The Villain is Addicted to Farming

Chapter 46: Mary Sue also farms 6


When Han Yaner agreed to Zhong Qiyuan's work arrangement, she was secretly sent to Hulunbuir overnight by packing up her luggage. When she stood at the door of the villa, she still couldn't react.

The wind was blowing loudly, and the dust was flying. Han Yaner only froze for a while, and then ate a mouthful of ashes. She couldn't care less about her future horse breeding career, and hurried into the villa.

It was a woman who opened the door for her. With a strong local accent, she introduced herself and said, "I am the nanny hired by the eldest lady, and the second lady will call me Lao Qin."

Han Yan'er: "... , um."

The nanny Lao Qin helped her put away her luggage and asked her to take a bath first. After she finished bathing, she brought her a glass of milk before telling her about Zhong Qiyuan's arrangements: "Tomorrow morning, the general manager of the animal husbandry company will come to take you to inspect and understand the specific operation of the ranch, so tonight please go to bed early."

Han Yaner nodded. After the nanny went out, she was the only one left in the room. She stared at the chandelier in the room for a while before taking a sip of milk.

The milk in the mouth has no sweet and sour taste, but the milk is full of flavor, which is very different from the milk in the packaging box she used to drink.

She was drinking milk when the phone rang. She glanced at the display, decided to refuse, and turned off the phone.

There is no doubt that the caller was Ouyang Wuji. Since she escaped from Ouyang Wuji's "one-month engagement anniversary" dinner, she has not seen Ouyang Wuji for more than half a month.

Of course, he kept trying to find her during this period, but with Zhong Qiyuan blocking him, he couldn't break into Qiandao's villa to disturb her. It can be said that the half month in Qiandao was the most comfortable time for her.

After she decided to come here, Zhong Qiyuan said, "Work hard, don't let me hear the person in charge over there make a small report to me, saying that you are fishing because you are the second lady of the Zhong family."

Of course, Han Yaner won't bully others, and she won't try to fish. She said, "I will definitely work hard." She paused and asked tentatively, "But if Ouyang disturbs my work..."

Zhong Qiyuan said lightly: "You can just work at ease, he can't disturb you."

Han Yaner was relieved.

Zhong Qiyuan wanted to hide a person's whereabouts, but even Ouyang Wuji couldn't find it out for a while. Moreover, he is now very busy with the Ouyang Group, and the frequency of calling Han Yaner has also changed from ten calls a day to only one call in two or three days.

Han Yaner drank the milk, and she couldn't help thinking of Shangguan Tanglai, and she didn't know if he was still angry with her. He didn't answer any of her calls to him. In desperation, she could only text him, saying that she was assigned to work in a company in the north.

Shangguan Tang didn't care where she went, only suspecting that this was an excuse for her not wanting to see him, calling her a liar.

Han Yaner was tired. However, she also ran around for a day and was exhausted physically and mentally. She had to get up early to go to work tomorrow, so she went to bed early after drinking milk.

Ouyang Wuji on the other side saw that Zhong Qiyuan had been hiding Han Yaner for half a month, and he did not give him any explanation. In addition, Zhong's divestment behavior annoyed him, he said, "It seems that I have been too kind recently. So much so that the Zhong family thought I could be bullied!" He coldly ordered, "Give me a shot at the small company that works with the Zhong family."

The reason why he didn't directly attack the Zhong family is that the Zhong family is also a wealthy chaebol after all. If he can't kill him in one move, then after giving the opponent a chance to breathe, he will definitely take a big chunk from the Ouyang family. meat. At that time, both sides will suffer, and it will only be cheaper for others.

Second, sniping at those small companies can warn Zhong Qiyuan, and at the same time put pressure on the Zhong family to force Zhong Qiyuan to hand over Han Yaner.

Thirdly, this is also to get back his Ouyang Wuji's face. He wants everyone to know that offending him, Ouyang Wuji, will not end well!

At six in the morning, Han Yaner was woken up by the nanny. She hadn't tried to get up this early in years, so she stayed in bed and refused to get up.

The nanny said: "The general manager of the animal husbandry company will pick you up at 6:30. If you don't get up now, I'm afraid you can only eat breakfast on the way."

Han Yaner's consciousness gradually became clear: "Six thirty?!"

"Yeah, it takes more than 200 kilometers to go to the grassland here, and it took two hours at the earliest in the past. When I arrived there, I just clocked in for work."

Han Yaner: "..."

The nanny glanced at the phone: "Miss Eldest asked me to call the second Miss after she went out."

Han Yaner jumped up from the bed, brushed her teeth and washed her face as fast as she could, and then started putting on makeup. But she had just put on foundation when the doorbell rang. She glanced at the time, it was already 6:50!

