The Villain is Addicted to Farming

Chapter 23: It is better to farm than to fight in a house 23


Went home from Wan, washed his face, and took a shower by the way. Rightly slandering Zhong Qiyuan, Zhong Chuyuan ran to find her: "Sister Yun, dinner is ready, my mother told you to eat it together!"

Cong Wan: "I'm full."

Zhong Chuyuan was surprised: "Did Sister Yun eat dinner so early?"

Cong Wan smiled: "I'm full of anger."

Zhong Chuyuan figured out the joints in an instant, and said, "Is it the elder sister who made Sister Yun angry? My elder sister is too outrageous, it must be her fault, after all, it is the first time that Yuanyuan sees elder sister Yun angry! Well, Yuanyuan is also wrong, after all, Yuanyuan shouldn't leave Sister Yun alone to face someone as vicious as her sister."

Her words pleased Cong Wan, who smiled brightly and asked, "Sister Zhong is already a vicious person in your eyes?"

Zhong Chuyuan said: "For Sister Yun, she must be."

From Wan Xin thought, if Zhong Qiyuan's mouth was half sweet to Zhong Chuyuan, he wouldn't be so angry.

She coaxed Zhong Chuyuan and said, "Then for the sake of Yuanyuan and Aunt Meng, I don't know her in general."

When they arrived at Zhong's house, Meng Shi happily asked Cong Wan to sit down, and Zhong Chuyuan took the opportunity to file a complaint.

Meng Shi said, "No wonder Wan Niang came over after taking a bath in broad daylight. It turns out that it was Yuan'er who was making trouble! Wish'er, you are too outrageous, go and serve the meal to apologize to Wan Niang."

Zhong Qiyuan just came out of the rice, when he heard the words, he paused, reluctantly gave up the bowl and chopsticks in his hand to Cong Wan, turned around and went to refill a bowl of rice.

Mr. Meng gave her a pair of chopsticks with a soft and delicious braised mutton, and said, "Eat it while it's hot."

There were three meat dishes and two vegetarian dishes on the table. These were bought by Meng Shi only today, and the chicken was slaughtered temporarily. It can be seen how happy Meng Shi was when the sisters returned home.

"Thank you, Aunt Meng." Cong Wan's eyebrows were curved, and her smile was bright like a star.

Zhong Chuyuan was chatting about her experiences in the past two years. She didn't dare to talk about those thrilling experiences. She could only pick up some interesting things to make Mengshi happy.

Zhong Qiyuan stood by the door for a while, until Cong Wan gave her a provocative look, then she chuckled softly, and took a bite of the piece of meat from Cong Wan.

Cong Wan: "… "

Don't you think the chopsticks I've eaten are dirty? !

Zhong Qiyuan looked at her: "Why, you want me to feed you too? Dreaming."

Cong Wan snorted, took another piece of meat, and just ate it, Zhong Qiyuan whispered again, "Hey, is this an indirect kiss, and it's still the kind of tongue | kiss that we exchanged spit?"

"Cough—" The food that Cong Wan had just swallowed suddenly choked in his throat.

"Wan'er, what did you say?" Mrs. Meng glanced at the initiator and hurriedly handed water to Cong Wan.

After drinking the water from Wan Wan, she was finally relieved, but her face was flushed to the base of her neck, and she didn't know if she was too embarrassed or choked.

Cong Wan asked the system: "This is really Zhong Qiyuan, isn't the core replaced by which host halfway through?"

System: "Obviously it's her, but her character is even worse."

"It's been held back for two years and it hasn't been used, right? It's disgusting!"

Cong Wan glared at Zhong Qiyuan viciously, and decided to retaliate with his own way. He inserted his chopsticks into Zhong Qiyuan's meal and stirred it three times.

Zhong Qiyuan raised his eyebrows.

Meng Shi and Zhong Chuyuan looked at these two elders who were just like three-year-olds doing childish things. Just Fire|Delicious

Meng Shi said: "Wan Niang, I'll give you a pair of chopsticks. I hope you can also get a bowl of this meal!"

