The Villain is Addicted to Farming

Chapter 35: Youth only learns 7


Cong Wan's purpose is to fish if you can, and to create conditions for fishing if you can't. How could she honestly water these dozens of acres of land

She went directly to Zhong Qixian's life assistant to ask for a set of repair tools, and then began to check what went wrong with the automatic irrigation system.

Five minutes later, she turned on the switch and the automatic irrigation system started watering.

Zhong Qiyuan applauded: "Wow, it's fixed! As expected of a professional and experienced auditor, he can do everything except human knowledge."

Cong Wan: "... , did you do it on purpose?"

Zhong Qiyuan looked innocent: "Why do you wrong people? I'm just like you, I just came home!"

Cong Wan was too lazy to get to know her in general, so she said unceremoniously, "I'll go swimming and call me when I eat."

Excited to run away.

Zhong Qiyuan snorted: "You auditors are so welcome, living in my house is like living in my own."

System: "When the host lived in the auditor's house in the last world, wasn't it the same? Even more rude."

"Tsk, how can the things of the last world be brought to this world!" Zhong Qiyuan refused to admit it.

system:"… "

I told you everything!

After the end of the final exam, the teachers of each subject began to revise the test papers in full swing. Some subjects have standard answers for the fill-in-the-blank questions, so the teachers of each subject chose to ask the students to help correct them.

At this time, Luo Gui, He Qinxi and others, who were still in the school and did not go home, and shouldered the responsibilities of the school committee and monitor, were selected to go to the office to correct the papers.

Luo Gui doesn't care, she doesn't plan to go home in summer anyway, because she has to take care of Zhong Qiyuan's crops at school. Zhong Qiyuan also said that her working hours have become longer, so she will increase her salary. The original work-study salary of 800 per month has been increased to 1500 months in the summer.

And He Qinxi was a little unhappy. She had to go to summer camp in a week, so she only had a week to go home to see Teacher Changming. Now she has to take away even this week, she is not reconciled!

It's just that she can't say no no matter how unwilling she is, because she is the monitor and she also wants to know her grades earlier. Besides, everyone from the study committee members to the representatives of each class participated, but she refused to do it. Isn't this tricking herself!

So she and Luo Gui appeared in the office every morning after breakfast. The reason why they appeared together was that they also lived in the student dormitory. The time and place of activities were the same.

It's just that He Qinxi didn't speak to Luo Gui. It's not that He Qinxi still hates Luo Gui for being favored by Shi Changming, or that she is angry because Luo Gui went to "complain", but she thinks that the two of them should have torn their faces, so there is no need to communicate again.

But every time they met in the cafeteria and the office, neither of them talked to the other, which seemed a little embarrassing, especially when the two of them were sitting next to each other.

The representatives of each class also saw that something was wrong between the two of them, and murmured in private: "I heard that the school committee and the monitor are fighting for the Prince of Darkness. It's surprising that it can be good!"

Hearing their muttering, Luo Gui looked strange and took the initiative to clarify: "Have you misunderstood something? I have nothing to do with Shi Changming at all, don't get me involved with him."

The class representatives looked at each other, a little embarrassed, and no one spoke. He Qinxi, however, heard her dislike for Shi Changming, and couldn't help but say, "What do you mean, you want to distance yourself from Changming, so I'm rushing to post Changming?!"

Luo Gui said: "I just clarify that I have nothing to do with Shi Changming. When did I say you posted him backwards?"

"You didn't say it, but that's what you meant!"

He Qinxi was angry. She likes Shi Changming, so she thinks about him in everything, but he doesn't appreciate it and runs to coax Luo Gui. Isn't this obviously she is being cheap? !

Especially Luo Gui still resists Shi Changming like this, as if Shi Changming is some kind of disgusting thing, which further highlights that He Qinxi likes such "disgusting things"? !

She knew that it wasn't Luo Gui's fault that Shi Changming liked Luo Gui, but she just couldn't stand her enthusiasm being compared.

