The Villain is Addicted to Farming

Chapter 56: Doomsday Seed 6


Zhao Yingluo finally came to Xiaoyang Town in X City after going through countless hardships and half a month.

Along the way, she first encountered the car running out of gas, went to the gas station and was almost robbed of the car by a power user. In the end, she used the method she learned from the official website of "Iren's Office" to deal with the attacking power user to get the car back.

Then they encountered a zombie attack in an out-of-control area, and the windows of the passenger seat were smashed by zombies with their heads.

After she escaped, she encountered zombies and surrounded the hotel while staying at the hotel. She was besieged for a week. Finally, the officials cleaned up the zombies, and she and the rest of the guests were able to leave the hotel.

Fortunately, she has the habit of collecting and storing supplies along the way, so she was not hungry during the days when she was trapped.

In the end, the special assistant from the Other People's Office saw that she hadn't come to report for so long, called her, and then gave her a lot of advice. She avoided many detours and was able to catch up within half a month arrive.

There are two roads to enter Xiaoyang Town, Zhao Yingluo randomly picked the closest one, and soon, she saw a beautiful and artistic three-story fortress standing on the road like a castle.

The fortress was built on the riverside, and at first glance it looked like it was standing on a bridge, but in the middle of it were two five-meter-high city gates with barricades in the middle. Up is a row of small windows, like a watchtower, and further up, you can see the observation deck.

Zhao Yingluo drove over, only to find that it was not a fortress, but a toll booth-like existence. In the middle of the two roads, there is a work window with a person sitting inside with a work card on his chest: Xiaoyang Town Road Management Section XX.

"Where did you come from? What are you here for? Do you have a health code?" The person inside asked Zhao Yingluo.

Zhao Yingluo answered one by one.

The other party gave her a pass, stamped with the "Ability Talent Reserve Office", and then said: "Go through the second door to disinfect, and you need to observe for two hours, and you can enter if there is no problem."

Zhao Yingluo felt that this feeling was very strange, a bit like the Mingshan base in the previous life, but the atmosphere was more relaxed and orderly than the Mingshan base. Moreover, although there are barricades, there are no cold iron gates installed. You can see the houses and shops on both sides of the road at a glance, and you can also see people walking on the road normally!

She crossed the bridge and ushered in the second level.

During the two hours of isolation and observation, she got fruits and mineral water distributed by the staff.

For some reason, Zhao Yingluo's nose was sore, and tears fell.

This is not the past life.

In her previous life, she was quite famous and prestigious in Mingshan Base, but standing on a high place, she dared not say that she could see hope.

In this small town, she saw hope for the first time, how could she not cry

She returned the fruit and mineral water to the staff and said, "I am a space-type power user, I have food and water, you can take it back to those in need!"

The other party was delighted when he heard it: "Did you come here after watching the advertisement for recruiting new recruits?"

"Huh? Hmm."

"Me too! After passing the interview, I stayed here. However, my training time was relatively short, and the ability was not very useful, so I was arranged to come here. Oh yes, I am a metal ability. , I usually help reinforce the isolation observation room." The other party started chatting with her.

Zhao Yingluo learned from his mouth that the defense projects here were built by power users.

These fruits are all planted by plant-based power users. The fruits and food grown by power users will not be contaminated. Ordinary people will not have diarrhea after eating them.

There are also water system abilities that successfully purify the groundwater, and the water is cleaner than the water treated by the sewage treatment plant before the apocalypse! After purification, people can drink it directly.

Zhao Yingluo was stunned.

She knows that some plant-based power users can use their powers to grow food, - plant-based power users generally can only conjure vines and other means of attack or defense, even if they spawn plants, they cannot make those plants bloom and bear fruit, - Plant-type abilities that can spawn crops and grow food are especially precious.

As for purifying water, in her previous life, she had never heard that in addition to changing water, she could purify groundwater!

She vaguely felt that this series of changes might have something to do with the emergence of the "Ability Talent Reserve Office"!