From Wan Xin thought, how could this person dump this bowl of rice? She was very aware of Zhong Qiyuan's weakness to do this.

Zhong Qiyuan said, "It's okay."

She finished her meal without changing her face.

That's right, Zhong Qiyuan has a good habit, she never wastes food.

This was observed by Wan a long time ago, because every time Zhong Qiyuan cleaned the rice in the bowl, he would not give up until the dishes on the table were eaten, and the dishes that fell on the table were always marked with "three" "Second's Law", she picked it up again and ate it, and unwittingly thought she had just experienced a famine.

Obviously, the Desolate Land was indeed a place with a very harsh environment at the beginning, but Zhong Qiyuan was the host, if the Lord God did not obliterate her, then she would be immortal. She doesn't feel hungry and doesn't need to eat, so it's unlikely that she's a habit that was acquired through exile in the Badlands.

From Wan's intuition, Zhong Qiyuan already had such a habit of saving food before he became the host.

Cong Wan An thought: "This person is bad, but some habits seem to be good."

This war without gunpowder smoke didn't end until the meal was over, and while Cong Wan was there, Mrs. Meng told Zhong Qiyuan about Yun Yi's illness.

Zhong Qiyuan didn't speak, and Meng's heart was a little uneasy.

Zhong Chuyuan said, "If Sister Yun's brother is sick, he has already been cured!"

Cong Wan was not surprised, but Meng Shi was very surprised: "Healed? When?"

Zhong Chuyuan said: "When we went from Chang'an to Luoyang, we happened to meet King Wei who entered the Guanzhong. At that time, the entire Guanzhong was under martial law, and Luoyang City was not allowed to enter or leave at will. My sister and I had to settle in the Taoist temple, and accidentally met Sister Yun. My brother, I saw that his complexion was not right, so I meddled with his business and treated him for a while…”

Afterwards, Zhong Chuyuan, through the accumulation of experience over the years and Zhong Qiyuan's guidance, found out what Yun Yi's physical problems were. After giving the prescription and using acupuncture and moxibustion for a period of time, Yun Yi's body really improved.

Mica was very grateful to learn about this. After some conversation between the two parties, they found out that they were Zhong Zao and Meng Shi's wandering daughters, and the person they rescued was Yun Yi, whom Meng Shi had said in their letter, hoping that Zhong Qiyuan could help.

Now that Shi Hong, the envoy of Xuanwu's Jiedu, was named King of Wei, Yun Ding, as Shi Hong's capable general, was ordered to stay in Luoyang, and Mica and Yun Yi followed him to Luoyang as family members. They were all glad that Yun Ding did not follow him to Chang'an, otherwise they would have missed out with the sisters.

Afterwards, Yun Ding warmly entertained them, and asked them if they would go to Chang'an to join Zhong Zao. As Shi Hong's vassal, after he went to Chang'an, he had already added the official accountant.

The two naturally refused: "Our biological mother is still in our hometown, and we have to rush back to reunite with her."

Yun Ding prepared a carriage for them, and had someone escort them out of Luoyang.

On the way, they met Shi Xuanwei. The two Taoist priests were escorted out of the city by several soldiers. It seemed unreasonable no matter what, so Shi Xuanwei rode his horse to stop him and asked, "Which battalion are you from, and what happened to these two Taoist priests?"

His eyes fell on Zhong Chuyuan. Although he didn't feel amazing at first glance, he could see a trace of charm that was different from the ladies he had seen.

Zhong Chuyuan was very sensitive to such not pure eyes, she frowned, and she was unhappy.

The soldier handed Yun Ding's warrant up and said, "The youngest is the personal guard of the Yuntong Army, these two Taoist priests are the distinguished guests of the Yuntong Army, the youngest is under the order of the Yuntong Army to escort the two Taoist priests to the Go to Fu County."

Shi Xuanwei looked at the warrant and knew that there was no problem, but he was just curious about these two Taoists. He asked, "I don't know why the two Taoists are long Taoists, and in which Taoist temple did they become monks?"

