The Villain is Born with a Sweet Tooth

Chapter 33


Tang Zhou sat up clutching his drowsy head, and a snow-white doll rolled down from him.

He picked it up and took a look. He recalled all the pictures from last night, and the next second he buried himself in the pillow.

He no longer has any image in front of Fu Shen.

What doll is male or female, what doll should find a companion for, what doll should give birth to a baby...

He refuses to admit that this is what he said!

After a long while of self-disgust, he released his face from the pillow, grabbed the kitten's feet, and dragged it in front of him.

But this is really nice.

I don't know where Fu Shen bought it, so I have a chance to ask him.

He looked left and right, couldn't put it down, and finally couldn't hold back, he quietly touched the little paw of the cat, and kissed it close to his lips.

Woke up satisfied.

He got up late, Fu Shen had already gone out, and breakfast was kept in the kitchen.

After Tang Zhou finished washing, he turned on his phone while eating.

There is a new email.

When he opened it, he didn't even bother to eat breakfast.

[The new school grass and the beautiful senior go in and out late at night, suspected of having a tryst]

Tang Zhou: …

Is Fu Shen a new recruit? Isn't this beautiful senior from Fancheng who participated in the competition last time? Fu Shen is really in love when he returns every night during this time

Tang Zhou pursed his lips and looked at the sender.

is an unfamiliar account.

He's not stupid, anyone with a discerning eye can see that this account sent him some specious things, just trying to sow discord.

After all, Fu Shen is his "lover".

The heir of the Tang family gave up his heir status for love, but was tragically cheated by his lover, which was a human tragedy.

If Tang Zhou and Fu Shen are really lovers, then this email can really make a difference. Whether Tang Zhou believed it or not, there would eventually be seeds of doubt in his heart.

The sender seems to understand Tang Zhou very well.

How can a person who hates cheating since he was a child endure a lover who is suspected of cheating

Once the most important trust between lovers disappears, what awaits Tang Zhou will be loss.

The family love is gone, and if he loses love again, Tang Zhou is likely to be devastated.

The above are all the mental journeys Tang Zhou made up based on the dog blood drama.

It's a pity that he and Fu Shen are not lovers.

Tang Zhou sank into the school forum and searched for the post, but found that the post had disappeared.

Probably deleted.

He turned off his phone and ate breakfast, suddenly feeling like chewing wax.

Going to Huayue to preside over the meeting today, Tang Zhou didn't think any further and drove to Huayue.

With the huge financial support of Tang Zhou, Huayue changed the decline of the building, and the whole group was full of new vitality.

A friend warned Zhang Silin that if Tang Zhou's surname was Tang, he was not afraid that Hua Yue would change his surname to Tang in the future

Zhang Silin smiled without saying a word.

No one can understand the desperation when he is about to go bankrupt. Even if Tang Zhou's surname is Tang, as long as he can lead the group to open up a new path, Zhang Silin will never say anything!

Moreover, the company's equity has been changed and registered. Although Huayue is still called Huayue, it is essentially Tang Zhou's speech.

Thinking back on the communication with Tang Zhou during this period of time, Zhang Silin had to admire Tang Zhou's boldness and predictability of the future market.

He waited at the entrance of the exclusive elevator, and when he saw the elevator door opened, he immediately went up to him.

"Mr. Tang, the conference room is here, please come with me."

This is Tang Zhou's first appearance in Huayue. To avoid mistakes, Zhang Silin personally led someone to welcome him here.

Tang Zhou was wearing a dark blue suit, tall and straight, and the 360-degree face without dead ends left a deep shock in the hearts of everyone as soon as he stepped out of the elevator.

It's one thing to see a photo, it's another to see a real person with your own eyes.

Photos can be P, but real people can't.

What's more, the real person is more beautiful than the photo. Almost all the ladies present screamed in their hearts, and even the men couldn't help but peek.

Tang Zhou nodded slightly, "There will be a meeting in ten minutes."

When he entered the office, the young ladies in secretarial positions could no longer be excited.

"The new boss is too handsome!"

"You're still young, and it is said that she just graduated from college."

"But it looks a bit cold, it's the iceberg president's style."

