The Villain is Addicted to Farming

Chapter 10: It is better to farm than to fight in a house 10


Zhong Qiyuan did not use divine power. In her opinion, such a small world needs to use divine power, so what is the difference between herself and a fledgling chicken

But the reason why these crops grow better than others' crops is indeed influenced by divine power.

In the barren land, she is the "Goddess of Spring", "God of Agriculture", "Goddess of Harvest", "God of Land", "God of Construction", "God of Wealth", etc. Most of her beliefs come from related industries. Humanity.

The divine power she has obtained is branded in her soul, and even if she goes to another small world, these divine powers will affect the surrounding invisibly. - When she takes care of her crops, they seem to respond to her expectations, trying to grow.

Of course, she was more interested in those herbs. The rest of the crops are not rare, and there are many farmers who tend to them. Only few people grow herbs, and not many people understand the habits of these herbs, so she can only take care of them herself.

Zhong Chuyuan is at an age where she can't stand and is curious about everything, and runs behind her ass every day.

Since her daughter was not at home, Mrs. Meng was inevitably a little lonely, so she used the money she saved to buy a small house in Beiweili, repaired it, and moved in with her daughter.

As for the house in Renkang Lane, after all, it was the old house of Zhong Zuo's family. She didn't have the right to sell it, and she didn't want to leave it idle, so she rented it out.

The security in the countryside is not as good as that in the county seat, but because the Zhong family has Zhong Qiyuan, no one dares to provoke them.

Zhou, who secretly paid attention to Meng's mother and daughter's movements, learned that Meng was living in the countryside, so she bought the bully in Beiweili to go to Zhong's house to make trouble. Before the goal was achieved, Zhong Qiyuan broke three legs, the kind of three for one person.

Now let alone the Zhong family, the whole Beiweili has become more harmonious because of her arrival. Xiao Xiao was gone, the bastards who had nothing to do had disappeared, and the village bullies had lost more than half of them, and those who remained did not dare to appear in front of her.

When people from Wangxian Township talk about Zhong Qiyuan, who doesn't say, "This little Daoist is not easy to provoke, and he is cruel and ruthless. If she upsets her, she might send you to see the Sanqing Patriarch"

Zhong Chuyuan heard people talk about Zhong Qiyuan like this, so she ran home and looked up at her, and said longingly that she wanted to learn to beat people.

Meng Shi on the side: "..."

She knew that the eldest daughter would bring the younger daughter's style of painting crooked!

Zhong Qiyuan said: "You first learn what I have taught you now."

Zhong Chuyuan is now learning military boxing, but she only plays one set every day when she wakes up in the morning. The rest of the time was either sitting on the sidelines while Zhong Qiyuan chanted sutras, or going out with her to do dipping practices, and running in the fields to identify various herbs.

Of course, her daily routine is to stop by when the smell of the Yun family next door spreads.

Mumbai's house is right next to the Yun family's old house, and the two became neighbors again. Cong Wan likes the tranquility and freedom of the village, so she often lives in the village. Zhong Chuyuan usually knocks on the door of Yun's house and asks her to play when she can't find a playmate.

Since Wan Xian has nothing to do, he has liked to study food. When the smell drifted to the side, Zhong Chuyuan followed the smell and looked for it: "Sister Yun, I'm here to play with you!"

Cong Wan laughed and said, "Every time you come here at the right time, you have a dog's nose, right?"

"The kite belongs to the rabbit, not the dog."

Cong Wan could not laugh or cry, so someone brought a pair of chopsticks and cooked the mutton with her.

Zhong Chuyuan held the bowl and asked, "Sister Yun, you are always at home alone, where is your Aye?"

"They are in Bianzhou."

"Then they don't want you too?"


On Zhong Chuyuan's little face was written "We both have the same disease and pity each other", she said, "I, Aye, may not want us anymore."

Zhong Zao divorced his wife and daughter? I don't remember this plot ever!

"Why do you think so?" she asked.

"He never cares about us or comes back to see us, and he doesn't care if my mother is sick. He doesn't want us!"

Cong Wan didn't know how to tell a six-year-old girl, because the reality was too cruel, and she couldn't make Zhong Zao become a good man and a good father to respond to the little girl's expectations.

