The Villain Has Something to Say

Chapter 73


Yin Zejian is a bottomless valley.

The entire northernmost land is dry and hot, except in the Yin Zejian and the Fengshen Sea, there are large expanses of water. Fengshenhai is a completely vast ocean, while in the valley of Yin Zejian there is a rushing water river.

But if you want to cross the Yin Zejian, you don't really need to jump down the valley and swim across it.

Feihuazong sent a Mahayana elder more than 3,000 years ago to come to Yinzejian to open up an iron chain bridge. The iron chains as thick as buckets stretched between the steep mountain walls on both sides, and the ferocious and violent winds whizzed through the middle.

There are three ways to get a chance here in Yin Zejian.

The first one is the simplest. As long as you stand on the iron chain bridge, with the help of the astral wind to wash the body, any cultivator can train the body.

The second is slightly simpler, each monk needs to walk from the chain bridge to the opposite mountain wall. On the opposite Yinze Mountain, there are many relics inherited from the monks in the ancient times. If you are lucky, you can get it.

The third one is a bit more complicated—to give up the iron chain bridge and walk through the yin and zealous streams!

The yin qi in the Yin Zejian is extremely heavy. It is said that if the ghost cultivator comes here, he will be like a duck to water, gain supreme benefits and double his strength, but other cultivators will be eroded by the strong yin qi. However, this kind of Yin Qi is a good thing, it can temper the Primordial Spirit and make the Primordial Spirit more condensed.

Moreover, many monks died in this gloomy stream. The cultivator who dares to go down the Yin Zejian is naturally a daring person, and he must not be an ordinary person. Although Yin Zejian is the safest danger in the extreme north, there are countless people who have died in it for thousands of years. As long as you can grab it, the relics of the people inside are yours, and everyone depends on their strengths.

After officially entering the Yinzejian area, Xuan Lingzi took a step back and walked behind Luo Jianqing. As if he didn't exist at all, he just quietly stared at the back of his disciple, watching Luo gradually move forward step by step. Wherever Luo Jianqing went, he would go there, never intervene, never speak.

When they came to the edge of the cliff, a thick iron chain lay in the middle.

Underfoot is the abyss, and in front of you is the only iron chain. It is only a matter of thought whether to choose the iron chain bridge or choose to go down by yourself.

Without any hesitation, Luo Jianqing stepped onto the iron chain bridge.

Seeing this, Xuan Lingzi raised his eyes in surprise, and in the blink of an eye, Luo Jianqing had already walked a mile away.

Xuan Lingzi didn't think much about it, and quickly followed.

The two quickly walked across the chain bridge. The wind blows from all directions, like a cold knife, cutting Luo Jianqing's face little by little. It is good that a Jindan cultivator can fly in the sky, but here, with the double attack of Gangfeng and Yin Qi, it already requires a certain amount of strength to be able to walk through the iron chain bridge.

When Luo Jianqing was struggling to move forward, he heard an exclamation behind him. As soon as he raised his head, he saw a black shadow flying by quickly, and in the blink of an eye, he reached the opposite side.

"To be able to pass so quickly, it must be a senior in the integration stage or even the tribulation stage!"

"Senior passes by Yin Zejian without even looking at it, he must be going to that bottomless cave, or even Fengshen Sea!"

"We are also stepping up our pace. The sooner we climb the next mountain, the more opportunities we can get."

Luo Jianqing was slightly stunned by the words around him. He turned his head and looked behind him, only to see Xuan Lingzi standing behind him calmly. Seeing his apprentice look at him, Xuan Lingzi raised the corners of his lips calmly, but didn't say a word.

Passing through Yin Zejian quickly can indeed get the admiration and attention of others, but Luo Jianqing doesn't want to be in the limelight.

An hour later, Luo Jianqing and Xuan Lingzi spent the Yinze River and came to Yinze Mountain.

Luo Jianqing had just left the iron chain bridge, and in an instant, the rays of light bloomed together, and the entire Yinze Mountain seemed to have become a piece of superb jade, with a bright light up to a hundred feet! These rays of light are the relics of the ancestors. Every monk who comes to Yinze Mountain will try his best to find the relics that can fit him and gain inheritance.

"My God, there must be at least twenty relics recognizing their masters, right?"

