The Villain Has Something to Say

Chapter 95


The events of 30,000 years ago have long been buried in the dust of history, and it is difficult to trace them again. Xuan Lingzi only knew about one thing, because what happened back then was a taboo in Mount Taihua. Except for the previous head and the peak master of Yuxiao Peak, the other venerables of Mount Taihua didn't even have the qualifications to know.

After all, who would dare to believe that 30,000 years ago, Mount Taihua was once pointed by thousands of people.

This is not a glorious thing, the less people know about nature, the better.

Since even Xuan Lingzi couldn't explain the matter of "Nine Lotus Capture the Heavens", Luo Jianqing could only give up. Xuan Lingzi said that none of the cultivators who practiced "Nine Lotus Capture the Sky", except Venerable Jiulian, could cultivate to the sixth floor, but now Luo Jianqing has cultivated to the fifth floor, and the next step is the sixth floor .

The two of them tacitly did not mention this matter again. Luo Jianqing didn't know what Xuan Lingzi was thinking in his heart, but Luo Jianqing believed in himself. "Nine Lotus Capture the Heavens" gave him the possibility to practice again, and it also allowed him to go from the middle stage of Jindan to the middle stage of integration in only seventeen years. The so-called boat goes straight to the bridge, and there will definitely be a way when the time comes.

The simple and simple flying treasure ship quickly crossed the sky over Yunzhou and headed for the extreme north.

The depths of the demon.

Two streams of light flashed past, and Yaozun Xingwei and Yaozunhao Zuji walked towards the hall. As soon as the two entered the hall, they walked towards Yin Ji, who was sitting on the throne.

Hao Zang's temper was even more urgent, and he said, "What the hell is going on? Why do you want to make peace all of a sudden, Yin Ji, we still have the upper hand in the current situation, even if Xuan Lingzi broke through the middle stage of God Transformation, but the sky Hasn't the old man also broken through the Heaven Rank?"

Yin Ji was sitting upright at the moment, and she no longer had the unrestrained and unrestrained style of the past. With a calm face, she looked at the two demon lords who had obviously suppressed her anger, and after a long time, she said, "You guys have underestimated Xuan Lingzi's strength too much. Only then can Xuan Lingzi be held back." After a pause, Yin Ji said again, "This is not good for us."

Xing Wei's face changed: "Tian Lao was seriously injured?"

Yin Ji said: "It will take about a few years to recover."

Everyone was silent.

With his hands behind his back, Xing Wei frowned his gray eyebrows tightly and said, "If this is the case, the ten-year truce is indeed strange. Yin Ji, Tian Lao has returned now, what did he say that needs your attention? Is it?"

Yin Ji's eyes narrowed slightly, her fingers resting on her slender chin, tapping lightly. When her long legs are turned up, she shows all kinds of amorous feelings. Even if there is no smile on her enchanting face, she is very cold.

"Tian Lao said that the dry mountain is not simple. The ten-year truce is not only for Xuan Lingzi, but also... the dry mountain that will collapse again in the near future!"

But after a long time, Yaozun Xingwei and Hao Zun left the hall together. Yin Ji has always been in charge of the big and small affairs in the demon realm. And this war, started by Du Juetian's old words, and he decided to suspend it, all these punishments and death do not have the right to choose.

However, Xing Wei is very concerned about one thing: "Before I left, Tian Lao went to the extreme north, originally to see the situation of the dry mountain, and at the same time to find a way to seal Xuan Lingzi forever, or even attack him. The method of killing. Although I didn’t expect Xuan Lingzi to escape by chance, what kind of thing can make Tian Lao decide to stop the fight?”

Hao Zang didn't think so much about Xing Jie, he waved his hand rudely: "Since Tian Lao said so, then listen to him and Yin Ji."

Xing Wei narrowed his eyes thoughtfully and said nothing.

However, the two of them didn't walk for long, and just after turning a corner, they saw a blue figure appear in front of them. Xing Wei and Hao Zhan were stunned, and the two stood at the corner of the corridor, unable to move for a long time.

I saw that on a corridor with nine and eighteen bends, the water was glistening and sparkling. The lake under the corridor swayed slightly due to the wind, blowing ripples, and the clear and clear water squeaked, as if hitting the most moving melody in the world. In this corridor, a tall and cold figure stood quietly with his back to them.

A head of black hair fell straight down like a waterfall, and a complex arabesque pattern was outlined by silver threads in the azure blue robe. It's just a back view, with an elegant and noble appearance, as if it is integrated with the water, and it seems to be enshrined in the moon by the stars in the lake that stretches straight to the sky and enshrined as a respected person.

