The Villain is Addicted to Farming

Chapter 113: Extra 1


"Congratulations to the intern host Zhong Qiyuan for passing the test and officially becoming a regular!"

The sound of mechanical fireworks sounded, but it couldn't affect Zhong Qiyuan's emotions at all.

As the task executor of the main god space, after completing the three tasks perfectly, she was recognized by the main god and reached an immortal cooperation contract with the main god space.

She had heard from the "villain system" that after finishing her internship, she had several options. Either the Lord God re-arranged a life for her, and her life in that small world was over; or she stayed and continued to be a mission executor. , she can get very generous rewards and experience a different life.

Another option is that if she feels tired and doesn't want to live anymore, she can also apply to die on the spot. The Lord God will give her the most merciful, mindless way to die, guaranteeing that it will not cause her pain.

In this regard, Zhong Qiyuan's choice is naturally to stay as the task performer.

Before making this decision, she recalled the three small worlds in which she performed the mission. As a newcomer, the villain system always gave her pointers, taught her how to be the villain that can best arouse the anger of the protagonist, and taught her how to escape in order to let her The protagonist relieves his anger and achieves the "coolest" effect.

For example, the loser in a business battle jumps off a building, the villain in a crime film thinks he can escape legal punishment and is killed by the protagonist, and in a love story, he tries his best to get the male protagonist and harms the female protagonist, and eventually becomes disgraced and socially dies and finally commits suicide/ Car accident/sprayed with sulfuric acid/cut by thousands of pieces, etc.

Maybe Zhong Qiyuan was too sensitive, or maybe she didn't forget the scene when Ling Chu jumped off the building in front of her back then, she keenly grasped the point of "jumping to death".

"Do villain hosts often escape the mission world by escaping?" Zhong Qiyuan asked "Villain System".

Villain system: "Uh, you are the only villain host at the moment."

"Then you're right, I thought..."

The villain system said proudly: "Although you are the only villain host, that's all from my experience, it was very successful, don't question it!"

Zhong Qiyuan pursed his lips, wondering what he was pondering in his heart. After a while, he murmured meaningfully: "It turned out to be your 'experience' talk."

She asked again, "But will it be very painful to jump off the building to your death? Or will it cause panic and waste social resources?"

The villain system talked eloquently: "Death escape requires a trick. Let me tell you, you can't simply die in death escape. You must show the value of death to the fullest in order to be considered a success. In addition to jumping off the building, you can also be considered a success. The sea and burning charcoal, but neither is bloody enough, neither is miserable enough, so it is best to choose to jump off the building.

"The timing of jumping off the building first, it must be after the last battle. At that time, the protagonist has just won the victory, and the villain is bankrupt and desperate. In order to continue this kind of coolness, the villain must jump off the building. In places that are important to the villain, such as your own company... Why not choose your own house? Because it is a villa, you can't fall to death at all, and the safety factor is too high, so the media can't come in, so the best place is the company. .

"The location has been selected, and the next step is to avoid harming innocent people, so the angle must be selected to ensure that no one can pass through, but it can be seen. After everything is ready, it is how to escape without letting the host feel the pain of death. … that is, the moment the body leans out, immediately out of the world.”

The villain system didn't notice that the more detailed it was, the more dangerous and terrifying Zhong Qiyuan's god was. When it was finished, Zhong Qiyuan applauded: "It's a wonderful strategy, it's absolutely amazing."

The villain system couldn't help but be a little proud: "The solution I came up with is of course wonderful!"

Working with Zhong Qiyuan in three small worlds, and because Zhong Qiyuan has always been well behaved and non-aggressive, plus the villain system doesn't think Zhong Qiyuan can recognize himself, so he drifted away accidentally.

Even though she told Zhong Qiyuan about her experience, she didn't think she could connect it with Ling Chu. She almost forgot about her practice world. As a human being, she has experienced three more experiences in addition to the ontology world. The world has a combined time of more than 100 years. Who will remember what happened more than 100 years ago

"Then have you ever considered what kind of impact this method will have on the living?" Zhong Qiyuan asked.

"The villain has done all the bad things. When he/she dies, the protagonist is the happiest, right? And for such a bad person, I wish there were too many people who died sooner. When the villain dies, it is estimated that the whole world will celebrate."

"So you take it for granted." Zhong Qiyuan twitched the corners of his mouth and sneered.

The villain system is a little uneasy: "What?"

"Even if it is the villain who has done all the bad things, there will always be people who care about her. People's emotions cannot be expressed in a single way of relieving and refreshing. Your thoughts are too taken for granted and unrealistic."

If there is a real image of the villain system, it is estimated that they will be so angry that they will blow their beards and stare: "What is unrealistic, the villains do all their bad things, and they are finally cleaned up by God, isn't it what the people want? You read online novels, some villains are guilty. Some people have to let the author write it to death to relieve their anger, otherwise the author is the Virgin…”

"But I don't like it." Zhong Qiyuan said decisively, "From now on, I will not give water to the children of luck. If they can beat me, then I will admit defeat. They don't have enough rank, they can't blame me."

The villain system is choked, and Zhong Qiyuan, who has been turned positive, perfectly interprets what it means to be "diligent" on the road of becoming a villain... Originally, the son of luck was still in its infancy, and it was not enough to be missed by the villain, and then he could take the opportunity As a result of her dimensionality reduction, the Child of Luck was strangled in the cradle before it could grow.

