The Villain is Addicted to Farming

Chapter 110: If you can't cultivate immortality, you have to farm 7


Zhong Qiyuan expected that Ling Chu would be delayed in the Shenyu Sect for so many years. After all, she had gone through a will test and saw Cong Wan, who had lost her memory, and guessed what was going on. She has 10,000 ways to help Ling Chu get out of the current predicament, but no, she can't interfere in this matter.

There is no doubt that the difficulties Ling Chu is experiencing now are all tests. She has to make a choice between morality and her own mind. She struggles, is confused, suffers, and wanders, all of which are against her will. detection.

As an auditor, she must be sane and dehumanized. And the rule that Shen Yuzong set for her since she was a child is to give priority to Shen Yuzong, asking her to respect and love her master and fellow disciples, and to dedicate everything to the future and honor of Shen Yuzong.

There is no specific answer to the will test, and Zhong Qiyuan doesn't know how to choose to meet the standards of an auditor, so she can't rashly intervene.

"Host, we are back!" The excited voice of the system echoed in Zhong Qiyuan's mind.

At this moment, Zhong Qiyuan's mood was excited, and his heartbeat was beating rapidly and rarely, just as deeply as when he once loved someone passionately.

No matter what Ling Chu came back for, she still had a half chance to think that the other party came back for her.

She put everything in her hands and walked out, and she was the first to see the tanuki deer incarnated by the system.

"What about her?" Zhong Qiyuan asked.

"It's still being tested in the formation!" said the system.

"How did she get back?"

Although the system often "broadcasts" in her mind, Zhong Qiyuan is not very clear about the more specific situation.

"The auditor is really an auditor, and her thoughts are very rational! She analyzed the pros and cons of returning to the academy to her master, although her master was like an irrational person, saying 'I don't listen to me' If you don't listen, you're just going to let me down, but…”

"Talk about the point." Zhong Qiyuan interrupted it.

"Oh, the point is, she believes that as more and more people join the cultivation system and more and more people discover the secret realm, the chances of getting the chance will also be greatly improved. The struggle between the sects will only make The current sects consume each other, and the war between countries will only drive the people to hide in the academy to seek a peach blossom garden that can protect their existence.

"As a result, there will be more and more great powers cultivating in the academy, and the sects will lag behind. When the time comes, the snipe and clam will compete for the fisherman's profit. So she will not waste time on the sect struggle, she will devote herself to cultivation, and so on. When the sect is in danger, look for her again.

"She first repaired the protective formation, and then told the Shenyu Sect the information she had obtained in the academy, and also told them which secret realm would be opened next, and asked the Shenyu sect to send people to explore the secret realm. In addition, she also used the formation. Fa Dao has created a jade token that can communicate remotely, as long as she smashes the jade token, she will be able to receive the news that the sect is in trouble, so she can rush back."

After the system finished speaking, he sighed faintly, "The auditor has done his utmost to the Shenyu Sect. Unfortunately, she was still scolded when she left. She was scolded by the senior and second seniors for caring only about her own interests and not the overall situation. She is very sad."

Zhong Qiyuan didn't say anything, she went back to the house to stay. Even if these formations were created by her, she would not let Ling Chu go through the back door and let him in. And she also believed that Ling Chu would pass the test and come back again.

"Sure enough, it's not that easy to come back after leaving the academy." Ling Chu sighed in the formation.

She has been trapped here for a long time, although she does not know the year, but she knows that it must be more than ten days. - She doesn't know how to get the academy's approval. It's better to let her pass, or kick her out of the formation, than trap her in it and have nothing at all.

Yes, according to the oral accounts of many people who have tried to return to the academy, after they enter the teleportation array, they often do not appear directly at the entrance of the academy, but are trapped in a strange place, and then they will follow the only way. , until they found out that they were out of the teleportation array, which was equivalent to being rejected by the academy in disguise. Some people even encounter terrible things in the formation, forcing them to leave the formation first.

But Ling Chu thought that there were very few who were in the same situation as her.

The surroundings were deserted, very similar to the situation she encountered when she helped Zhong Qiyuan test the formation, but at that time there was a fox deer by her side, and now she is the only one here.

She also tried to get out of here, but no matter how she went, she would return to the same place, and the vitality she used up could not come back. This is different from the formations she has encountered in the past.