"It's too late!" Han Yan'er didn't care about the rest of her makeup, and ran to change her clothes.

If it was normal, she would definitely spend an hour putting on makeup, then choose a suitable top, and after choosing a top, she would have to think about the pants that match the top, and she would have to worry about shoes after choosing pants. This process does not take an hour.

But now that the time was urgent, she didn't have time to select the pile of clothes carefully. She just picked a dress and put it on, and went downstairs.

The general manager of the animal husbandry company is a middle-aged man, wearing a silver suit and standing straight. Seeing Han Yan'er coming down, he looked at him for a moment, then frowned.

Han Yaner is very sensitive to men's eyes, so she felt a little uneasy when she found him frowning, wondering if she came down late, which made him unsatisfied.

"Second miss, first meeting, hello! I'm the general manager of Zhong's Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd., Zhang Jianming." The general manager introduced himself.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang!" Han Yan'er went up to shake hands with him, which was considered a gift for the first time they met.

"Is Second Miss ready to go?" Zhang Jianming asked.

"Ready." Han Yan'er was a little nervous and apprehensive, after all, this was the first time she was working outside alone.

"I suggest you change into lighter clothes and comfortable shoes." Zhang Jianming said.

Han Yan'er looked down at her outfit. Is there anything wrong with the dress

Then the nanny said, "The place where the second lady is going to work is the grassland, and the environment is no better than here."

After being reminded by them, Han Yaner also discovered the problem, so she hurried back to change her clothes. This time, she changed into sports clothes, covered herself from head to toe, and brought sunscreen, etc. The nanny also prepared some mosquito repellent for her.

Zhang Jianming was already waiting for her in the car, Han Yaner habitually sat in the back seat, and the nanny rushed out to take her packed breakfast away: "It's a long way, take it with you!"

Han Yaner took the packing box and thanked him.

The car drove west, out of the city, and the surrounding houses gradually diminished. Han Yaner ate breakfast and watched the scenery change outside the car window until she saw the vast grassland and herds of cattle, sheep and horses. Only then did I realize that I really came to the Hulunbuir Prairie.

After sending Han Yaner to a distant place, Zhong Qiyuan saw that Ouyang Wuji started to make small moves, and immediately counterattacked.

She has never been someone who would be forbearing and take the overall situation into consideration, and she acts domineeringly, so if Ouyang Wuji is the domineering president, then she will call herself the father of the domineering president.

If her son is disobedient, she will teach her son.

She first asked people to reveal that Ouyang Wuji used to go in and out of hotels, mansion night parties, attend Haitian feasts, and go in and out of private clubs with some young models and celebrities. These were never photographed by the paparazzi before, so the media sent some specious remarks, implying that Ouyang Wuji was unwilling to steal food after getting engaged to Miss Zhong.

It was also revealed that Ouyang Wuji regretted his engagement with the other party because Han Yaner was not the daughter of the Zhong family, and he planned to cancel the engagement.

As soon as these news broke out, Ouyang Group's stock market fell. Although Zhong's family fluctuated slightly, because Zhong Qiyuan was in power and Han Yaner had never worked in Zhong's Group before, the loss was not as serious as Ouyang Group's.

Ouyang Wuji was very annoyed by Zhong Qiyuan's rebellion against the first army. He first held a press conference to say that he had no plans to break off his marriage with Han Yaner, and then refuted the claims that he went to steal food, and even wanted to sue the news media.

At this time, the news media revisited his flowery past along this incident, and counted the men and women who had an affair with him and had a relationship with him.

"Wow, even men do it, what about men and women?"

"I knew he was romantic, but I didn't expect him to be so romantic. I changed a girlfriend this month and gave each girlfriend a lot of money to break up. Then I fell in love with him for a month, and I didn't have to go to work for the rest of my life. !"

"One day Ouyang's family went bankrupt, the reason must be that he gave too much breakup fee, hahaha..."

The comments under many entertainment media accounts have exceeded 10,000, and the comments on Weibo, which originally organized these gossips, have reached hundreds of thousands, making Ouyang Wuji's news occupy the headlines and hot searches all day long. Take down these hot searches and news.

Ouyang Wuji was angry: "What man, this is a rumor!"

He did have a lot of women before he met Han Yan'er, but they were all hugging each other, and he was the young master of the Ouyang family and the president of the Ouyang Group. Could it be that he can't sleep with women? He didn't have a few boats on his feet, and he always got together with them. As for men, that's nonsense.

This group of people is jealous of him, so they slander him!

Ouyang Wuji coldly ordered: "Block me from these media and the companies behind them!"

Ouyang Group's actions have always been fast. For a while, no one dared to say anything about the bankruptcy of these media companies, the defendants, and the defendants.

