The Villain Is a Sis-Con?!

Chapter 17: Gift


Looking at Su Xi who was buried in his meal, Su Jingcheng fell into memories.

When my younger sister was one or two years old after the birth, it happened that their company was developing the fastest and was about to go public. At that time, my father and mother were very busy. However, Su Jingcheng's elder brother is the one who takes Su Xi the most in this family.

At that time Su Xi was three or four years old, and Su Jingcheng was in high school.

He still remembered that it was the experimental class that afternoon, and Su Jingcheng finished the experiment ahead of time and went home directly.

As soon as I stepped into my garden, I saw a small figure squatting pitifully beside the flowers.

"What happened to Xixi?" Su Jingcheng approached and asked.

The moment he saw Su Jingcheng, the little dumpling on the ground cried out with a "wow".

When little Su Xi cried like this, not to mention Su Jingcheng, even the babysitter beside him became nervous.

"What's going on?!" Su Jingcheng sternly looked at the nanny beside him.

The nanny's face changed color: "Master, master, I, I'm nothing, I am,"

"Chengcheng is gone..." Little Su Xi lifted her head from Su Jingcheng's arms and cried while crying.

"Chengcheng" is a rabbit that Su Jingcheng brought Su Xi to buy on Children's Day last month, and the pet shop gave them a small pet tag.

Su Xi, who was more than three years old, could not write many characters, so Su Jingcheng saw Su Xi holding a colored pen and writing the word "Cheng" crookedly on the pet hanging tag. Su Jingcheng objected, but unfortunately the objection was ineffective. The little man pointed to the word with a serious face and told him, "Little Tutu's name is Helo". It took Su Jingcheng a long time to let Su Xi understand that the word read "Cheng ", not "brother".

Thus, the little rabbit got the later name "Cheng Cheng".

Su Jingcheng originally thought that Su Xi's interest in that little rabbit would last at most a day or two, but unexpectedly, Su Xi actually regarded the little rabbit as a playmate.

Su Xi knows how precious that rabbit is, Su Jingcheng knows better than anyone else.

"When did the rabbit run away?" Su Jingcheng asked the servants beside him.

"No..." Several servants showed embarrassment, and explained: "The insects were removed in the garden before, and the rabbit may have accidentally eaten the leaves with insecticides. It will not work this morning. The housekeeper is afraid that Miss will get up and look If you feel sad, let us deal with it.”

And here, little Suxi is still tearfully describing how Little Tutu ran away: "I got up and went to see her next to the cage, but she was gone, she must have sneaked out to play, I couldn't find it anywhere To her, woo woo..."

At this time, the face like a powder dumpling was flushed with tears, which made people feel distressed.

"Xixi don't cry." Su Jingcheng wiped the tears from Su Xi's face, and patted her on the back: "Brother will take you to find it."

"Do you know where she is?"

"I know, if it's not at home, it must have gone to the street to play. Let's go get it back now."

"Okay." Little Su Xi nodded obediently.

Su Jingcheng took Su Xi to the pet shop where they bought rabbits last time.

On the way, Su Jingcheng noticed something was wrong, and observed for a while quietly, he soon noticed that someone was following them.

Although the Suyuan Group at that time was not as good as it is now, it was still a large enterprise among the top 100 in city B. The Su family had many competitors in the business field, and there were also many who wanted to cause trouble for their family.

As the public heir of the Suhua Group, this is not the first time Su Jingcheng has encountered this situation. The last time Su Jingcheng went to S City to participate in a competition, he almost couldn't come back that time.

Su Jingcheng led Su Xi into the crowd, and he put Su Xi next to a claw machine in the park.

"Xixi, my brother just saw a shop selling cotton candy over there, can my brother buy it for you?"

"No, I don't want cotton candy, I want to find Cheng Cheng."

"But what should I do if my brother really wants to eat?"

Hearing Su Jingcheng's words, the little man frowned vividly, seemed to be tangled up for a while, and then nodded: "Alright then, but brother will take me to find Chengcheng after eating the marshmallow."

