The Villain is Addicted to Farming

Chapter 19: It is better to farm than to fight in a house 19


After understanding the cause of the incident, Cong Wan was silent for a long time.

If you meet the Shu family again, you don't need to think about it to know the reason why it is the son of luck. The Shu family is the cannon fodder who "offends the son of luck, and its existence cannot bring benefits to the son of luck". Even if they escape to the ends of the earth, there will always be a day when they will be punished. Even if he died, he would be pulled out and whipped.

"I thought that she, who was only six years old at the time, didn't understand what the Shu family's behavior represented at all, and thought she had long forgotten the Shu family. I didn't expect that she didn't forget at all, and there was still some resentment." Cong Wan road.

The system also shivered with fright: "You're such a black belly at such a young age!"

Is it really worthy of being taught/tuned by the villain host

"But before the host appeared, their mother and daughter lived so hard, it's not surprising that she would resent the Shu family."

The system is worried: "What if she turns black?"

"This is not considered blackening, at most it is a little careful, exactly the same as your host."

System: "... , that, forgot to tell the auditor one thing, the host seems to be able to eavesdrop on our communication."

"Beep-" The system received a message that Cong Wan terminated the communication.

You are a dignified auditor, what are you afraid of the host? fuck her!

After a while, Cong Wan came back: "Cough, I just went to write the evaluation log, did we say anything?"

System: "… , no."

"Very good, have their debts been recovered?"

The system was silent for a while, and said, "The government is here."

Zhong Chuyuan thought that the government was here to arrest them, but when Zhong Qiyuan saw the leading county captain, he was not nervous at all, and asked: "Qi County captain, did you find the sea arrest document from Fu County?"

Qi Xianwei had a complicated expression, but he still nodded: "I have searched through the sea arrest documents in Jiagekuli ten years ago, and finally I have found it. This is indeed the case."

He changed the subject, "However, before dealing with this matter, there is one more thing I want to know from the Taoist priest. The Lord of the Lin family is evil... Some people say that they have seen two Taoist priests taken away by the Lin family."

Zhong Chuyuan mentioned it in her heart and thought: It really came for this.

The old god Zhong Qiyuan was in the tunnel: "Lin Jialang said that the house is haunted, please go and do it. But right now, the ghosts and ghosts are not willing to come out, so the pindao said to set up an altar at night, and let the Lin family prepare first. What to do. But something happened to the Lin family after Pindao left?"

Qi Xianwei did not doubt her words, because many villagers had heard about Lin Neizhi's invitation to go to Lin's house. He said, "The Taoist priest will come with me."

Zhong Qiyuan then returned to the Lin family, and Zhong Chuyuan followed.

When I arrived at the Lin's house, I saw many villagers watching the lively outside the door, including the Shu family. Their expressions were somewhat gloating, thinking that they had been oppressed a lot on weekdays and couldn't help it.

Qi Xianwei knew that the Lin family was hated, and was about to scold the villagers for dispersing, when his subordinates suddenly rushed over and said, "Qi Xianwei, I can't control it anymore."

Qi Xianwei ran in in a hurry, only to see Lin Jialang Jun, who was wrapped in cloth by them, ripped off his clothes again, and then hugged Shu Cai and the others, doing various things.

Qi Xianwei's face was blue, white and red, and he hurriedly had the door closed, and Zhong Qiyuan was also stopped outside.

"It's your demonic way!" The Shu family called out, pointing at Zhong Qiyuan.

The villagers took a few steps back in fear.

Zhong Qiyuan looked at him with cold eyes, and the Shu family were terrified.

After a while, the door inside was reopened. Qixian Li was disheveled and called Zhong Qiyuan in. He lost his politeness and asked angrily, "Is this what you did?"

"Since the county magistrate is in charge of criminal law, it should be clear that if there is no evidence, how can someone be accused of a crime just by saying nothing?"

Qi Xianwei pointed at Lin Neizhi and the others and said, "They said you did it."

