The Villain is Addicted to Farming

Chapter 62: Forgive me not to fight 1


The system incarnates into one hundred thousand whys, bombarding Zhong Qiyuan's head without listening.

Zhong Qiyuan silenced it, and the world suddenly became quiet.

The system beeped for a long time and saw that there was no response from Zhong Qiyuan, only to find that she had blocked herself, so angry that it contacted the "villain system" and asked why Zhong Qiyuan's "ex" was here.

In the splendid palace, a pure-looking woman was lying crookedly on the chaise longue, squatting on the sunflower seeds while spitting out fragrance: "Silly male lead, I pushed the female lead into the river in front of him, he I still think that the heroine is deliberately trying to frame me, so I've watched too many anti-routine romance dramas? How can I complete the task like this, gan!"

Just as the system was about to call someone, it was immediately stunned.

Is the "villain system" so violent

It said carefully: "Senior, hello duck, I am Assist System-01, the first version of the system with a serial number!"

The woman looked up at the system, threw the seeds, and grabbed the system in the palm of her hand: "Where did the fireflies come from during the day?"

System: "I am not a firefly!"

The woman didn't seem to hear it, and she kept covering it in her palms with both hands, and after a while, she carefully opened a slit to look at it. She didn't dare to open too big a gap, for fear that the fireflies would run away.

Seeing the fluorescence in her palm, the woman smiled: "Out-of-season fireflies?"

The system got angry: "Why are you still tangled with fireflies here?!"

It was found, the "villain system" couldn't hear it at all, but for some reason, it could see it.

Besides, the "Villain System" just mentioned the mission. Could it be that the "Villain System" is performing the mission

The system is not unfamiliar with this, because it was also a task that it did itself, and it only passed the internship period.

It tried to talk to the woman again, but found that the other party still only regarded it as a firefly. In desperation, it had to go back to Zhong Qiyuan first.

It's not a real firefly, it can ignore the woman's siege, pass directly through her hand, and fly away.

"Hey, why are you leaving? Why don't you stay for dinner before leaving?" the woman asked.

system:"… "

The villain in its imagination should be the character of Zhong Qiyuan, otherwise, he would not be in trouble with Zhong Qiyuan. But why is the "villain system" here so stupid? Did it get rebuilt

The more the system thought about it, the more it felt that this was the case.

When it returned to Zhong Qiyuan, it noticed that the place where the "villain system" was located was resplendent and magnificent, while the place where the host lived was deserted and cramped. If you use the knowledge it has stored as an analogy, it is that the place where the "villain system" lives is like a high-end villa, and the place where the host lives is a small house in an urban village.

After carefully digesting the situation in this small world, it immediately understood what was going on.

The current development of this small world involves Gongdou. It mainly talks about the various love-hate entanglements between Emperor Xiao Jing and Leng Gong Queen Jiang Shuxin, the son of luck, from young to middle-aged, including misidentifying the savior, Bai Yueguang's return to cross the knife to win love, miscarriage, misunderstanding, cold palace, old love relapse Chi waiting for the bloody plot.

To put it in more detail: Jiang Shuxin, the son of luck, is a general girl, raised as a boy since she was a child, so she has a carefree personality and is capable of both civility and martial arts.

When she was ten years old, she entered the palace to attend a banquet, and accidentally rescued the seventh prince Xiao Jing who fell into the water. The biological mother of the seventh prince was a concubine with a mental illness. She was often insane and locked up in a cold palace. He also grew up in a cold palace and was very unloved.

When he fell into the water, a eunuch saw him, but no one rescued him. Jiang Shuxin's life-saving grace made Xiao Jing keep her in mind, and she became Xiao Jing's white moonlight.

Later, Jiang Shuxin followed his father to guard the border. Because Xiao Jing fell into a coma at the time, he only saw a shadow vaguely, so he couldn't see Jiang Shuxin's face clearly. Later, he went to inquire, only to know that there were only a few families who brought their daughters into the palace that day, including Ling Chu, the vicious female partner and the biggest villain in the harem.

