The Villain is Addicted to Farming

Chapter 27: It is better to farm than to fight in a house 27


In the midsummer of May, the scorching sun was scorching hot, Shi Xuanming was discussing matters in the official office with a group of his servants. When it came to the worst, those servants either frowned deeply or were resentful, and even Shi Xuanming sighed. .

His two younger brothers followed their father to the east and west, but no, this time the west expedition was successful, and his two younger brothers grew faces in front of their father again.

Although he was ordered to sit in the rear and preside over the affairs of the court, there were many voices who called him the old Sanwen Taoist military strategy, quite the style of the king of Wei. It's a pity that his eldest brother, who is incompetent in writing and martial arts, has the advantage of being the eldest son, so that the third child can only be subordinated to him.

When he was depressed, someone came to report and said: "Eldest son, that Zhong Daochang sent someone to report, saying that the potatoes can be collected."

Shi Xuanming's eyes lit up, joy rushed to his heart, and said, "Let him come in and talk!"

After summoning the messenger to come in, Shi Xuanming swept away the haze in his heart just now, and hurriedly said, "Let's go, let's collect the potatoes!"

A group of people waited to set off immediately. When they went there, they saw Zhong Qiyuan alone at the field, and Shi Xuanming asked, "Master, where is the potato?"

Zhong Qiyuan pointed to the dozens of acres of green fields: "Here, just dig it out."

Shi Xuanming looked at her, looked at Mu Zuo, looked at her again, and suddenly understood what she meant, and then asked his entourage to quickly find a hoe: "Dig, dig for me!"

Everyone: "… "

They are literati and writers with high status, how can they do such rough work

When the followers dug out the potatoes on the rhizomes of the first potato seedlings, they were also excited: "This one has only seven or eight knots? And the fist is so big, can one person be full after eating one?!"

They felt that these followers were too slow to dig, so they took the initiative to start. Didn't they see that their master Shi Xuanming couldn't help digging by himself!

After digging for a while, these literati who had never done rough work on weekdays were exhausted and sat on the ground gasping for breath regardless of their image.

Shi Xuanming couldn't stand it either. Fortunately, the entourage found more people, and in just half an hour, several acres have been dug.

"Quick, I'm going to write to Aye!" Shi Xuanming's face was beaming.

"Don't be busy writing letters." Zhong Qiyuan said.

It was only now that everyone remembered that she was still here.

"What is the opinion of the Taoist priest?"

Zhong Qiyuan said, "The potatoes have been planted, but do you know how to eat them?"

Shi Xuanming's face stiffened: "Cooking and eating?"

"Potatoes can be eaten in various ways. They can be used as food, vegetables, and feed. There are many ways to eat them as food. They can be boiled and eaten directly to fill the stomach, but this taste is not easy to pursue. Another method is to grind it into powder, which can not only prevent it from sprouting, but also make noodles, which is more convenient to carry.”

"How about germination?"

"You can't eat it if you germinate, you will..." Zhong Qiyuan paused, "you will feel unwell."

Shi Xuanming thought about it, it is not very decent to transport a basket of potatoes on a marching army. If they sprout, they cannot be eaten, so it is best to grind them into powder!

He was going to ask for advice on how to grind it into powder, Zhong Qiyuan said: "It's getting late, Pindao will go back to eat first, and I will talk about it another day."

She went straight away, and one of Shi Xuanming's assistants said angrily, "Why is she so rude?!"

Shi Xuanming was in a good mood right now, and said with a smile: "A master, you are always a little cold and arrogant."

His excited mood gradually calmed down with Zhong Qiyuan's departure, and he was much calmer and returned to his former calm appearance, and ordered: "Arrange people to collect these potatoes, and prepare a generous gift tomorrow to present to the Taoist priest. Ask me how to make flour. Remember, don't hype it up until the dust settles."

The next day, he went to the "Meng's House" to see Zhong Qiyuan, who did not accept his gift, and he immediately understood what she meant.

After being dismissed, he asked straight to the point, "I don't know what Chang wants?"

"Fame, wealth, status, power..."

Shi Xuanming thought to himself, being so greedy doesn't seem like a monk.

Zhong Qiyuan hooked the corner of his mouth, "... Pindao is not interested."

After all, she had these things at her fingertips.

System: "No, you owe a lot of debts, and you lack wealth."

Zhong Qiyuan: "…"

Why let me pretend for a while? !

Shi Xuanming felt ashamed for maliciously trying to figure out the other party.

He boasted: "The Taoist priest is tall and graceful, and it is the clear stream that is missing in today's troubled times."

