The Villain is Addicted to Farming

Chapter 61: Doomsday Farm 11


With the country's proper arrangements and strong restraints on the supernatural beings, the situation in various places has gradually stabilized, and various zombie containment centers are also being built.

People can slowly and boldly go out the door, go to work, go shopping, go to sports, the fear of the end of the day is also slowing down, and most people begin to have hope of survival in their hearts.

The number of newborns, which had dropped to around 100,000, was also mentioned in the second year of 200,000, and in the third year it soared to more than one million. Although the ratio of the birth population before the end of the day is still very low, it is much better than the neighboring countries and even the whole world!

People from South Korea and North Korea are constantly sneaking in, because the rice harvest in the Northeast is really eye-catching.

The two countries have small land, and food had to be imported. After the apocalypse, the food that was originally produced and sold could not be supplied, let alone imported food, and the country fell into chaos.

It is said that farmers and supernatural beings in the northeast are all farming, and they can grow one round of rice in a month, and they will not have diarrhea or eat dead people after eating. Many people rushed to the northeast desperately, and after being stopped, they chose to smuggle.

Many people with supernormal abilities try to seize food by force, and then they are taught by the citizens of the northeast to be human beings. Not to mention supernormal people, even ordinary people know their weaknesses and can find corresponding ways to deal with them according to their weaknesses. .

After the country catches these abilities, they will all be sent back to the two countries. North Korea is better, South Korea is directly in a state of anarchy, and no one accepts these abilities at all. The country has no choice but to throw these superhumans into labor reform.

When South Korea finally established a new temporary force in the chaos, when thinking of these superpowers, these superpowers spoke fluent Chinese and said: "No, it is safe and harmonious here, as long as you work, you will have food and wages. Take it, you don't have to worry about being attacked by other abilities, let alone fighting for the dominance of the base, I won't go back, I'm working hard to apply for Chinese citizenship!"

Two countries: "… "

In addition to these neighboring countries, the U.S. imperialists also wanted to take the opportunity to expand their territories, and in the name of helping countries, they sent troops to make trouble everywhere. Their fleet had also entered the South China Sea and the East China Sea, and was preparing to "help" China, but was warned by the Chinese official.

The U.S. imperialists didn't care, they continued to go deeper, and then they were sunk.

The U.S. imperialists were furious and wanted to use this as an excuse to launch an attack, and then their spies quickly returned the news that China's technology is now more powerful than it was before the apocalypse. Because it is not only the American emperor who will study the abilities of the superpowers and let them be applied to the field of science and technology.

But unlike U.S. imperialists, U.S. imperialists locked up superhumans and conducted human experiments without human rights and humanity, while China encouraged superhumans to explore various fields through supernatural powers and build a bridge to connect technology.

As a result, all the scarce elements were brought out by the power users. China's weapons and technology are no longer limited by various resources. Even under such a severe situation, China launched satellites as planned, and the The monthly plan and the plan to explore Mars and Jupiter are also carried out as scheduled.

Countries: "… "

They are envious, jealous, and fearful of China's rise, so they intensify their efforts to smear China, and promote the news that Chinese supernatural people have no human rights and are enslaved.

Zhong Qiyuan, director of the General Administration of Supernatural Personnel, said: "You have human rights, why do you want to use supernatural powers for human experiments? Also, which country's water-based superpowers straddle the entire Pacific Ocean, and swim to China. , and actively apply for Chinese nationality?"

One of the water-type abilities said in broken Chinese: "Don't say it, the nuclear waste water in the Pacific Ocean is too polluted, and I almost couldn't swim here."

There is also a water-type power user who talked about the experience of smuggling with bitter tears: "I swam for a long time, and finally saw the land. I was happy to think that I was in China, but only when I asked about it did I know it was Fukushima, and I almost died there. There. Fortunately, after following the school of fish to the south, it swam to China successfully... Even the school of fish knows where it is safe, so why don't we come to China?"

"Hey, what are you, anyway, you're going westward. I swam for a month, and I found out that I swam back to the United States, but it made me so angry!"

American Emperor: "… "

Gan, a group of two or five boys!

There is no way. Now all countries know about China's security, and they can't be beaten. China is still very dismissive of smearing behavior. So countries have the cheek to start asking China for assistance.

International affairs often do not affect the Authority of Supernatural Persons, so Zhong Qiyuan also appeared once. Of course, because she sat in this position as a non-superiority person, all countries were moved. As a result, the power users they sent were all folded in Zhong Qiyuan's hands without exception.