In this world, only divine beasts can have such a temperament, and only divine beasts can make all things in heaven and earth surrender willingly.

Monster beasts are not divine beasts, but divine beasts are not complete monsters either.

A thousand years ago, the last divine beast in the world lost its heart, and since then, has become an ignorant and ignorant fool. At that time, the demon clan also had a big demon venerable, who was the strength of the middle stage of the heaven. He once spied on the heavens for the divine beast, and he came to the conclusion that the demon pill was broken and could not be restored in this life.

So from then on, no one in the demon realm was afraid of this divine beast.

Jin Li, the former first sea lord, did not like to interact with others, and always stayed on the Dragon Island. Unless it was a critical time for the war between the two clans, he would not go out. However, Jinli, the first sea lord later, no longer has such a high-level power. He was beaten into the mortal world, and even lost his mind. Apart from his strength, even ordinary monsters are not as good for the time being.

In the past thousand years, many people know what Xing Wei and Hao Zhuang have done, but all the things, only they... and the person who has been bullied know. Probably because they did too much. Three hundred years ago, even Du Jue Tian Lao couldn't stand it. From then on, Jin Li was placed under his banner, and no one else was allowed to have direct contact with Jin Li.

Xing Wei's face has gradually turned pale, and Hao Shou is sweating profusely, shaking like a sieve.

The Great Demon Lord clearly said that his demon pill has been broken, so why did he recover!

This is simply not possible, why is this recovering!

The demon clan has always been unreasonable and rude. Looking at the entire demon realm, it is hard to count how many people don't like Jinli. Because all monsters know that they cannot become immortals forever, only Jinli can become immortals!

Such resentment and jealousy had already blinded their eyes, and even looking at Jin Li's appearance of locking Long Island and unable to take a step, they were inexplicably furious. Xing Wei once said: "He just looks down on us and thinks he is different from us!"

What could be more exciting in this world than smashing a high-ranking person into the dust and humiliating him arbitrarily

absolutely not.

Thinking of what he had done, Hao Tu was so shocked that he wanted to turn around and run away, but was locked by a terrifying pressure. In fact, with his strength, he could completely break through the confinement, but he dared not.

Probably because 2,000 years ago, he was just a little wolf who had just stepped into the earth, but the other party was already a peerless demon who was half a step into the sky. When he first saw the other party, he felt like a lowly beast, but the other party was a noble divine beast, so he planted the seeds of envy and fear.

In such a situation, punishment also occurred.

However, Xing Wei finally lived for nearly 10,000 years, and became a little more calm. He shook his body and cupped his hands: "Jin Li, something was wrong in the past, I am here to apologize to you. Now is a critical moment in the war between the two races, if If you want, you can ask for compensation as much as I do, and I will definitely offer them one by one."

Hearing this, Hao Zhan suddenly realized: "Yes! I was wrong, I will make up for you whatever you want!"

After these words landed, Qi Changqing's back figure moved slightly and slowly turned around. A pair of blue eyes quietly stared at the two in front of them. In the middle of these eyes, there was a little snow-white pupil, blue eyes and white pupils, and the eyes were indifferent and clear, without the slightest fluctuation.

Xing Wei and Hao Zang said it again, and in the faint wind, Jin Li whispered, "I am a dragon."

Xing Wei's body froze, only to hear Jin Li say again, "What is a snake?"

In the hall not far away, Yin Ji swayed her long tail, raised her hand to cover her lips, and smiled in a low voice: "Isn't it just that you have been a snake for hundreds of years, what is there to be unhappy about. We snake clan can still do it. Transformed into a dragon, although no snake has successfully transformed into a dragon for thousands of years, and no dragon has risen to become a dragon, but we are also a family..."

As soon as Yin Ji's voice fell, she heard the sound of "Boom", and a glazed lantern in the hall instantly burst and turned into pieces. The smile on Yin Ji's face froze. She squinted at the debris all over the floor, and finally said disdainfully, "I've seen you rolling around in the mud and entangling other snakes before..."

Yin Ji stretched out her hand and wiped the bloodshot from her lips, just as she was about to have a seizure, she heard a sigh in her ear.

Du Jue Tian Lao's vicissitudes of life sounded: "You have never intervened in this matter, why should you deliberately anger him now. Yin Ji, he never likes to argue with us, and only shows up when the two clans are fighting. Help. The Jinli I know is all about ascending to immortality and looking for his own clan, and has no intention of arguing with me about superiority or inferiority. This time, Xingwei and Haojia are wrong."