"Okay, sure." Su Jingcheng put the phone into the small schoolbag behind Su Xi.

"Xixi sit here obediently, don't go anywhere, wait for brother to come back to find you, you know?" Su Jingcheng didn't have time to explain so much, so he ran in another direction. For the first time, Su Jingcheng regretted that he didn't come out The bodyguard hired by Su Zhengheng took it with him.

There were quite a few people on the other side, and they even drove a car. It took Su Jingcheng a lot of effort to escape from the hands of those people.

When Su Jingcheng limped back to the crane machine in the park, Su Xi was nowhere to be seen around. The little yellow duck's schoolbag was lying quietly on the ground, trampled to the point where it was already a bit unrecognizable.

Su Jingcheng frantically looked for Su Xi. Later, Su Zhengheng and Lin Xueyan used a lot of connections to find Su Xi. Unfortunately, there were too few monitoring points at that time, and there were no clues at all.

That day, Su Xi lost her "Cheng Cheng", and Su Jing Cheng lost his past.

The screen returns to this moment.

Looking at the thin and small person in front of him, Su Jingcheng tightened his grip on the bowl and chopsticks.

It took 10 years, a full 10 years, before they finally found Su Xi back.

What has Su Xi experienced outside these years? How are you? Have you ever been bullied? …

Countless questions were stuck in Su Jingcheng's chest, and he wanted to ask, but the strong self-blame made Su Jingcheng speechless.

Yan Su and the others didn't find out about Su Xi's previous experience, but Fu Bo said on the phone that Su Xi might not have had a good life before he was found.

Thinking of this, Su Jingcheng felt a sudden pain in his heart.

But Su Jingcheng didn't know, it was Uncle Fu who didn't dare to tell him more: Su Xi didn't have a good life, it was obviously very bad - when Su Xi was brought back, the clothes she was wearing were of poor quality , The top has been pilled, and it has been washed so that the original pattern on it can no longer be seen, and there are holes in it.

Here, the big villain's movement has not been heard, Su Xi raised his head slightly, and took a peek at the other side.

The eyes of the two collided at this moment.

Su Xi shook his hand, quickly shrank his head and looked away.

"eat more."

The villain's voice came from the direction directly above Su Xi's head. Hearing this, Su Xi subconsciously added a sentence: You can go to the small black room after eating.

Seeing that Su Xi buried her head and did not speak, Su Jingcheng frowned somewhat annoyedly, and secretly scolded herself for being stupid.

"I mean eat enough."

Hearing what the big villain said, Su Xi put two more pieces of meat into the bowl.

Looking at the plate of sweet and sour pork that had been removed by Su Xi by one third, Su Jingcheng's eyes lit up: "Do you like this?"

Su Xi: "En."

Hearing this, at an angle Su Xi couldn't see, Su Jingcheng smiled: "It's exactly the same as when I was a child."

Su Xi paused: Uncle Fu said that she was lost when she was more than three years old. Before that, she lived here all the time, but Su Xi couldn't remember anything before the age of four or five. She doesn't remember living here, she doesn't even remember how she got to the orphanage.

Su Xi bit the bullet and nodded in line with Su Jingcheng's words.

Seeing the blank look on Su Xi's face, Su Jingcheng consciously changed the subject.

"How is Xixi doing at home these days?"

"Very good." It would be better without you.

"Is there anything you're not used to?"

"No." Why not, I'm not used to you coming back suddenly.

Su Xi didn't know why the big villain suddenly went crazy and wanted to have an awkward chat with her. There is one thing to say, the voice of this big villain is actually quite nice. According to the girls Su Xi saw in the forum before, it is probably: the gospel of voice control, and I don’t know if it is an illusion. Su Xi feels that the tone of the other party’s speech It's still warm

Well, it must be an illusion.

Su Xi shook her head secretly: the villain's voice was like a reminder to her, no matter how nice it sounded, she couldn't appreciate it.

The two asked and answered.

