The Villain is Addicted to Farming

Chapter 104: Cultivation of immortals can not but have to farm 1


From Wan looked at Zhong Qiyuan. Originally, when she returned to the main god space, she should have distanced herself from Zhong Qiyuan, but in that world that became a spirit body, she was too idle, so she had a lot of time to think about the relationship between the two.

However, she believes that as long as their identities do not change, then she can't figure it out anyway.

Although she couldn't figure it out, it didn't prevent her from making a change.

She found the Lord God and asked, "Lord God, I apply for a will test."

The Lord God was a little surprised by her request: "Does the auditor know what the will test means?"

Cong Wan gathered up his courage: "I know."

After more than 3,000 years ago, there was an incident in the main god space where several hosts and systems were polluted by unknown enemies outside the main god space, the main god made a will to check. Whenever an unknown enemy invades the main god space, pollutes and corrodes the will of the host, the system, and the auditor, causing confusion in their spirit, thoughts, and behavior, they will be tested for will.

If there is no problem with the test results, it is naturally the best. If the results are bad, appropriate adjustments will be made, such as sending "antivirus" to the host, auditor, and system.

All systems and auditors are afraid that once they are asked to do will testing, they will face the result of re-engineering, so general systems and auditors are reluctant to mention the topic of will testing.

Cong Wan knows that once the will detects that she has fallen in love with Zhong Qiyuan, or she recalls what happened when she was the "villain system" Ling Chu, then wait?? When the Lord God knows about this, she will face The results may be more dire than imagined.

But she must make sure that this emotional change of hers is not caused by the intervention of external forces. If it is her own feelings, then she will also give Zhong Qiyuan an answer, even if the final result is a second resumption. make.

"I admire your courage and respect your choice, auditor. Are you ready now?" the Lord God asked.

From Wanwan wanted to contact Zhong Qiyuan first, lest Zhong Qiyuan would wait for her in a small world in vain. However, she can't do this in front of the Lord God, and doing so is equivalent to actively exposing it to the Lord God before the results of the will test appear.

"I'm ready." Cong Wan replied.

Once entering the will test, the tested person will lose all memory, so there is no way to cheat.

But before she entered, she accidentally saw Zhong Qiyuan's name appearing on the execution list. She looked at the Lord God in amazement: "Host Zhong Qiyuan, has he also done a will test? When?"

The Lord God looked at her meaningfully: "Before our first two conversations."

The last conversation between the Lord God and her was after the aura revived the small world, and the last conversation... was after the doomsday small world, and that time, she recalled more and more memories of the first-generation "villain system" Ling Chu , and after that, her memory overlapped with that of "Assist System-01"—she knew what the system saw.

That is to say, when the "Assist System-01" was wandering alone in the projection world, the reason why Zhong Qiyuan disappeared was actually subjected to a will test. After that, the Lord God confirmed her candidacy for the Lord God...

"Does that mean that all her actions are all right?" Cong Wan murmured, even Zhong Qiyuan said that he liked her and loved her, not because of forces outside the main god's dimension, but because of her heart? !

"Auditor." The Lord God shouted.

Cong Wan returned to God: "Lord God, please start!"

After knowing that Zhong Qiyuan's feelings were real, her heart was also touched, and she also wanted to cancel the will test, and then wantonly fall in love with Zhong Qiyuan once. But she was even more afraid that her feelings were polluted and affected by unknown forces, not from the heart. If she didn't want to face it, but instead avoided it, it would be unfair to Zhong Qiyuan.

A burst of white light will shroud Wan Wan, and the will detection begins.

In the main god space, Zhong Qiyuan was slightly startled, and the system asked her: "Host, do you want to go to the next world?"

Zhong Qiyuan came back to his senses and smiled: "Let's go, go to the next small world." Even if there is no such person in that small world.

As soon as Ling Chu opened his eyes, he saw a bright starry sky. Under the starry sky, there was a bonfire that glowed orange in the dark night.

A low voice came from Ling Chu's ear: "Junior sister, if we can learn something this time and return to the sect, Master and they will definitely be proud of us!"

Junior sister? are you calling me? From Wan thought.

This doubt only flashed for a moment, and she quickly recalled that her name was Ling Chu, and she was the third disciple under the head of the Shenyu Sect. She and her second senior brother Ling Gao were ordered by the teacher to go to the academy to study. On the way, they met Yan Gang from the Fei Xing faction, as well as San Xiu Jun Wuyan and others. They felt that they had a fate and decided to go together.

It was getting dark now, so everyone took a break in the open air.

"Yeah." Ling Chu responded, but he always felt something was wrong in his heart.

"Junior sister, what's wrong with you, why are you talking so little tonight?" Ling Gao asked her.

Ling Chu shook his head: "I'm a little nervous, will the academy really accept us as students?"

Yan Gang smiled and said: "Since the academy appeared, it has been using the signboard of 'teaching without discrimination' to attract monks from all over the world. No matter who you are, as long as you want to practice, you can go to the academy. Others see!"

Ling Chu felt a little calm in his heart.

Yes, since the academy was born a hundred years ago, there have been many outstanding martial arts masters in the world. At first, everyone thought that these people were talented, but it was only later that they found out that these people broke into the academy by accident, and then learned from the academy that there was a special kind of qi in this world called "primitive qi".

For ordinary people, vitality has no effect, but for practitioners, it is a great supplement. It absorbs vitality, and then uses it to open up the meridians, which can not only prolong life, but also cultivate extraordinary skills.

In the beginning, everyone went to the academy to study just to prolong their life. Later, because they learned a lot of gong, many people became masters. These people may have conflicts, or close relationships, or driven by interests, and they began to form gangs. .

So the sect appeared.

