hard-working man, very good at planting crops, and finally took Gu Shiliu as his wife, and the two lived happily ever after.

Ninth Forty-one years ago, Gu Qi and his wife named their child Gu Niansheng.

Gu Niansheng is extremely talented and handsome. When he was seven years old, a fairy came to Gujia Village to accept apprentices. The cold immortal in white robe looked down at him and asked softly, "What is your name?"

Gu Niansheng murmured, "I... my name is Gu Niansheng."

The immortal asked, "Why is it Niansheng?"

Gu Niansheng shook his head blankly: "I don't know either."

The immortal waved his sleeves indifferently and said, "My name is Xuan Lingzi, you and I will go to Taihua Mountain, and I will accept you as a disciple."

Under the leadership of his parents, Gu Niansheng kowtowed blankly. When parting, his parents pulled him, holding back the tears, and constantly told him to study immortality. Gu Niansheng asked, "Father, mother, in the future... can I come back to see you?"

The parents did not answer, but the mysterious spirit behind him said: "If you ask for immortality, you want to cut off the roots of dust. You have broken the relationship with your parents here. From now on, you will be alone in the world, and you can ask for immortality. ."

Gu Niansheng said, "No! Why don't I want my parents? I want my parents!"

Xuan Lingzi narrowed his eyes to look at him and said, "Then do you want to become an immortal?"

Gu Niansheng slowly withdrew the angry look on his face. He raised his eyes to look at the cold and cold Venerable who was flying in the air, and suddenly smiled: "Master, I want to become an immortal, but I will never be a ruthless and loveless person. In this life I will not cut the relationship between my parents, nor will I cut the relationship between master and apprentice in this life. If only ruthless people can become immortals, then why did you travel thousands of miles to Luoshui and take me away? Consider me an apprentice?"

Everything around suddenly stopped, and even Xuan Lingzi's figure suddenly stopped.

Gu Niansheng stepped into the sky step by step, his figure slowly changed, and finally turned into Luo Jianqing.

Nine hallucinations, each time killing his will.

The Tao of Heaven has a saying: The world is all suffering, why do you want it? Deserve it!

Luo Jianqing reached out and stroked Xuan Lingzi's face, showing a helpless and indulgent smile, and said softly: "You came to Gujia Village for me, and changed my life for my parents, just to let me cut off the roots of dust. Wuyin, Wuyin, you just hope that I can cut off the root of the dust, and you hope so... I will be the kind of unfeeling and unrequited lover? But you vomit blood for me, that Wuyin, in your heart, I Who is it?"

His fingers stroked Xuan Lingzi's face and rubbed lightly.

Luo Jianqing slowly lowered her head and kissed that lips. The fantasy is naturally all false, but at this moment, Luo Jianqing felt that he had kissed the lips. It is very soft, it is very gentle, it has the deep affection that belongs to Venerable Xuan Lingzi, even if it is finally blocked on the Yuxiao Peak, as its master said, it has never cut off the fate of the world!

next moment! All illusions become nothingness!

The majestic and majestic power emerged from Luo Jianqing's body, and the nihilistic power turned into a long whip, whipping the surrounding space. Under the whip of the long whip, the space was distorted and transformed, as if it had been tampered with. There was an angry roar in the sky, and the thunder seemed to want to smash, but it stayed in the thundercloud and did not smash.

"There is no black and white at the beginning of chaos. Who is right or wrong?"

"It's said that you can become an immortal only if you are unfeeling, and you can ask questions if you are absolutely right."

"Then what is the Tao! What is the immortal!"

"My life is up to me, but I can't help it. I want the relationship between my parents in this world! I want the relationship between my teacher and my apprentice in this world!"

"The third win in "Nine Duotian Lu", right and wrong!"


The ferocious spiritual power suddenly dissipated, swept the entire Gujia Village, and rushed into the turbulent Luoshui.

That power seems violent, but it caresses everything in the world very gently. It doesn't hurt anything, and it doesn't take anything away. It just quietly observes everything that it can see. It seems to be constantly learning, and learning In the end, I want to figure out what is right! What's wrong!

Who is right? In the end who can tell!

Luo Jianqing stood in the heavy rain and looked up at the sky without fear. In an instant, the rain stopped suddenly, but the dark clouds still refused to disperse.

A touch of what had disappeared from his body before slowly resurfaced. This kind of entanglement has entangled Luo Jianqing I, born as a parent, given flesh and blood, how can we forget this situation? Even if it is hate, it belongs to Luo gradually Qing's hate! Even if it is resentment, it should be decided by Luo Jianqing whether to cut it off!

Luo Jianqing stood in front of this tomb for a full forty-one days, and seemed to have exhausted the friendship of the past forty-one years. However, when he turned to leave, he was still the son of Gu Qi'er. Because these two supported him for three years, they abandoned him in Luoshui, but now they have rescued him from Luoshui. They lost 40 years of family affection, but his parents also took care of him in a coma for 40 days.

