The Villain is Addicted to Farming

Chapter 59: Doomsday Seed 9


After the lovelorn, Liang Zhen became more devoted at work, or because she was unwilling, so she was determined to achieve results, so that Liao Kun would never be able to face her in the future.

Zhong Qiyuan naturally likes to see her motivated. After all, she is the son of luck, and many things can be done with half the effort.

So one month later, she successfully shortened the growth time of crops, and achieved the use of supernatural powers to artificially pollinate and reduce the scourge of pests to crops, increasing crop yields.

Because after continuous research by plant-based power users, it is found that not only people, animals, soil and water quality, but also insects are affected by the doomsday catastrophe. For example, bees, butterflies, etc., one of the original ways of crop pollination is these insects. After they mutate, they affect the crops, making the crops necrotic, and the yield will naturally drop greatly, even if the crops grow, they cannot be eaten.

Therefore, after the power user solved the problem of water and soil pollution, the plant power user began to solve the problem of insects. She makes the crops secrete a scent that keeps insects away from them, and then artificially assists with pollination, while reducing their growth time without destroying the biological structure of the crops…

In one month, the 100 mu of rice fields she was in charge of reached the goal of yielding 600 kilograms per mu.

The rest of the plant-based power users are responsible for only 500 kilograms at most. Seeing this, they have learned from her.

The power users sent by the province to study also arrived. Zhong Qiyuan simply made Liang Zhen the leader of the plant-based power group, and she led the team to train those power users.

With these achievements, the province is very happy to report this as a major breakthrough to the country, and said that these can completely learn the management model of Xiaoyang Town, which can not only allow people with supernatural abilities to contribute to the country, but also to others. Those who can find something to do can save them from doing things every day and disturb the public order and social order. It can also appease the nervousness and anxiety of ordinary people, which can play a very good role in stabilizing the situation.

Then the capital immediately sent people over to investigate, and the result was the same as the leader of the province. They came over with half-belief, went back with confidence, rolled up their sleeves, and started to set up a management office for superpowers under the country's civil service department. Each province has a department, and then each city under the department has a power user management bureau, and then down to the county and town is the power user talent reserve office.

Zhong Qiyuan was promoted from the director to the director of the city's power user management bureau, and then she arranged these power users in Xiaoyang Town to various positions, and they were responsible for guiding the "different people's departments in each county and town". ” management work.

Liang Zhen just became the team leader, and then he was promoted to a position unexpectedly. From the beginning, he went to various counties and towns to guide the plant-based power users in those places.

Of course, after leaving Little Sheep Town, many ability users discovered that there were many dangers outside, because many people would only run away when they saw zombies, or they only thought about how to kill zombies. After killing the zombies, they did not clean up the scene, so that the urban area that helped the city win the civilized city with "clean, tidy and hygienic" turned into a messy garbage dump.

They miss the days of farming in the small town. Although Zhong Qiyuan doesn't regard them as human beings, he only regards them as tool people, but they are worried about where the zombies will pop out! It will not be affected by this unsightly city appearance.

There is no way, they can only mobilize abilities to publicize, help catch the zombies, and concentrate them in one place.

When the power users in the city heard it, they started laughing and jeering mercilessly: "I said you guys are stupid in the countryside? You can kill zombies with one move, but you have to spend a lot of time to kill them. Catch them. If they escape, it will be a fatal blow to the city. A bunch of idiots!"

Then Liang Zhen and the others beat up this group of power users.

Zhong Qiyuan said, to deal with fools, you can only be hard, not outwitted.

Liang Zhen's vines were directly made into a cage to trap them, and then the metal-type ability user turned the vines into hard tungsten alloy material, - not even a high temperature of 3400 degrees Celsius could not melt it, and the power-type ability Nor can they be able to break it.

A group of power users locked in a cage were dumbfounded. They played all their cards and could not get out of the cage, and finally exhausted themselves.

Liang Zhen and the others didn't care about this group of power users, they left directly, let the zombies come and surrounded them, they were screaming in fear.

The Abilities Authority also specially contacted the official media to send a news, saying that the Abilities Authority organized a practical training in this area, and the Abilities were training, so that ordinary citizens should not go there, so as not to be affected innocent.