He put a high hat on Zhong Qiyuan, and the latter just smiled, neither accepting his favor, nor sneering at him to show contempt, but just said: "What the poor Taoist wants is that after the world is at peace, the world will still be There is a place for my mother and sister to stand."

Shi Xuanming pondered for a moment, then responded with a smile.

Suddenly, he met Zhong Qiyuan's eyes that were as dark as the night, and he shuddered suddenly, and a strange feeling rose in the depths of his soul, as if he was restrained by something deep in his soul.

This feeling was fleeting, he got Professor Zhong Qiyuan's method on how to make the best use of potatoes, and was full of joy, so he didn't think about the strangeness that happened to his body at that moment.

The system said: "The host has never used divine power for so many years, why should it be used on a cannon fodder?"

"Because I don't want to use it on the male lead."

system:"… "

In addition to the male protagonist, there are a group of people to choose from, what kind of brain circuit is this

It also said: "How good is the male protagonist, he is both civil and military, civil and military, and he is well versed in the study of emperors, and he is very restrained. In the future, he will be able to achieve great things when he ascends the throne. It should be said that when he becomes the emperor, this dynasty will be able to compete with each other. longer."

Zhong villain Qi Yuan reproduced her evil and ruthless side: "What does it matter to me whether this dynasty lasts for a long time? I'm not the holy doctor who came to prolong the life of the feudal dynasty."

system:"… "

That's right, its host has never been a kind person. As long as the task is completed, when the child of luck is still alive, the small world has not collapsed, and she doesn't care about other things.

"Besides, the male protagonist has a reborn girl. Are you sure he can be as wise and wise as he says in the original book? What if he worked hard in the early days and was greedy for pleasure and absurd in his later years, and then the world will be in chaos?"

The system thought to himself, "I don't know if the male protagonist is broad-minded or not, but it's certain that you will retaliate."

It is sure that when the host and the son of luck met the male protagonist in Luoyang, the behavior of the male protagonist has offended the host, so when she came to Luoyang this time, she did not even consider the male protagonist's advantages, so she chose to help cannon fodder Shi Xuanming .

Of course, it is also possible that Zhong Zao offended the host. He happened to stand in line with the male protagonist, so when the host harassed him, he angered the male protagonist.

Whatever the reason, the system has no openings.

On the other hand, when Zhong Qiyuan was on Shi Xuanming's body, Cong Wan, who was swinging in the backyard of Yun's house, suddenly stopped the swinging swing with her feet. Just when she had the idea of monitoring Zhong Qiyuan, she paused again and swayed the swing. , swayed again.

After Shi Xuanming collected and sorted out the relevant data on potatoes, he sent a letter to Shi Hong, who was fighting on the front line. It wrote in detail about the harvest and how to make potatoes the sixth largest grain after five grains.

Potatoes can be made into flour like wheat, and the extra residue can be used as feed after fermentation for a period of time, reducing the burden of grain and grass.

However, ten catties of potatoes can only produce two catties of flour, which is much less than eight catties of flour from ten catties of wheat. Thirty stone potatoes can yield six stones of flour.

This comparison may not seem like much, but the key point is that one acre of wheat field may not be able to grow two stones of wheat. In comparison, the yield of potatoes is already amazing.

Therefore, Shi Hong was overjoyed and immediately handed over the work of planting potatoes on a large scale to Shi Xuanming.

After Shi Xuanming took the order, he asked the emperor for an edict to include potatoes in the tax list, which could be paid in place of rice, money, etc. The ratio of rice to rice was 5:1. That is to say, if you pay five catties of potatoes, you can get one catty of rice.

The common people were not willing to plant this kind of stuff at first, after all, the ratio to rice is too high. Until they knew that this thing could yield more than 30 stones per mu, was drought-tolerant, had a short cycle, could harvest two crops a year, and didn't need to spend too much care, they started to learn how to grow potatoes.

Shi Xuanming first chose Luhun County, where Zhong Qiyuan was located, to test, and lent the sprouted potatoes as seeds to farmers, but he would not collect money in advance, and settle the settlement after the potatoes were planted. Then they sent the person who secretly learned how to grow potatoes beside Zhong Qiyuan to be expelled to teach the farmers who had borrowed the seeds how to plant them.

Of course, in order to prevent potatoes from occupying the position of food, Shi Xuanming also strictly limited the planting area of each household, and one-third of the fields of this crop species are enough.

Wheat was harvested in May and June, and farmers hurriedly planted a batch of potatoes at the end of July.

By October, when the wheat is entering the wintering period, the potatoes can be harvested.