Two hours later, Zhao Yingluo was picked up from Wan.

She looked at the battery car and suggested, "From special assistance, why don't you drive my car?"

Cong Wan said, "Let find Liang to help you drive the car away. Let's go to see the clock first. It's not very convenient to drive where she is now."

Zhao Yingluo had to sit in the back seat of the battery car, took the helmet handed over from Wan and put it on. Then, facing the wind, he drove from the main road into the country road, and then passed the bumpy nameless road. When her ass was about to go numb, the destination finally arrived.

This is a barren place where the reeds are taller than her, and a chicken farm is hidden here. — She could smell the smell from afar, and the clucking of the hens.

Zhao Yingluo was a little surprised when she knew that this was the sound of a hen after laying an egg. Because in the previous life, after the apocalypse, all the animals were either infected or lost the ability to reproduce, and even the hens stopped laying eggs, and occasionally the eggs were broken.

She asked Cong Wan, "Is there no mutation in the chicken here?"

Cong Wan said: "The chickens with the mutation have all been dealt with, and the rest are unmutated."

"What about the eggs? Are the eggs laid by the chickens here edible?"

"Yes, there are herbs from plants, purified water from water, and earthworms from soil as feed. These chickens can lay eggs normally after eating them, and the eggs they lay are no problem."

Combined with the news she heard before, Zhao Yingluo found that the power users here seem to be "doing their jobs"

Only one or two people out of a hundred people in the previous life have awakened their abilities, so those with abilities are especially precious.

As a human being of a higher level than ordinary people, many chores are often not allowed to be done by power users. They only need to kill zombies, seize crystals to absorb upgrades, and then use their abilities to deal with zombies, or as a logistical force to help the frontline.

But why are the power users here either doing infrastructure construction or farming and raising chickens

"At the clock, the space system power user is here." Cong Wan shouted inside.

After a while, Zhong Qiyuan came out of it.

She glanced at Zhao Yingluo and asked, "Is your space static or circulation?"

Zhao Yingluo didn't react, and Cong Wan reminded her: "Stationary system is what things look like when they are put in, and what they look like when they are taken out. The circulation system is the other way around."

Zhao Yingluo understood, she said, "Stationary."

"Space power users in the static system are rare." Cong Wan smiled slightly.

She knew the details of Zhao Yingluo, but she didn't plan to tell Zhong Qiyuan on her own initiative. The latter only knew that Zhao Yingluo was reborn through the system, and also knew that she was a space-type ability user, but did not know the specific situation of the ability.

"Can you put living creatures into space?" Zhong Qiyuan asked again.

Zhao Yingluo shook his head.

Zhong Qiyuan thought for a while and asked a terrifying question: "Are zombies considered living creatures?"


Not to mention Zhao Yingluo, even Cong Wan was stunned.

"Follow me." Zhong Qiyuan walked out without saying a word.

Zhao Yingluo followed with a bewildered expression.

Zhong Qiyuan drove her inspection car away, and before leaving, she turned her head and said, "Let the special assistant open the battery to drive you to the primary school."

Cong Wan: "… "

She suspected that Boss Zhong knew about her small thoughts just now, so she tossed herself so carefully!

After observing Zhong Qiyuan for so long, she had long guessed that Zhong Qiyuan might really have an ability, and this ability was still related to the spirit.

However, why does Zhong Qiyuan's ability work on her? !

From Wan Kai's battery car to send Zhao Yingluo to the elementary school, he stopped Zhong Qiyuan, pulled her aside and asked, "You said that you have the ability to see people's hearts, so it's not a lie?"

"It's a lie." Zhong Qiyuan paused, showing a shy expression, "But I do have supernatural powers."

Cong Wan: "..., what power?"

"Psychological cues."

Cong Wan said that there is no information about this ability in her information database, and is psychological suggestion considered an ability

"You can't find this ability, because this is my temporary name." Zhong Qiyuan said.

