The Villain is Addicted to Farming

Chapter 44: Mary Sue also farms 4


Ouyang Wuji was making too much noise, and Han Yaner, who was resting next to him, also heard it. She roamed around the villa like a frightened deer.

During dinner, the servant came to ask her what she wanted for dinner, and she asked, "Where's Ouyang?"

"Master Ouyang has left."

Han Yan'er breathed a sigh of relief, and slumped on the sofa with a sense of relief. It was the first time that the righteous sister didn't push her towards Ouyang Wuji and felt unreal and dreamy.

After a while, she remembered that she was going to explore Zhong Qiyuan's attitude, so she asked, "Have you eaten yet?"


"I'll go eat with her." Han Yaner got up.

The servant stopped her: "The eldest lady said that she could contact the Eighth Secretary beside her if she had something to do. You don't need to go there to accompany her. If the second lady also likes the scenery here, she can stay here as long as she wants."

Of course, Zhong Qiyuan's original words also said "don't come to me if you're okay" sounded ruthless.

Han Yaner also thought about it at this moment, Zhong Qiyuan just didn't want to see her, nor Ouyang Wuji, except the Eight Secrets Cong Wan around him, no one seemed to be able to stay there.

She inquired about the details of Zhong Qiyuan's operation, but the maid was not very clear, only said: "More than 20 days ago, the eldest lady said that she likes quietness, which reduces the number of people working around her, except the doctor. Only the big secretary who needs to handle group affairs can come and go."

"Then why is it changed to Eight Secrets now?"

"We don't know that."

Seeing that Han Yaner couldn't find anything, she could only rest her mind.

At this time, another servant came over with her cell phone in her hand: "Second Miss, your cell phone is ringing."

Han Yaner was stunned for half a second when she saw the name on it as soon as she took over the phone. When she was connected, a gloomy question came from there: "Are you with Ouyang Wuji?"

"No." Han Yan'er replied.

"Why didn't it take so long to answer my call?"

Han Yan'er said, "I'm on my sister's side, so I leave the phone to the servant..."

On the condition that she left Shangguan Tang and became engaged to Ouyang Wuji, she received a fee for Shangguan Tang's treatment from Zhong Yuan, and all the subsequent treatment of Shangguan Tang would be paid by Zhong's family.

Therefore, she couldn't let Zhong Yuan and Ouyang Wuji find out that she was still involved with Guan Tang, so she didn't dare to bring her cell phone when she went to see Zhong Yuan. - She can shut down, but she is afraid that Shangguan Tang will be worried if he can't find her.

Shangguan Tang was not in the mood to listen to her explanation, and said, "I don't care where you are or what you are doing, come here, I want to see you."

Han Yaner knew that Ouyang Wuji had just left, but she would definitely keep an eye on the movement here. If she left, she would definitely not be able to hide from Ouyang Wuji. By then, she was afraid that she would be arrested by Ouyang Wuji before she saw Shangguan Tang.

"Ouyang is staring at him. I can't leave for the time being."

Shangguan Tang sneered: "You said you weren't with him? If you don't want to come, then don't come, and don't come in the future!"

After that, I hung up the phone.

"A Tang!" Han Yan'er panicked and quickly dialed back, but it seemed like the phone was turned off, she couldn't get in no matter how hard she tried.

She finally gave up after making three calls to no avail. At this moment, negative emotions suddenly hit, and she fell back on the sofa, full of grievances, bent her legs, hugged her knees, and wept silently.

The system reported every move here to Zhong Qiyuan, who ate her dinner slowly and unmoved.

"These people are just too full to eat and too rich to live, so they have time to worry about such boring things."

The system slapped her: "How can you say that emotional matters are boring? But for a host who doesn't know what it is, it's really boring."

Zhong Qiyuan took it seriously: "Why do you have a wrong perception that I don't know what love is?"

The system exclaimed: "Host, have you misunderstood what you are doing? Why do you have such confidence?"

Zhong Qiyuan raised his brows: "Have I been too nice to you recently?"

system:"… "

Overwhelmed, it floated away.

When Zhong Qiyuan used his divine power to teach it, Cong Wan hurried to stop her: "Calm down!"

"I'm calm." Zhong Qiyuan said.

