The Villain Has Something to Say

Chapter 94


Ten years is just a blink of an eye for a cultivator.

Yunzhou, Chizhou, Mingzhou, and Chaozhou have all started to arrange formations, and the Demon Domain, which is closest to the Thirteen Seas, has also made more arrangements. Qin Siyi and Qin Guihe, the two guardians of the Magic Palace, were all dispatched to Wangcheng near the Thirteen Seas.

After that, after another 3,000 miles, Qi Luo, the chief steward of the Magic Palace, guarded Chundu.

The Demon Mountain in the center of the Demon Domain is guarded by Demon Venerable himself.

Under such many hurdles, if the demon clan wanted to launch a surprise attack again, the difficulty increased by a level. Moreover, it has never been the preference of the human race to sit still. In the first year of the ten-year peace period, the Venerable Hao Xingzi of Taihua Mountain and the ancestor of Guiyan of the Broken Soul Sect came to the Demon Territory together to convene the human monks to prepare for the attack in ten years. .

These two Venerables are extremely good at arranging troops. Although they are not as good as the late Fairy Feng Si in formation, they are also famous.

When all this was settled, Xuan Lingzi took Luo Jianqing and left the Demon Realm directly.

The next ten years will be an important time for the two clans to hide their strengths and secretly improve. No one can guarantee that after ten years, there will be another Heavenly Rank Monster Venerable in the Monster Race, or whether there will be more Human Races in ten years. out a few venerables.

Xuan Lingzi was with his disciples day and night, never leaving. Such behavior surprised Yu Qingzi and others, but Xuan Lingzi said calmly: "Jianqing has made extraordinary achievements in this battle and exposed his own strength. He is only in the middle stage of integration, and he can motivate him. Mingguang Qingyuzhu successfully attacked Jinli. The demon clan must have regarded Jianqing as the latest rising genius of the human race, and in the next ten years, there may be assassinations, so I must guard him."

Venerable Yuqingzi thought about it, but he still didn't understand: "Junior brother, even so, there is one thing I don't know very well. When I was fighting against Jinli, I once saw the Yuanshen who was gradually clear. How could the Primordial Spirit be... like that?"

Hearing this, Luo Jianqing's eyes changed, and he lowered his eyelids unhurriedly.

Xuan Lingzi looked at his senior sister with clear eyes, and said in a calm voice, "Jianqing has special talents in cultivating the "Nine Lotus Book of Heart", so his primordial spirit is different from ordinary people."

Venerable Yuqingzi nodded knowingly.

However, the night before Xuan Lingzi was about to leave with Luo Jianqing, Venerable Hao Xingzi went to chat, temporarily pulled Luo Jianqing away, and asked solemnly: "The matter of Yuanshen turning into a lotus flower, Jade Xiaofeng hasn't appeared in ten thousand years. Junior brother, the occurrence of such a change in Jianqing has something to do with..."Nine Lotus Capture the Sky Record"?"

Xuan Lingzi turned his hand and took out a blood-colored jade token. The moment the jade token appeared, there were faint thunderclouds gathering in the sky. Xuan Lingzi quickly took the jade card back, looked at Hao Xingzi who was confused, and said lightly: "Senior brother, I will protect the "Nine Lotus Capture the Heavens", why do you have to worry about it?"

Venerable Hao Xingzi still felt inappropriate: "But Junior Brother, the primordial spirit of gradually clearing is really..."

"Senior brother," the handsome white-robed venerable man frowned slightly and said with his lips open, "I naturally know things about the gradual clearing. The results of his practice of "Nine Lotus Benxinlu" are indeed different from mine, but he dares to ask the world. What other cultivator can reach the mid-term integration state before the age of sixty? Even the Venerable Jiulian 30,000 years ago is far inferior to him."

Hao Xingzi was finally speechless.

Indeed, in the past 30,000 years, there is really no cultivator who can cultivate to the middle stage of integration before the age of sixty.

At the age of Luo Jianqing, Xuan Lingzi was only in the Yuan Ying stage. According to records, even the most amazing and brilliant Jiulian Venerable in the history of Mount Taihua was only in the middle stage of out-of-body at this time.

After finishing the matter in Moyu, Xuan Lingzi left with Luo Jianqing. When the two of them left this towering and majestic mountain, Luo Jianqing couldn't help but look back, staring at the majestic palace above the mountain with a complex expression.