Cong Wan: "Speak human words."

"Psychological suggestion is a very common and common psychological phenomenon. My ability just strengthens its effect, so that I can give the other party a psychological suggestion through one action, one sentence, or even one look, so that the other party can subconsciously Do as I ask. At the same time, I can feel their emotions or thoughts.”

Cong Wan: "… "

She said, how could so many superpowers succumb to her and work for her because of her little lure, it turned out to be a psychological suggestion!

Zhong Qiyuan said: "You are wrong. I only use abilities on those thorns. For the rest of the people, I know their needs without using abilities. As long as their needs are met, I'm not afraid that they won't do anything."

"Can you stop using powers on me?"

"I didn't use abilities on you. If you don't believe me, ask the system."

The system said: "The host really doesn't use the ability. The reason why the host knows what the auditor is thinking is because she can already know what we are thinking."

Cong Wan: "… "

It was very reasonable, she couldn't refute it!

Zhao Yingluo over there waited for a while, and seeing that they hadn't come back, he could only take the initiative to find them.

Zhong Qiyuan ended the topic of following Wan, said hello to the guards at the entrance of the elementary school, and led Zhao Yingluo in.

"Why come to elementary school?" Zhao Yingluo asked.

Soon, she knew the answer, and even understood why there was no zombie on the street, and ordinary people dared to go out. Because of the zombies in the town, I am afraid that all of them will be locked up in the elementary school!

"Not only the primary school, but also a part of the middle school." Zhong Qiyuan said.

Zhao Yingluo asked, "Why didn't you deal with the zombies, but locked them up instead?"

"Because they are still useful." Zhong Qiyuan said.

Zhao Yingluo looked through the window and saw that each zombie was bound into a zongzi, gagged, and then fixed to the bed like a mental hospital with mentally ill patients, no matter how hard they struggled, they couldn't move.

"Just treat them as mental patients. The family members of these zombies will occasionally come to see them."

Zhao Yingluo: "..."

These zombies are really mentally ill!

Zhong Qiyuan pointed at a zombie and said, "Try if you can put it in the space."

Zhao Yingluo was dumbfounded and stammered, "What if it dies after being put in?"

"It's dead, the heart doesn't beat, and the cells stop growing."

"But its family won't necessarily agree?"

"It's okay, it has no family."

Zhao Yingluo couldn't help muttering, don't orphans have human rights

Immediately, she reacted quickly, when will she sympathize with zombies? Moreover, how can zombies have human rights? Zombies should be corpses.

She bit her head and approached the zombie, then held its calf with her hands, and meditated on moving it into the space.

The zombie on the hospital bed struggled even more. If its mouth was not blocked, it would have made a terrible cry.

After a while, Zhao Yingluo said disappointedly, "I can't move it into the space."

Zhong Qiyuan said: "Your power level is not high enough, try it again when it improves."

Zhao Yingluo hurriedly asked, "If you don't kill zombies, how can you improve your abilities?"

"Increasing the utilization rate and constantly exploring the potential will naturally improve. Now that you are out, then come back with me to the farmers market to transport a batch of seeds back. Just a few acres of barren fields have been cleaned of weeds. seed."

Zhao Yingluo: "..."

She knew that space-based power users were often used as mobile warehouses, but she did not expect that on the first day of reporting, she would be on duty!

The author has something to say: Villain Zhong: The passenger seat is reserved for the special assistant, not for you!

Cong Moyu: Then you still let me drive a battery car

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-04-19 01:31:36~2021-04-21 01:35:12~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: Big Water. 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 3 indifference; 1 fox;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Dashui. 98 bottles; Mufeng, Cha Wu, 10 bottles of sea salt oolong milk caps; not easy 9 bottles; ink, q&w, choose a 5 bottles; inexplicable 3 bottles; 2 bottles of Fanfan, Restless, Yan Yuqiu; 1 bottle of Nao Nao Nao, Xiao Tai;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!