Cong Wan glanced at the trembling system, stretched out his hand, grabbed it in his palm, and said solemnly: "The child is disobedient, just beat him up, there is no need to make the situation so serious."

Zhong Qiyuan: "…"

She said, "If you admit it was born to you, I won't give it a shot."

Cong Wan was so choked by her that she forgot what she wanted to say for a moment, and after a while, she said with her conscience, "It was born to me."

The system is very cooperative: "Mom!"

Cong Wan scolded it privately: "Go away."

Zhong Qiyuan sneered: "If there is a next time, it's useless to call your mother."

From the moment Wan heard the words, she knew that this matter had been turned over, and she asked, "How did the system provoke you?"

The system was the first to say: "The host boasts that she knows what love is, and I said she didn't know, and she got angry!"

Cong Wan: "Why do I think your words are a bit more unbelievable after you level up?"

If the system has a form, it will definitely blow its beard and stare: "Auditor, you must be fair!"

"I'll give a bad review after reviewing it."

system:"… "

It quieted down immediately. cute.jpg

Although Zhong Qiyuan didn't mean to explain, and the system didn't elaborate, but Cong Wan vaguely understood what was going on—this feeling already existed when she first discovered that she could secretly communicate with the system So when Zhong Qiyuan asked her to say that the system was born to her, she also had the illusion that the system was a piece of flesh that fell from her.

Cong Wan suddenly remembered something and asked, "Assist System-01, how did you pass the internship period?"

The system felt that two worlds had been ignored by them, and now it finally remembered to ask this question, and it immediately replied proudly: "Of course I went to three small worlds, completed the assist task, and passed the internship period! "

Cong Wan understood: "You do the tasks on your own and pass the internship period."

There are two ways for the system to become positive: one is to do tasks autonomously, that is, tasks carried out in a hostless mode. However, in this mode, the system must possess a person who has a social relationship with the task object. Once the task is completed, it needs to escape, that is, let the possessed character die.

The other is by binding the host and completing the task through the host's behavior. This mode weakens the autonomy of the system, and leaves many things to the host to complete, so the system does not play a strong role, and the risks will also change with the host's behavior.

Under normal circumstances, if there is no suitable host candidate to bind to, or if you do not trust the host, you can choose to do the task independently.

However, there are only two situations in which autonomous tasks such as Assist System-01 have passed the internship period, but turned their heads and have to be bound to the host. One is that its performance is very good, so the Lord God let it bring the internship host;

The second is that although it passed the internship period, the main god was not satisfied with its subsequent performance, so when there was a suitable host, it would be assigned to it and bound.

Zhong Qiyuan is obviously not an intern host, and does not need an experienced system leader, so he can only explain that the assist system-01 was thrown to Zhong Qiyuan because of his poor performance, and one person and one host tortured each other.

The system didn't know how much Cong Wan thought about it, and it responded slightly proudly: "Yes!"

"Then why did you bind Zhong Qiyuan?"

system:"… "

It withered. It also wants to know why the Lord God wants it to be bound to Zhong Qiyuan. It is clear that when it passed the internship review, it still got an excellent evaluation, and then it has not yet decided whether to continue to do tasks on its own, or to bind the host, and was appointed by the new one. The Lord God assigned Zhong Qiyuan, the big devil, to it.

Cong Wan said with a smile: "Either you are too good, so you think you can help Zhong Qiyuan and complete the task together with her. Or you are too lazy, so I gave you the thorns and waited. If Tian Zhong Qiyuan did something wrong, you can go back and rebuild."

The system hurriedly said, "That must be because I am too good!"

The system is also dignified, how can it say its own food? !

"So excellent, you know the uncontrollable and dangerous nature of the host, but you still do things to provoke her. Is this what an excellent, professional system should do?"

System reflection: "I was wrong."

As expected of a professional auditor, in just a few words, he realized his mistake and made a deep introspection.

Cong Wan didn't educate it, but said to Zhong Qiyuan, "The system knows it's wrong, don't take what it says to heart."

Zhong Qiyuan glanced at her sideways: "I can't change the fact that it is my system if I don't take it to heart. But for the sake of you speaking for it, I don't care about it for the time being."

Cong Wan puzzled: "Huh?"