Holding her fingers tightly, Yin Ji finally did not leave the hall.

In fact, in the entire demon realm, who wants to humiliate Jinli, why stop punishment and death

Yin Ji didn't take action when Jin Li lost her mind because she didn't like to take advantage of the situation and fall into the trap. In fact, she was the one who hated each other the most compared to Xing Wei and Hao Su.

Why are you a dragon and I am a snake

Why can you become an immortal, I have to stop at the heavenly level!

During those hundreds of years, after the once-dignified dragon was deceived into thinking he was a snake, he was tricked into a swamp and happily entangled with thousands of small snakes. The white dragon's tail was full of muddy water. He drilled into the soil, and was even tricked into the filthy river, actively wanting to mate with other little snakes.

If it wasn't for the racial coercion of the dragon race that made these little snakes dare not make trouble, no one would know to what extent the dragon would have fallen back then.

Yin Ji never participated in all this, but watched quietly. Whenever she sees this white dragon being ridden by other snakes, she can't help but feel happy; whenever she sees this white dragon bowing down to other snakes, she is overjoyed.

Are you not a dragon? You are a snake from now on, and a snake that is nowhere near as stupid as other snakes!

In the hall of the demon realm, Yin Ji no longer uttered a word, but just gritted her teeth; Du Jue Tian Lao retreated deep into the world, not asking about world affairs. Xing Wei and Hao Zhan blindly begged for mercy, but did not receive any forgiveness, but after a while, their howls of pain came from the depths of the hall.

Chaos has already begun within the demon clan, and at this moment, Luo Jianqing and Xuan Lingzi have officially arrived in Fuzhou, and they can see the boundless extreme north just by looking forward.

The matter in the extreme north is naturally unsolved, but now most people are busy preparing for the war in ten years, so only Feihuazong and some small sects around them will deal with the collapse of the dry mountain.

The collapse of the dry mountain seems dangerous, but I don't know when it will happen. However, the war between the two tribes will start after ten years.

"Although I'm not good at formations, I can also work with Feihuazong to temporarily lock the danger of dry mountains with formations." Xuan Lingzi brought Luo Jianqing to the residence of Feihuazong and said to him: "This paragraph You will stay here for about a month, and you can come back as a teacher."

Hearing this, Luo Jianqing said, "Master, I'll go with you."

When the two arrived in Fuzhou, it was already late at night, and the night was deep. The people of Feihuazong arranged a place for them, and they waited for the next day to enter the extreme north together.

Luo Jianqing's hot and firm gaze made Xuan Lingzi frown. He said, "With your cultivation level, if you encounter danger, then..."

"Even you can't protect me, then the danger must be to the extent that you can be injured or even trapped again." Luo Jianqing directly interrupted Xuan Lingzi's words, he looked at each other seriously, his bright eyes full of It is decisive that cannot be changed, and the tone is decisive: "Even if the dry mountain collapses again, I must be with you!"

Xuan Lingzi was slightly stunned, speechless.

That night, the two sat opposite each other, meditating and practicing. Xuan Lingzi was closing his eyes when suddenly he felt that his hand was covered by something warm. He opened his eyes and saw that he did not know when his disciple had opened his eyes, looked at him, and held his hand. own hands.

The bright moonlight was reflected in these translucent and clear eyes. After looking at it for a long time, Luo Jianqing said with a hoarse voice, "Master, do we really have to enter that extreme northern land?"

Xuan Lingzi said softly: "Yes, at least set up a big formation and lock the dry mountain for a while."

Luo Jianqing lowered his eyes: "I don't want to go in there anymore. The last time I went in, I almost lost you and lost again..." The voice stopped abruptly, Luo Jianqing did not say the name, but Xuan Lingzi's expression was different Slowly awe-inspiring.

Luo Jianqing bowed his head slightly, and the broken hair on his forehead fell, covering his eyes, and his heart had long been buried in bitterness.

There, just a few months ago, he lost a lifelong friend, and now he's stepping into it again.

In the extreme north, these four words are like a nightmare.

In the last life, Zuo Yunmo and Xiu Hen died in it, and even the corpse was never found.

In this life... Mo Qiu died in it, and there was no bones left.

If you go in again this time, will something irreversible happen again? Will there be more terrifying disasters, will...

