The Villain is Addicted to Farming

Chapter 29: Youth only learns 1


When following Zhong Qiyuan who didn't know where to go, Cong Wan took the time to understand the situation of the world.

Unlike the previous world, where the deviation was caused by the reborn, this world is a bug generated by itself during the operation.

To be more precise, there was a problem with the Son of Luck.

"Son of Luck" Luo Gui was originally a scholar with a poor family condition, but a very optimistic and positive personality.

After the high school entrance examination, she was admitted to the middle school affiliated to Zhongzhou University with the third grade in the city, and she met the male teacher Changming.

There are a lot of male coaches, not only rich, but also handsome, but the results are a mess. He is also sick, withdrawn, irritable, defiant, cold and arrogant.

But this does not prevent him from becoming the man of the school, there are countless boys and girls who have a crush on him; even the teacher will be convinced by his money, oh no, his looks; the girls in the school will scream and go crazy when they see him; The forum has kept the sign-in post for his call on the top for many years.

He is known as the most handsome school grass in the middle school affiliated to Zhongzhou University in the hundred years since its establishment.

However, the male protagonist soon discovered that the study committee member who always disappeared after school was not convinced by his charm? !

The study committee member, Luo Gui, the son of luck, successfully attracted his attention.

On the way out of school, he found Luo Gui actually working in a small restaurant!

Thinking that her grades are always the first in the class, and that she has become a positive teaching material every time, but he has never looked at him in the eye, he is sour in his heart, and deliberately goes to a small restaurant to eat, and then takes the opportunity to ridicule her, making her embarrassed.

Luo Gui was not a submissive character, so he immediately fought back, and the two formed a relationship.

In the tit-for-tat later, the male protagonist slowly fell in love with Luo Gui, but because he lived a life of lack of love since he was a child of "I have nothing but money", he became very escaping from his heart. But when Luo Gui ignored him, he couldn't help but continue to be cold and violent and tease her to win her attention.

At this time, a humorous, versatile, and also a school man named Song Pei appeared beside Luo Gui.

The second male is the secretary general of the student union, announcer, and host. He is handsome and has a natural voice. The programs and broadcasts he hosts can always touch the hearts of boys and girls.

The second man admired Luo Gui's strong self-reliance, diligence and inquisitiveness, and gradually moved his heart in the process of getting along with him. His caring remarks to Luogui attracted the jealousy of the male protagonist.

The male protagonist understood his intentions and was unwilling to run away, so he took the initiative to pursue love.

After a period of love triangle disputes, Luo Gui also found that he had already taken the initiative to the man. So at the right time and place, the male protagonist confessed to Luogui that her appearance healed his devastated heart, warmed him, and taught him how to love.

Luo Gui was so moved that he was with him like this.

If you think that this is the end of the matter, the male protagonist and Luo Gui can live a happy life from now on, then it is a big mistake.

Because this is not only an ancient campus love story, but also a painful youth literature, plus a super long story in the entertainment industry:

After Luo Gui and the male lead were together, they were soon discovered by He Qinxi, the male lead's childhood sweetheart, the number one fan and admirer, the female supporting role. The female supporting role was very jealous of Luo Gui, so she found faults and violence in schools.

Luo Gui tried to understand his relationship with the female lead with the male protagonist, and euphemistically expressed that the other party was bullying him, and found that in the male lead's mind, the female partner was a gentle and kind little sister next door, and he did not believe that the female partner was bullying her. matter.

After that, Luo Gui also had her dignity and stubbornness, and even if she was bullied, she would no longer complain to the male protagonist. She shrunk the female partner by taking her own way and treating her own body. But she underestimated the sinister intentions of the female partner, who deliberately set up a situation to frame her so that the male protagonist could see her beating people.

The male protagonist was very distressed by the female supporting actor and scolded Luo Gui angrily.

Then there was another episode of harassment.

However, the second male did not leave the stage because the male protagonist was with Luo Gui. Instead, he accompanied Luo Gui as a friend and helped her everywhere.

With his assistance, the male protagonist finally sees through the true mask of the female supporting role, and reconnects with Luo Gui.

