The Villain is Addicted to Farming

Chapter 100: Metaphysics boss farming 16


Luo Qinghe borrowed the policeman's cell phone at the police station to call Wei Xiao to report that she was safe. Although Zhong Qiyuan had said before that she was fine, Wei Xiao was completely relieved to hear her voice.

Luo Qinghe was very moved in his heart, thinking that they really were mother and daughter. At this time, only Wei Xiao called her, Wei Sanyin and Wei Lan didn't seem to care where she went.

Although Wei Xiao has not yet taken the college entrance examination, Liang Qiuyin has already taken action against them, and she cannot continue to hide this from the outside world. She is definitely going to have a showdown with Wei Sanyin, but with Wei Xiao, if you can hide it, let's hide it first!

As for why she came to the police station, it was to make things worse. After she sent Shi Qi to the police station, Shi Qi was still a little triumphant: "The state cracks down on feudal superstition, if you tie me up, how can you convict me?"

Luo Qinghe directly reported: "I report this person forging identity documents for others." And the matter of Liang Qiuyin's fake death and changing her name was exposed.

Shi Qi: "?!"

He didn't expect Luo Qinghe to use the legal provisions to sanction him at all, and he immediately panicked: "I didn't, you are a false accusation!"

Luo Qinghe glanced at him, and calmly took out a memory card from the ghost control instrument: "What's the hurry, when Liang Qiuyin is caught, she has recruited everything, are you innocent, you have your own laws? Judgment. Forgot to tell you, Master Zhong recorded your figures, including your attack on me... "

Shi Qi: "!"

Luo Qinghe contacted the Luo family and friends and seniors of the Taoist sect. When they heard that the matter was involved with the Liang family, they felt that things were not good, and they rushed over.

So the small police station was suddenly full of people. At first, the police felt that these Taoist priests and celestial masters were all criminal gangs who were kidnapped and deceived.

Wei Sanyin also got the news, but he knew all the things that Daomen should know and shouldn't know, so he looked at him strangely.

Wei San froze for a while, and asked Luo Qinghe calmly: "What happened? Why are you so embarrassed, are you in trouble?"

"You all rushed over, don't you have any points in your heart for what happened to me?" Luo Qinghe said.

Wei Sanyin frowned and was about to speak.

Luo Qinghe didn't want to give him a chance to argue, and said bluntly: "I have already reported the case to the public security organs, Ms. Liang Qiuyin not only had an illegitimate daughter with my husband, but also swapped the illegitimate daughter with my biological daughter. Not only that, she also forged death evidence, colluded with others, forged identity documents, and engaged in illegal activities as Qiu Yin…”

Wei Sanyin felt that something was wrong, and Luo Qinghe really knew what happened between him and Liang Qiuyin. However, what happened to Liang Qiu Yin's death? What's the matter with their daughter being dropped

"Who the hell is that, why can't I hurt her in the slightest, and she was hurt so easily?"

In the dark alley, the ghost king Xiangyu was fleeing in embarrassment. He frequently looked back to see if the person he feared was chasing after him, and murmured in disbelief.

Thinking of his thousand-year-old ghost king, after a year of recuperation, although his strength has not recovered to the peak period, he has recovered half of it. Those half-barrel water Taoist priests are not his opponents at all. Unexpectedly, a woman suddenly appeared today, and when she grabbed him, she slapped her mouth.

How has he ever been insulted like this? Immediately, he was so embarrassed that he wanted to kill the woman. Unexpectedly, he was not the woman's opponent at all, but was beaten and fled in embarrassment.

This is simply a disgrace!

When he regains his peak strength, he will definitely make that woman's life worse than death!

He was seriously injured, and the location of his activities was exposed again. Next, Daomen will inevitably search for his whereabouts. He has to heal his injuries quickly so that he will not be afraid of the people in Daomen.

