The Villain is Addicted to Farming

Chapter 85: Metaphysics boss farming 1


From Wan opened the scoring panel, he looked slightly hesitant. At this time, the Lord God called her: "Auditor, have you encountered any problem?"

Cong Wan was startled, turned off the task rating panel, and replied, "No, Lord God."

The Lord God asked: "Really not?"

Cong Wan paused and asked, "I have a question, probably only the Lord God can answer my doubts for me."

"If you have any doubts, ask them, auditor!"

"Is there a deal between the Lord God and the host Zhong Qiyuan?"

"Why are auditors curious about this?"

From Wan Yichong, she can't say that she suspects that the main god has taken a fancy to Zhong Qiyuan, and plans to train Zhong Qiyuan into the next generation of the main god, right

If this happened, more hosts would probably want to destroy Zhong Qiyuan. After all, the identity of the main god candidate/successor of the main god, just like the prince of human society, has always been coveted by people.

And there are many unknown enemies outside the main god space, so no matter whether her speculation is true or not, she can't ask it out so bluntly.

So Cong Wan said cautiously: "In the last small world, the Lord God gave the host considerable authority."

It's natural for Zhong Qiyuan to have divine power, but if she uses divine power to crush people in the small world at will, it will affect the body of the small world and be easily rejected by the small world. However, Zhong Qiyuan was so rough in the last world, but he was not rejected. Obviously, the Lord God opened the skylight for her!

The Lord God said, "That's not the authority I gave her, that's the agreement Small World Consciousness made with her. I never change my principles, reviewer."

From Wan Yi stunned, a layer of goosebumps randomly appeared all over his body.

How did she feel that the Lord God was connoting her

Change the principle, is she talking about her compromise with Zhong Qiyuan in the last small world

Or is she hesitating about how to rate Zhong Qiyuan's performance

She hesitated not because Zhong Qiyuan's performance was too bad, but because she was worried that giving too high a score would be judged as favoritism, so she was hesitant to lower the score. But this is not fair to Zhong Qiyuan.

After hesitating for a while, the Lord God appeared.

Thinking of this, she boldly asked: "Excuse me, Lord God, where did I come from?"

When the Lord God faced her question, he was neither surprised nor did he think it was a reasonable thing. He seemed to be neither sad nor happy, saying: "The system, auditors, world consciousness, and all living beings are all from the Lord God's space. born."

What I want to ask from Wan is that she was created by the Lord God, so was it the first time or the last time? Why sometimes flashes of memory fragments that do not belong to her in her mind

It is not clear from Wan that the reason why she indulged herself in the last small world was influenced by the memory of the first-generation "villain system" that had been destroyed long ago, or whether it was from her heart towards Zhong Qiyuan close.

She is an auditor, and since she can remember, she has been an auditor who only has business in her heart. She has no human feelings, and does not understand human love and desire. But in the last small world, she felt the shake and fall in her heart.

If she has the memory of the first-generation "villain system", is she Cong Wan, the auditor, or the "villain system" created last time after being recycled

What is the truth of the original "villain system" being recycled and destroyed

In addition to her abnormality, her connection with the "Assist System-01" has become more and more closely related. It is nothing to be able to talk to it, and sometimes she can even see its memory - she is in its memory bank After seeing the memory of the projection world where the first-generation "villain system" was doing the task, I guessed that Zhong Qiyuan's attitude towards her changed, perhaps after confirming a certain guess.

I don't know if I should tell the Lord God these things. What if the Lord God thinks that she has been corrupted by some external force and will bring her back to the furnace for rebuilding

Cong Wan found that there was a little selfish desire in his heart, which was not very good. But even so, she was not determined to report on herself, or take the initiative to apply for a rebuild.

"So, do the auditors have any questions?" The Lord God asked again.

Ju Wan could see that the Lord God was about to leave, so he asked, "There is one last question, how was the Lord God born?"

After she asked this question, the main god space seemed to freeze.

The Lord God didn't seem to expect that she would ask this question, not that it was a prohibited item, but that neither other auditors nor the system in the Lord God's space had ever asked such a question.

Since they were created, they knew that the Lord God would also retire and be replaced by a new Lord God. Even the slightly more senior systems and auditors knew that the Lord God's soul was very powerful, and he had to pay a lot.

However, the specific birth method of the main god may be worried that something unexpected will affect the birth of the main god, so it has not been known, and the system and auditors will not worry about this problem.

"You're smart. You're the smartest auditor I've ever met," said the Lord God, "but that's not your concern."

From Wan's heart skipped a beat, but didn't speak.

The Lord God stared at her, as if he could see through her: "Or are you doing it for the host Zhong Qiyuan?"

"... , no." Cong Wan said.

The Lord God seemed to groan, and the figure gradually disappeared.

From Wan heaved a sigh of relief.

Although she always scolded the Lord God in her heart, the Lord God was above her after all, and she still didn't have the courage to die at the critical moment.

While she was tentatively looking for answers from the Lord God, the Lord God was also exploring the reasons for her doing this. If the Lord God knew about her dignified auditor, she would actually try the secrets of the Lord God's space for a certain host, she thought, if she Is the main god, then such employees will not be allowed to exist.