Zhong Qiyuan's eyes were indifferent, and "None of your business" was written all over his body.

Seeing this, the lieutenant beside Shi Xuanwei was very angry, and said, "What is your attitude? Our third young master asks you something, so please answer quickly!"

Zhong Qiyuan grinned: "Three young masters, you are so majestic."

Shi Xuan frowned slightly, displeased with the Taoist priest's arrogant attitude. But he is a reputation-oriented, so he stopped the lieutenant, with a gentle and polite attitude: "I am disrespectful, the two Taoists should not have the same knowledge as him. I just heard that most Taoists in the world are high-level people, and they also know how to bring back the dead. Therefore, I would like to ask the two Taoist priests some Qihuang techniques."

"People can't be resurrected from the dead. People who say they know how to bring the dead back to life are usually liars. Don't be fooled, Third Young Master." Zhong Chuyuan reminded lukewarmly.

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Shi Xuanwei's face, but he concealed it well, and asked for advice humbly, saying, "I don't know if I can invite the two Taoists to the mansion, but I can just ask for advice."

Zhong Chuyuan thought of a certain Lin Jialang, and she was disgusted in her heart, and asked bluntly: "Is there a dead person in your mansion?"

Shi Xuanwei's expression changed slightly, and he said, "Never."

"Pindao is to do things for the dead. Since there are no dead people in your house, then forgive the poor way to refuse the invitation."

Shi Xuan opened his mouth slightly, and Zhong Qiyuan said to the soldier, "If it's inconvenient for you, let's drive away by ourselves!"

The soldier was ashamed and hurriedly said to Shi Xuan: "Third Young Master, the youngest is leaving first."

Shi Xuanwei didn't stop him any more, just ordered someone to go to Yun's house to find out what happened.

Later, when he heard that they had cured Yun Yi's illness, he pondered for a long time and realized that these two Taoist priests had real abilities, which is why they were so arrogant.

Bringing such a capable person to his side was of great help to him, but his ambitions could not be revealed, and he finally gave up his original idea.

Zhong Chuyuan didn't know Shi Xuanwei's purpose, so she muttered to Zhong Qiyuan afterwards: "This is the person Aye wanted me to marry? Although he looks like a dog, he can't even let the Taoist off. This is a beast, right? ?"

The system has already exploded in Zhong Qiyuan's ears: "Ah, host, what a great opportunity just now, as long as you do a little favor, the son of luck will definitely be with the male protagonist!"

Zhong Qiyuan said impatiently: "The male protagonist is already married, even if he has a good impression of the son of luck because of the plot, he cannot kill the original partner for the son of luck. Besides, the male protagonist really does that. Now, what's the difference with the plot that deviates from the track? The one that played the role of the concubine?"

The system sighed: "When will this task be completed!"

Zhong Qiyuan said: "Look at the progress of the mission."

The system thought to himself, "You don't need to look to know that the progress bar is zero." As a result, it opened the progress bar and saw that it was already halfway through, "How is that possible?!"

"The mission is to help the Child of Luck become an existence that everyone admires and praises, so that it can benefit the whole world and make the small world stable." Zhong Qiyuan said: "She has been benefiting the world all these years, hasn't she?"

The system checked carefully, and found that there seemed to be rumors of two immortals ascending to immortals in that small village in Jiangzhou:

The Taoist temple was burnt down, and when Lin Jialangjun was frightened by the ghost fire, he collapsed and passed away within two years. The villagers there dared to clean up and rebuild the Taoist temple that was burned down in the past, and also sculpted two "Xiangu Statues".

Because there is no body of them, some people think that they have become immortals, and this statement has been unanimously recognized by everyone, and the legend of "Xiang surnamed Zhong" began to spread there.

In addition, when they went south to Lingnan, they encountered common people who suffered from malaria.

The witch doctor is helpless against the plague of miasma, and only dances to the gods and sacrifices to seek psychological comfort. This aroused Zhong Chuyuan's fighting spirit, and she was about to find a way to deal with the miasma epidemic.