Thinking of this, he turned his attention to the very lucky girl that his servants looked for for him. If he approached her now, confuses him, and makes her give him a place of refuge, then he will be very You can rest assured for a long time.

Using the blood that Liang Qiuyin gave him, he followed Wei Xiao's smell of blood to find it, and then on Wei Xiao's way from school, he met the girl who endorsed the book while walking.

He knows how to win the trust of girls. He must know that Wei Xiao's weakness is that he is too kind. She must be reluctant to see him hurt and ignore him!

So he pretended to be chased and injured, and when he came to Wei Xiao again, he smiled slightly at Wei Xiao and was about to speak, but when he saw Wei Xiao turned pale in shock, he turned around and ran, and while running, he chanted a spell.

"This spell..." The Ghost King was stunned for a moment, and immediately became a little annoyed. Isn't this the spell that the woman who injured her chanted? How could they recite the same spell? And this spell, he has lived for thousands of years, and he has never heard of it.

Also, why did Wei Xiao run away when he saw him

It doesn't make sense! Anyone who has watched that TV series will be attracted by the handsome appearance of the male protagonist. He is many times more handsome than the human male protagonist. Why is the other party not confused by his beauty

The ghost king wanted to chase after him, but because of the spell, he didn't dare to approach at all, instead he fled in embarrassment again - he was scared by the woman's beating, and his soul was weak, how could he withstand the spell? s attack? !

"What happened, and why didn't things unfold as planned?" The Ghost King cursed.

Little did he know that his self-confessed handsome appearance was filthy and disgusting in the eyes of Wei Xiao. He was killed by his subordinates. Afterwards, his head was hung on the tower for three days because of the heat and it rotted rapidly.

He can use ghost spirit and his own spells to maintain the appearance of his own life, and even can make people feel that he is extremely handsome and attractive due to the influence of ghost spirit. Before he was sealed by the joint force of the Taoist sect, he had always used this trick to lure many people to dedicate chaste money and even life to him to increase his mana. He confidently believed that no young and casual girl in the world could resist his charm, so Wei Xiao's actions really made him suspect ghosts.

Suddenly, a gloomy and cold laughter came from behind him: "Here it is!"

His body trembled, thinking to himself, how could there be someone in the world who is more grieved than a ghost? Even scarier

"You are really rude, I was talking to you, why did you run away?" Zhong Qiyuan looked at the ghost king.

"What do you want?!" The Ghost King roared.

Zhong Qiyuan didn't talk nonsense with him, just beat him down, and then accepted him. Until he was sent to the underworld by Zhong Qiyuan, he couldn't figure out how he had lived for a thousand years, how could he be defeated by a girl in her twenties!

But it doesn't matter, he was able to escape from the underworld a thousand years ago, and he has not been able to let the underworld catch him for thousands of years, and he will definitely find an opportunity to escape from the underworld again in the future!

He was full of confidence and didn't panic at all. He was stunned until the underworld messenger locked him in a tower that was as tall as others but with eighteen floors.

What's this? Model tower

When did the underworld have this tower

"This is an eighteen-story hell tower, specially designed for repeat offenders like you. You know, there are many ghosts in the underworld, and the original eighteen layers of hell are not enough. One hell often has many evils that need to be punished. Ghosts, and there are only so many staff in the underworld, which gives a chance to escape.

"So I built this hell tower in response to this problem. There is a fully automatic supervision system in it. There is no need for staff to supervise, and there is no need to worry about the evil spirits escaping the prison. As long as the supervision system fails, the hell tower will turn on the emergency mode. The entire tower is blocked, and unless the punishment period ends, it will be automatically sent out, and the rest of the evil spirits, if you want to escape from prison, you really don’t even think about it.”

Ghost King: "..."

Are you insane to engage in modernization in the underworld

Hades is very satisfied with this, because with this monitoring system, it can greatly reduce the workload of the underworld staff and reduce the chance of them being bribed. Only clean office, the environment of the prefecture can get better and better!

