The Villain is Addicted to Farming

Chapter 37: Youth only learns 9


Teacher Changming felt that the head teacher was connoting him, but he had no conclusive evidence.

But I have to say that Zhong Qiyuan showed him a new direction. He is not interested in learning, and he can inherit the family business in the future, so his grades are irrelevant to him.

He is not very interested in acting, and he is used to being the most dazzling star in the crowd. If being a star can make more people know him and remember him, maybe there is nothing wrong with him.

But the rebellious him, why should he listen to Zhong Qiyuan

He said, "Players, in ancient times, they were inferior, and they didn't fit my status!"

Zhong Qiyuan said, "That's right, Mr. Ba always wants to study abroad and get a double degree. But your grades... don't fit Mr. Ba's character, so forget it!"

Shi Changming was irritated by her attitude: "You look down on me?!"

"When you usually go to play with a group of friends, you meet those beggars, and you tell him that there is a place where it is more convenient to beg. At this time, he asks you, 'You look down on me?' How would you answer?"

The teacher followed her words and thought, and subconsciously he would say something like "I really look down on you", but he quickly understood what Zhong Qiyuan meant, and his face suddenly darkened: "In your eyes, I really look down on you. A beggar?"

"Don't question me with the lines of the quarrel between the hero and heroine of a romance drama, you are not qualified. Don't hinder me from chasing the drama, and go back to your class!" Zhong Qiyuan dismissed him coldly.

Teacher Changming was so angry that he returned to the classroom. He happened to meet He Qinxi and arranged for someone to go back to school to help with the parent meeting. Just as He Qinxi was about to talk to him, he suddenly kicked the table and said sternly, "Don't talk to me, you are the most annoying!"

He Qinxi's eyes widened, unbelievable that the childhood sweetheart teacher Changming would actually vent his anger at her in front of everyone. She had a friendship with him for more than ten years. In the past, she was devoted to him, and he didn't appreciate it. What's going on now

It's okay to refuse to answer her phone calls during the summer vacation. When school started, she rolled her eyes, as if she owed him, and now she is scolding her in front of the whole class. Does she have no dignity? !

Wasn't it because of the summer camp that I missed two calls from him? As for

For the first time, He Qinxi felt that Shi Changming's character and temper were very annoying. She even developed empathy with Luo Gui, feeling that Luo Gui hated him, so it was not unreasonable to avoid him. When people are entangled, Luo Gui is really unlucky!

He Qinxi had never suffered such grievances before, the time when she was hit by Zhong Qiyuan was not counted. She had her own dignity, so she held back the tears in her eyes and walked out.

The women's toilet was at the end of the science class. When she walked over, Luo Gui saw her. Recalling that she used to look at the window and greet her when she passed by here, but this time she didn't, so Luo Gui guessed if something happened to her, and followed her out.

It was not until the class bell rang that Luo Gui saw He Qinxi come out, but her eyes were red, obviously she had cried.

"You, was criticized by Teacher Zhong again?" Apart from Zhong Qiyuan, Luo Gui couldn't think of the second person who could make He Qinxi angry.

Seeing her here, He Qinxi felt ashamed for a moment, but she felt that it was not the first time that she had been crushed and cried. Instead, she had the experience last time and opened her heart this time: "It's not Zhong. teacher is-"


"It's Teacher Changming."

Luo Gui was slightly surprised. After all, she had heard that He Qinxi was always "Chang Ming" long and "Chang Ming" short. How could she ever call him by name

"How did he make you sad?" she asked.

He Qinxi rolled his eyes and complained, "I don't know why he has lost his temper. He lost his temper at me for no reason. I just thought that Uncle Shi and the others didn't have time for parent-teacher meetings before, so I wanted to tell him that if This time, Mr. Zhong can invite them. In the end, he scolded me before I said anything. "

Luo Gui was already angry: "Why is he like this? It's too much, I'll scold him for you!"