Many farmers are trying to harvest in the big winter for the first time. Although it is a bit of a toss, they feel joy from the bottom of their hearts when the potatoes are piled up in the fields. This winter, they have enough food for the winter!

Shi Xuanming purchased most of the potatoes and plans to continue to expand the planting area in the coming year.

Although its planting area is still small, its role is obvious. Shi Hong was very happy and asked the emperor to decree that his eldest son, Doctor Guanglu, General Zuowei, Jingzhao Yin and Tuen Tian Envoy, were given official positions.

At the same time, Zhong Qiyuan was rewarded with 100,000 yuan and 50 pieces of silk, etc., and also had someone build a Ziji Temple in Lingshan, give her purple clothes, and give her the name "Mr. Shengtan" to show her honor and favor.

The so-called "purple clothing" is a symbol of the status of the Taoist priests awarded by the imperial court. Because only the officials of the imperial court can wear purple official uniforms of the third rank and above, the purple clothing given to Taoist priests also means that their status is high among many Taoist priests.

As for the given number, it is also a symbol of status and status, different from the original Taoist number of Zhong Qi Wish.

Many Taoist priests from Luoyang came to Lingshan because of this, firstly wanting to worship her as a teacher, and secondly wanting to see if she was worthy of this honor.

Zhong Qiyuan sent a spokesperson, Zhong Chuyuan, and said, "Mr. Shengtan is cultivating. He doesn't accept apprentices, and he doesn't want to discuss Taoism with others. Brothers, please come back!"

"Mr. Shengtan is a female champion?!"

Knowing that Zhong Qiyuan was a woman, many Taoist priests were disappointed, believing that the female crown was not qualified to accept purple clothes and names, and her favor must be obtained by clinging to the powerful or selling her soul.

Some Taoist priests who really wanted to discuss the Taoist classics persisted, and Zhong Qiyuan asked Zhong Chuyuan to discuss it with them.

Zhong Chuyuan studied medicine and practiced Taoism. She has attained many Taoist scriptures, but she is best at medical skills. Therefore, every time the Taoist priests turn the topic to philosophy, ethics, fairy music, and theology, she will always inadvertently Turning the conversation back to evangelism.

After many days of discussion, these Taoist priests also confirmed that Zhong Chuyuan was not a vain person through her experience in helping villagers see a doctor.

They were shocked. This little-known female champion's Taoism is so deep, how deep is the Taoism of "Mr. Shengtan"? !

They dared not despise them any longer. After returning to their respective Taoist temples, with a rainbow fart, the reputation of the two sisters spread even more widely.

Especially after Zhong Qiyuan did not grow potatoes, and switched back to growing herbs, the Taoist alchemy formula in Luoyang also changed once, and her herbs were again in short supply.


Zhong Zao vomited blood.

He has worked conscientiously by Shi Hong's side for so many years, and only has a fourth-rank official rank, wears red clothes, and is placed in a position without real power. Zhong Qiyuan just donated potatoes, so she got purple clothes and a Taoist temple built just for her.

He has never had such a Ron!

The more he thought about it, the more unwilling he was, but it was as if God was going to oppose him. Everywhere he went, he could hear the news of how many people Zhong Qiyuan and Zhong Chuyuan had saved, how many good deeds they had done, and how leisurely Meng's life was.

Zhong Zao felt more and more depressed in his heart.

The next summer, drought occurred in various places, but the news of a bumper potato harvest in spring spread. Shi Hong once again rewarded Shi Xuanming and Zhong Qiyuan. Zhong Zao was hit hard and fell ill again.

This time he was more ill than the last time, because last time there was only a sign of a stroke, this time it was a real stroke.

Half of his body is paralyzed, and the other half is also unfavorable, his speech is slurred and his saliva is flowing uncontrollably.

After the diagnosis and treatment, the medical officer said that he had no choice but to take the medicine according to the prescription every day, so as not to let him die violently.

When Shi Hong heard the news, he came to visit him in person, and gave him the title of official third-rank official.

Not only that, after Shi Hong took advantage of the drought to force the emperor to abdicate and let the virtuous and open up a new dynasty, the "Great Wei", Shi Hong discussed meritorious deeds and rewarded Zhong Zao with an official inspector of the school. Forging a hundred horses of silk, etc., to show honor.

But no amount of Ron En can make Zhong Zuo happy. He is no different from a cripple now.

Although the title of Zhong Zao could not be passed down, the second son Zhong Zhang could make up for the seventh-rank Xuan Delang of Yinzheng, and he was appointed as a supervisor. —Although there was a fierce battle between the Liang and Zhou families when they were filling up Yin’s son, he won Zhong Guan because of the help of Shi Xuanwei behind Zhong Zhang.