Luo Gui was also angry: "Why are you so unreasonable?"

"I'm making trouble unreasonably? Luo Gui, are you finding fault!" He Qinxi exploded, where did she make trouble unreasonably

Luo Gui was too lazy to care about her, but she refused to forgive her. She ran to Luo Gui and grabbed her arm: "Clarify it to me!"

Luo Gui broke her hand and said, "I have nothing to say to you, don't bother me to change the scroll."

He Qinxi simply grabbed the red pen in Luo Gui's hand, with a stubborn expression of "I won't forgive you if you don't explain it to me."

Unexpectedly, Luo Gui took out the second red pen like a trick, He Qinxi stared, and reached out to grab it, but this time Luo Gui took precautions and took it away without giving her a fight.

"Give it to me!" He Qinxi ordered.

Luo Gui looked at her like a fool, but He Qinxi was so angry that he rode directly onto Luo Gui's leg to grab it.

He Qinxi finally grabbed the pen, but the office was also quiet.

The class representatives were so excited by this scene that their eyes widened, and commentaries sounded in their heads:

"Ah, the school committee has lost a point, and the monitor is currently leading by one point!

"Oh, the school committee has come up with another sum, what will be the reaction of the monitor

"It's a fight, the squad leader has started!

"The squad leader took action decisively! So how will the school committee deal with it

"As expected of the school committee, the response is very sensitive, taking advantage of the geographical location, and putting the pen in the rear where the monitor can't get it! So how can the monitor break through the defense of the school committee and get the pen

"Oh, the squad leader adopted a frontal attack method to directly overwhelm the school committee, yes, that's right, directly entangled in it, the school committee's actions were restricted!

"Audience friends, the school committee has lost the ability to resist, and the monitor has won!"

The squad leader really won, but she was sitting on Luo Gui's lap, holding Luo Gui's shoulder with her left hand, pressing against Luo Gui tightly, and holding a pen in the distance with her right hand... This action can no longer be described as ambiguous, it is simply Lively and fragrant!

Originally, the two were not bad looking. He Qinxi was as bright and attractive as Luo Gui's evaluation, and he liked to make up, so he was regarded as one of the school beauties in school. And Luo Gui, who looks clean and bright, has a cheerful personality, like a little sun, so the actions of the two of them fall in the eyes of others, that is, how bright they must be.

A class representative silently raised his phone and took a photo.

Startled by the "click" sound, the two parties finally recovered. He Qinxi got down from Luo Gui with a blushing face. The latter was also extremely embarrassed. He put his hands on the desk and covered his face.

"What are you looking at?!" He Qinxi angrily glared at the representatives of each class, so frightened that everyone lowered their heads and pretended to change the book.

Rao is like this, He Qinxi still feels that her face is very hot, she glared at Luo Gui, but she couldn't create the aggressive aura just now, she stammered: "What do you want?!"

Luo Gui looked at her: "I should ask you this, right? Return the pen to me."

"If you don't make it clear, don't expect me to return the pen to you!"

Luo Gui asked, "What do you want me to clarify?"

He Qinxi's mind became muddy, yes, what were they arguing about

After a while, she finally remembered that the source of the dispute, "Shi Changming", was here, but she was not as angry as before, so she asked in a low voice, "You have nothing to do with Changming, right?"

"What relationship can I have with him?" Luo Gui paused, then suddenly said, "Oh, I really have something to do with him."

He Qinxi said in his heart, "You really are related!"

"I have a relationship with him as classmates. This cannot be denied. But if you want me to say whether I have any other relationship with him, then I have to solemnly declare that I am in the same boat as him! Understand?"

He Qinxi was suffocated in her heart. She couldn't keep up. She turned over the old account again: "Don't talk about him, you went to Mr. Zhong to sue me! Why are you such a villain?"

