The Villain is Addicted to Farming

Chapter 112: Cultivation of immortals is not successful, but farming 9


Without the Lord God taking the initiative to say it, Cong Wan also knows the result of the will test. There is no enemy outside the main god space to erode and affect her, which is her own problem.

If you want to say that her spiritual realm was penetrated by something, it must be Zhong Qiyuan. She has Zhong Qiyuan in her heart and loves Zhong Qiyuan. Although she has always been reluctant to admit it, after the will test eliminates all external factors, she can no longer deceive herself.

"You are very courageous, examiner," said the Lord God.

Cong Wan knows that she has courage, and her courage will eventually reveal the fact that, as an auditor, she possesses humanity and falls in love with a host.

She can't forget that when she was still the "villain system", she acted selfishly to assist Zhong Qiyuan and help conceal her annihilation of the protagonist group. She had been telling herself before that it was because the "villain system" was infected with a "virus", which was the conspiracy of the enemy, so the previous Lord God would let it be rebuilt.

Facts told her that it was not an enemy's conspiracy at all, but that it had been shaken long ago and had feelings for it. She was afraid that Zhong Qiyuan would be discovered by the main god space for a series of rebellious and bold actions, so she chose to hide it.

The Lord God didn't care about her upset, and continued: "But unfortunately, I have bad news for you."

Cong Wan's heart trembled, and she interrupted the Lord God's words: "Zhong Qiyuan, why is she there?"

"You should ask, why are you there." The Lord God stared at her, those eyes with wisdom and infinite knowledge seemed to see her thoroughly, "That is her mission world, but you want to go there, that's why you're there."

Cong Wan's strength seemed to be drained, it turned out that she exposed herself. But if she doesn't want to be exposed, she just doesn't need to do a will test. But she just wanted to prove something, even if the price was to expose her will to the eyes of the Lord God.

She wanted to say that she was stupid, and she knew that she had never regretted this move; she wanted to prove her heart, and she had indeed sent herself to the dead end of rebuilding.

"Auditor, you fell in love with the host Zhong Qiyuan." The Lord God narrowed his eyes.

Cong Wan felt her body go cold, she thought, this should be the reaction of the human body when facing a crisis. She is not a human being, but she can also feel what it means to be afraid and hopeless.

But she didn't want to give up and compromise on this. She wanted to fight for a lighter punishment, saying, "This will not affect my work judgment."

The Lord God was slightly surprised, after all, he never thought that the auditor would have a rebellious side.

"Maybe, maybe not, who knows! But auditor, are you questioning my judgment?"

"Please forgive me, Lord God, I didn't mean that."

"Then do you admit that you fell in love with the host Zhong Qiyuan?"

Cong Wan's heart was tormented, this was the trial, the Lord God's torture to her, and she had no room for refusal.

Of course she can deny it, but she doesn't want to deny it at this moment: "Yes Lord God, I fell in love with the host Zhong Qiyuan, long ago, when I was still the villain system."

"You remember the past."

Cong Wan has the lofty ambition of a strong man to break his wrist, she mustered the courage to admit: "Yes, I remember the past."

The Lord God's expression is quite intriguing: "But you are not complete."

Cong Wan choked, hesitated for a moment, then said decisively: "I am me, I am Cong Wan, the auditor of the main god space."

Of course she knew the meaning of the Lord God. The original villain system was recycled and rebuilt. The previous Lord God stripped the human emotions born from it, put it into the "quarantine" and then "antivirus". But since the entire "villain system" has been "virus" and the internal files are infected, it can only be rebuilt.

It became her, and those parts of the quarantine area that were successfully "antivirus" became the current "assist system-01" under the update of the main god.

She has the same origin with it, it's a sub-file stripped from her, so that explains why they can communicate with each other without a hitch.

As for why Zhong Qiyuan could eavesdrop on the communication between them, perhaps they were once bound to each other. Even if the previous Lord God reclaimed the "villain system", he could not completely eliminate it from Zhong Qiyuan... It's like The "Villain System" is the software installed on Zhong Qiyuan's "computer". Although the antivirus software uninstalled the "Villain System", there are still residual files that have not been processed.