After returning to the thatched hut, Luo Jianqing took out the money under the bed and distributed it to every household in the village, and specially sent some to his former brother-in-law in the next village. The honest man still didn't understand what was going on, so Luo Jianqing left with a flick of his sleeves.

Before leaving, Luo Jianqing had just arrived at the head of Gujia Village, when a beautiful girl rushed over regardless of her restraint.

There were tears on the girl's face. She was holding a bright red flower in her hand, wiping her tears and stuffing it into Luo Jianqing's arms.

Luo Jianqing looked down at her, and suddenly smiled: "You are in Gujia Village, and you are also ranked sixteenth?"

Gu Shiliu was stunned when he heard the words, and murmured, "I'm the only girl in Gujia Village who ranks 16th."

Luo Jianqing laughed lightly, the smile was relieved, and his mood seemed to be a little clearer.

He took out a white jade hairpin from the ring, and Luo Jianqing gently inserted it into Gu Shiliu's hair, which made Gu Shiliu tremble with joy, but heard Luo Jianqing say, "I'm not your kind. People, but someone told me before that she likes me is her business and has nothing to do with me. So now I just want to tell you that your red line is not with me, but if you insist on it, I will not Strongly wash away your memory of me."

Gu Liuli's eyes widened: "You... you are indeed an immortal!"

Luo Jianqing said calmly: "Sixteen, on that day, when you see your sweetheart, you will understand that it is not me."

When the words fell, Luo Jianqing flew away with a flick of his sleeve, completely leaving this small mountain village where he had lived for more than a year.

Behind him, the beautiful Gu Liuli stared blankly for a whole day before shedding tears and sadly leaving. Many years later, when Gu Shiliu married someone long ago, she hugged her grandson and said with a smile: "Actually, a long time ago, grandma really liked someone. But I'm afraid it will always just be like, if I really love him, and I think I will follow him desperately, and I will never give up after just one day."

In fact, many causes and effects in the world have already been predestined in the dark. How can there be so many coincidences, everything just should have happened.

When Luo Jianqing flew back to Taihua Mountain, the young disciple at the foot of Zongmen Mountain was stunned, looked at him in disbelief, and finally shouted: "Elder brother! Finally back! You are finally back!"

This good news spread throughout Taihua Mountain within half an hour, and countless elders and disciples went out one after another to confirm whether Luo Jianqing really came back. In this regard, Luo Jianqing smiled and thanked them one by one, and then flew to Cangshuang Peak to report to the head master of his journey of going out this time.

When Luo Jianqing flew away, an elder exclaimed: "Just now... Has Jianqing reached the Nascent Soul Stage?!"

"It's really the Yuanying period! It's the Yuanying period!"

"My God, the senior brother has only cultivated for 41 years this year, and he has already reached the Nascent Soul stage?"

"Master Xuan Lingzi was born at the age of fifty-six, and the elder brother is only forty-one years old. This... this is impossible!"

At the moment when Luo Jianqing returned to Taihua Mountain, the cinnabar mole between the eyebrows turned into a golden light and suddenly flew to Yuxiao Peak. Luo Jianqing glanced in the direction of Yu Xiaofeng unintentionally, stared at the golden light, and did not say a word.

After Luo Jianqing arrived at Cangshuang Peak, he met the sect head Venerable.

Hao Xingzi asked him what happened after being swallowed by the ghost quicksand, and asked how he got out when the gate of Flowing Flame Valley was closed. To this, Luo Jianqing answered honestly, only concealing that Mo Qiu was a demon cultivator.

Hao Xingzi sighed and said: "After all, it is the place where the Heavenly Rank Demon Venerable fell, and some strange things are justified. Gradually clear, you should hurry back to Yuxiao Peak. During your absence, your master has already The entire four sects and the eight great families have made a fuss."

Luo Jianqing was suddenly stunned and asked, "Sect Master, I don't know what you said... What is it?"

Hao Xingzi shook his head lightly and said helplessly: "After Liu Yangu was opened again, the gate was open for three days, but you didn't come out. Seeing that the gate was completely closed, and you hadn't escaped, the accompanying Elder Shan was immediately dumbfounded. Eye. Then I heard a loose cultivator revealing that you and a Mo family were swallowed by ghosts. Although we all know that you are still alive and the lamp of life has not been extinguished, when your master heard the specific situation, However, he directly disregarded the faces of the various sects, and all the people who came to Taihua Mountain to explain the passing of the Broken Soul Sect, Feihua Sect, Bai Family, Yun Family and Mo Family were all seriously injured!"

Listening to Hao Xingzi's words, Luo Jianqing's body froze, and he asked subconsciously: "Master, Master, I don't know if there is something I can ask. Master's body... But it's not good?"

There was a long silence in the hall. After a long time, Hao Xingzi Hao Xingzi sighed and said, "Luo Jianqing, the first disciple of Taihua Mountain, do you know how much your master has paid for you!"