In addition to this hell tower, Zhong Qiyuan also prepared several spare hell towers: "If a tower is full of evil spirits, there are still many hell towers that can provide services."

The hell tower is for evil spirits, and the rest of the ghosts also have corresponding placement points. For example, the model-sized buildings were prepared for these ghosts who were queuing up for reincarnation. Don't look small on the outside, once you go inside, it's like living in a big house.

These houses are bought by the ghosts of the underworld. Of course, the underworld will also give some discounts and subsidies. In addition, Zhong Qiyuan is asked to build low-cost housing for those who have no family to worship and burn paper money for them. There is also a place to stay.

With the launch of these real estates by the underworld, and the addition of many entertainment venues, the minds of those ghosts who have tried their best to escape to the world have somewhat faded. The real estate in the underworld has just been sold, it is very cheap, and there are entertainment venues to pass their time, why do they have to go to the world

Some ghosts want to dream of their old friends who are still alive, and let them die early, so that they can come down here and be reincarnated.

"Other evil ghosts share the same tower. You are very lucky to have an eighteen-story tower, twenty-four hours a day, eighteen hours a day. You need to brush the labor education on each floor. You can rest assured. , the underworld also attaches great importance to the power of ghosts, so you can sleep for the remaining six hours, keep your spirits up, and continue to be beaten the next day, ah no, receive labor education."

The ghost king was so angry: "Why are you doing this to me?!"

"What's wrong with you, I'm not interested in you, okay, let's stop talking, let's go!"

Zhong Qiyuan waved his hand and left.

The ghost king was imprisoned in the 18th floor hell tower and began to receive labor education.

Wei Xiao, who didn't know anything about this, ran home and calmed down a little.

"It's terrible, how can there be such a disgusting Specter?" Wei Xiao felt that she was going to have a psychological shadow. She had seen Specter before, she could just turn a blind eye, but this Specter broke her defense, and she didn't care about disguising, what would save her life? , The means of exorcism are used.

"He shouldn't have followed, right?" Wei Xiao cautiously glanced outside the door, it was very quiet outside, and the Wei family was protected by many barriers, so that specter should not be able to get in.

Wei Lan's voice suddenly sounded behind her: "What are you doing?"

"Ah!" Wei Xiao was almost scared.

Seeing her timid as a mouse, Wei Lan rolled her eyes and asked, "Did Mom tell you where she went?"

Wei Xiao shook her head, and then asked again, "Can't you contact Auntie?"

Wei Lan muttered dissatisfiedly: "She cares about where you went recently, and doesn't care about me at all, how do I know where she went!"

As soon as the words fell, there was the sound of a car entering the garage. Wei Xiao ran to the stairs and looked at the underground garage. When he saw Luo Qinghe's car, his face suddenly became happy: "Auntie!"

Wei Lan also ran over: "Mom, where have you been these two days, I'm so worried about you!"

"Going to deal with something, I lost my cell phone, so you are worried." Luo Qinghe said and went to the room, "I'll go back to take a shower first, and I'll talk about it after taking a shower."

The two did not wait, but went back to their room to review, after all, the college entrance examination was only a few days away.

After Luo Qinghe came out of the bath, she said to the two: "There are some important things in Taoism that we need to deal with recently, so we will leave home for a while. But don't worry, we will be back before your college entrance examination. ."

The Wei family had a nanny, and when Wei Sanyin and Luo Qinghe were busy before, they were often away from home, and they were used to it, so Luo Qinghe's words did not arouse their suspicion.

The author has something to say: From Fishing: It's so annoying, why isn't this small world over yet

Yesterday, the power went out all day during the day, and then I went to the Internet cafe to sleep... I can't sleep without sleep, because I can't write a word without an outline, and I don't want to do anything, so I slept with the air conditioner and fan.

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-06-03 01:24:16~2021-06-04 00:42:03~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 Shu Feng;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 YyMoon;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: not easy, yoru 10 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!