When the son of luck and her father were fighting on the frontier, the male protagonist mistook Ling Chu for Bai Yueguang who saved him.

Wouldn't it be better to say that Ling Chu is a vicious female supporting role? What she didn't do, she admitted without changing her face!

The key is that all the witnesses were bribed by her, saying that she was the one who saved the male protagonist! Then the male protagonist went from gratitude to admiration for her, and finally he loved her so much that he couldn't help himself.

Seven years later, the male protagonist has grown from a transparent prince to a prince who can compete with other princes with the help of the Ling family.

At this time, the emperor began to make plans to marry his concubine for several of his fertile sons. The male protagonist wanted to marry Ling Chu, but Ling's father was the prime minister, so he did not despise the male protagonist. The daughter betrothed to the fifth prince.

The male protagonist quit this job, but he could not disobey the imperial power and the patriarchal power, so he could only break up with his first love in grief, and his heart was blackened because of this, and he decided to fight for power and fight for power.

Later, in order to compensate him, the emperor asked him to marry Jiang Shuxin, the daughter of General Jiang. Although Jiang Shuxin's martial arts value is a little higher and his personality is somewhat carefree, in fact, the Jiang family with heavy soldiers is a good help for him.

Jiang Shuxin was also very happy to learn that she was going to marry the male protagonist, because she never forgot the boy she rescued and thought he was too good-looking, and she was a vulgar woman who looked at her face. For this face, she can protect him after marrying him!

When she married happily, she found that the male protagonist was not very happy.

She thought that the male protagonist had such a stable personality, so she didn't notice anything. In addition to her carefree temperament, she has never noticed many details of getting along with her on weekdays. Naturally, she did not find that the male protagonist and her only respect each other, but have no love.

Later, the male protagonist succeeded in becoming a prince, the fifth prince "accidentally" died of illness, and Ling Chu became a widow. The male protagonist ran to comfort Ling Chu, and after that, he often cared and took care of Ling Chu.

No matter how big Jiang Shuxin's heart is, there will be someone whispering in her ear. She soon learned that the male protagonist has a first love named Ling Chu. Although she felt uncomfortable, she knew that it was normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines for the sake of the male lead, so she endured it.

When the male protagonist became the emperor, Jiang Shuxin also became the queen.

But the male protagonist is gone without the checks and balances of his father and brother. He took Ling Chu into the palace despite everyone's opposition, and made him a noble concubine, whose status in the harem was second only to the queen.

The maid next to Jiang Shuxin couldn't bear to see that the male protagonist was staying in the imperial concubine's palace every night, so she complained to Jiang Shuxin, but she was accidentally heard by the male protagonist.

This maid grew up with Jiang Shuxin since childhood and has a deep relationship. Jiang Shuxin would not let the male protagonist kill her.

The male protagonist was furious and felt that Jiang Shuxin was arrogant and rude, without the queen's virtue and virtue and the demeanor of the mother.

The first confrontation between the two ended with the male protagonist giving in half a step in fear of the Jiang family's power, and letting the maid go to the clothes washing bureau.

A head-on conflict has a first time and a second time.

The second time was when Ling Chu framed Jiang Shuxin and used witchcraft to harm others, and the male protagonist had no brains to protect his first love. Jiang Shuxin was sad and sad, but in the end, she proved that she did not harm anyone, and then Ling Chu successfully pulled out a cannon fodder concubine in the backyard harem, ending with the cannon fodder concubine being sent to the cold palace.

The third conflict was that Jiang Shuxin's actions aroused the male protagonist's interest, and then the two had some small interactions. After the relationship became warmer day by day, Ling Chu dutifully played her villain's own job and started to do things. By doing this, he "accidentally" caused "miscarriage" to non-existent children.