The anger that Luo Gui had just subsided came up again, she stood up directly, bullied her body and approached He Qinxi, scaring the latter back to her original position, until she was blocked by the desk behind her.

"You haven't been to the farmers' market to buy seeds, have you? Do you think that Teacher Zhong will let you ignore her words as a person?"

He Qinxi thought along with Luo Gui's words, and found that he couldn't, no one could ignore Zhong Qiyuan's words, otherwise the end would be miserable!

She instantly understood that Luo Gui didn't complain at all, but after a while, she quibble: "Didn't you say that Teacher Zhong has a gentle personality, maybe she didn't care about me."

"Her temperament is also scored. Whoever touches her crops does not take the initiative to admit responsibility and admit mistakes, then her temperament is not gentle."

He Qinxi felt guilty, but she stuck her neck and asked, "Do you mean you're taking the blame for me?"

"It's good that you know, don't talk about my complaint all day long!" After Luo Gui finished speaking, he turned around and found someone to borrow a red pen to go back and continue to mark the test paper.

He Qinxi blushed when she said it, and the two villains in her heart were fighting again, one wanted her to apologize, and the other didn't allow her to put down her figure to be soft.

In the end, the self-respecting villain won for the time being, and He Qinxi returned to her seat without saying a word, but her heart couldn't calm down, and she didn't change a few papers for a long time.

When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Luo Gui put down the red pen and went to Zhong Qiyuan's field for a walk. He Qinxi didn't know what to think. She ran to the biological garden and saw that the seedlings that she had pulled out had grown again. However, compared to the thriving tomato seedlings next to it, that one seemed a little young, apparently it was planted later.

In order to prevent her from being punished by Teacher Zhong, Luo Gui took the initiative to take the blame, but she targeted Luo Gui because of the teacher, and it seemed very unconscionable to do so.

Thinking of this, He Qinxi regretted it.

Her thinking became more and more diffused: Luo Gui actually has nothing to do with Shi Changming, after all, it is Luo Gui who Shi Changming likes, so what does it have to do with Luo Gui? I didn't see Luo Gui usually avoiding Shi Changming! On the contrary, the teacher took the trouble to harass Luo Gui, this kind of behavior is too annoying!

She attacked Shi Changming for a while, and realized that her thoughts seemed a little scary, and immediately the whole person fell into chaos: "How can I think about Changming so much? He is obviously not that kind of person... But he usually bullies Luo Gui. Also bullied badly, do you really like Luo Gui? Why can't I see it? Shouldn't you take care of each other if you like someone? Why bully each other? No, no, I can't think of him as bad..."

At this time, Luo Gui appeared in the biological garden, saw her talking to herself, and said, "What are you doing here?"

He Qinxi was taken aback by her, and she immediately forgot about Shi Changming.

"Why are you scaring me!"

Luo Gui said angrily: "You are sneaky, how can you rely on me to scare you?"

He Qinxi couldn't find any rebuttal words for a while, Luo Gui saw that she was rarely frizzy, and was surprised, but thinking of the festival between the two, he ignored her.

After recording the growth of the crops in the biological garden on his own, Luo Gui was about to go back, but He Qinxi stopped her: "That, I'm sorry."

Luo Gui's goosebumps appeared all over his body: The squad leader even apologized? !

Stimulated by her distrustful eyes, He Qinxi jumped up again like a cat with fried fur: "What are you looking at? I apologized to you, what else do you want?!"

Luo Gui said, "Why do you apologize? You should apologize to Teacher Zhong."

Seeing that she didn't understand what she meant, He Qinxi became even more angry: "I'm not apologizing to you for the matter of removing the seedlings!"

"That is?"

He Qinxi felt that he had made a great sacrifice to bow his head and apologize, so how could he tell Luo Gui the reason for his apology? She said angrily, "You think about it!"

After saying that, he walked away as fast as he ran.

Luo Guizhang Er's monk was at a loss, but his worries were finally relieved, and his steps back to the office were lighter.