On top of a scarlet soil, a precipitous and steep mountain rose up from the ground, abruptly straddled between the plains. On this mountain, a grand palace stands alone. Countless human powers have gathered here to discuss major events in ten years. However, the owner of this palace has already closed a few days ago and does not care about world affairs.

His long dark hair danced and hunted in the air, and he was dressed in Tsing Yi with silver threads. On this desolate and lonely Demon Land, the handsome cultivator hovering in the sky seemed to be a little dazed. A pair of long and narrow phoenix eyes stared at the Demon Mountain and the palace, and they hadn't moved away for a long time.

"Getting clear."

Luo Jianqing turned his head when he heard the words, and saw Xuan Lingzi turn over and take out a bamboo and wooden treasure boat, and looked at himself. He tiptoed a little and flew into the treasure ship.

Xuan Lingzi smashed a golden spiritual power into a white jade-colored orb at the bow of the boat. Suddenly, the bead was filled with aura, and in the blink of an eye, the boat flew several miles away.

Although Xuan Lingzi was inferior to Venerable Huo Mingzi and that Demon Venerable in refining tools, he did not have any accomplishments. This is a heaven-level flying treasure ship he refined, but it only takes four or five days to travel thousands of miles a day and fly from the Demon Domain to the extreme northern land.

The two masters and apprentices quickly left the Demon Territory, crossed the river, and arrived at Yunzhou.

Whether in Moyu or Yunzhou, you can see cultivators busy arraying everywhere. In the past 100 years, everyone has almost forgotten the past wars. Nowadays, many young monks have not even participated in the war. However, once the war begins, they have no chance to react.

Luo Jianqing stood on the bow of the flying treasure ship and saw hundreds of monks who were less than a hundred years old at the nodes of the large formations, helping the high-level monks to arrange the formations. Among them, some people still had scars on their bodies, and some people even stood up even though their injuries were not healed.

There was no expression on their faces, and they arranged the formation as if they were numb, but their eyes contained unquenchable hatred and anger, and they only needed a little spark to ignite a raging fire.

Looking at this scene, Luo Jianqing felt a little blocked in his heart, he murmured: "This ten-year truce, is it really good..."

Ten years of armistice, not peace, but a bigger disaster of war.

Now it seems that the two clans are in a temporary truce, and each takes a breath, but everyone knows that the two clans will improve themselves during this time, preparing for a more brutal war ten years later.

Hatred can't be wiped out in ten years;

Luo Jianqing couldn't bear to watch any longer, he turned his eyes away, looked at Xuan Lingzi, and asked, "Master, you haven't told me yet, why would Dujue Tian Lao want to truce for ten years? Although you left the extreme north After the land, the strength of the human race has soared, but the Dujue Tian Lao has also broken through the heavenly rank, and at the same time the divine beast Jinli has recovered its strength, and the two races are evenly matched."

Hearing this, Xuan Lingzi stopped plucking the strings and looked up at Luo Jianqing. He reached out and stroked the still vibrating strings, stopped the sound, and said, "What are you curious about."

Luo Jianqing said: "I'm thinking, did you and that Dujuetian Lao... have reached some agreement?"

A flash of surprise flashed in his eyes quickly, Xuan Lingzi quickly concealed his emotions and did not let Luo Jianqing find out. He bowed his head again, fiddled with the strings lightly, and the soft and melodious music echoed in the bow of the boat.

Xuan Lingzi said calmly: "Master only seriously injured that Dujuetian Lao, he knows that now is no longer the time to fight, that's all."

Luo Jianqing stepped forward and said as he walked, "Is it the right time to start a war in ten years?"

Xuan Lingzi's thin lips curled slightly, but he didn't answer.

Luo Jianqing asked again: "I think, there must be something that makes you and Dujue Tian Lao must truce."

Xuan Lingzi turned his hand and put the qin back into the ring, walked up to his disciple and looked down. I saw that under a clear blue sky, the young man's handsome eyebrows and eyes seemed to be traced by a skilled craftsman with the most exquisite brushes. His eyes were bright and his nose was straight. Eye.

Xuan Lingzi couldn't help reaching out and touched this face.

Luo Jianqing was stunned by his actions, and before he could react, he heard Xuan Lingzi's voice and said with a smile: "Why is my Jianqing so smart."

This sentence made Luo Jianqing's heart skip a beat.

Many events in the past six months have made Luo Jianqing accustomed to analyzing everything around him, and he cannot miss any small detail. He almost forgot the feeling of relying on the person in front of him wholeheartedly, and he didn't let down his guard when getting along with this person.

