The Villain is Addicted to Farming

Chapter 17: It is better to farm than to fight in a house 17


After Zhong Qiyuan and Zhong Chuyuan left home, Meng found that the frequency of coming to Zhong's home from Wan became higher. In the past, Cong Wan only occasionally came to Zhong's house to share a table for dinner, but now it is basically once a day.

Meng Shi said happily, "When Yuan'er and Yuanyuan were at home before, you didn't come so diligently. Are you also worried about what would happen to me at home alone?"

From Wan Xin thought, why did she care about Meng Shi, it was only because of the obscenity of the villain boss.

It's hard to say these words directly, and Zhong Qiyuan's other meaning is to ask her to help watch Mengshi!

She is a dignified system auditor, and there is no need to listen to a host's instructions, but considering that Zhong Qiyuan will collapse the small world, she will still do the follow-up processing work, and she can't touch the fish left and right, why not she Picking a lighter job? !

"Sister Zhong was worried that Aunt Meng would not be able to hold down those hired workers, and her fields would be damaged, so she asked me to help Aunt Meng."

Meng Shi said meaningfully: "Auntie knows it!"

Cong Wan: "?"

What does she know

When Zhong Qiyuan was not around, Mrs Meng said boldly: "Wan'er doesn't seem to be worried about me, but in fact she is still worried, but she is just stubborn. You are the same, you never get involved in other people's affairs on weekdays, but you are Not really indifference. You're gentle and considerate, and I hope it's true to have a bride like you."

From Wan's cheeks slightly red.

Is Meng Shi boasting about her

It's just that she doesn't want to take so many things on her body, and she doesn't want to speak ill of people and cause trouble, that's why she has been so low-key. And smiling at people is her professional habit for many years. She is actually very afraid of trouble and likes to fish!

"Aunt Meng is too rewarding." Cong Wan said with a guilty conscience.

She turned her head and asked the system: "What are the host doing with Child of Luck?"

"It's collecting debts."

Cong Wan: "… "


After Zhong Qiyuan and Zhong Chuyuan left Fu County, they went south. Because Zhong Chuyuan's household sticker was still at Zhong's house, she changed into the Taoist robe that Zhong Qiyuan eliminated and disguised as a Taoist priest.

Every time the officers and soldiers were interrogated, Zhong Qiyuan took out the original owner's temple household sticker, and then claimed that Zhong Chuyuan was her new disciple and had not officially entered the Taoist temple. The imperial court's management of temple households was relatively loose, and these officers and soldiers did not ask in detail and let them go.

Zhong Chuyuan was puzzled: "In my hometown, the government doesn't seem to have such strict inspections?"

Zhong Qiyuan said: "Suzhou is under the Jiedushi of Xuanwu. After crossing the Huaihe River, it is the territory of the Jiedushi of Huainan. If you go further south, to the Yangtze River area, it belongs to Jiangnan. Jiangnan is a quiet corner, and many rules still exist. It is the first choice for the people of the Central Plains to avoid military disasters, and a large number of floating households are pouring in, which is very prone to troubles, so the officers and soldiers naturally check more strictly."

Zhong Chuyuan also experienced this. When they crossed the river at the ferry port of the Huai River, they saw that there were many restaurants on both sides of the river, bustling and bustling, and the pattern of the market was completely broken. At night, the curfew system does not seem to exist here, the wine flags are displayed, the lights are bright, and it is very lively.

After passing these places, you can see the floating households who were blocked outside the city gate because they had no household stickers. They had no land, no home, and no way to enter the city to find a livelihood, so they could only stay outside the city.

When a slightly stronger man saw a caravan wanting to unload the goods and pay the tax into the city, he diligently went to help unload the goods in order to get some money to live on.

The thin women could only sit together and wait for the yamen to sell them as goods.

These pictures impacted Zhong Chuyuan and made her unable to calm down for a long time. She wanted to help, but soon found that she couldn't do anything. These people need money and food, and she has neither money nor food. They all depend on the money they get from doing things for others on the way, and she has no spare money to give to these people.

Zhong Chuyuan felt frustrated for the first time. She said, "Why didn't the Jiedushi of Huainan place them?"

"In a place, there are only so many land resources, population, and labor force. When these floating households flood into this place, they will lose their balance. Will the local people in Huainan give their resources to outsiders, will they be happy?"

Zhong Chuyuan knew that no one would be happy.

Going further south, there will be many fewer floating households, and the government's investigation is not so strict.

Zhong Chuyuan found that many floating households could be accommodated here. Although she knew that she could get the answer by asking Zhong Qiyuan directly, she still chose to observe and think by herself.

In the end, it was found that Huainan and Jiangnan were close to the war-torn Central Plains, so there were many floating households who were evading military disasters and extorting miscellaneous taxes. The southern part of Jiangnan belongs to the "Southern Barbarian Land" with many mountains and forests, less arable land and fewer people. The government is eager for more floating households to reclaim wasteland and raise taxes.