When the new software "Assist System-01" was installed, Zhong Qiyuan didn't immediately notice that its files were similar to the files left after uninstalling, but as time went on, she slowly Discovered and exploited, thus discovering the connection between myself, the auditor, and the former villain system...

The question is again, will the new Lord God not know about all this? Would he not be clear about the origin of "Assist System-01" and her relationship with "Villain System"? If he knew about it, why did he arrange for him to go back to Zhong Qiyuan to monitor her

She threw this question, and then successfully silenced the Lord God.

"You questioned me." The Lord God repeated this sentence again, and he could hear a trace of grievance from his tone.

Cong Wan: "... Please forgive me, Lord God, I didn't question your intentions, but I have questions, and I want to get answers from you, Lord God."

The Lord God is like a naughty child, who was a little aggrieved in the first second, and had a little bit of joy that he succeeded in mischief in the next second.

He said: "You guessed it right, of course I know who you are, and who the 'Assist System-01' is. I know the past with you and the host Zhong Qiyuan, and I know that my predecessor thought these irrational people Emotions can easily affect the judgment of the system, causing them to act unfairly, and even conceal the space of the Lord God. He feels betrayed, and his authority and dignity are provoked…”

He changed his words, "But the auditor, I'm not him. I have my rules. Since we have only been working together for a short time, and we don't know each other's habits, so I didn't challenge the old rules, no I ask you to play by my rules."

Cong Wan: "… "

Who said no more? Obviously canceled my vacation and asked me to work overtime, and it was also called a flexible working model of "work + vacation".

If the previous master god's requirements for them were to act according to the rules, then the current master god's behavior is based on his requirements.

It feels like a human company changing bosses, and all employees have to readjust to the new boss's style. She can't talk about which main god is better, after all, she has not worked with the current main god for a long time.

But listening to the words of the new Lord God, she seems to have hope that she can avoid being rebuilt

Cong Wan asked, "What are the rules of the Lord God?"

The Lord God smiled and said, "My rules are very simple, and I am very tolerant, auditor. From today, your audit work is over, and you can no longer serve as an auditor."

"Host, the auditor has disappeared?!" The system's cry exploded in Zhong Qiyuan's mind.

Zhong Qiyuan held her already weakened body, and the scene of Ling Chu jumping off the building, which was her nightmare, played back and flashed again in front of her eyes.

It's just that she was not qualified at that time, and could not hold that body tightly in her arms. Now that she is hugging each other, when the other party leaves, she still has herself by her side.

She knew that Cong Wan might have returned to the main god space, leaving only the body, but her heart was still unstoppable.

"Host, your hair!" The system called Zhong Qiyuan, didn't the host notice that his body was different

Zhong Qiyuan took a while to calm down: "She has already gone back."

The system solved her: "This is just the carrier of the auditor, and it will disappear sooner or later. If she is not dead, the host should not be sad!"

The body in Zhong Qiyuan's arms gradually dissipated, like dust scattered by the wind, and finally disappeared into the air.

Cong Wan's will test is over, Zhong Qiyuan can't predict what the result will be. And her mission here has not been completed, so she has to walk a road without Cong Wan, and then expect that Cong Wan will wait for her at the end.

Ling Chu fell.

When Jun Wuyan and others got the news, they were still very stunned, because she was probably the first monk they met in the academy who didn't survive the calamity and fell.

This made them realize more deeply that the path of immortality would really be accompanied by many dangers, and if they were not careful, they would be wiped out.

Jun Wuyan looked at Zhong Qiyuan's white hair and said, "Teacher, you love her."

"Yeah, I love her, there's nothing to deny."

"I thought the teacher could protect her."

Zhong Qiyuan's eyes were deep: "That is her calamity and her choice."

Jun Wuyan sighed: "I didn't expect that even the teacher couldn't escape love!"

Zhong Qiyuan glanced at her: "You are young, don't pretend to be deep."

"How old is the teacher?" Jun Wuyan was curious.

"I'm older than the academy." Zhong Qiyuan handed over Ling Chu's assets to Jun Wuyan, "send her things back to Shenyu Sect."

"Teacher won't stay, is it a souvenir?"

"I do not need."

Knowing that Zhong Qiyuan was going to send her away, Jun Wuyan did not continue to dislike her in front of her eyes, and handed over Ling Chu's "relics" to the Shenyu Sect as she intended.