This time the male protagonist collapsed. It was suspected that Jiang Shuxin was jealous of Ling Chu, so he secretly attacked. He accused Jiang Shuxin, the queen, who had no tolerance for others, and threatened to abolish the queen.

In the end, it was not successful, but the male protagonist still put Jiang Shuxin into the cold palace. Although it is a cold palace, it is actually confined in her palace. The male protagonist also let people put chronic poison in her meal, trying to kill her quietly.

After half a year of poisoning, Jiang Shuxin became weaker and weaker. She has been practicing martial arts and is healthy, how could she be sick and weak for no reason? A fool knows that there is something wrong with what he eats. She gave up on the hero.

The bloody thing is that the male protagonist doesn't know what to do. Every night, he dreams about the past, and even learns that it was not Ling Chu who saved him when he was a child, but Jiang Shuxin!

The male protagonist began to find out and regretted his conscience, so he took Jiang Shuxin out of the cold palace and began to chase his wife in the crematorium.

The male protagonist also found out that Ling Chu had hooked up with the ambitious second male lead, ready to seize the throne.

In the end, of course, the second male lead was executed for failing to do something, and Ling Chu was also exposed by the male lead and sentenced to Ling Chi.

Jiang Shuxin forgave the male protagonist, and later gave birth to seven sons and three daughters with him. Their prince was very smart, and their family became the happiest family in the world.

The system didn't have to guess to know that Ling Chu was the "villain system", and it didn't survive the three swords, and immediately ran away after the task was settled.

In the end, the emperor also sighed that he spoiled the "concubine" so much that she couldn't bear any hardship, and she died in pain after the third knife.

system:"… "

Damn, why is the dog male protagonist being so affectionate? !

If it was before, its stance would have been neutral, and it would have picked out what was good for the mission. Only this time it found its colleague, and its position was immediately crooked.

"So what is the mission this time?" The system glanced at it, then froze, "No mission?"

"Host, what's wrong with not having a mission?" The system asked Zhong Qiyuan hurriedly.

Seeing that it was always flying in front of him, Zhong Qiyuan finally remembered to lift its ban, and then heard this sentence.

"Because this is not a mission world, there are no missions," she said.

The system felt that it was out of luck: "But how can it come to a small world that is not a mission world?"

It soon thought that this might be related to Zhong Qiyuan's meeting with the Lord God.

Zhong Qiyuan didn't intend to betray her either. She said, "This is the scene of a small world more than 4,000 years ago. The world we live in is just a projection of that world."

The system quickly understood, and it was surprised: "So, the 'villain system' I saw was not the current 'villain system', but the projection of the 'villain system' that had not been destroyed more than 4,000 years ago. ?"

It can also be said that it is a backup of the world when the "villain system" performed tasks alone more than 4,000 years ago.

Because the villain system has indeed been destroyed, but the Lord God has the ability to back up the tasks performed by each small world, system, and host. If it wasn't for this, the Lord God would not have been able to figure out how Zhong Qiyuan put every small world, system, and tasks performed. The world collapsed, and then let other hosts fix it again.

In a more popular way, when the Lord God creates a document, he will back up another document.

If the original document is in good condition, it will be fine, and the backup document will not be useful for a day. But once the original document is broken and can't be found, then the backup document can come into play.

It has been more than 4,000 years since the time when the "villain system" performed the task, no one can find the content before it was covered in this document that has been covered and updated many times. It is the backup file that still preserves the content at that time.

They came from this small world of backup.

As for why the "villain system" can still find it, it is because although it is a small world that can be backed up, the small world that can be backed up can also be modified and changed. As for its inability to communicate with the "villain system", it was either because Zhong Qiyuan banned it, or because the Lord God set restrictions in this small world, preventing the backup of the "villain system" from communicating with it.

Zhong Qiyuan responded, "Yes."

"Then why..."

"I told the Lord God that I also want to be an auditor once, so we came here. Here, we are bystanders, but we cannot influence the development of the situation."

