The Villain is Addicted to Farming

Chapter 105: Cultivation of immortals can not but have to farm 2


Ling Chu's heart jumped, and he asked nervously, "Do I look so indifferent?"

"You call this indifference?"

"if not?"

"I'm not good at commenting."

Ling Chu thought about it, Jun Wuyan and Ling Gao were not related, so they were not in a hurry. But she herself is from the same family as Ling Gao, and when Ling Gao was anxious, she was indifferent, it must be her own problem.

But is she such a ruthless person

How did the master teach her

To respect teachers, be respectful, filial, and loyal; to fellow students, be like brothers and sisters, to love each other and protect each other; to be careful, patient, and caring to juniors; to be polite, loyal, and sincere to friends...

Did she do it? Why did he become indifferent to the things next to him as soon as he left the sect

Ling Chu pondered here, but the conflict over the teleportation array still did not subside.

For our sect, on the grounds that "the academy teleportation formation appeared within their sphere of influence, and should be under the control of our sect", they openly extorted other scholars, and the local government is also very likely to have colluded with our sect. So ignore it.

Seeing that more and more people who wanted to study but were stopped outside joined Yan Gang and Ling Gao to support them, because our sect knew the principle of catching the thief first and the king, so I planned to take the two of them first. Let's kill the chickens and warn the monkeys.

They fought. Many people took advantage of the chaos to slip to the teleportation array and teleport into the academy. Ling Chu was unable to leave his classmates alone, so he joined the melee.

Jun Wuyan looked at it, chuckled lightly, and entered the academy through the teleportation array.

Although Ling Chu was the third disciple of the head of the Shenyu Sect, her talent has always been good, and her cultivation has improved very quickly. Otherwise, the head will not let her come to study, because if it goes on like this, the head will be afraid. There is nothing left to teach her.

With the addition of Ling Chu, our sect was soon at a disadvantage.

Ling Gao wanted to fight again, Ling Chu stopped him and said, "Second senior brother, let's not waste time with them here, let's go to the academy! Are we afraid of them when we finish our studies?"

Ling Gao thought it made sense, so he pulled Yan Gang and the others to withdraw to the teleportation array first.

"Shenyu Sect, Feixing Sect, you guys just wait and see, I will definitely tell our Sect Master about this, and then there will be your favorites!" He shouted for the disciples of our Sect.

"If you want to occupy the academy for our sect, you have to ask other sects to agree or not! What is the teleportation formation in your territory? This state city was taken away by you later!" Yan Gang said.

Speaking of this, I have to mention that twenty or thirty years after the academy appeared, many people have seen the benefits brought by the academy. Therefore, these people, out of selfishness, want to monopolize the academy, so there are many conflicts. Students who are also studying are fighting each other, causing the situation to become more and more chaotic.

Later, various sects intervened, and the situation gradually subsided. The various sects agreed with each other that the academy did not belong to any sect, and everyone was eligible to enter the academy to study.

For the next few decades, all sects checked and balanced each other, and they carefully maintained this rule until I learned better exercises for the sect master of my sect, and the cultivation base was much higher than that of the heads of various sects. My sect gradually expanded, and I also reached out to the teleportation array of the academy.

Because they didn't dare to blatantly monopolize the academy, they could only find various reasons to stay in the teleportation array and try not to let anyone enter the academy. They were disciples of our sect, but they entered in batches, so that many people had to join our sect in order to enter the academy. As a result, the power of our sect became stronger and more arrogant and domineering.

Ling Chu thought for a while, then stood up and said, "It's better than this. Since it's a matter of the academy, we should solve it in the academy."

After hearing this, the disciples of our sect disdainfully said, "You are not sure when you first came here, then I will tell you that fighting is prohibited in the academy!"

Ling Chu said: "Master has already told us about this matter before we came out. What I'm talking about is the battle between the deans of the academy. Since everyone wants to win the academy, why not try to find a way to get the academy? Recognition, what about becoming the dean of the academy? In this way, you don't have to fight here."

This proposal is indeed very moving, but the people of our sect are still unwilling to give up: "How can the dean be so easy? It is better to guard the teleportation array. Isn't this academy ours? Besides, our sect master has long been I'm trying to find a way to get the position of dean!"

Ling Chu's emotions did not fluctuate at all, and said: "If I were the dean, I would get hundreds or thousands of teleportation arrays. Can you guard one teleportation array, and can you guard thousands of teleportation arrays? So you got it. The position of dean is the most important thing. We might as well compete in the academy, why waste time here?"

After all, she pushed Ling Gao to the teleportation formation and entered the academy with him.

Ling Gao and Yan Gang breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the gate of the academy, and the latter scolded angrily: "When I become the dean, let's see if I won't kill my sect!"

Ling Chu looked at the academy and didn't get involved in their conversation. Yan Gang looked at her and asked, "Hey, Junior Sister Ling Chu, do you want to be the dean too?"

Ling Chu smiled: "My cultivation base is low, and I am still very unfamiliar with everything in the academy. How can I think about that?"

Yan Gang didn't speak, but since he entered the academy, he has regarded everyone here as an imaginary enemy. Everyone here will be his opponent for the position of dean, so he can make friends, but he can't make friends.

After saying goodbye to Ling Chu and Ling Gao, he followed the road signs and headed straight to the library of the academy.

Ling Gao recalled the shame of being bullied for my sect outside the teleportation array, and also vowed to get the inheritance to revive the Shen Yu sect, so he also hurriedly entered the library.