"But I'm not sad at all! I have a mother and an elder sister, and my mother will cook me some delicious food, and even make new clothes for me and my elder sister. My elder sister will teach me to beat people, recite scriptures with elder sister, do things, Farming is fun." Xiaolian said seriously.

Cong Wan couldn't help laughing: "Then are you comforting me?"

Zhong Chuyuan nodded vigorously: "I'm not sad, neither should Sister Yun, I will come to visit Sister Yun often!"

"I'm not sad either." Cong Wan touched her head, but couldn't tell her that the reason why he stayed alone in his hometown was intentional.

Zhong Qiyuan thought that she was just a passerby with a very low sense of existence in the original plot, but in fact there was no such character in the original plot at all. That is to say, the character "Yun Congwan" is a fiction that she modified the cognition of the people around her.

Auditors are not the same as hosts. The host often attaches itself to the original character to carry out the task, and Zhong Qiyuan is an exception. Her soul is already very powerful, and Zhong Qi's body cannot carry her soul at all, so she needs to use her body to perform the task.

In the past, when their auditors evaluated the system and the trainee host, they directly entered the consciousness of the system and the host to observe.

This time, she came here as her body, and it was also due to a special mission. In order not to affect the plot, her sense of existence will become very low, so that although the Yun family knows that such a daughter/sister exists and will give her a good life, they will never pay attention to her.

Zhong Chuyuan didn't know so much. Seeing that Cong Wan was always alone, she was afraid that she would be lonely, so she asked Mrs. Meng: "Mother, can I invite Sister Yun to come to my house to play? She always eats alone, so pitiful. …”

Meng Shi, who has always been used to discussing things with her eldest daughter in advance, did not discuss it with Zhong Qiyuan this time. She seemed to have a good opinion of the girl who lived alone, and said, "Then bring her home and have dinner with us. !"

So when Zhong Qiyuan went home, he found that there was one more person at his dinner table.

Surveillance to the home, this is too much!

Zhong Qiyuan asked, "Miss Yun, a rare guest. It's impossible to open the pot even at home?"

Cong Wan asked back, "Have I offended Sister Zhong? Why are you so yin and yang?"

Zhong Qiyuan: "..."

Meng Shi also glared at her angrily, and explained to Cong Wan, "She's a bit introverted and stupid, don't take it to heart."

Cong Wan: This boss is called an introvert, so there are no introverted people, okay? How can you be so stupid when you scold people so eloquently? !

She smiled gently: "I don't blame Sister Zhong."

Zhong Qiyuan was warned by Meng Shi's eyes, and was pulled by Zhong Chuyuan to wash his hands: "Sister taught me to wash hands before meals, and I need to wash my hands well!"

Zhong Qiyuan: "..."

Seeing that Cong Wan used to let the little radish head to eat rice, this meal should be returned to her!

What Zhong Qiyuan didn't expect was that this was not the last meal at Wanlai's house, but the first meal, followed by the second and third... Over time, she has become accustomed to having one more person at home .

Although Cong Wan always eats at Zhong's house, he sometimes brings his own ingredients to the door, and sometimes he sends some practical items, which will not take advantage of the Zhong's family, and will not make Meng Shi and Zhong Chuyuan feel alienated.

Meng Shi sighed that she was sensible and loved her so much, she often said, "It would be great if you could be my bride."

Zhong Qiyuan had to tell her a reality: "you don't have a son."

If these words came out of someone else's mouth, it would be a punishment, but Meng Shi had already accepted this reality. With two smart, sensible and capable daughters by her side, she no longer cares about her son.

Zhong Qiyuan's words didn't cause any harm to her, but she could jokingly reply to Zhong Qiyuan: "Oh, if I have a son with a temper like yours, then I don't want to let Wan'er marry in. Aggrieved!"

Seeing Zhong Qiyuan's suffocated appearance that he wanted to say something but couldn't say it, Cong Wan was overjoyed: This big boss also has a day when he will be restrained

On the surface, he held Meng's arm affectionately and said, "Sister Zhong has a good temperament. I like Sister Zhong very much!"