"There are definitely more than twenty, there must be fifty!"

"I think there are a hundred!!!"

These ruins shone continuously, exuding majestic power. Because each cultivator who set foot on Yinze Mountain can only choose one relic to inherit, these relics strive to show the strength of their original owner, in order to attract the other party to choose themselves.

And this opponent is destined to be impossible to be a Xuan Lingzi with a much higher cultivation base, only Luo Jianqing with a super-grade root bone!

Countless information suddenly appeared in his mind, and Luo Jianqing found that as long as he wanted, he could even communicate with those ruins. He immediately turned his head to look at his master and said with a smile, "Master, it seems that the worst of these ruins are the out-of-body cultivators, and the best ones are the calamity-transcending stage..."


Luo Jianqing's voice stopped abruptly.

He suddenly felt that the relics that were communicating with him had lost their voices. He turned his head to look again, and saw that on Yinze Mountain, the relics that were still shining just now suddenly dimmed their light, not to mention inviting Luo Jianqing, they even refused to tell Luo Jianqing where they were.

Luo Jianqing: "..."

After a long time, Luo Jianqing said quietly: "Master, this is my chance."

Xuan Lingzi flicked his long sleeves and said, "It's just the remains of a monk in the tribulation period. Gradually clear, I will give you a better chance for the master."

Luo Jianqing: "..."

The matter of accepting inheritance is actually in the realm of self-cultivation, and it belongs to the category of more pitiful.

As long as you accept the other party's heritage inheritance, it is equivalent to recognizing half of the master. If there was no master originally, it would be okay to say, but if there was a master, it is best to avoid the master. Luo Jianqing of course understood that Xuan Lingzi was jealous, but today it was in front of Xuan Lingzi. If he really dared to accept the inheritance of the relics, he would be too contemptuous of Xuan Lingzi.

Unlike those monks who came to Yinze Mountain with all their hardships and excitedly searched for opportunities everywhere, Luo Jianqing and Xuan Lingzi walked slowly through these people and moved away from Yinze Mountain step by step. Behind them are the monks who are in full swing, and in front of them is a longer road.

Luo Jianqing said: "The ruins of the monks in the tribulation period really don't have much effect on me today. But Master, if one day I encounter a monk in the Mahayana period, a monk in the spiritual transformation period... or even the remains of an immortal..." After a pause, Luo Jianqing looked at Venerable White beside him with a smile: "Master, what do you think I should do?"

Xuan Lingzi: "..."

After a long time, Xuan Lingzi said: "The relics of the immortals and the monks in the spiritual transformation stage, you... just inherit them."

Luo Jianqing said again: "But although accepting inheritance is not considered apprenticeship, it also gets the mantle of the other party."

Xuan Lingzi didn't answer for a long time, and after the two had completely left Yinze Mountain, he whispered: "Then what do you want to do as a teacher?"

Luo Jianqing turned around and raised the corners of his lips with a faint smile, as if a spring breeze was blowing his face, he said earnestly word by word: "You should say, I am not allowed to inherit anyone's inheritance, because I am you Yes, and you... are only mine."


Xuan Lingzi's cheeks were flushed, and a dirt slope not far away was instantly wiped out!

Luo Jianqing: "..."

Wait, this reaction seems to be a little too big...

Luo Jianqing naturally knew that his master had always followed the rules and self-discipline, so he always took it as his duty to tease his master and worked hard to change such a "stubborn and pedantic" Xuan Lingzi. But today it seems that it is really a long way to go...

After leaving Yinzejian, since it was not for chance, but just to hurry, Luo Jianqing quickly passed through the second dangerous bottomless cave in the extreme north.

Compared with Yin Zejian, the bottomless cave has some dangers, and there are many less monks coming here. There are countless bottomless pits here, and if you are not careful, you may fall into it. And in every hole, there is a terrifying monster.

It is rumored that in ancient times, the land of the extreme north was not a dangerous place, and there was a war between the human race and the demon race. In that battle, the monsters were defeated, and thousands of monsters fell here. The bodies of each monster smashed into the ground to form a big hole. Over time, their resentment and unwillingness turned these caves into bottomless pits.

The bottomless cave is not really bottomless, but if you want to come out, you can only kill the remnants of the monsters in the cave!