Su Xi's voice was very low, and she always answered simply with one or two words each time, but Su Jingcheng listened carefully.

On the side, Fu Bo looked at the picture of the two brothers and sisters getting along with each other with emotion: I finally saw this scene again.

My husband used to say that "their family has sons and daughters, which just makes up the word 'good'". Now, this family finally has both sons and daughters again. It's a pity that Mr. and Mrs. can't see it.

Thinking of this, Fu Bo's eyes turned red.

Ever since Su Xi was lost, this family seemed to be covered with a layer of haze. In the following years, the husband and wife have been running around looking for Su Xi, until the two of them heard some news on the way to N City because of Accidental traffic accident. But they all knew that it was not a simple accident.

After the husband and wife left, all the burdens of the family fell on Su Jingcheng's shoulders. He not only had to support the entire Suyuan Group, deal with the Su family's competitors, but also deal with those shareholders who were eyeing tigers, and the Su family over there. A few restless ones.

In the past few years, the young master has not had an easy life.

Moreover, Uncle Fu hadn't seen such a smile on Su Jingcheng's face for a long time: since Su Xi was lost, Su Jingcheng became very gloomy, and after his wife's accident, Su Jingcheng became even more gloomy.

Especially in the past two years, looking at the increasingly serious Su Jingcheng, Uncle Fu was worried but helpless.

Fortunately, Su Xi was finally found.

"Xiao Xi, do you want another bowl?" Seeing that the rice in Su Xi's bowl had run out, Uncle Fu stepped forward and asked.

In the past few days, with the hard work of him and Mama Li in the kitchen, some meat finally grew on Su Xi's face, which looked much better than when he first came. Still, keep trying.

Hearing Uncle Fu's words, Su Xi shook her head hastily: "No need, Uncle Uncle, I'm already full."

After all, Su Xi glanced at Su Jingcheng cautiously, and said in a low voice, "I'm done eating."

Su Xi: "That..."

Su Jingcheng: "Huh?"

Su Xi: "Can I go upstairs to do my homework?"

Hearing this, Su Jingcheng was taken aback for a moment, remembering that Su Xi still had homework: "Is there any homework you can't do?"

"No." Su Xi replied faster than conditioned reflex.

Su Jingcheng: ...


"Xixi." When Su Xi was about to leave the restaurant, Su Jingcheng stopped him again.

Su Xi saw Su Jingcheng take out a small but very delicate box from his coat pocket over there.

-What's this

Su Xi is inexplicable.

The poison|drug that made her commit suicide? Little Black House Companion Glucose Solution? To survive in this home, you must follow 100 house rules

"A gift bought for you in Country Y." Su Jingcheng explained.

When handing the small box to Su Xi, Su Jingcheng actually felt a little uneasy: his knowledge of his sister was still when Su Xi was three or four years old. Now that 10 years have passed, Su Xi is already a big girl, and Su Jingcheng is also a big girl. I don't know what girls at this age like.

He had been choosing this gift for a long time, and he had also checked many things on the Internet that girls of this age would like, and he didn't know if Xixi would like it.

Under Su Jingcheng's apprehensive and expectant gaze, Su Xi didn't open the gift, and held the gift box inexplicably like a sweet potato, and it was a little hot.

The atmosphere was a little cold for a while.

"Go do your homework."


Hearing Su Jingcheng's words, Su Xi secretly heaved a sigh of relief, turned around and walked upstairs.

After taking two steps, Su Xi hesitated and stopped, and said in a voice not much louder than a mosquito: "Thank you."

With his back to Su Jingcheng, Su Xi didn't see it at all. Behind her, after hearing her "thank you", Su Jingcheng grinned. There was undisguised excitement in this smile, and a little bit of stupidity. .

Su Xi, who returned to her temporary nest, wiped off the cold sweat that didn't exist on her forehead, and after a long sigh, she suddenly felt like she was alive after a catastrophe.

In the restaurant, after Su Xi left, Forbe came over.

"Where is the young master, do you want another bowl?"