Ling Chu simply sat down and rested, her vitality was depleted too quickly, and she would feel hungry and tired as time went on, so she rested in place, conserved her strength and vitality, and acted until she came up with the next countermeasure. Act of.

She began to analyze again: "Jun Wuyan and the dean have mentioned that the purpose of setting up the formation is not to kill people, so I am trapped here, and the test of the manual is neutral and not biased. …”

If the academy rejected her from the very beginning, then what she would encounter might not be a barren Gobi, but only one way to send her away.

But the academy did not let her pass, but maintained this state. Would the decision not be made by the academy, but by her

It's because her heart is not stable and she can't make a choice, so there is no movement in the academy!

It is not easy to look directly into the heart, and she seems to be ready to concentrate on her studies, but in fact she is still concerned about the Shenyu Sect. She can deceive herself that she has let go, but the Academy will not be deceived by her and see that she is swaying.

"Life is really full of tests!" Ling Chu sighed and began to face his heart.

It is true that she is far less painful than her heart, but in fact, when the master who raised her and her childhood sweetheart brothers scolded her, she felt that the world was collapsing, and she began to reflect on whether she was too much. Selfish.

She is eager for knowledge, eager for progress, and eager to be accompanied by someone who has a different meaning to her in her life, but if she wants to get all of this, she has to give up the respected teachers and brothers who have nurtured her. That would be too cruel.

"It turns out that many things that seem to be easy to give up are really impossible to give up so casually." Ling Chu had a deep understanding of why so few people can return to the academy.

If it was said that she also had Master and Shen Yuzong in her heart, why was she able to successfully enter the academy to study? That's because this relationship and the sect have never been a burden on her heart, never put pressure on her, never made her suffer, she just needs to concentrate on acquiring the knowledge she wants.

It's like it's hard to go back to childhood when a person grows up, because you don't have to think too much when you are a child, but when you grow up, you have to be restrained by the world.

"I don't want to be a ruthless and unrighteous person who completely abandons my past kindness, but I really want to study, can you give me a third way?" Ling Chu asked.

There was no movement in the academy. It was not until she asked the third time that she saw a slight change in the scene in front of her: the sun was slowly rising in the deserted Gobi, and the temperature around it suddenly rose. Ling Chu only felt his body Like a fire, there was severe pain.

"What's going on?" Ling Chu was confused, she wanted to retreat, but a voice in her heart told her that this was the third way the academy gave her, a trial that was different from any previous test.

Only by passing the trial can she be recognized by the academy, so she can't back down.

Inside the academy, Zhong Qiyuan's hands stopped for a moment, his eyes seemed to penetrate everything in front of him and looked towards the void.

"The Eight Difficulties Trial has been triggered." After she finished speaking, she pursed her lips.

"The eight-difficulty trial, isn't that the test that you use to select the dean candidates? And none of your students have accepted this test yet, is-" The system thought of something, paused, "The reviewer ?!"

Zhong Qiyuan did not speak, but the system was a little anxious: "After the 'Eight Difficulties' is the 'Nine Shou', if she fails, she will be a waste!"

"Well." Zhong Qiyuan's expression was cold, like an iceberg, but it finally melted away, revealing a shallow smile, "This is good news."

At least it shows that from Wan's subconscious, there is still an enterprising side. She looks like a salted fish, and she doesn't want to do things unrelated to her responsibilities all day long. In fact, she is not a flat character. Only when she has a firm grasp of the world and has a clear mind, can she take a casual attitude.

Just like the "Eight Difficulties Trial" now, she is not looking for death, but has the confidence and courage to pass the trial, and will trigger this trial.

Ling Chu experienced multiple physical and mental tortures during the trial, such as burning under the scorching sun, biting her bones in the ice, turning into an animal, and recreating the scenes of her being accused and hurt by her close masters and brothers. Wait. - She gradually lost herself, and had several thoughts of questioning her own existence, giving birth to thoughts such as "Who am I, what am I doing, should I continue?"

Fortunately, she still remembered that she was being tested in the end, and she wanted to go back to the academy to learn more knowledge, and...

"Ling Chu!"

Ling Chu opened her eyes and saw Dean Zhong standing in front of her, dressed in a clean white robe, which made her temperament extraordinary, like an immortal angel.