After returning, there were already two red pens on her desk, and at a glance, she knew that He Qinxi had returned it. She didn't say anything. After returning the borrowed pen, she changed the test paper in a quiet way.

Little did they know that the representatives of each class had long been shocked by He Qinxi's actions, and various plots floated through their heads. For example, the two left the office at the same time not to go to the toilet, but the monitor to go after the school committee, and then the two had a fight? But their faces were not hurt, their hair was not messed up, and they obviously didn't do anything...

Especially after the squad leader came back, his face was red, his ears were red, he was out of breath, he was holding two pens in his hands, and his face was shy (?), he lingered for a while, and finally returned the pen

Could it be that they went out just now and did something shameful

What is the relationship between the monitor and the school committee? !

The class representatives felt more and more that they were the truth.

After they left just now, the class representatives started a private group, and then shared the photo that had just been arranged. The representative of the English class who took the photo also urged thousands of times: "Don't spread it out, and don't say I took it!"

Then the representative of the Chinese class immediately sent a message to a certain space with the words: Shocked, the monitor and the school committee are fighting!

The representatives of the chemistry class quickly followed: the smoke in the office, the chemical composition of the nitrate, and what kind of chemical equation can be used to get the smoke gas

The representative of the physics class pondered for a moment, and also forwarded the news: the monitor slides down from the school committee's leg at a constant speed, then the monitor's force is ( )


The dynamic of the representatives of the chemistry class was subconsciously passed by the students who were paralyzed at home during the holiday, but when they saw the dynamic of the representatives of the Chinese class and the representatives of the physics class, the students were instantly excited.

Dry fight? Pulling each other's hair and smacking each other's mouths

They thought the scene was a mess, but when they opened the picture, they saw the monitor sitting on the school committee's lap coquettish (?), and their heartbeats suddenly skipped a beat.

What the hell, what happened

Ah, so exciting, isn't this better than some island action movie

Nosebleeds are coming out!

Turn around!

Fuzhuan is not a person from Zhongda High School, Buzhuan is not a person!

He Qinxi's little sisters also read this news, and they are the most shocked: the squad leader finally got back on the same front with them, and together they stumbled Luo Gui and prevented her from being with the Prince of Dark Night. Why did the two of them stick together again after the exam was over? What the hell is going on

The news spread quickly.

Only the two parties were unaware: Luo Gui had no mobile phone, and no space to play; He Qinxi was busy with reviewing his homework before and was busy with composition training after the exam, so he left his mobile phone in the dormitory and did not bring it out.

Seeing that the little sisters couldn't get in touch with her, they could only watch this photo spread more and more widely.

In addition to these two parties, Shi Changming was also not aware of this matter. As soon as he was on vacation, his parents took him to a foreign country for a vacation. It was called a vacation, but in fact he was asked to be an assistant. He is so busy every day that he doesn't even have time to look at his phone.

It was only when he returned to China a week later and visited the space after a long absence that he found out about it, and the rumors became more and more outrageous. Someone accused: "The monitor of Class 9 and the school committee are actually a couple? They flirted openly in the office. , there is simply no lower limit!"

Teacher Changming immediately went to the He family to find He Qinxi, and wanted to know what was going on. He was told by the He family's parents, "Qinxi, she went to the summer camp."

Shi Changming pulled her out of the blacklist, but the phone call failed. He also learned that the summer camp she attended was very strict. She was not allowed to bring her mobile phone during the day, and she was not allowed to play with her mobile phone after the lights were turned off at night. Once discovered, it was confiscated. - The teachers of the summer camp have left a phone number for the parents. If there is anything, they can contact the teacher directly, so the parents are not worried.

The teacher didn't know what was going on with her, but he didn't receive a call back from her for a week, so he was so angry that he blocked her again.