Zhong Zao was so angry that he insulted Zhou Shi and Zhong Zhang inarticulately. He knew Zhong Zhang too well, this son was overwhelmed with the responsibility, and could not entrust the future of the Zhong family to him.

Although he loves Zhong Zhang, he knows that his character will lead to disaster, so he has been cultivating Zhong Guan. Unexpectedly, when Shi Xuanwei listened to Zhong Queyuan's words, he ignored his wishes and chose his brother-in-law who was a compatriot with his concubine. - Originally, Zhong had a stroke, which had already had a great impact on Zhong Queyuan's plan. If the eldest brother who did not deal with her took over the Zhong family, then she would have no backing support!

"Nepotism, sin!" Zhong Zao thought bitterly in his heart.

At this time, Zhong Queyuan came back to visit him, and in front of him, Mrs. Zhou, who had already regarded herself as a mistress, said: "My daughter heard that Sister A and Sister Chu Yuan are skilled in medicine and are famous in Luoyang. Everyone knows everyone. Why don't people call them back and treat Aye?"

There was a glimmer of hope in Zhong Zao's heart.

Zhou Shi said, "I'm afraid they won't."

"As the daughters of Aye, it is unfilial not to come to visit when Aye is seriously ill. How can they refuse to give them the opportunity to be filial?"

"Zhong Qiwang can't shout anymore, but try to find Zhong Chuyuan."

The Zhou family had no respect for these two former direct daughters, as did Zhong Queyuan, but she didn't show it.

In order to humiliate Zhong Guan, they asked him to find Zhong Chuyuan under the banner of Xiaoyi.

Zhong Guan expected that he would be closed, but he endured their difficulties and went to Ziji Temple.

Ziji Temple is now a famous Taoist temple in Luoyang. Every 15th day of the first day, Zhong Chuyuan will give free medical consultations to women and distribute herbal medicines for free. Therefore, it has been unanimously recognized by officials and people, and its reputation is getting better and better.

Zhong Guan's arrival was unfortunate, it was the first day of the first year, when Ziji Temple was the most lively. The people queuing up to see a doctor and get medicine have already lined up from the Taoist temple to the bottom of the mountain. After all, who doesn't want something that is free

He wanted to go straight to the Taoist temple, but the people in the queue thought he was jumping in the queue, and he was blasted to the back. Where has he suffered this kind of anger, and he is about to leave now, but after thinking about it, he still endured it.

"Master, it's been two hours, and he's still lining up honestly."

In front of Zhong Chuyuan, an eight-year-old radish head was reporting what she had seen and heard.

This is Zhong Chuyuan's new disciple, and he is also an orphan who has lost his family due to the drought. When she was sold by Yaren, she was bought by Zhong Chuyuan and accepted as a disciple.

In addition to her and Yan'er, who was only two years old, Zhong Chuyuan also accepted two female disciples and one male disciple, for a total of five disciples. With these five disciples, Ziji Temple was very lively on weekdays, so she originally belonged to Zhong Qiyuan's Taoist Temple, but she herself lived back in Zhuangzi to cook her herbs.

After Zhong Chuyuan sent the last batch of medicinal materials, she said to the disciple, "Go and invite him!"

When Zhong Guan entered the Taoist temple, his legs were numb, and he needed a servant to support him to stand firm, but he didn't have time to complain and confessed his intentions.

Zhong Chuyuan pondered for a moment, and suddenly asked, "Why does the fourth sister hate me?"

Zhong Guan was stunned, not understanding what she meant.

"After making up the Yin, you and her are almost like travelers, but she asked you to come and find me to treat Aye, which is clearly uneasy and kind. If she is really filial, she should come and invite me by herself. It can be seen that she intended to make You are shriveled, and you set a trap for me to step in!"

Zhong Guan was silent. Why doesn't he know? Ke Ren had to bow his head under the eaves.

"If I don't go to treat Aye, she says I'm not filial; if I go, when Aye makes a mistake, she can push it on my head, saying that I misdiagnosed and killed my father."

Zhong Chuyuan is not stupid and sweet. Although she has never met Zhong Queyuan, she can see her vicious thoughts from Zhong Queyuan's actions.

"What if you misunderstood her?"

Zhong Chuyuan said: "If you misunderstand, you will misunderstand. I didn't intend to have goodwill towards her. Go back and tell her that I will only treat women and children. Of course, Zi Jiguan also undertakes rituals. If they have any. Funeral, come find me again."

"Aye is so sick, aren't you going to visit him?"