"Hey—" He Qinxi didn't expect Luo Gui to have such an impulsive side.

"You can't bear to be scolded by him?" Luo Gui asked her.

He Qinxi was startled and said, "That's not true. I also grew up with my parents in the palms of my hands. Why should I be so angry? If you scold him, you are not afraid of his revenge?"

Luo Gui frowned and said, "How can he get revenge? Isn't it the same boring and domineering tactics as before? But I'm no longer working in the small restaurant and canteen, so I'm not afraid of his revenge."

He Qinxi said, "Aren't you afraid that he will let Uncle Shi bankrupt your family? That's what TV dramas do."

Luo Gui said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about this, our family has long since gone bankrupt."

He Qinxi: "???"

She was stunned for a while before she looked at Luo Gui in shock, "Your family is bankrupt?"

"It's not quite right to say bankruptcy. My family originally opened a taekwondo gym, but there were several big taekwondo gyms around to grab students. My family's taekwondo gym didn't have any students, and it closed down when it couldn't make ends meet."

He Qinxi finally understood why she wanted to work for Zhong Qiyuan. The arrogant monitor showed a hint of sympathy, and then lowered his head to apologize: "I'm sorry, I don't know."

"You don't need to apologize." Luo Gui smiled when she saw that she stopped crying, "Aren't you sad now?"

He Qinxi said, "I won't be sad to learn that you are even worse than me."

She said these words very carelessly, but Luo Gui was familiar with her temperament, and she sometimes stabbed other people's hearts invisibly, so she didn't think there was anything wrong with her words.

"Then wash your face and go back to class."

He Qinxi washed his face, and when he walked back to the classroom with Luo Gui, he muttered, "You saw me cry twice, I just lost face twice, it's so unfair."

Luo Gui blinked his eyes and thought, "Then I'll cry twice to bring you back into balance?"

He Qinxi rolled his eyes: "Forget it, if you really cry, it must be something sad. It's good. I'm not happy for something to make you sad."

Logi laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" He Qinxi glared at her.

"I'm happy. I'm glad the monitor treats me as a friend."

Luo Gui was still a little emotional when he spoke. It was obvious that the two of them didn't get along with each other in the last semester, and they became friends without knowing it.

He Qinxi scolded her: "Who, who treats you as a friend, you took the initiative to be nice to me!" He added, "You called me the monitor again."

Luo Gui didn't care, and just returned to the classroom, he waved to her: "Axi, I'll go back to class first! I'll help you teach Teacher Changming after class."

"..., um." After He Qinxi responded, he trotted back to the classroom.

Teacher Ke Ren has already entered the classroom to start the class. Seeing that she came back late, she didn't say anything. She calmed down and began to listen to the lecture attentively, without paying attention to Teacher Changming's affairs at all.

On the contrary, Shi Changming regretted a little after scolding her, and wanted to apologize to her, but he couldn't help himself. Besides, he didn't care about He Qinxi very much. He Qinxi used to rush to accommodate him. Thinking about it like this, he didn't apologize to He Qinxi all morning.

During the lunch break, he was blocked by Luo Gui at the door of the classroom.

Luo Gui came to him in person, so that his irritable and restless heart was comforted a little, he was excited in his heart, but habitually said to her with a cold face: "What are you doing?"


Shi Changming thought he heard it wrong: "What?"

"I said, let you apologize to the squad leader!"

"Why?" The teacher was so angry that he thought Luo Gui came to him for him, but he didn't expect it was for He Qinxi!

Are they really gay as rumored

Disgusting or not

"Just because the monitor did nothing wrong, you shouldn't insult her!"

"It's none of your business for me to scold her? Do you feel bad for her? Disgusting!" The teacher didn't choose to say anything, and glared at Luo Gui.

Luo Gui was also angry: "Why are we disgusting? You are disgusting, right? With eyes on the top of your head like you, the facial features are crooked, and it looks disgusting!"