"Jianqing." A low and long voice sounded suddenly, interrupting Luo Jianqing's thoughts. He raised his head in a daze, only to see Xuan Lingzi's elegant eyebrows bent helplessly under the hazy clear moonlight, he lowered his head gently, kissed Luo Jianqing's eyes and face, and said gently: "With me... what are you afraid of?"

"But Mo Qiu..."

Xuan Lingzi suddenly sealed Luo Jianqing's lips and the name in his mouth. The hot and fiery kiss was like a branding iron, which left a deep imprint on Luo Jianqing's heart. The tip of the tongue skillfully opened his teeth, drilled into it, and sucked every inch of the skin in his mouth.

The numb feeling was transmitted to the brain along this action, making Luo Jianqing forget what happened just now.

It's been half a year that I haven't kissed this person again, and I haven't been so crazy for half a year. Luo gradually pressed down on Xuan Lingzi's body presumptuously, letting the other party enter him. Things that have not been done for more than half a year, once they are done, it is like a thunder that stirs the fire, and it is difficult to control.

At the moment when Yuanshen merged, Luo Jianqing was so stimulated that he was instantly released, and the whole person was paralyzed on Xuan Lingzi's body. Xuan Lingzi immediately turned over, suppressed this handsome and handsome young man, and rammed hard.

However, the fusion of primordial spirits is only the beginning. Even Xuan Lingzi did not expect that when the hearts and minds of the two were united, the spiritual pill that was hidden in the depths of his body and had not moved for a long time actually reacted!

The majestic spiritual power was introduced into Luo Jianqing's body along the place where the two were combined. This feeling was so beautiful that Luo Jianqing shivered all over, and the primordial spirit in the body also absorbed the spirit in the elixir like ecstasy. Spiritual power.

When Xuan Lingzi reached that point, the two released them together, and they reached the peak together.

Xuan Lingzi rarely sweated, but this time, a thin layer of fine sweat was covering his body. He gasped slightly, cast a spell, and helped his disciples clean up. However, when he casually swept Luo Jianqing's body with his spiritual sense, he was horrified to find that Luo Jianqing's cultivation had improved terribly!

Xuan Lingzi immediately looked back at the elixir in his dantian, as expected! This elixir is actually a little smaller!

It turns out that this elixir can still be used like this? !

Xuan Lingzi turned his head to look at his sleeping disciple in surprise, and for some reason the tips of his ears turned red, and he turned his face away in embarrassment.

On the second day, when Luo Jian woke up, he felt refreshed, and the cultivation in his body not only consolidated a lot, but also seemed to have improved to a higher level! He only thought it was the result of double cultivation, he didn't think so much, and soon he flew into the extreme north with Xuan Lingzi and many monks of Feihuazong, and went to the dry mountain.

The dry mountain range stretches for thousands of miles. This time, the goal of everyone is very clear, that is, the dry mountain in the northeast corner.

A group of nearly a hundred people marched mightily through the yin and zealous streams, crossed the bottomless cave, and took a detour from the side of the dry mountain.

However, at this moment, I heard an exclamation from the flying treasure ship of the Flying Flower Sect: "Master Feng Si!"

When the voice fell, Luo Jianqing immediately turned his head to look at the place where the voice came out. I saw a female cultivator in the late fusion stage with her eyes wide open and staring at her feet in disbelief. Without any hesitation, the female cultivator suddenly jumped off the treasure boat, ignoring that she was jumping into the dangerous dry mountain at the moment. Go, with a resolute determination to return home, fly down without hesitation.

The female cultivator cried out loudly, "Uncle Master, Uncle Feng Si!!!"

Luo Jianqing turned his head and saw that above a mountain range, a pale yellow figure was suspended in mid-air, not knowing what he was doing. Suddenly feeling bad in my heart, Luo Jianqing hurriedly said, "Don't go!"

Xuan Lingzi also shrank his eyes and pointed his toes, then went to chase the man, and said at the same time: "Don't touch her!"

However, when the words came out, it was already too late.

The Feihua Sect female cultivator in the later stage of the fusion hugged Fairy Feng Si in the light yellow shirt, but the moment she met her, in the blink of an eye, that slender and moving figure turned into a spot of light in the sky and flew into a flower. , blown away!

The nun looked at this scene in shock.

Xuan Lingzi also stopped and looked at it in surprise.

On the flying treasure ship of the Flying Flower Sect, many female cultivators were all stunned. It was not known how long it took before someone cried out for the first time, "Uncle Feng Si!" The Dao figure has completely dissipated, and there is no possibility of reorganization.