Over the years, because of the protective formation and Ling Chu's help at the critical moment, the Shenyu Sect was able to get away with the battle of destroying the sect. It's just that as more and more monks with higher cultivation levels appeared outside, threatening the status of Shenyu Sect, and Ling Chu's master was getting old and dying, and several elders fell due to disputes, and Shenyu Sect gradually moved towards decline.

Now supporting Shen Yuzong is Ling Chu's second senior brother Ling Gao. He didn't fly with Yujian back then. When Ling Chu repulsed to be my sect, he just crashed into a secret realm and almost didn't get out.

After he came out of the secret realm, his cultivation level also increased greatly. Relying on the magic weapon obtained in the secret realm, he became the backbone after Ling Chu. Ling Chu wanted to go back to the academy. He was very opposed to it at first, but he also wanted to open it up later. When Ling Chu was away, he could be more valued by the Shen Yuzong.

Therefore, with such a careful thought, his prestige in the Shenyu sect gradually surpassed that of the elder brother Ling Hao, and then when the master stepped down from the position of the head of the Shenyu sect, he successfully took over the position of the head.

After receiving the relics of Ling Chu sent by Jun Wuyan, Ling Gao started to cry loudly after being stunned, showing extreme sadness.

Jun Wuyan thought that his sadness was because the Shenyu Sect no longer had an almighty to protect him, but she did not reveal it, and said, "This is the savings she has accumulated over the years. There are also prime stones, spiritual tools, etc. I hope you can make good use of them instead of squandering them."

She knew that the other party would not take her words to heart.

Sure enough, after that, Ling Gao learned Ling Chu's formation, and then in order to establish the ambition of the first sect of Shenyu Sect, a new sect battle began.

Although there were a lot of resources in the beginning to give the Divine Feather Sect the upper hand, as the resources were quickly depleted, the Divine Feather Sect began to show a downward trend again.

Then it didn't take long for the Shenyu Sect to repeat the mistakes of our sect, and it gradually collapsed under the attacks of many sects and monks.

It can be said that the first-generation students of the academy moved forward through exploration and found a path, and they established a sect. Then the second generation of students had disputes and disputes over the distribution of interests and resources, from personal disputes to sectarian disputes, and the sects were annihilated in this struggle...

Jun Wuyan realized a truth: it can be seen that nothing in the world can last forever.

The academy can't exist forever, just because the power gap is too big, there is no power in the world that can shake the academy's status, so the academy can be relatively eternal.

But as more and more people can touch the ceiling of cultivation, the distance between monks and the academy is getting closer and closer, and no one needs the academy at that time.

But even then, she will pass it on from generation to generation until everyone has an equal opportunity to practice.

Jun Wuyan was recognized by the academy, inherited the academy, and became the new dean.

Kong Sang felt that he could no longer learn anything from the academy, so he also left the academy, and then found an excellent cultivation place with extremely strong vitality, and established a sect with the characteristics of the many peaks in the area. It is called "Wanfeng Pavilion".

And Tian Zhai also found his own way. After he left the academy, he learned the neutral attitude of the academy. At the junction of an area with three kinds of root qi, namely vitality, magic and yin, he established a place that can make Yuan Qi. A force organization where cultivators, demon cultivators, and ghost cultivators coexist harmoniously.

Tian Zhai had a true disciple named "Fengtian", who was originally the ruler of a country, but later gave up his throne for the sake of cultivation. When he asked his master what the name of their sect was, Tian Zhai said he had not thought about it. So Fengtian named the division "Ditai".

The appearance of Wanfeng Pavilion and Emperor Tai has made the disputes between sects contained. After all, these sects are not as good as Wanfeng Pavilion and Emperor Tai, and no sect or loose cultivator dares to find their faults. -The world of immortals slowly established a new order.

Ling Chu's experience in the formation of the formation flowed out from the Shenyu Sect. It was passed through the hands of many people, and generation after generation of formation masters came out. Then it was finally acquired by Jun Wuyan by accident and brought back to the academy.

Jun Wuyan thought that there is at least proof of Ling Chu's existence in the world, but when Zhong Qiyuan disappeared, he really disappeared, and he didn't even leave any traces. He walked so thoroughly.