What is the origin of this director of the General Administration of Powers? Many people can't find the answer. Some people speculate that she is a psychic power user, but the spiritual power user did not feel the energy fluctuations of mind control in her.

So unless her power level is super high, or she doesn't have powers.

Before the results of this discussion came out, countries were confused by a piece of news from China:

Chinese zombies disappeared.

It is not the kind of disappearance that was killed, but was taken into the space by the space system ability user.

At this moment, the space system ability that was made fun of as tasteless seems to finally be paid attention to.

The original space-based power user has always been treated as a mobile warehouse because space can only store substances without vital signs. But after the zombies were locked up, and people no longer needed to rely on space-based power users to help transport things, the status of space-based power users was greatly reduced.

Later, the space system ability user faded out of people's field of vision.

People didn't care about them, until today, they threw out such explosive news!

Space-based ability users can store zombies in space, so there is no need to build an urban zombie containment center!

Of course, the official held a press conference and gave an explanation: Let the space system power user put the zombies in the space, not to store the zombies' corpses, but to wait for the drug to restore the consciousness of the zombies to be researched in the future. They let it out.

This move means that those who think they have lost their relatives and friends can once again welcome the future of reunion with their relatives and friends!

"They are just sick, not dead." Zhong Qiyuan said.

Seeing the news, Liang Zhen burst into tears: "Yes, my parents are not dead, they are just sick and can recover!"

Liao Kun's face was ugly. He was slapped in the face again, because from the beginning, he did not regard zombies as human beings, and he despised Zhong Qiyuan's practice of not killing zombies, but locking them in school.

The change in the situation now seems to have made him realize that at the beginning of the end, when everyone was thinking about how to sacrifice others and let themselves survive, Zhong Qiyuan thought about how to save people.

The point is, all of this verifies that Zhong Qiyuan's approach is correct.

Now he has no confidence to tell Liang Zhen that "zombies are not people" and "zombies should be killed". Because after knowing that these zombies may recover, everyone does not want to see their relatives and friends killed.

But as Liang Zhen kept going up, he kept walking in the same place, and even almost got suspended because he was drunk with ordinary people. After that, he also had to lower his head to learn Zhong Qiyuan's theory of "how to properly increase the power level".

Having said that, the news that "zombies have the hope of turning back into ordinary people" has brought new hope to countless people who are immersed in the grief of losing relatives and friends, so the status of space-based power users in everyone's minds has been raised, as if They are a mobile cryo-dormancy chamber.

Afraid that something would happen to them, and then the zombies in the space would be gone, and the space system ability user suddenly became a baby bump.

Space system ability users: "..."

They would like to say that not all space-type ability users can do it at present, because this is the ability that Zhao Yingluo, the leader of space-type, has just successfully developed, and they are still learning based on Zhao Yingluo's experience.

But with precedents, and a direction for development, some of them did it quickly.

And all the space-based power users who figured out these abilities were soon assigned tasks, and they had to continuously expand the capacity of the space so that more zombies could be accommodated.

Every space power user in China is busy. Countries have also begun to urgently summon space-based power users to let them learn.

Space system abilities of various countries: "Are you kidding us? Living creatures can be put into space, but they will die as soon as they are put in, even zombies are no exception. Are you deceived?"

However, after they attended an exchange meeting of Chinese space system power users, they never mentioned it again.

Countries asked them to steal the study quickly, and then did so when they came back, but they also refused: "Why should I imitate those idiots in China and put zombies in my space? This will pollute my space. I also want to use space for storage. Lots of supplies!"

Leaders of various countries said bitterly: "This is for the future of mankind."

"Let's just pretend those people are dead? The hope of mankind is in us!"

They refused to do it if they didn't want to do it. All countries dispatched their armies and failed to make them submit. Instead, they rose up and resisted: "For freedom!"

Countries that are in chaos have no time to find fault with China.

A year later, China has successfully developed a drug that allows zombies to reduce their desire to eat and bite people. Although they haven't fully recovered their senses, at least they won't be caught and bitten again.

However, in order to maintain the vital signs of the zombies and prevent them from corrupting, the researchers have come up with some medicines that can prolong their life functions.

Of course, in view of the high cost, everyone is more inclined to let them continue to lie in the frozen dormancy chamber of space.

However, everyone found that these medicines that continue the life function of zombies are also a good medicine for living people, because they can activate some aging and dead cells, and provide researchers with some incurable diseases. Thinking, under the joint research, the probability of cure of this kind of disease has also been greatly improved.

More than a year later, the latest medicine was developed. This medicine, which has been improved, can completely stimulate the cells of zombies, restore their bodies to life functions, and allow them to communicate with people again.