When they were in their third year of high school, another accident happened - Luo Gui got pregnant unexpectedly.

The first time they tasted the forbidden fruit, they did not have contraceptive measures, and Luogui was distracted by study and love, so that he only found out after two months of pregnancy.

She didn't dare to tell anyone, but because of anxiety and pressure, she was distracted in class, her grades plummeted, and she almost lost her admission to a prestigious university.

But the pregnancy was finally discovered.

The person who found out was a female partner, and she went directly to the teacher to report it, and the matter went out of control. Luo Gui directly lost her qualifications as a guide and was almost expelled from the school. Her father ran to the school to take her to have an abortion, and after she knelt down and pleaded with the principal, she was finally not dismissed.

The male protagonist blamed Luo Gui for not telling him about the pregnancy, and Luo Gui proposed to break up with him at this time. He was hit hard and decided to study abroad.

Luo Gui cheered up again, withstood the rumors and pressure, and finally was admitted to an ordinary university.

Four years later, Luo Gui was accidentally discovered by a scout and entered the entertainment industry.

And the male protagonist who studied abroad has also learned something and decided to return to China to inherit the family business. His father is the chairman of a famous tourism film and television company. After returning to China, he took over the company's film and television affairs.

He has money and looks, and often contacts with entertainers in the entertainment industry, so he has spread a lot of lace news, and he has become a "merry and domineering president" in the eyes of everyone.

In an advertising cooperation, he met Luo Gui again, so the two fell into a love snare again after some sadomasochism.

The male protagonist made Luo Gui the queen of the movie, and Luo Gui also used his influence in the entertainment industry to bring considerable economic benefits to Shi Changming's company.

After marriage, the sweet life of the two successfully attracted many fans, and they were known as the sweetest couple in the entertainment industry.

As for their past experiences and hardships, they have all become indelible marks in their emotional lives. They realized that this relationship was not easy to come by, and they cherished each other even more.

Cong Wan: "… "

She finally knows why there are bugs in this world. It's long and stinky. For the plot of abuse and abuse, she wants to backhand a few bad reviews.

However, this time, it was not the rebirth who made trouble, but the obsession of the son of luck.

Even if Luo Gui became an actress, she had a handsome and rich husband who was devoted to her, and a pair of children. Her love, career, and family are all happy in the eyes of many people, and her life seems to have no regrets.

But she still has a deep obsession.

She often dreamed back to the age of seventeen in the middle of the night, thinking that if not so many things happened and her choices were different, would the result be different

This obsession became her nightmare for the rest of her life, tormented her and depressed her.

Later, her relationship with the male protagonist also had problems. After the male protagonist took care of an 18-year-old student for four years, after she was discovered, the male protagonist confessed to her: "I just think she is as innocent as you back then."

She broke down emotionally and committed suicide.

She shouldn't have killed herself. Therefore, the Lord God, who has always preferred the Son of Luck, arranged this task, hoping that the host can change her destiny, and it can't be worse than before, and give her a positive, sunny and full of positive energy life.

I don't know what Zhong Qiyuan thought after seeing this task. Anyway, she felt that the son of luck's fucking life was not like the life that a normal child of luck should have.

She also understands why Zhong Qiyuan is a teacher, but she is a student:

In every school and every class, there will be one or two students who do not have a strong sense of presence, ordinary and unremarkable, and she has no sense of disobedience among them. If it were a teacher, then there would be no way to be an "invisible person".

Of course, there are still many school employees to choose from, but when students can still do not study, they will deduct their wages when they work for others.

While thinking about it, Zhong Qiyuan's voice sounded in his ear: "It's here."

Cong Wan raised her head and saw the teaching building in front of her. She was at a loss for a moment: What did the host bring her here

"You can help me count the size and number of flower beds on each floor of these teaching buildings, and what plants are planted." Zhong Qiyuan said.

Cong Wan: "?"

Zhong Qiyuan's face suddenly turned pale, and then he panted, looking weak. She patted Congwan's shoulder and said earnestly: "Teacher is not in good health, I'll leave this to you, the teacher is very optimistic about you!"

