The Villain is Addicted to Farming

Chapter 7: Fighting is worse than farming 7


Meng Shi's health was improving day by day, and troubles followed.

In the past, she was not in good health. Apart from picking up some needlework and sewing, she seldom went out and walked around, and her relationship with her neighbors was average. As her health improved day by day, her neighbors knocked on the door more often.

Faced with warm neighbors, Meng Shi naturally responded with warm hospitality at first. However, the neighbors either asked how her illness was well, or what medicines she took on weekdays, and some wanted to entrust Zhong Qiyuan to help with things, or to ask Zhong Qiyuan to help her see a doctor.

Meng Shi understands that they are all here for their daughter.

In this chaotic world, people die of freezing, sickness, starvation, suicide, or being killed every day. Whether they are the rich, the rich or the poor, they all hope that the deceased can walk in peace, so they will ask monks and Taoists to help them practice things and recite sutras. Transcend the dead.

The business scope of Taoist priests is even wider. From the birth of the baby to the death of the baby, various experiences in life can develop a legal business.

Although Zhong Qiyuan is young, she is already a legal Taoist with a certificate. Every time she did something, strange scenes would appear, and no one who asked her to do something reported that it was not effective.

After these people's exaggerated praise, her fame came out, and more and more people came to her for help.

Zhong Chuyuan was also surprised and amazed, chasing after Zhong Qiyuan and asking, "Sister, are you an immortal?"


"Then why can you call the wind and call the rain?"

"Want to know?" Zhong Qiyuan showed a meaningful smile.

System: "Host, you smile like a personal trafficker."

"Well, want to know!"

Zhong Qiyuan ignored the system, and his smile deepened: "I won't tell you."

Zhong Chuyuan: "..."

She hugged Zhong Qiyuan's waist and acted coquettishly: "Sister, tell Yuanyuan!"

Before, she felt that her sister was alienated and difficult to get along with, so she did not dare to get close to her, but after this period of contact, she felt that her sister did not seem to be so difficult to get along with, so she dared to approach her and act like a spoiled child.

"I won't give you ready-made answers, you can only see and learn by yourself."

Zhong Chuyuan pouted, but did not complain.

When they got home, Mrs. Meng put down the props for their practice, and then told Zhong Qiyuan that the neighbor wanted to see her for medical treatment.

Zhong Qiyuan refused without thinking: "No time."

It is the son of luck who needs to be admired and praised by everyone, and she will not do such boring things.

Meng Shi said, "That mother went to help you refuse."

She remembered one more thing, "By the way, someone from the government said that Shu Shuang had been caught, but he would not confess the whereabouts of Shu's family anyway."

According to the law, Shu Shuang owes 160,000 money to the owner's property in violation of the contract. If he fails to pay it back 20 days after the due date, he will be punished 70 times. If it is delayed for three months, he will be locked up for a year.

It has been more than a month since the Shu family was prosecuted, and it is still unknown whether he can survive these seventy sticks.

Meng's sympathy didn't overflow, she just wanted to ask Zhong Qiyuan what to do with the 80 acres of land.

"It's spring, it's not difficult to find tenants, but I don't plan to continue renting out the 80 acres of land."

"No rent?" Meng Shi was surprised.

"I want to grow my own."

Meng: "..."

Okay, even if the eldest daughter said that she wanted to go to heaven in the next second, she would not be surprised.

After Zhong Qiyuan knew that the Zhong family had fields, he made a plan: first of all, food must be planted. In the next ten years, all parts of the Central Plains will be in scuffle, and the price of food will only soar and not fall; secondly, commercial crops, such as vegetables, must be planted. , melons and fruits, cotton and linen, soybeans and the like; and finally medicinal crops.

The production level of this era is too backward, and the medical level is still at the stage where people believe in witch doctors more than doctors—many people would rather ask a wizard to come back to do a ritual than spend money on medicine. - Most of the medicinal materials are collected from wild plants, so there are often shortages.

As a big farmer, infrastructure tycoon, and simulation operator who once developed a barren land from nothing to a super small world with hundreds of millions of people and is about to enter the industrial age, Zhong Qiyuan's sense of this small world is like - the game has not been saved It collapsed, and then once she returned to the archive, she just felt very bad.

Therefore, she wants to increase food production and improve the level of medical care!

The system couldn't hold back, and ran to follow Wan Tucao: "If the Lord God knew that the host regarded the small world as a game, he would be very angry."

Cong Wan thought, "What's wrong with treating it as a game? I even treat this place as a resort!"

Of course, as a professional auditor, she cannot show any unprofessionalism. She said: "Isn't this good? It shows that the host is very motivated!"

System: "Isn't she active and useful for tasks?"

Cong Wan: "Then it won't help you to tell me!"

system:"… "

Yes, why does it complain to the auditor about the host

What if the auditor thinks that it has no professionalism with the host, and then reports to the main god, what if the main god throws it back and recreates it? !

The system is silent.

Cong Wan was aroused by curiosity. She wanted to know what Zhong Qiyuan planned to do, so she asked her servant to inquire, and learned that Zhong Qiyuan had given a bunch of seeds to plant on credit in the name of Zhong Zuo.

In addition to the most abundant grain seeds, there are also seasonal vegetables, soybeans, peas, wax gourd, aloes and other crop seeds suitable for spring planting.

Thirty acres of grain were sown, ten acres of soybeans and peas were planted, and the remaining seeds were planted in a total of twenty acres, and the remaining ten acres of land were filled with herbs that Zhong Qiyuan dug up from nowhere. .

Zhong Qiyuan's crops were planted one in the east and one in the west, and Wan Wan thought she was just messing around. But after looking at it in detail, I realized that she was planting relatively suitable crops according to the soil structure and environment of different lands, so that she could adjust measures to local conditions.

Cong Wan asked the system: "Zhong Qiyuan, what did you do before?"

System: "Be the villain."

Cong Wan: "… "

Does the current host have to master farming skills as a villain

She said: "No, I remember when the 'Villain System-01' was launched, I evaluated it and its host, and its host was not Zhong Qiyuan."

System: "... , she is the host of the first-generation villain system." After a pause, he added, "More than four thousand years ago."

Cong Wan was slightly shocked. She had been a system auditor for four thousand years, and she was already considered very old in the main god space. I didn't expect Zhong Qiyuan to appear earlier than her!

She remembered that during her induction training, many first-generation products were destroyed. The reason was that the first-generation system had no reference value, which led to a deviation in the judgment of the host's behavior, so they were all recycled and destroyed.

In order to prevent this from happening, system auditors are just required to evaluate new systems and hosts, so the professional position of system auditors is derived.

The system said: "You are a senior auditor, I thought you knew."

Cong Wan smiled slightly: "As a professional system auditor, I don't pay attention to things outside my job."

A capable elite image appeared in front of the system, and it was convinced of it: "That's right, you really deserve to be a senior auditor!"