While Zhong Qiyuan was talking, the system landed on her index finger, she raised her hand and glanced, then turned to look at Ling Chu who was sneaking a peek outside the door.

Seemingly frightened by her suddenly turning eyes, Ling Chu almost ran away, but remembering her current identity, she walked in openly and asked, "Have you raised these out-of-season fireflies?"

Zhong Qiyuan looked at her, showed a shallow smile, and responded, "Well, I raised it."

The system was still digesting the matter of "Why did the host say to be an auditor, and the Lord God gave her the role of an auditor, and she is the favorite stone hammer of the Lord God", and it turned out that Zhong Qiyuan's kind attitude made him tremble with fright. .

Yaoshou, when did the host show such a kind smile

Could it be that he has "unfinished love" for the previous system

The system had a sense of crisis and became tense.

"You keep such a dog?" the woman asked again.

"There should be only one." Zhong Qiyuan said.

Ling Chu probably realized that he hadn't seen her before, and asked, "Who are you, and why haven't I seen you before?"

"I'm the maid by the Empress's side, my name is Xiaoqi."

"Oh." Ling Chu looked at her with a lot of sympathy. It must have been the stupid X male protagonist who didn't like the Son of Luck, so he just found a reason to punish the maid next to her here, so that she could be in a isolated location.

She is a villain system. In her opinion, the male protagonist is more like a villain than her, because she is for the task, and occasionally find fault with the son of luck, but it will also create opportunities for them to warm up their feelings; what about the male protagonist? Pure cold-blooded ruthlessness.

"Then do you know who I am?" Ling Chu asked again.

"I know, noble concubine."

Ling Chu felt that this little maid was quite bold, and she was not scared by her!

"Then why don't you respect me when you see me?"

Zhong Qiyuan thought for a while and replied, "I don't want to."

Ling Chu: "?!"

Is this maid serious? Are you bold or despise yourself for living too long

"Don't you want to live? Offend me, I will let the emperor kill you!"

Zhong Qiyuan teased the system that turned into fluorescent light, and said indifferently, "If the noble concubine is willing, just go."

Ling Chu thought to herself, what did she not want

But on second thought, this is not within the scope of her mission, why should she meddle in her own business? Her job has always been to entangle the son of luck, constantly deepening her bond with the male protagonist and warming up her relationship.

If the previous handmaiden who was a sister to the Son of Luck fell into her hands, she would definitely take this opportunity to let the Son of Luck know how bad the villain can be.

But this maid, who has never even shown her face, is probably not aware of the existence of the child of luck, and she can't achieve her goal by tossing her.

Moreover, she was ready to enter the final stage, in order to court death, she deliberately pushed the son of luck into the water in front of the male protagonist. As a result, the male protagonist's love brain thought that the son of luck deliberately grabbed her hand, pretending that she was forced to push.

The male protagonist also comforted her, feeling that she was wronged.

She can't wait to take the male protagonist's brain to dry, otherwise there is still so much water in her brain, how can she advance her mission

She thought about it for a while, then threatened: "If you feed me out-of-season fireflies, I'll let you go."

"It can't be raised, this can only be given to you."

"Give it to me, not afraid that I will die?"

"Don't be afraid, being able to raise it to death is the skill of the noble concubine."

Ling Chu: "…"

system:"… "

Is it really a firefly? !

The author has something to say: She seems to have not appeared since she touched the fish, but in fact she has been there all the time. know everything...

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-04-25 19:54:23~2021-04-26 19:35:04~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 1 wooden crafty;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: YyMoon, Mu Jiu, Lucky, Exploding Tomato, An Ling., Caramel Horsehead 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 186 91 bottles; 10 bottles of zan; 6 bottles of serious nonsense; 5 bottles of ordinary one month, 5 bottles of scenery; 1 bottle of nagging, old white, and Zhuan;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!