"You—" Shi Changming was suffocating in his heart and had nowhere to let it out, so he pointed to Luo Gui and said, "Don't think that you can have good fruit to eat if you offend me. I didn't care about you before, that's because I have you in my heart. , but if you are so aggressive again, don't blame me for being rude!"

Luo Gui was stunned.

What does "I have you in my heart" mean

Does the teacher like her

Impossible, Shi Changming is making things difficult for her like she is sick all day, how does it seem like she likes her

Luo Gui rolled his eyes: "You know, who always found fault with me in the past, and I'm too lazy to care about you doesn't mean I'm weak and can be bullied. The thing you bullied me in the past is over, I don't plan to pursue you But has the class leader offended you? Your childhood friendship with her, you treat her like this? Shameless and disgusting!"

Luo Gui left after scolding, she has no time to waste here.

Shi Changming was used to being domineering at school. It was the first time he was called disgusting and shameless in front of so many students. He shot in anger and grabbed Luo Gui by the collar. .

As soon as He Qinxi came out of the office after reporting the work, she heard that Luo Gui and Shi Changming had quarreled. She mentioned it in her mind and ran back to see what was going on, only to see Shi Changming do it.

In the past, she would definitely have enjoyed watching the show, but it was Luo Gui who was injured now, so she couldn't help rushing over, pushing Shi Changming away, screaming, "Why are you hitting someone?!"

After Shi Changming took the shot, he regretted it. After being pushed by He Qinxi like this, the anger in his heart came out again, and he said coldly: "Who made her provoke me!"

"I'm going to tell the head teacher!" He Qinxi helped Luo Gui up and said word by word.

When he thought that their current head teacher was Zhong Qiyuan, Shi Changming's scalp suddenly tingled, but he firmly believed that Zhong Qiyuan couldn't do anything to himself.

He broke the jar, and He Qinxi ran to find Zhong Qiyuan in a blink of an eye.

After learning the truth of the matter, Zhong Qiyuan didn't deal with it immediately, He Qinxi said apologetically, "If it wasn't for me, Luo Gui wouldn't have gone to find Shi Changming, it's my fault."

Zhong Qiyuan put down the teacup and said, "He still needs to be taught. All right, you all go back first!"

He Qinxi and Luo Gui left the office and said, "You have to go to the school doctor's office for a check-up first, so there is nothing wrong."

"It's just a fall, it's fine." Luo Gui said indifferently.

"A drop can be big or small. What if the internal organs are injured? What if there is a fracture or something happens to the buttock? Even if there is only a slight abrasion, it should be disinfected."

Luo Gui couldn't beat her, so she could only follow her to the school doctor's office.

All this was seen by He Qinxi's former good sister and Shi Changming's fans, which seemed to provide strong evidence that she had betrayed Shi Changming's fan group.

They blocked He Qinxi one by one, and He Qinxi, who was drenched in leisure time by studying, didn't notice the changes of the little sisters in the past. She thought it was because they were divided into classes, so they were not. Rarely come to find yourself to play.

The arrogant eldest lady never bothered to take the initiative to make friends. The other party didn't come to her, and she simply didn't want to lower herself to find them, so she and Luo Gui missed the opportunity to learn the truth so perfectly.

It's because the two sides stand out for each other this time, which makes the students who eat double-flower CP extremely excited. - Lily was successfully promoted to "Shuanghua CP", because one of them is a school flower, and the other is a class flower of Class 14. Isn't this a "double flower"!

Zhong Qiyuan read the news in the group, and then asked the teacher to come over. The latter was very uncooperative, with an attitude of "I'm like this, what can you do with me".

"Are you used to being an overlord at home and treating the school as your home?" Zhong Qiyuan asked.

The teacher did not speak.

Zhong Qiyuan added: "I know, you are very short of love."

Shi Changming was furious: "You lack love!"