Perhaps because of the interruption of the Lord God, her thoughts became much clearer, and she no longer wavered in how to rate Zhong Qiyuan, and directly gave her an excellent grade. This is an unselfish rating, and she can't belittle Zhong Qiyuan in order to appear selfless.

After that, she vaguely heard the call of the system: "Auditor, auditor!"

Cong Wan pursed her lips and responded after a while, "Is there anything wrong?"

The system obviously paused, and said to the host Zhong Qiyuan: "Host, you are right, the auditor is wearing clothes and doesn't recognize anyone!"

Cong Wan: "… "

So are you alright

System: "I'm Assist System-01, auditor, have you forgotten us? We're here to see you, auditor!"

Cong Wan: "You don't have to go on missions? Are you so free?"

The system found out that she hadn't forgotten herself, so he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "The host said that you are not in a hurry, and you can come over with the auditor!"

Cong Wan suddenly has a big head. Is the Lord God asking her to go on vacation or to play with Zhong Qiyuan? However, in the first few small worlds, she did take a vacation. After all, Zhong Qiyuan was at peace, and her days in the small world were basically spent in fishing.

Zhong Qiyuan's figure gradually appeared, Cong Wan's heart skipped a beat, and she noticed a little excitement...

Doesn't this kind of mood only appear when you act as a human in a small world? Why does it feel like falling in love in the main god dimension

Cong Wan took a breath and tried her best to act like a professional auditor: "For other hosts, seeing an auditor is not a good thing. You are really not afraid that I will give you a bad review."

Zhong Qiyuan said: "The auditors are senior and professional gold auditors who have always handled things fairly. I believe they will not give us bad reviews because of selfishness."

Cong Wan: "… "

She quietly rolled her eyes.

Taking a look at her work content, she was sure that she was going to run another world with Zhong Qiyuan next, so she decided to lie down and be ridiculed.

No matter what deal there is between the main god and Zhong Qiyuan, whether she is the first-generation villain system Ling Chu, and no matter what difficulties and hardships Zhong Qiyuan will face if he becomes a candidate for the main god... She doesn't want to mix human feelings into it, I don't want to worry about Zhong Qiyuan, and I don't want to worry about things that have nothing to do with my responsibilities!

After making up his mind, Cong Wan said, "Let's go!"

Zhong Qiyuan looked at her, she turned her head, just wondering why Zhong Qiyuan didn't leave, a thought flashed by. She pursed her lips, confronted Zhong Qiyuan for half a second, and then took Zhong Qiyuan's left hand as if she compromised.

Zhong Qiyuan's lips curled slightly, notifying the system to go to the next mission world.

Then at the moment when the system was transferred, Zong Wan still couldn't help turning his head to look at Zhong Qiyuan, and the voice reached the bottom of Zhong Qiyuan's heart: "It wasn't because of the desolation of space that you accepted the arrangement for re-employment, right? It was the promise of the Lord God. What did you do?"

At the beginning, the system, including her, also believed that Zhong Qiyuan was reluctant to bear the achievements of the barren space, so the Lord God threatened her with the achievements of the barren space, and she reluctantly returned to work.

But after getting to know Zhong Qiyuan, she found out that what she is most immune to is the threat, even the threat of the main god. How could she have such a stubborn temperament to do the task honestly

"He didn't promise anything, just said that the small world of the mission has what I want."

"What do you want?" Cong Wan asked.

Zhong Qiyuan stared at her with crooked eyebrows: "Of course it's you!"

Cong Wan: "… "

Although Zhong Qiyuan was smiling and didn't look serious, Cong Wan could see the seriousness in her eyes. So what Zhong Qiyuan said may be true, or it may be false. I am afraid that only she knows whether it is true or false.

In the blink of an eye, they were already in an unfamiliar environment. As soon as he came here, Zhong Qiyuan smelled the breath of death.

She looked around, and caught a pair of wide-open eyes off guard. These eyes didn't blink, and an ordinary person would have been frightened by a heart attack.

However, how could this little trick frighten the old monster Zhong Qiyuan? She saw at a glance that she was hanging a dead man, and it had not been long before she died. Although he was hanged, he was not hanged to death, but seemed to be hanged after his death.

In addition, there were some blood-painted formations at the scene, and the well-informed Zhong Qiyuan quickly saw what the sacrifice ceremony was here.

Zhong Qiyuan's appearance here means that the identity of the other party is exactly the identity she will use this time.

Thinking of this, she shouted, "Tong'er."

"Here comes the host!" The system responded, "The name of the deceased starts from the name of the clock, and it is ten years old..."

The system sent Zhong Qiyuan a summary of his past affairs while reading. Zhong Qiyuan didn't look at it immediately, but noticed that there was no human breath on her side, and couldn't help but wonder where Cong Wan went.

Then when she turned her head, she saw Cong Wan had become a translucent A Piao, the proper noun "ghost".

Zhong Qiyuan: "This time your sense of existence seems to be weaker than ever before."

Cong Wan: "… "

The author has something to say: a small supernatural world that is not terrifying, probably taking the funny route as always (?)

So this small world is... It is more convenient for the metaphysician X who controls the ghost to farm the field to become a ghost to touch the fish king

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-05-17 14:51:41~2021-05-18 09:25:33~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: MUGA 4 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!