Although there is still some stuttering and slow response, it is finally one step closer to a normal, healthy human being.

After the news came out, the whole country rejoiced.

Countries have once again shamelessly asked China for medicines. However, this time, China is closely following its own citizens, and in batches, the zombies in the space of the space-based ability user will be dealt with first, and then the next batch will be dealt with.

After the last zombie in China regained the ability to communicate with people, the researchers developed a vaccine that can effectively prevent the zombie virus, and then began to vaccinate the whole people.

Finally, according to statistics from international organizations, China only lost one-tenth of its population in this apocalyptic catastrophe. However, due to various reasons, Asan, the country with the largest population, only survived less than 30% of the population, and many zombies were not dealt with, and the poor could not afford vaccines. As a result, more and more people were infected as zombies, which once caused harm to the surrounding area. s country.

Out of humanitarianism, China still provides some assistance to other countries.

At this time, the official found that Hao Jian, the person with the ability to change the state of matter who had made great contributions to the research career, disappeared not long after Zhong Qiyuan's resignation and disappeared.

Their disappearance caused panic among a small number of people in the government, thinking that the power users would leave this world in such a way that they disappeared out of thin air

However, they found that they were overly concerned, because apart from them, there has never been an example of a power user disappearing out of thin air.

Liang Zhen, Zhao Yingluo and other power users who used to be Zhong Qiyuan's right-hand man don't know their whereabouts, but human beings have to move forward. Even if they disappear, the experience and achievements they left behind can also lead the future. People continue to walk down this difficult path.

"Ding, the task progress is 100%, the task is completed! Is the host returning to the main god space?"

"Well." Zhong Qiyuan replied.

The system seemed to be stuck: "Host, do you want to take Hao Jian away?"



"Why are there so many? Since the Lord God allows it, what's the problem with me choosing her?"

"But she's human."

"No, she's just a piece of data."

system:"… "

Yes, in this world, Hao Jian is a human being. But after jumping out of the framework of this world, Hao Jian is just a piece of data. Zhong Qiyuan wants to take away a piece of data, there is no problem at all.

After Zhong Qiyuan successfully returned to the main god space, the system couldn't help but ask, "What do you want this data for?"

"I want her to help me take care of the barren space."

System: "... , you're thinking about shit, how could she agree to you."

"I told her that when I had the opportunity to go back to the world of her body, I would help her get her a brain wave data body of Lian Ruling, and she agreed."

System: "... , such a person who is naturally suspicious, selfish and indifferent, unwilling to work without the motivation of interest, is actually a love brain?!"

"What does this have to do with the love brain? The environment she is familiar with is false. Her former relatives and friends have passed away. The only thing that can make her still remember is Lian Runing. It is normal for her to choose this way."

The system no longer bothered about Hao Jian's affairs, it asked enthusiastically: "Host, do we want to start the next small world mission?"

Zhong Qiyuan said, "No, I want to see the Lord God first."

Zhong Qiyuan took the initiative to find the main god, this was the first time, and the main god also passed her application for meeting. But before Zhong Qiyuan spoke, the Lord God suddenly sent the system away.

System grievance: Obviously it is one with the host, why doesn't the Lord God let it know the content of their conversation

Fortunately, the host didn't talk to the main god for too long, and it heard the host's call: "System, the next world."

There was only one small world to choose from in the system's task list. It chose this world without hesitation, and then sent the story and tasks of this world to Zhong Qiyuan.

However, when the system noticed the situation in this small world, it exclaimed in surprise: "Hey, how come there is still a system in this world? Let me see which colleague... the anti-villain system?!"

And it's the one that doesn't have a number!

That is to say, this is the original villain system, the one that once bound Zhong Qiyuan!

Isn't it destroyed, why does it still appear in this small world

The author has something to say: Doomsday is the end of this unit, there are no extras, and then it will enter the mainline unit.

No one has read the next-door "The Mistress She Got Black After Wearing a Book"!

Grief! Instant noodles dance in two articles every day, but everyone doesn't love the leader and the saint.

Even so, instant noodles will still be soaked in rain and dew!

However, because the story of the leader and the saint is relatively short, it is estimated that it will end in June. (Damn it, it would be great if instant noodles could have 20,000 words a day, and I would finish two articles in a month! Of course, it is impossible to live 20,000 words)

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-04-24 19:13:15~2021-04-25 19:54:23~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Nickname 0, Caramel Horse Head, Code Name: Little Squirrel, An Ling., 1 Grass in the Wind;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 40 bottles of yoru; 10 bottles of 1463970; 5 bottles of Anling., Gee, etc.;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!