"Deny what? You don't blame all your faults on your parents' relationship, being separated for many years, and lack of love for you, which makes your heart very empty, longing for father's love and mother's love, but they don't give you anything but money. 'Above? Doesn't this mean that you lack love? I can't make up for the hurt your original family has done to you, and I don't want to help you make it up, so I'll give you two paths, or be a good student and study hard Go up every day. Or follow the path your parents chose for you, study abroad and come back, inherit the family business, and play in the world."

"What if I don't choose?"

Zhong Qiyuan smiled meaningfully: "Then I will let your parents stay at home with you for the rest of your life, so that the parental love that you lacked in childhood can fill your empty heart again."

Shi Changming could hear what she meant. If he didn't cooperate obediently, then she would let the teacher's family go bankrupt, so that parents who had no business to work on could often accompany him at home.

His heart beat faster and his breathing was rapid: "You dare?!"

"Why don't I dare? Are you still questioning my style of doing things?"

Teacher Changming calmed down slowly. He thought about Zhong Qiyuan's character and found that she was the kind of teacher who was very out of shape, but she knew the situation of each student very well, and she liked well-behaved and studious students. All teachers are the same.

Of course, she wouldn't target those students with poor academic performance. As long as they didn't cause trouble in front of her, she would generally ignore them.

However, if it really makes her unhappy, then she will use all the resources to make these people suffer.

They all say that Teacher Zhong is stupid and sweet. They don't even know that her family donated so many buildings to the school in order to allow her to become a physical education teacher through the back door.

She clearly has a clear mind, and she is very good at playing such despicable and dirty methods. She didn't use her power to bully others, sleep letter? !

As if he knew what he was thinking, Zhong Qiyuan smiled slightly: "This is the way adults deal with it."

Teacher Changming: "..."

He went back and thought about it for a few days, and finally figured out, he can't provoke Zhong Qiyuan, can't he hide

So as soon as he discussed with his parents, he decided to join the entertainment industry as an art candidate. It happened that their family had plans to enter the entertainment industry. After he understood the operation of the entertainment industry, he would return to his own company to take over this aspect. Business.

Teacher Changming went to go through the procedures for changing classes, and there was no obstacle from the school, so he went to class 27 smoothly.

After that, He Qinxi and Luo Gui rarely met Teacher Changming at school. He Qinxi learned from her parents that Shi Changming was going to film a TV series. Her heart beat faster and quickly recovered. Her feelings for Shi Changming seemed to be very weak, and she couldn't even recall that she liked Shi Changming before. What kind of feeling Ming Ming felt, everything that happened at that time seemed like a dream.

Now she has no time to focus on places other than studying. She participated in many activities and competitions in the first semester, and won several awards, but she was not proud, and her grades improved greatly. Among them, she met Zhong Qiyuan's requirements in the exam, and the total score was crowded. In the top ten of the class.

This made her happy, and then she snarled fiercely in front of Luo Gui.

Luo Gui smiled and congratulated her, she asked, "How was your grade this time?"

Luo Gui said, "The old way."

He Qinxi pouted. Luogui's "old look" is to remain at the first level of the grade.

She gritted her teeth: "Damn, it's really enviable, jealous and hateful!"

"Squad leader, if you work harder, you will definitely shorten the distance between me."

He Qinxi was so angry that her nose crooked: "Don't speak if you can't speak! Your good mood will be ruined by you."

Luo Gui thought for a while and suggested, "Why don't I take the squad leader to do a fun thing as an apology for saying something wrong?"

He Qinxi became interested: "What's the matter?"

Luogui said: "There is a lecture given by the Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology in the conference hall in the city on Saturday, let's go and listen!"

He Qinxi: "..."

She rolled her eyes, "Is this a funny thing?"

"Isn't it fun to learn the power of knowledge?"

He Qinxi: "..., get out!"

He Qinxi irritably refused.