"Well, let's have another bowl."

"Okay." Uncle Fu smiled, it seems that the young master is really in a good mood at the moment.

"Did I scare Xixi a little?" Su Jingcheng asked suddenly, he could feel the nervousness when Su Xi sat with him.

"Master, you forgot, you remember Xiaoxi, but Xiaoxi doesn't remember you." Three or four-year-old children don't remember much, and after encountering some bad experiences, some children will protect themselves It is normal for Xiao Xi not to remember a previous memory.

After that, Uncle Fu smiled again, and said comfortingly: "Xiao Xi is still relatively new to the young master, so he behaved a little restrained, and it will be fine when he gets familiar with him."

"En." Su Jingcheng nodded.

After Su Jingcheng had eaten, Uncle Fu ordered someone to come and clean up.

"Master, let's go to bed early today. I'll arrange someone to pack up the luggage tomorrow." Uncle Fu said.

Originally, Su Jingcheng planned to go to Country Y this time to work for 15 days, but he squeezed it into a week. No need to think about Uncle Fu, he knew that their young master must be dealing with affairs all night again these days.

"No, leave the luggage and I'll pack it up later." After a pause, Su Jingcheng said again: "Besides, I still have some work to do later."

Su Jingcheng brought back the unfinished work in Country Y.

Knowing that he couldn't persuade him, Uncle Fu didn't say anything anymore: "Then I'll send the young master a pot of tea to the study later."

Su Jingcheng: "Yes."

Later, Fu Bo sent a pot of tea to the study.

At this moment, I saw Su Jingcheng staring at the computer intently, with a concentrated expression on his face.

Uncle Fu didn't dare to disturb Su Jingcheng, he was about to put down his things and leave, but at this moment Su Jingcheng stopped him.


"How was your home while I was away?"

"Everything is fine at home. Su Zhengqi and Xu Feng came twice later and were stopped outside." Speaking of this, Uncle Fu remembered another matter, and simply talked to Su Jingcheng about the birthday of the old man of the Su family.

"Ms. Xu Feng sent a list two days ago."

Su Jingcheng was not surprised at all, and asked directly: "How much do they want?"

When Uncle Fu said a number, he thought that his young master would be cold-faced, but he didn't expect that Su Jingcheng just sneered, and said, "Yes, give it to them."

"Master, this..." The number Xu Feng asked for was not small, and it might be enough to hold 10 birthday banquets for Mr. Su.

Uncle Fu was still surprised, and then he heard Su Jingcheng say: "I'm going to take Changyuan's project in Hanghua."

As soon as these words came out, Uncle Fu immediately understood: Changyuan was a company established by Su Zhengqi and Xu Feng in the name of a branch of the Suyuan Group when Mr. Su was still alive, including the Hanghua branch. The land was also obtained from the Suyuan Group. Now the project of Hanghua is Changyuan's most profitable project, not one of them.

Fu Bo has no doubt that Su Jingcheng has this ability.

Uncle Fu secretly laughed in his heart: Su Zhengqi and Xu Feng's husband and wife tried different ways to get money from here, and the young master made them bleed.

"In that case, I'll send them the money." Forbe said with a smile.

When he was about to leave, Uncle Fu glanced at Su Jingcheng's computer screen, and was taken aback for a moment: If he hadn't read it wrong, what was on Su Jingcheng's computer at this time was not a project plan or a company report, but [content of the eighth grade English course Overview and summary of important knowledge points]

the other side.

Su Xi locked the door without thinking, and just sat down when she received a message from Dong Wenqi.

[Dong Wenqi]: Here are 50 English phrases I have sorted out, as well as their usage and example sentences, take a look~

Immediately afterwards, Dong Wenqi sent another message: Don't worry, take your time.

Su Xi's learning speed is really too fast. Originally, according to her previous plan, now she should help Su Xi consolidate the basic foundation, and then distinguish between nouns, pronouns, verbs, and adjectives. As a result, Su Xi finished those contents in a day.