Cong Wan: "… "

She silently checked Zhong Qiyuan's identity:

Zhong Qiqian, who has been frail since childhood, has the heart of being an athlete. Because my physical fitness is not enough, I can't be an athlete, so I chose to be a physical education teacher as the next best thing.

With her physical strength, it is a dream to be a physical education teacher. But she has a pair of parents who dote on her very much. Even if she wants a star in the sky, they can spend money to buy the naming rights of a newly discovered star.

Her desire to be a physical education teacher was also fulfilled by her parents - she was admitted to the teacher's qualification certificate, and then successfully passed the recruitment examination of the middle school affiliated to Zhongzhou University, and came here to be a high school physical education teacher.

However, because of her poor health, she often asked for leave. The school's leading teachers looked at the newly built technology centers, gymnasiums, art centers, and student dormitories, and consciously or unintentionally avoided letting her do rough work such as packing sports equipment and cleaning. .

So just now when she told the dean to ask Cong Wan for help, the dean didn't have any doubts.

However, Zhong Qiqian's parents spoiled her too much, making her overestimate her physical condition, so that she thought her health was getting better, so she secretly signed up for the marathon, but died of shock halfway.

Knowing that her heart had stopped beating for ten minutes, the marathon organizer still sent her to the hospital. Then in the ambulance, Zhong Qiyuan replaced her.

Today is just the first day that "Zhong Qiqi" was discharged from the hospital and returned to school.

Cong Wan: If you give her another chance to choose, she would rather be a worker than a student, so that the host can spend all day on public welfare!

She asked, "What do you count these flower beds for?"

"Of course, it is to make full use of the land resources in the school! I have already discussed with the school. As a hard-working gardener, I shoulder the heavy responsibility of maintaining flowers. I will take care of the flowers and plants here in the future."

From Wan choked.

After a while, she asked again: "The potatoes you brought to the barren space were planted?"

When it comes to farming, Zhong Qiyuan is happy to share his achievements with her: "It has been planted, and the crop of potatoes is really drought-resistant, so it is very suitable for barren land."

At the beginning of her exile, she thought of high-yielding crops such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, and corn. Unfortunately, in such a closed environment, there are only unnamed crops that grow naturally. Fortunately, these native crops also have yields comparable to wheat, making it a major food crop.

Cong Wan was a little curious: "The barren land has no grass and no scientific and technological power. How did you develop it?"

Zhong Qiyuan stretched out his index finger and shook it: "Not all places in the barren land are barren. The reason why it is said to be barren is that deserts, Gobi, wetlands and other areas that are not suitable for human survival account for 70% of the area. Another 20% is The area is the ocean, and less than 10% of the land area is suitable for human survival. As long as these resources are fully utilized, the area of green plants can be continuously expanded, making the Gobi a suitable area for planting.”

Cong Wan: "This can't be done in a short time, right?"

Zhong Qiyuan said lightly: "The most important thing I don't lack is time."

From Wan thought, for more than 4,000 years, thanks to her not being crazy.

Zhong Qiyuan looked at Cong Wan: "Don't be lazy, and give me the statistics of the flowerbed within today."

Cong Wan: "… "

Resisting the urge to hit someone, she turned her head and walked towards the teaching building.

The High School Affiliated to Zhongda University is divided into junior high school, high school and international department. Each department is located on a different campus, and the high school is its own campus.

There are three main teaching buildings, which are built in the shape of "Tian". Each building has six floors. There is a flowerbed on the outside of each floor corridor and each classroom, with seven or eight kinds of green plants such as bamboo and reticulated grass.

From Wan only standing in the middle of the teaching building and taking a cursory glance, he can calculate the data that Zhong Qiyuan wants. Just as the bell rang for the end of get out of class, she turned around and walked to one of the classrooms on this floor.

This is Class 7 of the second year of high school, and it is also the class where her identity "Xu Congwan" belongs.

In the noisy classroom, her appearance didn't attract anyone's attention, but the teacher who hadn't walked out of the classroom gave her a look. When she just sat down, she said softly, "Cong Wan, come to the teacher's office."