However, under the operation of Zhong Qiyuan, this matter has become a black spot for Ouyang Wuji. Hot searches have raised the topic of "Ouyang chaebols bullying others". Many people are indignant because capital controls public opinion. Throwing into the battlefield of scolding Ouyang chaebol.

Then the official noticed this and invited Ouyang Wuji to have tea.

After that, Ouyang Wuji could only choose to deal with this matter in a low-key manner with unwillingness and dissatisfaction, hoping that the "goldfish memory" of netizens could forget these things in "seven seconds".

Of course, this incident gave Ouyang Group a lot of blows. Their stocks fell again and again, and the shareholders' faces were very ugly. They asked Ouyang Wuji to go to the Zhong family for peace talks.

Zhong Qiyuan agreed to talk face-to-face with Ouyang Wuji, but on the day of the conversation, it was not Zhong Qiyuan but Cong Wan who appeared in front of Ouyang Wuji.

She walked in front, and the other seven secretaries followed her.

When everyone thought she was a senior executive of the Zhong family, they heard the other secretaries calling her "eight secretaries", and they were all stunned: the eight secretaries mean the eighth secretary? How could the Eighth Secretary come forward to handle such a grand and important meeting? Saying she is the Great Secret is not so unbelievable!

Cong Wan's expression was cold and solemn, and it seemed like the same thing, but in fact she was dissatisfied because Zhong Qiyuan arranged for her to deal with these things.

Her sense of existence was improved by Zhong Qiyuan's operation, which was not a good thing for her who wanted to fish. Especially when she was sitting in the negotiating position with Ouyang Wuji, it must have attracted everyone's attention.

Whether it is the Ouyang Group or the Zhong Group, any one can go bankrupt quickly!

Cong Wan Chao Ouyang Wuji stretched out his hand: "Hello, President Ouyang, I am the representative of President Zhong, Cong Wan."

Ouyang Wuji said with a cold face, "Where is she?"

"President Ouyang, the representative in charge of attending this meeting is me." Cong Wan is neither humble nor arrogant.

"Get out and call Zhong Yuan."

Cong Wan got up: "It seems that President Ouyang doesn't want to talk, so let's leave first."

Ouyang Wuji stopped her: "Wait a minute, why is your voice so familiar?"

"We were on the phone before, President Ouyang."

Ouyang Wuji remembered: "Are you the secretary beside Zhong Yuan?!"

"Yes, I am Cong Wan, the eighth secretary."

Ouyang Wuji's face was even more ugly: "Not only did she not fire you, she even sent you to negotiate with me?!"

Cong Wan smiled slightly: "Of course, because I am very favored."

Ouyang Wuji: "?"

Where did this little secretary come from to say that she was favored

No, what did Zhong Yuan do, why did he let a little secretary come over, is he looking down on him

"She's humiliating me!" Ouyang Wuji exploded in anger.

"Mr. Zhong doesn't mean that. After all, although I'm only the eighth secretary, I'm still her right hand!"

Ouyang Wuji saw it, he said why a little secretary dared to hang up his phone, it turned out that Zhong Yuan was relying on him!

"President Ouyang is sure not to seize the opportunity of this meeting? Next time, no, after this time, President Zhong will not give him another chance."

Ouyang Wuji has been proud for more than 20 years, how could he take this small threat in his eyes? With a cold face, he let Cong Wan roll away.

Ji Wan went back and reported the matter. There was no need for her to report it, and Zhong Qiyuan also learned the result immediately. She sat leisurely on the sofa and said lightly, "If he dares to let you go, then I will let him go first."

Han Yaner, who was far away in the Hulunbuir Prairie, only received the news of the bankruptcy of Ouyang Group after half a year.

Han Yaner was stunned for half an hour before she uttered a syllable: "Clam?"

The author has something to say: Villain Zhong: Curse the auditor? Go bankrupt!

From Moyu (to Ouyang Wuji): I said that I am very favored!

Villain Zhong: Come back to work overtime.

From fishing:…

It is estimated that eating too many oranges is really angry. Originally it was just inflammation of the gums, but now I have a sore throat, woo woo woo

PS. The business war in this article is purely a play, and there is no need to be serious.

Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2021-04-08 23:25:38~2021-04-10 00:34:12~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 6 indifference;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 3 indifference;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: 55 indifference; 1 lucky, difficult, caramel horse head, grass in the wind, and Nimo Dimiaoyu;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 80 bottles of Linjian; 5 bottles of nonsense, Qiqi, 5 bottles; 2 bottles of Xunji; 1 bottle of Laobai, Xiaotai, Fuyi, Yijiebuyi;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!