There are almost 300 knowledge points in the phrase group, so she has to save it.

After talking about the business, Dong Wenqi finally couldn't hold back and chatted with Su Xi about gossip.

[Dong Wenqi]: Su Xiaoxi, have you read the forum

[Su Xi]: Not yet, what happened again

[Dong Wenqi]: Hey, good news! All the previous posts about you and Ye Zexing were deleted, and by the way, those stupid people who slandered you were also deleted.

[Su Xi]: Really? Who did a good job

[Dong Wenqi]: I guess it's Ye Zexing.

After all, there are not many people in the school who can have such a big face to let everyone delete their posts.

[Dong Wenqi]: I also heard that Ye Zexing warned several posters not to put his name on the forum again.

Although bad students like Ye Zexing are still not Dong Wenqi's favorite type, Dong Wenqi's impression of Ye Zexing has improved a lot because of this incident.

[Dong Wenqi]: This Ye Zexing is actually not bad.

Su Xi: Hehe.

Deleting the post was indeed done by Ye Zexing, but it has nothing to do with whether he is good or not, he did it entirely to save his life.

At the school gate this afternoon, Ye Zexing clearly felt that Su Xi really wanted to beat her up. If the other party's bodyguard hadn't arrived in time, he might really have left her there.

[Dong Wenqi]: Su Xi, you don't seem very happy

Dong Wenqi noticed that Su Xi's mood didn't seem to be very high.

Dong Wenqi threw a shocked expression: No way, you are not really with Ye Zexing...

[Su Xi]: No!

She is living in dire straits now, how can she have time to take care of that yellow hair.

[Su Xi]: I want to run away from home.

[Dong Wenqi]: Run away from home, okay, do you want us to make an appointment together

Seeing the message from Dong Wenqi, the corners of Su Xi's mouth twitched slightly, and she sent six o'clock to the other party - classmate, you are a top student after all, can you stop talking about running away from home like meeting on a spring outing

[Su Xi]: I'm serious.

This is a serious topic, and it is very likely that her life is at stake.

[Dong Wenqi]: I know, let me tell you that I have also run away from home before, and I can provide you with a lot of experience of running away from home.

Su Xi was deeply skeptical about the words of Dong Wenqi, an "experienced person".

[Dong Wenqi]: Really, let me ask you, do you know the first point of running away from home

[Dong Wenqi]: Funding!

Dong Wenqi then sent another paragraph: Let me tell you that I made a lot of preparations in advance when I ran away from home last time. I used my mother's two small lipstick packets and my father's fish as collateral for money.

[Su Xi]: Then

[Dong Wenqi]: Then I took the money and went to the best hotel in Big B City, took their best suite, and ordered a lot of delicious food! It's just so beautiful.

[Su Xi]: Then what? You were taken back

[Dong Wenqi]: How is that possible!

[Dong Wenqi]: I was bored in the hotel, so I went downstairs and went shopping. Who knew that my mother happened to be shopping in that shopping mall.

[Su Xi]: Have you been taught a lesson

[Dong Wenqi]: That's not true, my mother told me that I didn't go home after school to do my homework, wandering in the street, and then took me home.

Su Xi: "..." From the beginning to the end, Dong's feelings, we didn't let her family see that she left home for a while

At this time, Dong Wenqi called.

"Let me ask you, why did you run away from home again? What do you want to buy that are not allowed at home?"


"Why is that? You shouldn't be scolded by your family, right?"

"No." Su Xi paused, and then said, "It's about the same."

"Your family is very fierce?" Dong Wenqi asked.

Su Xi: "It's not fierce, it's terrifying."

The despair and desolation in Su Xi's tone did not seem to be pretending at all.

"Oh my god, is that an exaggeration?" Dong Wenqi murmured: No wonder Su Xi wanted to apply for a residence hall.

Immediately, Dong Wenqi was full of sympathy for Su Xi. Not only was he sent to learn art from a secluded master when he was a child, but now he has to face strict parents when he is brought back.