Is she such a big face? But Zhong Qiyuan used to threaten her with Little World at every turn!

Cong Wan didn't want to keep holding on to this matter, so he changed the subject: "Let's just leave it alone with the son of luck and the heroine?"

"The system only needs to achieve performance, but you also need to achieve performance?" Zhong Qiyuan asked.

Cong Wan rolled her eyes and threw the little green dot-like system back to her: "It's okay, Mr. Zhong, take your time."

"Hey—" Zhong Qiyuan stopped her, "what are you running for? I have something to tell you to do."

Cong Wan: "Mr. Zhong, I'm off work."

"One hour of overtime."

"What am I doing wrong to work overtime?"

"One day off tomorrow."

Cong Wan Li immediately turned back: "What is Mr. Zhong's order?"

"First, let people study powered exoskeletons; second, adjust Zhong's project to let the Ouyang Group; third, go set off fireworks with me."

The first two things sounded quite serious, and people couldn't help but enter the work mode, so that when it came to the last thing, Cong Wan still didn't respond: "Clam? Set off fireworks?"

"There is no ban on fireworks in this small world."

"But no matter which small world it is, there will be pollution."

"If it is polluted, it will be treated!"

Cong Wan: "... You spend 100,000 yuan to set off fireworks, but you spend 1 million to control the pollution caused by the fireworks. Are you alright?"

"I'm rich and willful."

Wan never thought that the assimilation ability of this world was so strong, and even Zhong Qiyuan was assimilated into this chaebol style.

Now she is just a migrant worker, so she has to go down and make arrangements for tomorrow's vacation.

Fortunately, she only needed a phone call, and the people below arranged everything for her.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Han Yaner's stomach was beating with hunger. She ate some porridge and was about to call Shangguan Tang's mobile number again when she suddenly heard a sharp and loud "咻-bang-" explosion. Then, a colorful light appeared outside the large floor-to-ceiling windows.

Han Yaner ran to the floor-to-ceiling window and saw that the second fireworks had risen in the night sky. After the momentary silence, they suddenly bloomed, illuminating the night.

"Dad, Mom..." Han Yaner murmured.

She couldn't help but think back to her childhood when her parents were still alive. Every New Year's Day, the city will set off fireworks to celebrate the New Year's Eve, and then her parents will take her along with the surging crowd to watch the fireworks on the bridge that has implemented traffic control.

She was held by her dad, and every time the fireworks rose and bloomed, she danced with excitement...

Later, her parents died, and for various reasons, the city stopped holding New Year's Eve activities and no longer set off fireworks, so she never saw fireworks again.

During the Chinese New Year at Shangguan's house, Shangguantang's parents bought fairy sticks, a box of eight sticks, and she and Shangguantang each had four sticks.

Then Shangguan Tang gave her his fairy sticks, so that she could put two sticks in one night... Maybe it was because of these too good memories that she fell deeply into them.

When she saw the servants came out to watch the fireworks, she asked, "Who is setting off the fireworks?"

"It's Miss."

Han Yan'er was a little surprised. In the past, her sister-in-law was completely out of touch with "fireworks". After all, she was always sitting with many big people and watching the most beautiful fireworks in the country from a distance.

Thinking of this, she put away all her worries and ran to the roof terrace to look at the island next to her with a telescope. Sure enough, she saw Zhong Qiyuan lying leisurely on the reclining chair in the glass-covered room, while Cong Wan was instructed to run to have sex.

Soon, another round of fireworks began to rise and bloom.

Han Yaner was a little envious, but she finally gave up her plan to join them forcibly. She also forgot all her worries, forgot Ouyang Wuji to keep up with Guan Tang, and just stood quietly on the terrace and indulged in the beauty of fireworks.

The author has something to say: Villain Zhong: Tonger, you are floating again.

From Fishing: Beating Children? I come.

In other words, it may have been a long time since I mentioned it, and everyone has forgotten that it was the previous Lord God who exiled the villain Zhong, and the new Lord God who brought the villain Zhong back to work and re-employment.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-04-07 01:21:07~2021-04-08 02:06:39~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: 1 piece of Nimo, Poria, and Caramel Horsehead;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 40 bottles of Xiaojizizi; 1 bottle of Laobai and Xiaotai;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!