"They saw it with their own eyes?"

Qi Xianwei looked at them, and they hesitated in their hearts, but when they met Zhong Qiyuan's deep eyes, they shook their heads stiffly a few times.

After shaking their heads, they looked like they had seen a ghost.

Although Qi Xianwei did not know why their eyes suddenly became frightened, they shook their heads one after another, proving that no one saw with their own eyes that it was Zhong Qiyuan's ghost.

He suddenly fell into a dilemma, his tone softened a lot, and said: "That is the nephew of Jiangzhou's prefect, if the prefect is to blame..."

"What does it have to do with Pindao?" Zhong Qiyuan asked.

Qi County Wei choked. He felt that Zhong Qiyuan did it 80% of the time. After all, he had already inquired clearly. The truth was that Lord Lin Jialang coveted the beauty of the two Taoist priests and wanted to keep them, so he offended them.

He secretly scolded Lin Jialangjun: Since they dare to travel alone, how can they be safe until now without any ability? It's just that the idiot of the Lin family has no brains, and then suffered retribution!

He had no evidence to prove that Zhong Qiyuan did it. At that time, the door of the Lin family was closed, and there were no witnesses. Besides, he was also a little apprehensive about this Taoist priest, for fear that favoring the Lord of the Lin family would lead to fire.

After weighing it, he couldn't offend the Lin family, so he said warmly, "As for the money that the Shu family owes the Taoist priest, the yamen will help the Taoist priest to recover it, but the Lin family needs to ask the Taoist priest to help."

"The poor way of doing things is very expensive."

"The Lin family doesn't care about the money."

Zhong Qiyuan nodded, "Pindao always collects money first."

Qixian Wei first told Lin Jialangjun's wife about the incident, and then dug out the sea arrest documents of that year, and asked the Shu family to be arrested.

The Shu family knew that Zhong Qiyuan was here and Shu Cai's plan, but they didn't expect to fail. Now that the government is targeting them, they feel a chill in their hearts, feeling that their hard-earned days of stability have been ruined!

Do you regret it

It must be regret, but there is no regret medicine in the world.

They begged Zhong Qiyuan, who smiled badly: "Pin Dao originally just wanted to get the money back, but now the poor Dao wants to increase the interest."

The reputation of Shu Cai and Lin Jialangjun was ruined. And after today, Lin Jialang will definitely not make the Shu family any better...

The rest of the Shu family are not innocent. Shu Cai would not make a decision alone on such a big thing. Since the Shu family acquiesced, they were accomplices.

Zhong Qiyuan was never tolerant towards the enemy.

The government forcibly sold the fields of the Shu family, and the cloth woven at home to pay taxes was converted into silver coins and handed over to Zhong Qiyuan. Qi Xianwei asked, "Can the Taoist priest take action?"

After a day and a night of tossing around, the people of the Lin family finally calmed down, but they still looked very sluggish, especially the Lin family Langjun, who was drooling and looked like a fool.

"Well, Pindao is the way to open the altar."

Her method was very simple. She sprinkled the black dog's blood prepared by the Lin family on the heads of the group of people, then pretended to paste a few talismans, and used tricks to make the talismans spontaneously ignite. People who believed in witchcraft firmly believed that she was a master of Taoism.

After doing the Fa, these "Zhongxie" people fell into a state of drowsiness. Zhong Qiyuan said, "I've driven away the evil spirits, and they have lost their vitality. They will be fine when they wake up and rest for a few days."

Lieutenant Qixian was skeptical, but at the moment he had no better way.

Zhong Chuyuan was afraid that Lin Jialangjun would settle accounts with them when he woke up, Zhong Qiyuan said: "The government doesn't want to offend the governor, so he is also going to wait for Lin Jialangjun to settle accounts in the autumn after he wakes up!"

"Then what?"

Zhong Qiyuan said confidently, "Run!"

Zhong Chuyuan: "..."