Dong Wenqi thought of a question: "If you run away from home and are arrested, will you end up miserable?"

Su Xi looked sad: The big villain is so mad that he can even kill the hostess's three-year-old son. If she is really caught, will she die immediately

"Su Xi, we have to discuss this matter in the long run."

Su Xi agreed with Dong Wenqi's words.

After hanging up the phone, Su Xi subconsciously looked at the pink box next to the table: just now the big villain said it was a gift.

Will the big villain really give her a gift

Su Xi was a little suspicious.

After hesitating for a moment, driven by curiosity, Su Xi reached out and took the box.

When the box was opened, a light pink hairpin fell into Su Xi's eyes.

The entire hairpin is not big, but it is very delicate. All the lace patterns are made of unknown metal, and there are many pink diamonds dotted on it.

You can tell at a glance that the price is expensive.

Su Xi sent a photo to Dong Wenqi: [How much do you think this can be exchanged for?]

[Dong Wenqi]: Ah, it looks so good!

[Dong Wenqi]: You turn over and take a side view.

Su Xi took another picture.

[Dong Wenqi]: It actually belongs to the Z family! It's still custom made! No wonder it's so delicate, whoever bought it for you is also very kind to you!

Dong Wenqi sent a bunch of [I'm envious of the dead baby] emoticon packages over here.

[Su Xi]: Very expensive? How much money can be sold

[Dong Wenqi]: No, no, this cannot be sold! Are you willing to sell such a good-looking card? And this belongs to the Z family.

Dong Wenqi and Su Xi popularized a bunch of encyclopedias about this family.

After exiting WeChat, Su Xi stared at the issuing card for a long time: It's pretty, but the style of the painting looks familiar

Early the next morning, thinking that there was a big villain around, Su Xi didn't even practice Tai Chi for health in the morning, so she thought that she could go out early so as not to run into the big villain.

Seeing the two sets of bowls and chopsticks on the dining table, Su Xi fell into a deep entanglement.

"Xiaoxi sit down and drink a glass of juice and wait for the young master." Fu Bo beside him said with a smile.

"Su, is he coming down for breakfast too?"

"Yes, the young master will be down soon."

"It's so early." Su Xi whispered.

The original description of the big villain Su Jingcheng in the novel was all about how he did all kinds of evil, hello, other content is rarely mentioned, Su Xi thought that this big villain just needs to lie on the bed and count money every day. .

Su Xi's whispers did not escape Forbe's ears.

Managing a company is not an easy task, if it is normal, the young master would be earlier than today.

Thinking of the situation when he went upstairs just now, Uncle Fu secretly laughed.

— Uncle Fu just went to call Su Jingcheng, he was worried that the young master was too tired recently, and suddenly forgot the arrangements made yesterday.

In the end, when he went to the young master's room, he saw him standing in front of the cloakroom with a troubled expression on his face, and there were already three or four sets of clothes that he put on and changed.

Su Jingcheng first wore a dark suit that he usually wears when going to the company. He seemed a little too serious, so he changed into a lighter casual shirt.

Su Jingcheng still seemed dissatisfied, frowning, as long as you still whispered: "Isn't it too formal?"

Then, Uncle Fu saw that Su Jingcheng took out a suit that he wore to attend events or important meetings, but he was still dissatisfied.

"Master, are you hesitating for a while to wear a suit?" Finally Uncle Fu couldn't bear it and asked.

Hearing this, Su Jingcheng nodded: "Wearing a suit seems too serious, wouldn't it be too casual to wear casual clothes?"

Uncle Fu secretly smiled, usually Su Jingcheng's dressing style is mainly rigorous and calm, but I have never seen him struggle with this aspect.

"Master, why not wear this suit?" Uncle Fu pointed to one of the light blue suits, and said to Su Jingcheng: "This suit is just right, and the young master will have to go to the company for a meeting afterwards, right?"

Uncle Fu felt that it would be better for Su Jingcheng to dress casually and casually, but after all, the young master will go to the company later and it is not good to dress too casually.