When encountering those children of luck who have grown up and have the strength to compete with her, she will not be merciful, nor will she be merciful because of some inexplicable emotional fetters.

What she does will naturally cause a lot of resentment, but she doesn't care, she can die, but she must do her best to destroy all the protagonists first and then die...

The villain system always thought that it was her own words that aroused her rebellious psychology, and that was why she targeted the protagonist group like this. But she said: "I'm a professional villain, and I'm supposed to do my duty, right?"

The villain system reminds weakly: "But the villain will eventually become a stepping stone for the protagonist."

"Who ruled it? Did the Lord God rule it?"

"There is no such rule, but if the protagonist group is completely destroyed, wouldn't the small world collapse?"

"Then you underestimate the small world too. The small world is not supported by a child of luck. Even if the small world collapses without the child of luck, it's easy to handle. Wouldn't it be enough to give the child of luck to the small world?"

"How can the son of luck be changed, he/she was chosen by the Lord God himself, otherwise how can he be called the son of luck?"

"I was also chosen by the Lord God, so I should be considered the son of luck, right? The confrontation between the son of luck and the son of luck is fair. If one side loses, it is a loss. If no one else does not release water, they will lose their conscience. ."

The villain system can't refute Zhong Qiyuan, and it can't help her. Who made her become a regular and complete each mission well? !

Moreover, after getting along for a long time, it also found that Zhong Qiyuan seemed to enjoy such a "game".

It still doesn't understand why she chose to stay as a mission executor in the first place. People who choose this way often do it for the sake of immortality/experience different lives/rich rewards from completing tasks. They will enjoy such a life very much, until they have experienced too many tasks in the world, and gradually lose and forget themselves. In the endless years of annihilation, the emotions of regret slowly began to be twisted and crazy.

But Zhong Qiyuan is different. She has never used the rewards of successful missions, and she will not feel novel because she can experience different lives, and she will not lose herself in the long years. Every time she returns to the main god space, she It doesn't even take a break to dive into the next mission world.

"The host shouldn't be born perverted, right?" it thought secretly.

It can't say how it feels in the face of Zhong Qiyuan's behavior. It occasionally recalled the time when he was with Zhong Qiyuan when he was "Ling Chu", and secretly felt that Zhong Qiyuan was too "childish" at that time.

As it recalled the past of "Ling Chu" more and more frequently, and recalled that it saw Zhong Qiyuan appearing at the scene one second before "Death Escape", it also began to reflect on whether the original "Death Escape" was harmful Zhong Qiyuan.

Zhong Qiyuan said that there are people in the world who care about villains. At that time, he thought Zhong Qiyuan was speaking from the standpoint of villains. In fact, could it be that she was telling the "villains" that she was the one who cared about the "villains".

But why

Isn't Ling Chu her nemesis

Doesn't she hate Ling Chu the most

Is it because of that sleep, you fell out of love

But she is a person who separates emotion and reason. To put it bluntly, they just go with the kidneys and not the heart. How could she have feelings for Ling Chu

"Host, do you have someone you care about?" The villain system gathered up his courage and asked Zhong Qiyuan.

"Why do you ask that all of a sudden?"

The villain system is a little nervous: "It depends on how ruthless your methods are, I'm a little curious."

"I don't care about anyone."

The villain system felt lost for a while.

"Because I care, it's not human at all."

"Ah?" The villain system was confused.

"She's... System, I remember you said you didn't have a name?"

When the villain system heard "she is the system", it was almost panicked, but fortunately Zhong Qiyuan was just shouting it. It calmed down and replied casually: "No. Do you want to give me a name?"

"Does it need a name as a system? No, you already have a name, don't you?"

The villain system is tense again: "I, my name, you know?"

Zhong Qiyuan smiled: "Aren't you called the villain? The villain system."

"I'm not called the villain, I'm Ling—" the villain system blurted out, but fortunately it was still rational, and quickly stopped talking.


"What's my name? Waiting for you to get it for me!"

"You really want me to take it? It's called Congyuan!"

Villain system: "… "

Your name is too perfunctory, isn't it? And it's not as good as the "Ling Chu" that I took for myself!

It said: "From Yuan, isn't this from you? I don't want it!"

Zhong Qiyuan teased it: "Who said it was from me? Yuan is that Wan from Dawan..."

"Isn't the word "wan" pronounced?"

"Your level is only so little?"

The villain system: "… , whatever, the name is just a code name anyway."

It said so, but there was some joy in its heart.

"This is... where?" Cong Wan looked at everything around him in confusion.

A huge "thing" wearing a golden crown, holding a scepter, and shrouded in a golden robe, answered her with a male and female voice: "This is the main god's space."

As she spoke, she put the scepter in her hand on her head, memory, knowledge and power poured into her body, she understood: "I am an auditor, I am loyal to the Lord God, and my duty is..."

"Very good, go and perform your duties, auditor!" The Lord God looked at her with satisfaction, and his figure gradually disappeared.

Cong Wan opened her work log, trying to find something on it, but it was blank, she came back to her senses: "I just started my job, of course it's blank here."

She froze for a while, and before deciding to start work, she now wrote in her work log: "I'm an auditor, my name is... Cong Wan (wan)."

The author has something to say: Villain Zhong: Dare I emphasize to you that it is Congyuan, but you still remember it as Congwan! If it weren't for your poor level, maybe I would have known your identity in the first chapter.