Cong Wan: "… "

Second time!

Besides the dean, why would any teacher notice her presence

What is the situation in this world

She went to the office with the teacher with a blank face, and then the teacher asked her very gently why she missed a class just now.

She said: "Mr. Zhong from the PE class asked me to help, and the dean also knew."

The teacher suddenly realized, and then turned to ask her if she could keep up with her studies.

Ten minutes later, the bell rang for class, and Zi Wancai returned to his seat. The classmates next to her still didn't pay much attention to her. She thought about it for a while and then understood the problem:

The reason why the dean found her hanging out was because the dean's responsibilities included managing the students' study, life, physical and mental health, and physical fitness. Every student is the same in her eyes, and she will not ignore the behavior of skipping classes and being late because a student does not have a sense of presence.

To be more precise, it was the radar that came with the dean.

As for the teacher just now, who was the head teacher of Class 7 of Senior Two, he was fully responsible for managing a class and each student. Of course, the head teacher who is not very responsible will definitely not take the situation of each student to heart.

But the class teacher Cong Wan met happened to be the kind of person with a strong sense of responsibility, she cared about every classmate.

Therefore, Cong Wan is not a person who has no sense of existence in front of her.

Cong Wan: "… "

So she should still be a school worker. In this case, no one will care if she is fishing or not, except the person who pays her salary.

On the other hand, after Zhong Qiyuan instructed Cong Wan to help him, the system said, "Host, haven't you already mastered all the green areas of the campus? Why do you need the auditor to count it again?"

"This is to promote a harmonious teacher-student relationship, strengthen exchanges, and allow us to understand and respect each other."

system:"… "

Do you believe this kind of high-sounding words? !

Whether Zhong Qiyuan believed it or not, she walked back to her office and took out a floor plan of the Middle School attached to Zhongda University from the file shelf.

Zhong Qiyuan circled several places above, namely the biological garden in the east, the fairy garden in the southwest corner, the green space in the north of the school separated by a small river, and the dormitory area in the middle area.

These areas have one thing in common, that is, there is a particularly large area of green plants, and most of them are grasslands. Among them, there is an experimental field on the side of Xiangu Garden, which is used as agricultural land for planting classes. Each class has a ridge of land on which crops are planted by each class.

"Tsk, it's a pity that this field cannot be occupied." Zhong Qiyuan said to himself.

Teacher passing by: "… "

He asked casually, "Does Mr. Zhong plan to go upstairs in these open spaces?"

If he remembered correctly, Zhongda Affiliated Middle School had two track and field fields, eight basketball courts, and eight badminton courts, and the green area to the north was twice as large as it is now.

Due to the need for a technology center and a gymnasium, one track and field field, four basketball courts and eight badminton courts were planned.

Later, another dormitory building was built in the north, and the original art center was doubled, adding an art gallery and a starry sky corridor.

I heard that the library of the campus has also been expanded.

And all these changes happened after Zhong Qixian came, so he heard rumors that it was Zhong Qixian's family who sponsored the school's expansion.

Hearing Zhong Qiyuan say this, the teacher naturally thought that she wanted to sponsor the school again.

Zhong Qiyuan asked suspiciously, "What a green space, why do you want to get up?"

The teacher took a sip of water in embarrassment and went back to his desk.

Another female teacher who was listening to gossip in the office with her ears pricked up, got up and dragged her chair to the male teacher's side, and whispered, "Mr. Zhong doesn't seem to know about her family's sponsorship of the school."

The male teacher was surprised: "So silly and sweet?"

Female teacher: "Oh, it's not that Teacher Zhong is in poor health and wants to be a physical education teacher, so you understand. Her family probably feared that she would know the truth and would not accept it, so they didn't let the principal tell her."

The male teacher suddenly realized.

Zhong Qiyuan: "..."

Don't these two know that the office is so quiet that you can hear a needle drop

Zhong Qiyuan stuffed the drawings into the folder, tucked them under his arm and walked out. As soon as he left the door, a teacher greeted her with a smile: "Mr. Zhong, you are back to school today!"