"Yes." This suit is another suit that the previous designer suddenly inspired when customizing suits for Su Jingcheng. Su Jingcheng seldom wears them.

It would be very nice to wear today.

Su Xi naturally didn't know that Su Jingcheng was still entangled in such a matter earlier, so when he saw Su Jingcheng in a light blue suit walking into the restaurant, Su Xi was stunned for two seconds.

At this time, Su Jingcheng was wearing a neat suit and his hair was neatly tidied up. He looked completely different from the hurried look he had when he came back last night.

Moreover, Su Jingcheng, who had changed into a light-colored suit, didn't look as dull and serious as before, and was actually so handsome.

It's only a little bit worse than when I saw it yesterday.

Su Xi thought secretly in her heart, but at the same time she was a little surprised.

In her cognition, the big villain has always been a terrifying and gloomy existence, as if the whole person is black, but she didn't expect this person to have such a side.

But think about it carefully, if Su Jingcheng is an ordinary person, he is actually a young man in his mid-twenties, still very young.

On the other side, seeing Su Xi who was sitting quietly on the dining table and chairs, a satisfied smile flashed across Su Jingcheng's face, it was not a dream, her sister really came back.

Su Jingcheng sat down on the seat opposite Su Xi just like yesterday.

At this time, Su Xi shrank back suddenly out of survival instinct. It is unknown whether Su Jingcheng noticed Su Xi, but it made him quite embarrassed.

Su Xi smiled guiltyly at Su Jingcheng, this behavior was completely to cover up her embarrassment with a smile.

Little did he know that the smile that fell into Su Jingcheng's eyes made him extremely excited: his younger sister actually smiled at him! Although Su Xi was still a little cautious in front of him at the moment, it was a good start, wasn't it

"Let's have breakfast." Su Jingcheng said: It would be bad if my sister was left hungry.

Su Xi: "Oh."

No, she really doesn't want to have dinner with the big villain!

It's okay to eat twice, if it keeps going like this, Su Xi is worried that she will have indigestion.

The two brothers and sisters at the dinner table had their own thoughts, and the atmosphere of breakfast was as deep as yesterday. Of course, if one ignores the slight smile in Su Jingcheng's eyes from time to time.

Su Xi buried her head, unable to see the expression on Su Jingcheng's face at the moment, her eyes were fixed on the plate of custard buns on the table.

This is also one of Su Xi's favorite foods, but why is it placed so far away from her, and it is on the left hand side of the big villain.

Su Xi quietly measured the distance between herself and the plate of custard buns, estimated the length of her hands, and repeatedly calculated in her mind that she could get the plate of custard buns without alarming the villain. Package possibility.

In the end, Su Xi decided to give up.

At this moment, a yellow custard bun in the shape of Pikachu was placed firmly in the bowl in front of Su Xi.

Su Xi:? !

Su Jingcheng: "Do you want this?"

Su Jingcheng has been paying attention to Su Xi, and naturally observed her little movements - almost from the moment the plate of cartoon buns was served, Su Xi never took his eyes off of it.

Su Xi's eyes sparkle when she sees something she likes, just like when she was a child, very cute.

At the dining table, looking at the buns in his bowl, Su Xi and Pikachu stared at each other for a while.

Compared to the fact that the big villain would give her buns, Su Xi was more willing to believe that Pikachu ran into the bowl by himself.

"I'm going to school." After a meal, Su Xi stood up and said.

At the same time, Su Jingcheng also put down the tea in his hand: "Let's go."

Su Xi: Nani? !

Su Xi looked at Uncle Fu with surprise on his face, only to see that Uncle Fu had Su Xi's school uniform jacket and schoolbag in his hand, walked over, smiled wrinkledly and said to Su Xi: "Today, the young master sent the young man Go to school."

Suddenly, Su Xi fell into despair as if he had suffered a huge blow.

No way, she thought sitting at the same table with the big villain and having a dangerous breakfast was her last torment, and now the big villain wants to send her to school? !