She told Zhong Qiyuan this conclusion, and the latter said, "Besides, do you have any other findings?"

Zhong Chuyuan racked her brains for a long time, but found nothing else.

Zhong Qiyuan said: "It's more popular here to find a witch doctor to treat the disease with witchcraft. Fortunately, I brought the guy to eat, we can make a lot of money."

Zhong Chuyuan: "..."

So when they settled down at a broken Taoist temple in a certain village, they happened to meet a pregnant woman who had a difficult childbirth. The family couldn't find a witch doctor, so they asked Zhong Qiyuan to do a ritual to induce birth.

Zhong Qiyuan asked the son of luck, "Are you going to do something or deliver a baby?"

The corners of Zhong Chuyuan's mouth twitched, and she rolled up her sleeves: "Delivery!"

Compared with practice, delivery, wrong, obstetrics and gynecology is the field she is more familiar with.

So Zhong Qiyuan was drinking tea outside, and Zhong Chuyuan helped deliver the delivery in the delivery room. The family asked Zhong Qiyuan, "Aren't the Taoist priests going to do things?"

Zhong Qiyuan calmly said, "Why should Pindao personally take action on such trivial matters?"

When the family heard it, they had no doubts. After all, the masters were the last to take action.

Even so, they were still a little nervous. Zhong Chuyuan was too young, and they worried that her "mana" would not be as good as that of Zhong Qiyuan, and the mother would suffer a lot.

But it didn't take too long, and the child was born smoothly.

The family was very excited to thank them and gave them generous gifts.

When they left, Zhong Chuyuan asked, "Sister, if this story spreads, more and more people think that witchcraft is more effective than medicine, and what if they abandon medicine to pursue witchcraft?"

"Then what do you think we should do?" Zhong Qiyuan threw the question back to her.

This made Zhong Chuyuan stumped.

The reason why the family looked for them was because of their Taoist status. If they confessed that it was useless, they would definitely be unhappy, even if she said something that she knew medically, it would not be accepted by them.

But if they don't confess, they will only rely more on "how to".

Before she could figure out a solution, some villagers heard about the incident and came to them, saying that his wife always had a small child, suspected that there were ghosts at work, and wanted to ask them to help exorcise evil spirits.

Zhong Chuyuan felt that the villager was familiar, and the accent was somewhat close to Suzhou. Before she could figure it out, Zhong Qiyuan said with great interest: "It turns out that you are hiding here. No wonder the government has been tracking you for many years and has not found you."

The villager was stunned for a moment, and when he recognized Zhong Qiyuan's face, he was shocked: "You—"

"Is he a wanted criminal?" Zhong Chuyuan looked at Zhong Qiyuan suspiciously.

"If I remember correctly, the Shu family who owes us 80 shi of food and fled with the money without paying back the money is Shu Shuang's eldest grandson, called Shu Cai."

Zhong Chuyuan quickly recalled this incident. She still remembered that it was the first time she and her sister went to collect rent. She was both excited and curious. Of course, the deeper memory is the delicious grilled chicken wings that Sister Yun gave her...

"It turned out to be this rascal."

Shu Cai turned around and wanted to run, but Zhong Qiyuan had a smile on his face: "You have been wanted for ten years, and the warrant has not been lifted. If I go to the government to report you, do you think you can stay here?"

Shu Cai's legs were weak. He never thought that Zhong Qiyuan would appear here. Obviously they are far away from Suzhou, why are they still chasing them

Not long after their family left Suzhou, they infiltrated the ranks of refugees and went all the way south, escaping several inspections by officers and soldiers along the way.

After crossing the Huai River, they were still uneasy in their hearts, so they continued to go south, crossing the Yangtze River until they found a place to stay.

In the following eight years, they responded to the government's call to reclaim wasteland, from floating households to main households, and they also had their own fields and lived a peaceful life. Unexpectedly, the "murderer" who caused them to leave their hometown and leave the well would appear here!

"You guys are really haunted!" Seeing her, Shu Cai remembered the comfort of staying in Suzhou to divert the attention of the government in order to let them escape. If it weren't for her, they wouldn't be the unfilial descendants who abandoned their father/grandfather!

Zhong Qiyuan was delighted: "Is it my fault to dare to be affectionate?"

Shu Cai's eyes rolled, thinking that this place had left the sphere of influence of Xuanwu Jiedushi, and they were no longer afraid of the Zhong family, and they had been operating in the village for many years. Compared with two outsiders, the villagers would definitely stand by them. here!

Besides, the two of them looked like flowers and jade, and they were tied up and presented to the nobles here. With the protection of the nobles, why should they be afraid of the government