When Zhong Qiyuan was learning how to grow potatoes, she was instructed by Zhong Qiyuan to go over the mountains to find herbs, read medical books, and learn about the local environment and eating habits.

Huangtian paid off, and spent a lot of hard work, and finally let her find a way to ease the pain of the people who had suffered from the plague.

Although the plague of miasma was mostly caused by mosquitoes and could not be cured, those people with swollen stomachs as if they were seven months pregnant didn't feel so uncomfortable after taking her herbal medicine.

After they left Lingnan, Zhong Chuyuan left behind the medical book she compiled and taught this method to the local witch doctor. In order to commemorate her, the local people put up a statue to worship her, and also chose a Fengshui place to build a "Zhongxiangu Temple" for her.

"She has been relying on her own efforts to realize her value and gain the recognition of the world, isn't she?" Zhong Qiyuan said.

"But as the mother of a country, she can do more." The system said.

"After she became the mother of a country, what did she do?"

The system replied: "She is the virtuous wife of the male protagonist and the good mother of the prince. She persuaded the male protagonist to become a wise ruler, so that he could do his best to rule during his reign, so that the people could live and work in peace and contentment. Under her example, women all over the world read the "Women's Instructions". ”, to become a virtuous person with a gentle and good character…”

"Okay, stop talking, I'm going to vomit."

system:"… "

Obviously you asked the question first!

After finishing the conversation with the system, Zhong Qiyuan said to Zhong Chuyuan, "What if he doesn't mean that?"

Zhong Chuyuan replied, "Whether he meant it or not, I think he's a little annoying."

He continued, "He is too hypocritical. On the surface, he is Li Xian Corporal, but when he talks to us, no matter how sincere his tone is, he still sits aloft on the back of a horse. And it's even more ridiculous that he wants to ask us some qihuang arts. There are more than 100 Taoist temples in Luoyang, why didn’t he invite those Taoist priests? It’s not because the Yun family values us. If he either wants to get news about the Yun family from us, or he wants to win over the Yun family through us. All kinds of actions, It's enough to see his deep scheming and hypocrisy."

"You can see clearly."

Zhong Chuyuan raised her chin proudly: "Isn't that right? I've traveled all over the country, and I have seen a lot of people!"

When confronted with Shi Xuanwei, Zhong Chuyuan didn't tell Meng Shi, Meng Shi was surprised and delighted to know that Yun Yi was cured by her youngest daughter. I am surprised that her medical skills have improved greatly in the past two years, and I am glad that she saved Yun Yi by chance.

After Cong Wan returned home, Mrs Meng scolded: "How is Wan Niang's brother?"

Zhong Chuyuan pondered seriously: "He is a false evidence, the elder sister's statement is anemia, and there are signs of blood loss since he was a child, and the Yun family always gives him supplements, but he has never thought about supplementing blood, and he has Bad eating habits and love to drink tea have made his condition worse and worse. If the Yun family occasionally had a hearty meal to make up for some blood, he probably wouldn't live long."

Meng: "..."

"Mother is asking how you think he is, not about his condition."

Zhong Chuyuan also slowly came back to it. She didn't forget that her father wanted to marry her into the Yun family. Could it be that her mother also wanted to

She said, "How do I know what he is like?"

"Didn't you treat him? Didn't you have contact during the treatment?"

"As a patient, he is still very qualified. He answers whatever I ask, and he didn't open his mouth to disturb my thoughts when I didn't need him to speak. Of course, he didn't question my medical skills because I was a woman, which can be seen by others. The product is good. But apart from studying his illness, I have not paid attention to anything else."

She added, "Oh, and the Yun family's hospitality is still very good."

Meng: "..."

She was melancholy: "Yuan'er, you are seventeen this year, and in another year, you will be eighteen."

Meng Shi almost made it clear, and Zhong Chuyuan didn't want to be vague, and said, "Mother, I think that Taoist robe is quite comfortable to wear."

The author has something to say: after playing wild,

Son of Luck: It is impossible to marry someone.

From Fishing: How did the son of luck become a straight girl of steel