Now listening to Xuan Lingzi's words, Luo Jianqing's heart trembled slightly, raised his hand and patted his hand, raised his eyes and said, "You are indeed lying to me again."

Xuan Lingzi raised his lips rarely, revealing a faint smile: "It's not that I lied to you, it's that I didn't have time to tell you."

Luo Jianqing raised an eyebrow: "Do you think I would believe this kind of thing?"

Xuan Lingzi frowned slightly, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Why did the teacher deceive you?"

Luo Jianqing looked up at Xuan Lingzi and said, "My master may have never lied to me, but Wuyin has lied to me more than once!" Xuan Lingzi was suddenly startled, only to see Luo Jianqing sipping His lips counted one thing at a time: "He told me before that every time I advance to a big realm, he will give me a magic weapon."

Xuan Lingzi frowned: "When you were promoted to the integration period, the teacher was not there."

Luo Jianqing said again: "That Wuyin once said that he would never abandon me at any time. But when the dry mountain collapsed that day, he pushed me away and greeted me alone."

Xuan Lingzi opened his lips slightly and looked at the young man in front of him in astonishment: "Jianqing..."

Luo Jianqing did not give him any time to react at all. Once some words were spoken, more words would follow. He continued: "Do you know how I felt when I saw you being swallowed into a dry mountain? Do you know how I chose when I was faced with the choice of whether to go back and find you? Run away rationally, instead of turning around and looking for you. You see, Wuyin lied to me again, he said he would always be with me, but left me alone."

When the words fell, Luo Jianqing's face had long since lost the smile, and Xuan Lingzi looked at him hesitantly.

I saw the young man smile slightly, and instantly burst into a warm and bright smile. He smiled helplessly and dazedly. To the end, he only asked a question, which made Xuan Lingzi completely freeze: "In the end, Wuyin once lied to me once. Seventeen years ago, I was in a ruin. I got a practice here, and a year ago, I told Wuyin about it. Wuyin didn't seem to know about it, but I only now know that the practice is called "Nine Lotus Capture the Sky"! "

"Gradually clear!" Xuan Lingzi said urgently.

Luo Jianqing shook his head and said: "I'm not angry, I just think I'm not smart enough. For example, I knew that you followed me to the ruins of the True Monarch Beidou at that time. How can you possibly have such a terrifying cultivation technique, this matter is absolutely doubtful."

After talking about this, Luo Jianqing paused for a while, and then said: "So, Silent who always lied to me, now, can you tell me... What exactly is "Nine Lotus Capture the Sky"?"

Although the words on his lips sounded very forgiving, Luo Jianqing's hot and pressing gaze made Xuan Lingzi have no choice at all. Xuan Lingzi's sight went to the left, Luo Jianqing pulled his body and forced him to look at himself again; Xuan Lingzi looked to the right again, Luo Jianqing stood directly to the right and looked at him again.

After going back and forth like this, Xuan Lingzi still dodged and didn't answer. Luo Jianqing suddenly took his hand, glared at him, and said, "Master! Do you still want to hide it from me? Are you going to tell me!"

Xuan Lingzi: "..."

How on earth did this disciple become so crooked? He was very cute and cute when he was a child...

The matter has come to this point, Xuan Lingzi can no longer hide it. He didn't know where Luo Jianqing got the name "Nine Lotus Capture the Sky". In the ruins of the True Monarch of the Big Dipper, in order not to let Luo Jianqing notice, Xuan Lingzi deliberately gave up a lot of effort. The name of this practice was changed, but it was discovered by Luo Jianqing in the end.

Xuan Lingzi held Luo Jianqing's hand with his backhand, and inserted his thin fingers along the seams, and quickly intertwined his fingers.

Xuan Lingzi said calmly: "Yes, that kind of exercise should really be called "Nine Lotus Capture the Heavens", and it was also placed in the relic of the True Monarch of the Big Dipper seventeen years ago for you to get it."

Luo Jianqing's fingers exerted a little force and pinched Xuan Lingzi's fingers, but the latter did not change his face.

Luo Jianqing didn't mean to punish the other party, but just expressed his dissatisfaction. He said: "Then this "Nine Lotus Capture the Sky", could it be... just as I imagined?"

Xuan Lingzi let out a long sigh, and finally told a story that was hidden in the clouds of history for 30,000 years and only known to the heads of Mount Taihua and the masters of Yuxiao Peak.