"When he reconciled with A-Niang that day, he already gave up on me and made me live with A-Niang. Besides, I have become a monk, and the worldly relationships have nothing to do with me."

Zhong Guan had to tell Zhong Queyuan her original words.

Zhong Queyuan hated her teeth so much that she turned to look for Shi Xuanwei, but she was afraid that Shi Xuanwei would fall in love with her after she came into contact with Zhong Chuyuan. After thinking about it, she asked Zhou Shi to spread Zhong Chuyuan's accusation of being unfilial.

A few days later, Shi Xuan returned to the mansion after dispersing, went straight to her, and asked, "Do you know that your sister-in-law was rumored to be unfilial?"

Zhong Queyuan couldn't read his thoughts from his expression, so she could only say cautiously: "I heard something about it, I don't know what happened?"

Shi Xuan took a deep look at her and said, "Aye rewarded her."

Zhong Queyuan thought she had heard something wrong, and her voice was raised a lot: "Award?!"

Shi Xuanwei observed her reaction and knew that this matter really had something to do with her. His face sank, and he said, "In the name of 'praying for her father', she practiced almsgiving in the area around Lingshan. It rained that day. Everyone said that God was moved by her filial piety and deliberately rained to relieve the drought. Aye Hearing the news, he invited her to the palace to see her, and then rewarded her."

Zhong Queyuan: "?!"

What is this unfolding? It never happened before!

"Not only that, when she was in the palace, the eldest brother's Liangdi had a difficult childbirth, and she was invited to deliver the baby to the eldest brother's Liangdi. In the end, the mother and daughter were safe. Aye treated her as an immortal, and asked her to stay in the palace. As a medical officer, she was rejected.

"She is determined to save people by doing the Tao, and even Aye can't deprive her of her ambition, so she is named 'Delicious Guanzhen Zhenren' and has given her a lot of things. But she doesn't want anything, only asks Aye to give her back. clean.

"Aye found out after inquiring, that there were rumors that she refused to treat her father's illness because she was unfilial. But everyone knows that she is good at diseases of women and children, not good at stroke. And in just a few days, The rumors spread, it must be someone deliberately framed her. Aye has already ordered someone to investigate."

When Shi Xuanwei talked about Zhong Chuyuan, he was very annoyed and felt like he had lost something completely.

He thought, if it wasn't for Zhong Zao's lack of affection and injustice, and neglecting his wife and direct daughter, he would not have missed out on such a virtuous, virtuous, elegant and generous woman. If they could have met and met earlier, they would be qualified to marry Zhong Zuo as his wife as his daughter.


Comparing Zhong Queyuan and Zhong Chuyuan, Shi Xuanwei felt quite uncomfortable: Zhong Chuyuan was indeed a daughter raised in the main room, and even if she became a monk, her virtue and temperament could be called a model of a lady and a woman. Zhong Queyuan only had good looks and took the initiative to win his favor, but she was full of calculations.

Now Zhong Zao is useless, Zhong Zhang is unbearable, and Zhong Queyuan is worthless. Shi Xuanwei planned to treat her coldly, so that she would not have thoughts that she should not have, and make him follow Zhong Zao's footsteps.

Zhong Queyuan's heart tightened: "How could it be a rumor? No, I mean have you found the source of the rumor?"

Shi Xuan glared at her slightly: "What are you doing so nervously? You did this thing?"

Zhong Queyuan shook her head hurriedly, and she was about to cry: "How could a concubine do such a thing! The concubine just cares about my sister."

Shi Xuanwei was too lazy to expose her: "Now that the rumors are self-defeating, she is very good, you don't need to worry."

Zhong Queyuan: "… "

It is because she is very good that I need to worry!

So angry!

The author has something to say: System: The male protagonist must have offended the host for blah blah blah and other reasons!

Villain Zhong: I heard that he once coveted auditors

Next door's "The Mistress She Got Black After Wearing a Book" is up! You can go and shop next door while you wait for the update.

Double-open instant noodles, the kidneys will be deficient. scratch hair.jpg

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-03-20 22:11:06~2021-03-21 22:16:23~

Thanks to the little angel who dropped the shallow water bomb: Big Water. 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 Nimo Dimiaoyu;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: 2 for cruising; 1 not easy, nicky, Dimiaoyu, don't love money, and 1 caramel horse head;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 50 bottles of Xie Ye; 30 bottles of 2 arrived home; 20 bottles of wild vines, yoru, and sunny days; 10 bottles of deep-sea diving fish, Aertx, z; Yao Xiaoyu, Wind in the grass, Xunyu , 5 bottles of Huahua World; 3 bottles of pancake fruit with yogurt;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!