Zhong Qiyuan nodded: "Yes."

The teacher said a little embarrassedly: "Mr. Zhong, there is something I want to discuss with you. That's it, can you give me the physical education class of Class 9 of Senior One next? Their math grades are too bad, and the end of the semester is coming soon. After the exam, I want to make up for them."

Originally, Zhong Qiqian had a lot of physical problems, and she had to take a sick leave every three or five days, so her physical education class was either taken by other physical education teachers, or directly taken by teachers of other subjects.

This time she was hospitalized, and the teachers thought she would have to come back for a while, so they had already allocated her physical education classes in private. The teacher heard that she was back, so she hurried to say hello to avoid misunderstanding.

Zhong Qiyuan said, "I don't care, but it is the students who receive education. Ask them for their opinions!"

math teacher:"… "

She always felt that after Mr. Zhong came back from her illness, she changed her temper and spoke so euphemistically that she almost couldn't understand it.

After this get out of class, the math teacher and Zhong Qiyuan went to Class 9 of Senior One. The math teacher was in front, and Zhong Qiyuan didn't go in outside the door, so when the students saw the math teacher, they had a bad premonition:

"No way? Didn't Mr. Zhong come back? Why is it another math class?"

"Damn, I hate math!"

Someone wailed: "No!"

The math teacher glared at them and thought: I take one extra class and can't get an extra salary, do you think I really want to give you make-up lessons? The throat is hoarse, and it is useless to eat more throat lozenges.

He said: "That's it, I discussed it with your teacher Zhong and decided to let you choose whether to take physical education or maths for the next class. You are already sensible children—"

Without saying a word, a group of students shouted, "Let's go to PE class!"

The math teacher's voice was completely drowned out by their excited cries.

Zhong Qiyuan then walked to the door and knocked on the door: "Change into sports clothes and gather in the gymnasium. The sports committee finds a few classmates to carry table tennis, badminton and basketball."

"Okay!" Several boys exclaimed excitedly and ran away like a gust of wind.

The rest of the students also went to the locker room to change their clothes, and only a few students were still immersed in writing exercise books.

The system turned into a fluorescent light and danced: "The host is the son of luck! She is really a good student who loves to learn, she is so cute!"

Zhong Qiyuan glanced at the girl with a single ponytail and was completely immersed in the world of exercises. Without saying anything, he turned and went to the gym.

Luo Gui was answering the question, and vaguely heard a burst of cheers. She didn't know what happened, and she didn't care much. She just hoped that they would not disturb her study.

However, when she was really quiet, she raised her head in confusion and found that there were no more classmates in the classroom, and she panicked: "What's the situation?"

She turned her head and asked the remaining classmates, "Where are they?"

"Going to gym class." The classmate replied.

Luo Gui suddenly realized: "Mr. Zhong is back!"

She didn't plan to skip class, so she put away the exercise book and left the classroom.

After changing into her tracksuit, she ran to the gym on the bell. After Zhong Qiyuan appeared, the students gathered sparsely.

Zhong Qiyuan said: "When will the lineup be called, and then the warm-up exercise will be done after the name is called. How much time is left for free activities is up to you."

As soon as the words fell, the sports committee stood up and roared at the students who were still laughing and fighting: "Lin Jia, Meng Chong, they are still making trouble, stand up!"

After being yelled at by him and threatened by Zhong Qiyuan, the group of students lined up as quickly as possible.

At this moment, the girl in the second row shook her head, turned around and glared at the boy in the third row, her eyes were so fierce that fire seemed to burst out.

"What are you doing, Luo Gui?" asked the sports committee.

Luo Gui said: "I want to change positions."

The sports committee hurriedly changed her position, but the boy behind immediately raised his hand with a smile: "I want to change position too."

The sports committee didn't say anything. Zhong Qiyuan, who was sitting on a stool, opened his eyes and said lightly, "Change! You stand in the front. This position has a good view and is convenient for you to point the country."

All students: "?"

After being stunned for a moment, Shi Changming quickly regained his senses and said, "I won't change."