""Nine Lotus Original Heart Record" and "Nine Lotus Capture the Sky Record" come from the same source. As you might think, they are both peerless exercises created by Venerable Nine Lotuses. The great power can create two different exercises, even if it is Venerable Jiulian, it is absolutely impossible."

Luo Jianqing said in confusion: "Then what is the relationship between "Nine Lotus Original Heart Record" and "Nine Lotus Capture the Sky"?"

Xuan Lingzi said: "Accurately speaking, "Nine Lotus Capture the Heavens" is an improvement of "Nine Lotus Original Heart Record". As a teacher, I don't know what the Nine Lotus Venerable did to make a There are such terrifying changes in the practice method, but the fact is that he did it. The two are essentially the same, but there are subtle differences, and it is this subtle difference that, after thousands of times of spiritual power operation, has caused a complete difference. different results."

Luo Jianqing was even more curious: "Master, why is it that we Yuxiaofeng have always practiced "Nine Lotus Books" instead of "Nine Lotus Capture the Sky"?"

Xuan Lingzi held Luo Jianqing's hand a little tighter, he looked down at his disciple in silence, stared for a long time, and said in a low voice: "Because the monks who practiced "Nine Lotus Capture the Sky", except for the Nine Lotus Venerable For those who have never been able to cultivate to the sixth floor, the only thing waiting for them... is to fall."

Luo Jianqing was stunned.

Xuan Lingzi looked at his disciple's stunned appearance, and couldn't help but soften his heart, and with a little force, he hugged him into his arms. Holding this warm body tightly, Xuan Lingzi's tight heart finally loosened, and his low and soft voice rang softly in Luo Jianqing's ear: "But as a teacher, how could it harm you? "

Luo Jianqing looked up at him.

I saw Xuan Lingzi said with a stern face: "About twenty years ago, my teacher accidentally spied on the way of heaven, and since then I know that you have a disaster in your life. This disaster is a death disaster, and it is impossible to solve it. , so as a teacher, I handed over this "Nine Lotus Capture the Sky" to you, I hope you can use this to break through the catastrophe."

"It turned out to be like this." Luo Jianqing looked at Xuan Lingzi in a daze, and Xuan Lingzi also looked down at him.

Luo Jianqing didn't notice that Xuan Lingzi's fingers hugging him had already been clenched into fists, and his nails were pinched into the palm of his hand, leaving a trail of crescent-shaped traces.

His words made Luo Jianqing believe it.

However, Luo Jianqing didn't know that these words... even Xuan Lingzi didn't believe it.

In the last life, it was also twenty years ago, Xuan Lingzi suddenly got a glimpse of heaven and knew that his disciple would have a catastrophe in twenty years. Why do you get a glimpse of heaven? Xuan Lingzi didn't know, but then, let him spend his spiritual energy to calculate, but he still couldn't figure out how to avoid this death for Luo Jianqing.

This is a mortal catastrophe, no matter where you are, no matter who you are with, you will definitely die!

In those three years, Xuan Lingzi closed the deadlock without seeing Luo Jianqing, trapped himself in the bamboo house, and counted all day and night. He was seriously injured by the backlash of Heavenly Dao, and he ate an unknown amount of elixir, but he still couldn't count a little hope.

If there is really no hope at all, then why let him know about this death catastrophe!

Three years later, at the once-in-a-decade newcomer trial in Mount Taihua, Xuan Lingzi worked hard and finally figured out a way out.

Li Xiuchen!

So he accepted disciples and taught them carefully. Everything followed the life that was calculated through all the hard work. Xuan Lingzi put all his hopes on Li Xiuchen, but he did not expect that his most beloved apprentice would lose his reputation in these 18 years, and even fall into Demon!

Is there something wrong with heaven

Xuan Lingzi lost his spiritual power for another year, almost falling into the Spirit Transformation stage, and the calculated result is still: Li Xiuchen!

Only Li Xiuchen, only Li Xiuchen.

Xuan Lingzi slowly closed his eyes, blocking the monstrous hatred. When he opened his eyes again, he had recovered as if nothing had happened.

Xuan Lingzi said: "In those days when Venerable Jiulian disappeared, the ancestors of the Mo clan died, 90% of the other monks of the human race lost their lives, and the demon gods of the demon race almost died. Give them an explanation, Taihua Mountain Yuxiao Peak will no longer practice "Nine Lotus Capture the Sky", it is listed as a forbidden object, and it is kept by each peak owner. There are three treasures in Taihua Mountain, one is Mingguang sapphire jade bead, and the same is Taihua Sword, the last one... is "Nine Lotus Capture the Heavens"."