Are you kidding? She is a liberal arts student, let her go to a lecture on biology, will she fall asleep? !

Of course, she still went with Luo Gui in the end, because Luo Gui paid the price of helping her cook for a week and clean for a week.

Then they met Zhong Qiyuan and the "senpai" who had a relationship with them outside the conference hall.

"When did Mr. Zhong become so close to people, this senior is really not easy!" He Qinxi pulled Luo Gui to hide behind the pillar and gossip.

Luo Gui: "..."

She asked, "Shouldn't you be curious about why Teacher Zhong and Senior Sister came here?"


Luo Gui walked over to say hello to Zhong Qiyuan and Cong Wan: "Mr. Zhong, Senior Sister!"

Seeing her, Cong Wan unconsciously revealed a small smile: "It's you, junior."

Luo Gui was slightly surprised: "Senior sister still remember me?"

"Why don't you remember? In the first grade, except for Chinese and English, all other subjects got full marks. After the establishment of Zhongda High School, such outstanding students could be counted by two slaps." Cong Wan said.

Luo Gui was a little embarrassed, but decided to study more seriously in order to live up to everyone's expectations.

Seeing Luo Gui running over, He Qinxi had to bite the bullet and asked Zhong Qiyuan boldly: "Mr. Zhong, you are a physical education teacher, why did you come to listen to the lecture?"

"Listen to the lecture?" Zhong Qiyuan looked at her suspiciously, "I didn't come to listen to the lecture, this lecture was jointly held by the Zhong Group and the Institute of Biology, because we want to develop a disease prevention and new drug Collaboration in R&D…”

He Qinxi: "..."

She was used to the "Master" Versailles, and her face was numb at this time.

"That senior sister, like Luo Gui, came to listen to the lecture?"

Cong Wan also looked numb: "No, I was hired by a teacher to be an assistant on behalf of the public."

"But isn't Senior Sister preparing for the exam?"

"This has no effect on her. It would be better to say that after she has this experience, it will be much easier to find a job after graduating from university. She can even come to our Zhong Group to work." Zhong Qiyuan said.

"The relationship between the teacher and the senior sister is really good!" Luo Gui sighed sincerely.

Zhong Qiyuan said, "I have an ordinary teacher-student relationship with her."

Luo Gui: "?"

She did not say that it is not a normal teacher-student relationship. Besides the teacher-student relationship, can they have any relationship

And when does Mr. Zhong explain things specially? This is really strange!

He Qinxi had too many things in her head. She had a whim, and after sorting out the experience she had seen before, she felt that she seemed to have discovered the truth!

The author has something to say: When the villain Zhong is drinking the CP of the heroine and the supporting actress, the supporting actress is also drinking the CP of teachers and students.

After I came back from my tooth extraction, I rested for a long time, and put ice cubes on my face while typing words with one hand, only typing more than 5,000 words.

By the way, is there no love between the leader and the saint next door? Few people have spoken recently, lonely and lonely.

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-03-30 22:20:06~2021-03-31 23:31:40~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: 2 for Ni Mo Di Miaoyu, and 2 for Tu Yi Yi Yi Yi; 1 for not easy, Www_ Wan Wan;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 140 bottles of Wenqi is Alisma; 111 bottles of Youqin; 100 bottles of Www_ Wanwan; 40 bottles of potatoes, Mengsong and Mengsong's hair balls; 30 bottles of Hu Chijun and Chunnuanhuakai; Another 20 bottles of sunny days; 18 bottles of yoru, not easy; 16 bottles of Huan; 14 bottles of Ah Jing does not eat fish; 11 bottles without names and nicknames; Sukina, The Wind Comes, 310331 10 bottles; Chaoge 5 bottles; Yan Yuqiu 4 bottles; Volcano Ah Volcano, 999, Restless, aturee 2 bottles; Laobai, Huahua World, Aba Aba, 12344234 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!