He Qinxi was found playing with his mobile phone at night, and unfortunately was confiscated. She lived a boring life without a mobile phone for a week, and when she got it back, she realized that Shi Changming had called her several times.

At this moment, she finally remembered Shi Changming, and called back excitedly, but she couldn't get through.

She didn't have much time to play with her mobile phone. Seeing that the lights were about to go out, she was cured and put out the idea of continuing to call. And now the composition is more important than the teacher's. After she came to the summer camp, she learned that there are many students who write better compositions than her in the junior high school. If it is not for the junior high school and the high school that compete separately, her ranking is only I'm afraid it's going to bottom out.

This aroused her competitive spirit, and for this reason, she once again forgot her teacher Changming and focused on training to prepare for the preliminary competition.

Shi Changming couldn't find He Qinxi and had to go to Luo Gui. He went to Luo's house first, and then learned that Luo Gui had not been home at school, so he ran to the school again, and happened to stop her in the biological garden.

Luo Gui was still surprised when he saw Shi Changming appear at the school during the holidays: "Come and get the transcript? On your desk, go to the guard to get the key!"

"I don't care about that!"

Luo Gui frowned, her scores in both Chinese and mathematics combined were higher than his total, and she didn't know how this person usually studied. Now I hear him say that he doesn't care about studying at all, and he suddenly understands: "If you don't care, don't care, it has nothing to do with me."

Seeing that she was leaving, the teacher grabbed her wrist and asked, "What's the matter with you and Qinxi?"

Luo Gui was offended by his sudden action, and subconsciously broke free, he didn't have time to understand what his words meant: "Let go!"

At this moment, Song Pei's voice sounded next to him: "Hey, what are you doing?!"

Song Pei rushed over and pushed Shi Changming away. The latter found out that he had been pushed away, and the person who pushed him was Song Pei, the one he hated the most.

Although Song Pei is not wild and unrestrained, he will never be beaten in vain. With his decent physical strength, he will not lose the wind when he fights with him.

After Luo Gui broke free, he ran to find Zhong Qiyuan, who was on duty at the school.

After Zhong Qiyuan went to the fight scene, he didn't say a word, just stood there, and the two automatically let go of each other.

Zhong Qiyuan picked up his phone and snapped a photo, then said with a smile, "I really should show the whole school how dark and stupid their 'Prince of Dark Night' and 'Prince of Spring' are."

Teacher Changming: "..."

Song Pei: "..."

Just by looking at each other, they knew how embarrassed they looked now. Not only was their face painted, but their clothes were torn, and they looked like homeless people.

"Speak, why don't you speak?" Zhong Qiyuan asked.

The two apologized in unison: "I'm sorry."

Zhong Qiyuan was in high spirits: "I'm not interested in knowing why you guys fought. I'll go back and write a review myself. Also, tell your parents, I'll go home for a visit another day."

"Mr. Zhong!"

"Go back to the doctor by yourself, don't force me to call the guard to take you away."

The two hesitated, but finally left the school in a daze.

Luo Gui felt that Song Pei was a little innocent, so he told Zhong Qiyuan the whole story.

Zhong Qiyuan said to the system, "Why do all the painful youth literature, the male protagonist and the male second always have to fight for the female protagonist? Are the stereotypes good?"

system:"… "

Who made the Lord God like this tune? !

Zhong Qiyuan warned Luo Gui earnestly: "Don't take this matter to heart, it has nothing to do with you."

Luo Gui was moved to tears: "Mr. Zhong, you are so gentle!"

Zhong Qiyuan smiled: "Really? I also think I am gentle. Unfortunately, some people don't think so."

Luo Gui: "?"

Zhong Qiyuan changed the subject: "The squad leader apologized to me, saying that she was the one who pulled out my tomato seedlings."

Luo Gui didn't know what to think for a while. On the one hand, she felt that it was very rare for He Qinxi to take the initiative to admit her mistake, and on the other hand, she thought that she should not think about He Qinxi so badly. There was even a hint of joy in the bottom of my heart.