Ling Chu was not in a hurry, she strolled around the academy leisurely.

She found that the academy has a very magical place, that is, it looks like a whole place, but it is actually an independent and boundless space divided.

For example, on the surface, this is just an ordinary three-entry academy, but the place where the library is written looks like an ordinary room three feet long and two feet deep from the outside, but after everyone enters, they will appear in a glance. In the library with no end in sight, there are countless scrolls in it, but there is no one else except myself.

There are also schools, gardens, small secret places...

"Little Secret Realm? What is this?" Ling Chu heard this word for the first time.

Suddenly a voice came from behind: "What is the little secret realm? Have you heard of Xiaoxianshan?"

Ling Chu looked back, but saw Jun Wuyan, she recalled the "Xiao Xian Mountain" and asked, "Is it the mountain that disappeared when someone walked in?"

Jun Wuyan was noncommittal, only said: "It's not right to say that they are missing, because they are not missing, but their vitality and cultivation have reached the realm where they can discover the secret realm, so they saw and entered the secret realm. Use words that you can understand. For example, the secret realm has always existed before the academy appeared, but there is always a wall between it and people. Only those who have reached the cultivation level can see it, and then when the secret realm opens, it can be seen. Only people can get in."

"what is inside?"

"Baby, opportunity, wealth and crisis. It is full of unimaginable rare treasures, herbs and medicines, and ancient inheritance, but it is also full of dangers. So it is luck to encounter a secret realm, and it is strength to be able to come out of the secret realm. The weak come."

Ling Chu's heart still had no turbulence, she said, "You know so much, is it really just an ordinary casual cultivator?"

"That depends on how you define ordinary."

Ling Chu turned the topic back: "So, are there such things in the little secret realm?"

"There are some, but the key to unlocking the small secret realm still needs to be found by everyone."

Ling Chu thought that the so-called key should refer to cultivation base and vitality. After all, the secret realm outside requires these two standards to meet the secret realm, and this small secret realm should be opened under the same conditions.

She is still just a rookie, so she is not in a hurry to enter the secret realm.

"Why isn't there a kitchen here?" Ling Chu found that there was one less place in the academy, that is, the kitchen where everyone eats and cooks.

"Everyone who cultivates immortals is inedia, which means not eating five grains, so there is no kitchen in the academy. If you are hungry, you need to solve the problem of eating by yourself." Jun Wuyan said.

Ling Chu murmured, "You know a lot."

After visiting the academy, she understood almost the same, and then she entered the library and began to read books.

In the library, she always felt that time passed quickly, and there was almost no concept of time in it. If it wasn't for her hunger, she might not have known the sun, moon, and stars, and practiced without sleep or food.

She ate dry food for three meals on the first day, but she didn't have much dry food, and she didn't know how many days she could eat, so she still had to find a way to solve the problem of diet until she was also inedible.

At this moment, the bookshelf next to her moved, and a booklet fell.

She was startled and felt panic for the first time: "Who? Who is here?"

Doesn't everyone who enters the library see no one else's presence? Why is there anyone else here besides her

She looked around and couldn't find anyone else's figure, so she could only squat down and pick up the booklet. The booklet seemed to be the atlas of the academy. She unfolded it and found that it recorded the method of how to excavate more areas of the academy.

For example, it is recorded that there is a place in the academy dedicated to growing vegetables, and everyone can grow vegetables there to solve the problem of food.

It's just that everyone came here to ask the immortals to ask, and no one wanted to grow vegetables, so those places were vacant, and over time, no one knew what the place was.

Ling Chu thought, self-sufficiency is also a good idea, but the question is where will she find seeds

Then another handbook came out. This seems to be the "student handbook" of the academy. It says that students can enter and leave the academy. Entering and leaving the academy does not mean leaving the academy, but leaving the academy is like learning the exercises like her master. Later, he completely broke away from the relationship with the academy and established his own sect. As for her students from other sects, the academy accepts them as well, but once she leaves the academy and returns to the Shenyu Sect, it is like leaving the academy.

"So it is." Ling Chu understood the rules of the academy.

In addition to being able to enter and leave the academy to solve the problem of eating, she can also obtain rewards such as seeds or primeval stones by completing some tasks in the academy.

Ling Chu wanted to know what these tasks were, so he chose the tasks decisively. Before she left, she said into the air, "Although I don't know who you are, thank you!"

Her figure disappeared in the library for a long time, and a tall figure came out from behind the bookshelf.

"Host, it's an auditor, but why can't I contact the auditor? And she doesn't seem to know that she is an auditor." The system's voice sounded in Zhong Qiyuan's mind.

Zhong Qiyuan said "um".

The author has something to say: Why am I willing to let two people in a small world not meet? !

Yesterday I saw the cut of Pei Youxin x Lu Weixuan (I accidentally swiped a certain sound, and then went to search... ) I remembered that when someone tweeted it on V Bo a long time ago, I had seen this pair of CPs, but I never thought about it. I watched Wanwan's drama, so I didn't watch it, but only entered the pit 6 years later 23333

Then I discovered the pair of Le Xiaogu x Sister-in-law...

Really fragrant.

But I don't want to affect the code word, so I got out of the pit the next day after entering the pit hhhhh

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-06-10 16:35:14~2021-06-11 01:11:37~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 caramel horse head;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 2 bottles of resting on their laurels; 1 bottle of fish in Beiming and 1 bottle of Luoxi;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!