In this small world, even if an old woman said she liked Zhong Qiyuan, she would only treat the other person as a child who was still wearing open-crotch pants and said childish words.

But it happens that the one who likes her is the old monster who came from the same place as her and has lived for thousands of years. Her goosebumps were about to pop out.

Zhong Chuyuan, who was squatting on the ground to help dry the herbs, heard the words and raised her head to say loudly, "Yuanyuan also likes my sister!"

"I didn't expect Yuan'er to be unexpectedly attractive!" Meng Shi teased.

Zhong Qiyuan: "..."

Meng's mother and daughter are so warm here, and Zhong Zao's side is so miserable.

First, he was angry with his wife and direct daughter, and then he finally negotiated the terms so that they would stop bothering him. He thought that the days could be quieter, but something happened to the back house.

After the fall, Shi Hong's Muzuo organized an elegant gathering, and Zhong Zao was invited to participate.

He originally only planned to bring his eldest son Zhong Guan to the elegant gathering, and by the way pave the way for the eldest son, but the youngest daughter, Zhong Queyuan, also the concubine of the Zhou family, pestered him to go with him when he found out.

When Mr. Zhou learned that Shi Hong's three sons would also participate, he blew the pillow wind in his ear, saying that he could take this opportunity to draw a distance from the three young masters, and he took all the children with him.

Like him, there were quite a few Muzuo who brought their children, but except for a few grown-up children who were able to accompany their fathers to attend the gathering, the rest of the younger children were taken to the back garden to play.

In the middle of the elegant gathering, the servant suddenly hurried to tell Zhong Zuo that Zhong Queyuan had fallen into the water, and he hurried to the back garden. Zhong Queyuan has been rescued, but although her breathing is smooth, she has been in a coma.

If something like this happened, Yaji couldn't go on. Zhong Zao took Zhong Queyuan home, but not only did she not wake up during the process, but her body began to heat up and her face flushed red.

Although Yaji was not organized by Shi Hong, after he learned of the incident, he still asked the medical officer who specially treated him to check on Zhong Queyuan's situation, and on the other hand, he invited his youngest son Shi Xuan Weixun to ask her how she fell into the water.

Shi Xuan said: "She wanted to fish for the red carp in the pond, but her foot slipped and fell into it."

Shi Hong asked the other children, except for the children who didn't pay attention to what happened there, the answers of the other children were similar.

Zhong Zao also asked the rest of the concubine and concubine who were present, and naturally got the same answer.

Zhou Shi accused Zhong Fengyuan, who was present at the time, of not taking good care of her, which caused her to fall into the water. —Zhong Fengyuan is the eldest daughter of Liang Shi, Zhong Zao’s concubine, and she is only eight years old now. - Liang Shi was also unwilling to be accused by her for no reason, crying that Zhong Fengyuan was not Zhong Queyuan's servant, so why should she take care of her

Zhong Zao's brain hurts because of the quarrel with the woman in the back house. But fortunately, Zhong Queyuan woke up at this time. Although the behavior after waking up was a bit strange, he understood that he was still in shock.

"Yes, after falling into the water, you have to call the soul, otherwise the three souls and seven souls will forget to go home with the body." The old servant said.

Zhong Zao took Zhong Queyuan to shout for the soul, but Zhong Queyuan complained to Zhong Zao about her grievance and said, "Aye, it was my sister who pushed me down at that time!"

Zhong Zao was in shock. On the one hand, he believed everyone's testimony, but he also thought that his daughter was still so young, she was usually innocent and cute, and she should not lie.

Under the urging of Zhou Shi, he brought Liang Shi and Zhong Fengyuan and relayed Zhong Queyuan's original words.

Mrs Liang was so frightened that her face turned pale, and Zhong Fengyuan was also stunned, so she burst into tears: "I really didn't push my sister, I didn't!"

Zhong Queyuan wondered: "It was Sister Chuyuan who pushed me."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was at a loss at first, and then their expressions became strange.

Zhou's face was a little embarrassed. Liang's hugged Zhong Fengyuan and wept with joy. After a moment's astonishment, Zhong Zao pinched his brows and said, "I still have to go and shout."

Zhong Queyuan: "?"

Why are their reactions so wrong