Luo Jianqing didn't know how powerful the monsters in ancient times were, and he didn't want to know either. His only purpose is to hurry. He carefully avoided every bottomless pit, unlike those other monks, who jumped into the cave in fear, as long as they killed the monsters, they could get the other's corpse and inner core, and even some treasures from the other side!

For thirty days, Luo gradually walked cautiously in the cave.

However, there are too many bottomless holes here, and it is impossible to guard against it. When approaching the edge, he finally fell into a hole.

When suddenly seeing his apprentice fall, Xuan Lingzi was startled and quickly teleported to the entrance of the cave. He was about to jump down, but stopped. With a soft sigh, Xuan Lingzi meditated cross-legged by the cave, waiting for Luo gradually to come out.

A day later, Luo Jianqing flew out of the hole in a state of embarrassment.

His body was covered in smudges, and his hair was stained with blood, but his eyes were brighter and sharper with sharp blades.

As soon as Luo Jianqing flew out, he held the Shuangfu Sword in his right hand, and stabbed Xuan Lingzi with one sword.

Seeing this scene, Xuan Lingzi was stunned for a moment. He raised his fingers and clamped the Shuangfu sword. Before asking any questions, he saw Luo Jianqing's eyes narrowed, looked at him dangerously, and said coldly: "No sound, you are the only one in my heart."


Xuan Lingzi's ears turned red, and he subconsciously turned his head away.

Seeing this, Luo Jianqing breathed a sigh of relief, his whole body softened and he almost fell. He smiled bitterly: "So it's really you this time, Master. You don't know how despicable the monster I met this time, I thought it was a fire monster, and it also pretended to fight with me. Fan, I almost used a trick to kill it. I immediately took its inner alchemy and magic weapon, and flew out. I saw you as soon as I came out, and you asked me worriedly if I encountered anything Dangerous situation, I let go of my vigilance and told you everything, who would have known... you actually attacked me!"

Xuan Lingzi was stunned and looked at Luo Jianqing innocently.

Speaking of this, Luo Jianqing was still a little angry, he clenched the Shuangfu sword, and said: "I didn't feel wrong at first, but when I found out that you couldn't kill me with one sword, I knew So weak, it must not be you, it must be an illusion set up by that monster."

Xuan Lingzi: "..."

"Then I finally killed you..."

Xuan Lingzi couldn't help reminding: "That's not a teacher."

Luo Jianqing continued: "After killing you, I flew out of the hole again and met you again! You pretended to be a little more like this time... "

Xuan Lingzi: "...I didn't pretend to be a teacher."

Luo Jianqing said: "It was only after the two of us left the bottomless cave that you suddenly showed your feet."

Xuan Lingzi: "..."

Luo Jianqing said angrily: "There are at least eighteen times in this way! I have finally concluded a conclusion. First of all, if you can easily resist my attack, it may be you. Second, if I am right You said what you just said, you are not shy, it must be an illusion. But if you are shy, it must be you!"

Xuan Lingzi: "..."

The two masters and apprentices speeded up and left the bottomless abyss. Luo Jianqing had lingering fears about the eighteen nightmare-like reincarnations before, but Xuan Lingzi was so annoyed that he didn't want to see this place at all. And just as they were leaving the Bottomless Cave, a blood-red figure was flying over the Fengshen Sea.

The Fengshen Sea is vast and wide, with huge waves galloping into the sky. The overwhelming gang wind was like a sharp blade, blowing towards him frantically, as if to swept him into the sea and was smashed by the gang wind. But once these Gangfeng approached his body, but only three meters away, they would be blocked by a layer of blood-colored enchantment. Gangfeng hit the barrier and could not enter.

If other people see this scene, they will be shocked and dumbfounded.

Someone dared to fly in the air on the Fengshen Sea in the extreme north, and forcibly cross the sea? This is completely deadly!

However, the enchantment also has its moment of breaking. When the barrier is broken, the handsome and beautiful monk in red will turn over to take out a blood-red bell and open the barrier again.

Looking at the boundless Fengshen Sea, Mo Qiu snorted softly and said to himself: "This deity spent so much effort to cross the Fengshen Sea. If you have nothing important, Luo Jianqing, this deity wants you to look good!"