The citizens were very curious, and ran to the roofs of nearby residential buildings to watch, what telescopes and drones were dispatched, and then said with emotion: "The cages made by this group of superpowers are really solid, so many zombies bite their teeth. There is no gap left. With this group of power users, we will not be afraid of zombies besieging the city in the future, right?"

The power user in the cage saw the drone and took the opportunity to complain: "The power user administration wants to kill us, save us quickly."

The citizens laughed: "You are a group, how can the government harm you? And the cages you created with your own abilities, how can we save them if we don't have abilities?"

First, they were dubious about the words of these power users. Second, they were a little sour that these power users had powers. Third, they simply wanted to watch a good show.

Originally, Liang Zhen only planned to lock them up for a day or two, but they took the opportunity to file a complaint, so they locked them up for another week, and only sent a little food from the gap of the cage every day. Anyway, there are water-type abilities inside, they will not die of hunger or thirst. .

After being closed for so long, they hardly slept well all night, and the whole person was neurasthenia. A week later, they couldn't hold it any longer, and they all began to beg for mercy, and they also expressed their obedience, so Liang Zhen asked them to be released.

Liang Zhen's side is just one of them. There are many problems in other places, but the ability users who grew up under Zhong Qiyuan's "devil training" all know how to use their abilities flexibly, so that they can attack and defend. , but also to add strength to the great cause of the construction of the motherland.

Among the power users who came out of Xiaoyang Town, only Zhao Yingluo was not assigned a post, but she was taken by Zhong Qiyuan. Zhong Qiyuan asked her, "Do you envy Liang Zhen and the others?"

Zhao Yingluo said, "It's a little bit, but I know very well that my abilities can't reach their level."

"Then you underestimate yourself too much. The reason why I let you follow me is because I am very optimistic about your ability. I need you to help me with one thing, and among all the space system power users, you may be the only one who can do it! "

Cong Wan: "… "

The host's mouth, a deceiving ghost. The host is fooling people again.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Yingluo was looking forward to it, she thought, does Zhong Qiyuan know that she is reborn, so he wants to do something big with her

Zhong Qiyuan said: "I want you to keep trying to put living things into your space, and then make sure they are alive when you take them out."

Zhao Yingluo: "..., probably no one can do this."

"How do you know you can't do it if you don't try? Powers can be upgraded, but they can also be adjusted in the direction of upgrade. There are no fixed powers in the world, only those with powers who can't adjust the direction of upgrade. I don't care if you can do it now or not. , you have to give me research in this direction."

Zhao Yingluo couldn't help but ask, "Is it important to put living creatures in space?"


Zhao Yingluo was dumbfounded. In the end, seeing that Zhong Qiyuan didn't plan to tell her what to do, she could only swallow the question back first, and according to Zhong Qiyuan's intention, start experimenting with living creatures.

Of course, she didn't dare to use too large living creatures at first, she only dared to use some insects and small animals for experiments, and adopted methods such as touching the living creatures directly, locking the target in a cage, and then trying to transfer it. .

It went on for a month, but there was no progress. She couldn't help being a little discouraged, and then she mustered the courage to ask Zhong Qiyuan: "Why, do you have to put living things into the space?"

Zhong Qiyuan looked worried about the country and the people, and asked her, "Do you know how long zombies can survive?"

Zhao Yingluo recalled the relevant research results of scientists in his previous life and said: "If you treat a zombie as a dead person, then it will turn into a bone in a month or two. But obviously zombies are not dead people in the full sense, and their bodies still exist. A part of the active cells to maintain their movement ability and response. However, this situation also cannot make them immortal, and usually begins to rot in more than four years. But if the zombies are also upgraded, the time will be extended a lot, it is possible It’s ten years, and it may become longer as the level increases…”

"Yes. But zombies need to bite and eat people to level up, and I can't let them level up, but I can't let them start to rot in four years, so I need space-based power users who can seal them up. ."

Zhao Yingluo was stunned: "Why?"

"Killing is not the only way to eliminate the crisis and end the doomsday. Researching a vaccine, or finding a way to make the zombies return to their senses is also a way to pass the level."

"Is it possible to turn zombies back into humans?" Zhao Yingluo murmured.