"Oh… "

Zhong Qiyuan patted her on the shoulder: "Keep it up." Then he left.

Luo Gui wondered: "..., keep what?"

Zhong Qiyuan took out his mobile phone and forwarded the news of the accusation: "They have a lower limit, and there is no lower limit for rumors."

For a time, the dynamic area was silent.

The temporary head teacher came out to protect the calf, who would dare to say this? Aren't you afraid that Zhong Qiyuan will shark them and then dance on their graves

Those updates were deleted one after another, and this matter was quickly buried in the bottom of everyone's heart. After that, everyone's attention was quickly taken away by another incident. A student who lived nearby met Teacher Changming and Song Pei outside the school, and found that they were both adored, so they boldly speculated: "Prince of the Dark Night. We fought with the Prince of Spring!"

Why did the two fight

Some people speculated: "The Prince of Spring is gentle and humorous. It is impossible to take the initiative to hit people. It must be the teacher who picked up the matter and annoyed our Prince of Spring!"

Others held an objection: "Although our Prince of Dark Night is usually wild, he will definitely not take the initiative to pick things up. As the saying goes, whoever flirts first is cheap, it must be Song Pei who is cheap!"

"Bah, who doesn't know that Shi Changming has been inquiring about the Prince of Spring, and he wants to deal with him!"

"Nonsense, Prince Dark Night doesn't know any Prince of Spring at all. If Song Pei hadn't provoke Prince Dark Night, how could he have inquired about a little-known person!"

The fans of the two quickly ripped apart in the dynamics of the space, and they ripped into blood and rain. After the ripped, the air was still filled with a strong smell of fire|medicine.

He Qinxi, who was originally the number one fan of Shi Changming, has never participated in the battle because she participated in the competition. Her little sisters thought that she was not worthy of being the number one fan of Prince of Darkness, so they angrily announced that she would be kicked out of the fan club.

He Qinxi, who did not know that he was deprived of his fan status, after participating in the finals and winning the second prize, was depressed for a few days because he was dissatisfied with his ranking.

He's father and He's mother happily showed off to their friends with trophies and awards at home. Seeing her dejected look, they encouraged her to talk, then helped her pack her luggage and sent her back to school.

He Qinxi: "Didn't you finish the competition? Why do you want me to live on campus?"

He's father and mother are very pleased: "You have only lived on campus for a period of time, and your grades have improved so much. It can be seen that living on campus is only good for you, not bad. So my father and I decided that for the next two years, you will Stay on campus!"

He Qinxi: "..."

She stood at the door of the dormitory, speechless.

Luo Gui came back from dinner and saw her, paused, then raised a smile: "Squad leader, congratulations!"

He Qinxi glanced at her: "What's so exciting?"

"The squad leader won the second prize, it's amazing!"

He Qinxi couldn't help straightening his waist when he heard it, and pretended not to care and said, "It's just the second prize!"

"It's really amazing to stand out from thousands of people and win the second prize."

He Qinxi was so proud of being praised that he was no longer depressed. Instead, he felt full of confidence: "It's no big deal, I'm going to win the first prize next year!"

Luo Gui cooperated and applauded with face: "Well, I believe the squad leader can do it!"

He Qinxi was a little proud: "If there is a problem with your composition, I can guide you!"

Luo Gui smiled and nodded: "Okay."

The author has something to say: Male lead: What's the matter with you

Second man: What's the matter with you


Female Match:

Well, the whole world knows what kind of relationship they have, but they don't.

I'm going to have my wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow, woohoo

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-03-28 14:21:31~2021-03-29 19:19:55~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: 1 piece of Nima Dimiaoyu, Suiyi, and Grass in the Wind;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 208 bottles of milk beer biscuits; 20 bottles of daily cigarettes; 16 bottles of changing names; 8 bottles of serious nonsense; Ah volcano 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!