And will this have something to do with the origin of the academy and the existence of the Tao of Heaven? If her cultivation level breaks through the current limit of nine realms, will she be one step closer to the truth

Jun Wuyan thought that Zhong Qiyuan, who had completed the task, didn't know it, and even if he did, he wouldn't care. She returned to the main god space, and when she opened her eyes, she found that the main god would personally come to "welcome" her.

"What did you do to her?" When Zhong Qiyuan faced the Lord God, he was not as respectful as the system, and even had a hint of urgency.

"She really is your weakness." The Lord God said, "The Lord God candidate cannot have a weakness, because it is easy to be used."

Zhong Qiyuan said angrily: "But you have already started to use my weakness to let me return to the main god space, haven't you?"

Why not let her continue to farm in the barren space without re-employment and re-employment, this is purely to scare people. The Lord God exiled the host who was disobedient and unable to obliterate it into a barren space, originally intending to make the host go crazy and then seek death.

The purpose of exile is punishment, not release or discipline.

If it wasn't for her unwillingness to die, finding a new way out, and then constantly beating and forging her soul to make her stronger, she might not exist in this world long ago.

The new Lord God is indeed a little more merciful than the previous Lord God, but their essence is the same, they are all for the Lord God space and for themselves. And the new chief god is more able to buy people's hearts than the previous one. He gave her a hint that she could obtain Cong Wan's whereabouts, and she was willing to re-bind the system to perform the task.

"Don't worry." The Lord God said, "I don't have anything to do with her, I just need you to think clearly. If you choose her, then your next test will be much more difficult than what you have experienced before. You need to deal with the Lord God space. Other enemies, they will infiltrate through various methods, surround you, affect you…”

There is still a choice, indicating that Cong Wan is really good. Zhong Qiyuan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "If you are really worried that I have been subtly influenced, then every time you come back from a world, I will do a will test."

Doing the will test is not a good experience. If you do too much of this, it will easily affect your spirit and soul. It can be seen that Zhong Qiyuan is also going out of his way.

The Lord God thought about it for a while, but there was no objection, and he also suggested playfully: "By the way, help me to test whether there is any room for improvement in the will test?"

"Don't overweight, the conditions are like this, where is Cong Wan?"

"Her situation is no longer suitable to be an auditor, so I gave her another job and asked her to bind the 'Female Support System-08' to perform the task. How about my arrangement, isn't it very easy? "

Zhong Qiyuan: "..."

System: "Isn't the female supporting system-08 the super rigid and strict system that binds seven trainee hosts, and as a result, no trainee host can become a regular under its subordinates?"

Auditors like to fish so much, is it really okay? Will "Female Match System-08" use a small leather whip to spur the auditors

Lord God: "bingo, she is carrying out the task as an intern host. If she fails to become a regular, then I will send her to 'antivirus' according to my rules."

Zhong Qiyuan took a deep breath, silently watched the Lord God leave, and then said to the system, "Tong'er, check which small world she is in."

"Even if we find out which small world she is in, we can't go there!"

Zhong Qiyuan said quietly: "You can't go."

System: "Hey, host, are you going to abandon me? Hee hee, just kidding, host, I can still get in touch with the auditor!"

It shouted excitedly, "Auditor, auditor!"

Cong Wan, who was adapting to his new identity, was disturbed by it: "Strictly speaking, I'm no longer an auditor."

"Then what am I going to call you? Mom or mom?"

Cong Wan: "..., get out!"

Zhong Qiyuan listened to this familiar and close voice, as if returning to the days when the system followed Wan chatting all day long, she smiled and said to the system: "Let's go, make a quick decision, finish the task early, there will be more. It's time to stay in the main god space and have a date with her."


The author has something to say: Lord God: You are a professional and experienced auditor, so I will find you a strict and professional partner. I believe you will get along very well.

From fishing: changing jobs and fishing in another place.

Women's Matching System:…

Done, there are two more episodes left.

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-06-17 00:05:35~2021-06-17 23:31:56~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 Shu Feng;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 93 bottles of Alanlanlanlanlanlan; 66 bottles of 22707889; 13 bottles of Miss Senshi; 10 bottles of Laoshan green tea, a little baby, and Moyi;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!