"How do you know it's impossible if you don't try it? Just as the power users don't try to adjust the direction of power development, how do they know that the original same-type power users can also produce different powers? And there is Hao Jian there. , I believe it can be achieved.”

Zhao Yingluo was speechless.

She didn't know whether Zhong Qiyuan's theory could be realized, but with this psychological hint, she also began to have expectations, and then began to work hard along this goal.

After she left, Zhong Qiyuan took a sip of tea: "I don't think she will come to me for a long time."

Cong Wan said, "Are you really sure that Hao Jian can do it?"

"Not sure. But let's talk about it after she has upgraded her abilities from the original six physical states to the ability to develop a new physical state!"

The original six physical state changes are: melting, solidification, vaporization, liquefaction, sublimation and sublimation. These six state changes alone can do many experiments that require instruments, and new states include plasma, supersolid, neutron, and soft matter.

Among them, cells, proteins, DNA, etc. are all soft matter. If Hao Jian can grasp the physical state changes in this area, then human beings may not be able to find a way to pass the customs.

"She's a bug."

"Otherwise, how could the Lord God make her an invisible NPC?" said the old god Zhong Qiyuan.

"Why do you insist that she is an invisible NPC?"

"The world where her body is located originally held a game, and she was one of the chess pieces, but she was awakened, so she lost the qualification to continue the game. At the same time, the virtual world where the data was located was also cut off from the world of the body. That is to say, unless it is deliberately arranged by the Lord God, she will not appear in this small world."

Cong Wan was aroused by her interest in the ontology world, she asked: "How did you make that small world almost collapse back then?"

What happened more than 4,000 years ago, from before Wan was born, she didn't know anything about those small worlds.

"It was a world where people who survived after the apocalypse continued, except that the technology was more developed, but there was no change in human nature.

"The child of luck in that world is the head of the agency that preserves Hao Jian's ontology brain. Because of the gimmick that 'dead people can be reborn in virtual space', the agency has obtained considerable investment, and then countless rich people bought it the service.

"However, they were soon dissatisfied with living in a virtual space, because they were also afraid that the system would wipe out the virtual data and they would cease to exist. So they began to pay attention to the living..."

Cong Wan asked, "Then what did you do?"

"Of course it's to cause trouble to the child of luck! I am a responsible host, and on the premise of not hurting the child of luck, I will give him the greatest ordeal. So I sent them all into the virtual space. go inside."

Zhong Qiyuan looked very fond of it, "How good is the virtual space, as long as they are constantly updated, when they 'die', they can adjust the data to make them 'live' again. In it, they can achieve immortality, and the children of luck can also live. It's good to be the son of luck forever, isn't it? I don't understand what the Lord God is dissatisfied with."

Cong Wan: "… "

She finally understood how Zhong Qiyuan exploited the loopholes in the rules.

However, even after she heard it, she felt that this task could be considered accomplished. After all, the Child of Luck was still "alive", and in the virtual world, many of his wishes had been fulfilled. - The virtual world is "real" and recognized by many people in this world, so Zhong Qiyuan did not violate the definition of "alive" in this world.

But she also knows why this small world is collapsing, because the order is beginning to be chaotic, the boundaries between the real and the virtual are becoming more and more blurred, and there is everything in the virtual world, so people are increasingly immersed in the virtual world. perish.

After thinking about it, an unfamiliar scene suddenly appeared in front of me:

In a city full of technology sense, promotion advertisements of virtual space and holographic projection are playing everywhere, but there are few pedestrians on the street. She, - no, it should be her consciousness hidden in this body, - walked into a building, and suddenly a holographic projection person appeared at the front desk, smiled slightly at the body, and politely called: Miss Zhong, welcome back .

Then she heard the body say to her, "If you project an adult, you have to be more real than this, otherwise it will be like a midnight bell."

This scene flashed by, but Cong Wan was unable to return to his senses for a long time.

The author has something to say: …


Information about physical changes comes from Baidu Encyclopedia.

—Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-04-23 01:23:58~2021-04-24 02:08:16~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 Shu Feng;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 2 indifference;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 40 bottles of Muxue fishing alone; 30 bottles of yoru; 10 bottles of 21384189; 8 bottles of Mengsong and Mengsong's hair balls; 5 bottles of sugar; 2 bottles of ordinary one month; 1 bottle of Xiaotai;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!