"If you want to change, you can change, if you don't, don't change. Is this your class or mine? If you don't want to go to physical education class, tell me as soon as possible, don't delay everyone's free time."

If another teacher said that, Shi Changming would definitely leave with a sigh of relief. But no one in the middle school attached to Zhongda University knew that Mr. Zhong, who came in through the back door, was a sick child. If something happened to her, the school would have to go to court.

Under the strange gazes of the students, the teacher stepped forward with a dark face.

As soon as he came forward, the eyes of the girls in the first two rows fell on him, with admiration and longing in their eyes, and some girls' cheeks were flushed.

Zhong Qiyuan: Is this the charm of the male protagonist of ancient romances

She glanced at Shi Changming, who is about 1.8 meters tall and has the most popular long bangs and broken hair. The bangs cover half of his face, and she doesn't know how much hairspray has been sprayed, so that the part of the hair on the top of the head stands up. , Fluffy is referred to as the low-key version of Kill Matt.

Zhong Qiyuan thought that he was probably a close relative of the funeral love family.

He didn't dye his hair, and a "knife-cut face" looked white and tender against the backdrop of black hair, with a slender neck and slender legs, which were the most popular looks and figures during this period.

Oh, and his indifferent eyes and unruly attitude, his fans nicknamed him "Prince of the Night".

Zhong Qiyuan: "..."

She handed the sign-in form to the sports committee: "Call me!"

The speed of the sports committee's roll call was like twice the speed, and the order was quickly completed. Then he led the students to do a set of warm-up exercises, and Zhong Qiyuan let them go freely.

As soon as he was free, Shi Changming saw Luo Gui running to grab a basketball, so he also went to get a basketball, ready to go to the basketball court with a few buddies. When he passed by Luo Gui, he glanced at her again, his eyes were full of youth and throbbing.

Zhong Qiyuan saw all this in his eyes.

At this time, the two had already forged a grudge in the small restaurant and fought against Maimang for half a semester. Shi Changming gradually realized that he liked Luo Gui, but he didn't want to look directly into his heart, so he made fun of Luo Gui every day.

However, Luo Gui did not have any love, and even felt that Shi Changming was disgusting and avoided him. But Shi Changming "accidentally" smashed the ball into the frame on her side, and then called her to help pick it up.

She ignored it, but instead attracted unkind glances from the girls: "It's your honor that the Prince of Dark Night asks you to help pick up the ball, how dare you turn a blind eye?!"

Luo Gui rolled his eyes: "That's your prince of the dark night, not mine, whoever likes to hold his stinky feet will go!"


The system said: "Host, Son of Luck is in trouble!"

Zhong Qiyuan unscrewed the thermos cup, took out the tea bag, licked his mouth, tasted the sweetness on the tip of his tongue, and then threw the tea bag away. She drank jasmine tea calmly and said, "Don't you think there is a wall in front of me?"

"What wall?"

"I have more logic here. Once they leave me, those people have no logic at all."

system:"… "

You who got the Mary Sue script have no right to complain about their lack of logic, right? With logic, you can still get a teacher's qualification certificate, can be a physical education teacher, and can you say that if you sponsor a building, you can sponsor it

In contrast, the auditor's side is more logical. They have to go to class bitterly, doze off and "enjoy" the refreshing gift package provided by the teacher. After class, I have to be dragged by the teacher, and the teacher who didn't have time to go to the toilet for the next class came in...

The author has something to say: From Moyu: I thank you!

The original ancient romance, the timeline is around 2008.

In instant noodle middle school, at the request of her classmates, she wrote an ancient romance with her follower as the protagonist. The male and female protagonists are famous figures on campus, the daughters of wealthy families and children of powerful people. They drive helicopters to school every day, and they scream when they appear. There are also luxury cruise ships and private islands that go out to sea casually. Students who don’t do business every day will only hold various cocktail parties, play cool and handsome, and occasionally drive a broken car called Xiao Huang…

Looking back on it now, it hurts my eyes. As the saying goes, you can share spicy food, so instant noodles must be shared with everyone.