"Dean?" Ling Chu was very surprised, "Have I passed the test?"

"Well, congratulations!" Dean Zhong showed her a bright smile.

"Then I can go back to the academy?!"

Dean Zhong said: "Yes, the test you passed is called the 'Eight Difficulties Trial'. The pain and torture you have endured are all to test your will to see if you are firm in your heart and whether you have forgotten your original intention. Fortunately, you passed trial."

"It turned out to be the case. I almost gave up several times!" Ling Chu happily shared with Dean Zhong the level she went through.

Dean Zhong smiled and listened to her, and then said, "You are very good. I want to accept you as a student. Would you like to?"

"I—" Ling Chu was about to agree, but suddenly paused.

Dean Zhong didn't get her answer for a long time, and asked again: "Don't you envy Jun Wuyan that they can become my students? Why, you don't want to?"

Ling Chu was confused for a moment, but quickly recovered, looking at Dean Zhong doubtfully: "Are you the Dean?"

"Of course I am." Dean Zhong replied.

"You are the dean, but you are not necessarily her." Ling Chu said.

Dean Zhong narrowed his eyes: "What do you mean by that?"

"She doesn't wear white robes. She likes black robes. Black robes make her thinner and more serious. Although she often pretends to be serious and cold, she is actually a very careful and considerate person. So you are not her. Also, although I envy Jun Wuyan and them, I don't want to be her student in my heart. If I become her student, I can only be her student forever. I don't like it now Trapped by limited relationships."

Dean Zhong still had a shallow smile on his face, but his enthusiasm turned a little cold from the beginning.

She asked, "Do you think you know me well?"

"I don't know you, but I know her. Although the time together is very short... But the time I spend with her in my consciousness seems to be longer than I thought, and I know her better than I do now. You absolutely Not her."

Dean Zhong did not speak.

Ling Chu thought: "If I guessed correctly, the trial should not be over yet."

Dean Zhong smiled again: "The trial of the eight difficulties is indeed over, but, starting now, it is the trial of the nine guards."

"Nine Guard Trials..." Ling Chu pondered the word, "Eight Difficulties" naturally refers to the eight difficulties she suffered, and "Nine Guards" presumably meant that she had to guard nine things.

"I think, I have kept the first thing!" Ling Chu said to Dean Zhong.

Dean Zhong replied, "Very good."

After speaking, she disappeared.

What Ling Chu was guarding, only she knew.

After an unknown amount of time, Ling Chu finally came out of the trial. When she stepped into the academy and saw the fox deer lying on the stone pier basking in the sun, she asked, "Are you also my trial?"

"What?" The raccoon deer looked slightly hazy, as if it had just woken up.

She smiled slightly: "It's nothing, don't you congratulate me on returning to the academy?"

"We always thought you could pass the test, so we're not surprised. But I still have to welcome you back to the academy!" Tanuki said and jumped on top of her.

She caught it, held it in her arms, and kissed it: "We? The dean also... "

Tan Lu shyly shrank his head: "I haven't seen you for a while, why have you become such a disgusting person."

"For a while? Only for a while?"

"Of course, not even half a day."

"But to me, I haven't seen you in years."

"It's really good that you can come out with all your head and tail!"

"Why don't you ask me, what happened in the teleportation array?" Ling Chu was a little depressed.

"I see that you have suffered some losses in body, but your spirit is very good, and your mentality is very stable. Although you have suffered pain and torture, you have also gained a lot, and the knot in your heart that has been in your heart before may also have a chance to be solved. In short, everything is going well, isn't it?"

Ling Chu smiled and went back to the school where he lived in his arms for a while, and then went to his vegetable garden first: "I don't know if it will be abandoned after so many years."

However, when she went to the vegetable garden, she found that her vegetables were being grown well.

"This was planted by the dean." Tanuki said.

Ling Chu squatted down and freed his hand to touch the fresh and crisp vegetable leaves, a smile on his face.

The author has something to say: Tonger: Too much stream of consciousness.

Instant noodles: In conclusion, I found my heart from fishing.

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-06-14 17:17:58~2021-06-15 20:35:51~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 46 bottles of Sheriff Black Cat; 8 bottles of Feng Wuying; 5 bottles of Qiqi;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!