Because all the skills that everyone learns come from the academy, and the head of the sect has not yet learned it, so in order to strengthen the sect, the head will let the disciples under the sect go to the academy to study. The sect came to serve.

However, although the academy has teachings and no distinctions, it does not restrict people from entering the academy to watch gong and study, and even allows those who have learned gong to leave and establish a sect on their own, but it does not allow those who have left the academy to return to the academy. If you want to come back, you must pass the test of the academy.

The test of the academy is not easy or difficult, but it tests people's hearts, perseverance, and xinxing. Some people simply passed the test, and some people not only failed the test, but went crazy and went crazy.

Therefore, no one dares to easily try to accept the test, because they are afraid that they will be crazy and everything they have will be empty. —There have been people who have tried to break into the academy and plunder everything inside, but when these people have such thoughts, since he entered the academy, he has already been in the test of the academy, and everything he sees is What the academy showed him was that he would eventually perish in the infinitely expanding ambition and desire.

Everyone realized that everything they had was given by the academy. After they had learned something, they turned around and dealt with the academy. They took the small stone that fell from the big stone and hit the big stone. In the end, the big stone didn't crack. Instead, the small stone was smashed to pieces.

They will never take the academy as their own. So these sect masters arranged for young, outstanding, loyal and loyal disciples to go to study.

Now a hundred years have passed.

Yan Gang said mysteriously: "I heard that the academy is actually not an ownerless thing. It has been waiting for its owner to appear. Only the right person can become the president of the academy."

"Do you want to be the dean?" Ling Gao asked Yan Gang.

"Who doesn't want to! With the academy, wouldn't I become the most promising disciple of the Feixing faction?!" Yan Gang thought.

San Xiujun, who had been silent all the time, laughed silently. When Ling Chu saw her, he leaned over to her and asked in a low voice, "Why are you laughing?"

Jun Wuyan turned his head to look at her, and said after a while, "Just what he thinks?? He will never get the academy."


"Compared with the Flying Star School, which is more attractive?"

"The academy! The academy has countless secret books. It is said that no one has been able to read all the books of the academy for more than a hundred years. It can be seen that the origin of the academy is more mysterious and far-reaching than we imagined! With the academy, Who wants to be a disciple of the Feixing faction!"

After Ling Chu finished speaking, he was stunned, and immediately understood what Jun Wuyan meant.

Jun Wuyan said, "Look, he doesn't understand things that you can understand. His vision is also doomed that he won't be able to get the academy."

Ling Chu said: "This only shows that his ambitions are not big enough." She paused, "Hey, what do I understand, but he doesn't understand? Do you underestimate me?"

Jun Wuyan looked at her: "Why, are you also interested in the seat of the head of the academy?"

Ling Chu thought about it and said, "I don't know."

She didn't even know why she was here.

study? Cultivation

She always felt that she had forgotten something very important, but she couldn't remember her life or death.

It took more than a month for the group to finally arrive at the teleportation formation of the academy. I heard that this is the gate of the academy. As long as they reach the teleportation formation, they will disappear, ah no, they will be teleported into the academy.

However, at this time, there were a group of people guarding outside the teleportation array, and everyone who entered had to pay the teleportation fee first.

"It's for the people of my sect, are they trying to monopolize the academy? It's too domineering! I'll go and talk to them." Yan Gang rolled up his sleeves and wanted to fight, Ling Gao quickly stopped him, "Senior Brother Yan, don't be impulsive. They are numerous and powerful, and it is not appropriate for us to conflict with each other."

"We Flying Star Sect are still afraid of failing for our sect? Not to mention your Shenyu Sect, right?"

Ling Gao stopped Yan Gang to go forward to reason with the people for my sect, but was pushed away by the people for my sect, mocking him: "A small sect like you are too embarrassed to go in to study? Or give Yuan Shi, or fuck off!"

Primordial stone is a kind of ore that contains vitality and can help people to practice, so asking for primeval stone is equivalent to asking for resources. However, there are very few primeval stones. The primeval stone mines that have been discovered and mined at present can only yield 80 million primeval stones. From the top of the Divine Feather Sect, only the sect master can buy a few primeval stones a month for cultivation. When Zong Yi opened his mouth, he asked for primeval stones. Wasn't this intentional to occupy the academy

The behavior of my sect is very excessive, but who made the suzerain of my sect learn the highest skills among all the sects? Moreover, seven small sects were destroyed for my sect, and the rest of the sects did not dare to say anything, mainly because they could not beat the sect master of my sect!

Because of this, each sect took the time to let their disciples go to the academy to study, hoping that they would return after their studies and strengthen the strength of the sect.

And why can I just watch all the sects do this? No, so they relied on their power to stop people from the door of the academy first.

Ling Gao, Yan Gang and others were very angry and anxious, Jun Wuyan glanced at Ling Chu, slightly surprised: "Why do you look so calm?"

Ling Chu made an "ah" sound, came back to his senses, and asked back, "What's the hurry? Besides, aren't you in a hurry!"

Jun Wuyan smiled: "I have seen you as a bystander along the way, silently watching everything that is happening in front of you and around you. You are neither sad nor happy, indifferent..."

Ling Chu seemed to be stung by a bee.

The author has something to say: Do you feel familiar with this testing world

That's right, this is the background of "Cultivating Immortals with Your Ex", probably many, many years ahead

Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2021-06-08 01:38:25~2021-06-10 16:35:14~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: YyMoon, May_#& 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 50 bottles of gg people are handsome and gentle; 20 bottles of cool ice 36D; 10 bottles of Hua Luobei and Lingnan Arong; 5 bottles of Kinetics; 2 bottles of Yan Yuqiu and 21285480; 1 bottle of Luo Xi;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!