When did my sister, who has always been strong in her style, become so compromising

"What about the money?"

She pointed to the remuneration she received from the Lin family and the arrears that the Shu family repaid. There are a total of 200,000 money here, weighing 300 to 400 catties. Even if they are as powerful as an ox and can move the money, they will be coveted because they are too eye-catching.

And if they wanted to run away, carrying so much money would be a drag.

"What do you want to do?" Zhong Qiyuan threw the question back to her.

Zhong Chuyuan pondered for a moment and said, "We put away these silver ingots that are not too heavy, and we can't take the remaining copper coins with us, and we mustn't make it cheaper for the officials and the Lin family. It's better to replace them with food, cloth or medicinal materials and distribute them here. people?"

They didn't bring much money with them when they left home, just because the money was too much and it was heavy. Therefore, although this unexpected wealth is originally theirs, Zhong Chuyuan is not greedy for this money. If you can't keep this money, what if you have gold and silver

Zhong Qiyuan did not object to her approach.

They exchanged all the copper coins for daily necessities, and then found a reason for the birthday of "Mother Yuanjun", and distributed all the things to the villagers.

Every household received a bucket of rice, a pound of heat-clearing and detoxifying medicinal materials, and a piece of cloth.

After Lin Jialang-jun recovered, he brought someone to settle the account, and Zhong Chuyuan closed the door and immediately aborted the ceremony. As a result, the villagers who hadn't received anything were furious, and they took out hoes and scythes from their homes to fight with Lin Jialangjun.

Although Lord Lin Jialang ran rampant in the village, he did not dare to oppose the whole village, so when he saw this battle, he sternly put down his harsh words and left.

At night, just after the third watch, the strong men on the night watch suddenly found a fire in a corner of the village. When they ran over, they saw a lot of straw and dry wood piled up outside the Temple of Po Tao.

They remembered that the two foreign Taoist priests lived there, and they were so frightened that they beat gongs and drums. The people in the village were alarmed and went to the river to fetch water to put out the fire, but it was still a step too late, and the entire Taoist temple collapsed.

The next day, Qi Xianwei came to deal with the matter again. When he saw the Taoist temple in ruins, his temples jumped suddenly.

It is impossible for a Taoist temple to catch fire for no reason, and the inspectors can also prove that it was because a lot of straw and dry wood were piled up outside the Taoist temple. They caught fire first, and then the fire spread to the Taoist temple.

Realizing that it was intentional arson to kill, Qi Xianwei had even more headaches, because he felt that the Lin family did it 80% of the time, but this matter could not be investigated carefully, in case the provincial governor was offended...

After just cleaning up the broken Taoist temple, no body was found, so he characterized the matter as a fire caused by the improper use of fire by the two Taoist priests.

"With such a big fire, everyone was burnt to ashes, right?" The villagers had objections, but they didn't have the courage to stand up to refute, and the matter was exposed like this.

Qi County Wei thought it was over, but the next day, the Lin family came to report the case, saying that there was a ghost fire in the Lin family last night.

Lin Jialangjun finally recovered, but he was so frightened that he was in a trance and lethargic, as if he had lost most of his three souls and seven souls.

Everyone knew he was punished.

After using the fire of the Lin family to keep everyone's eyes at the Taoist Temple, Zhong Qiyuan and Zhong Chuyuan successfully left the place.

Of course, before leaving, Zhong Qiyuan did not forget to give the Lin family something as a gift in return for their care for them in recent days.

Only the system thought to himself: "The host did not send the 'Xian family wealth' gift package, it is already kind."

But why does it have this idea? Isn't it the first time it has cooperated with the host

Unable to figure it out, the system no longer thought about it. It said to the system auditor, "Does this count as a reformation of the host?"

Cong Wan: "… "

You have a really low bar for reformation.

Seeing that the host and Child of Luck are having such a good time outside, should she tell them that someone from the Zhong family is coming