"I hope it won't be too difficult to get along with. There is a meeting soon, so get ready."

The first meeting after Huayue's equity change was a battle for Tang Zhou to establish his prestige; for Zhang Silin, it was a gamble to judge whether his choice was correct; for others, it was a question of whether the new boss could A test of competence.

Tang Zhou was sitting in the main seat, younger than most of the people present, but the calm temperament faintly revealed on his body made people not dare to underestimate him.

The others looked at each other a few times, and it seemed that the legend about this "God of Tang" was not a lie.

"Everyone, the decline of Huayue has proved that the previous road will not work. The theme of today's meeting is how Huayue can improve its development model and what kind of development model it should change to."

Tang Zhou looked at Zhang Silin, "Manager Zhang, come and tell everyone."

Zhang Silin nodded and got up.

"The traditional enterprise development model has not kept pace with the times. You can look at the document before you. The data on the third page shows that the development space of traditional enterprises has been gradually occupied by Internet products..."

He seemed to have rehearsed countless times, and it was smooth and neat, without the slightest stagnation, and finally concluded his speech: "According to the above, Huayue will choose a new development direction - the O2O model."

This model is not common now, but in a few years, many traditional companies facing downhill will follow suit, but they are still not as good as the first to try crabs.

Tang Zhou planned to transform the Tang family into a new model, but unfortunately the old man didn't give him a chance.

Now that the dying Hua Yue appeared in front of him, of course he would not miss this opportunity.

Those present here are obviously not familiar with this model and have raised many doubts.

Tang Zhou answered them one by one, leaving everyone speechless.

In the end, it was almost unanimous, save for a few stubborn ones.

Tang Zhou didn't care at all, and he explained all the affairs, showing the three fires of the new official's tenure.

At the end of the meeting, Tang Zhou returned to the office to have time to think about the email that morning.

Whether the content is true or false, the sender's intentions must be evil.

Someone who wants to provoke his relationship with Fu Shen...

Tang Zhou can think of three.

Tang Tianyang, the old man, Ms. Zheng.

But Tang Tianyang should be the first choice for using such filthy methods.

Tang Zhou went to the school forum again to read the post.

I still couldn't find the post with the sender's screenshot, but I saw a post about Fu Shen.

[The school grass of the Computer Department is really awesome!]

Main Building: Does anyone remember that post last night? As soon as I refreshed, the post was gone. A certain school grass technology is awesome.

1L: It's not a guilty conscience.

2L: You are not allowed to exchange expertise with others? The host's words are sour.

3L: What's so sour, that girl is not the school girl.

57L: Why are you still paying attention to Fu Shen? Another post exploded, don't you know

58L: Isn't that the one mentioned upstairs? It's really cool.

59L: The male protagonist of that post, I remember it appeared before, and he has a good relationship with several women, but this time it is more exciting, hehe.

Seeing this, Tang Zhou had some guesses in his heart. He went out to read today's hot posts, and easily found the hottest post and clicked on it.

It turned out to be a kissing photo of Tang Tianyang and several girls.

Although the girls' faces were coded, it was easy to tell by the shape of their ears and chin that they were not the same girl.

Tang Zhou clearly remembered that there was a post mocking him for being gay not long ago. The landlord didn't know what to do, he posted photos of Tang Tianyang and a few girls and scolded the scumbag.

This matter became a big deal, and the old man even called Tang Zhen and him home to teach him a lesson.

It's just that the few photos at that time were not so large in scale.

But this time is different.

Kissing is beyond the scope of the average friend.

However, who would have such a big hatred with Tang Tianyang and use this method to rectify him

Tang Zhou carefully scrutinized the relationship here.

He was ridiculed for being gay, and Tang Tianyang was exposed as a scumbag.

He received a screenshot of the forum about Fu Shen's relationship, and Tang Tianyang was exposed as a scumbag.

In the first incident, the parties involved him, Fu Shen, and Tang Tianyang.

He asked Fu Shen at that time, and Fu Shen tried to prevaricate him with the words "I have such great ability?"

In this incident, the three of them were still involved, plus Fu Shen's senior.

Fu Shen has superb computer skills, and so does that senior.

But considering the first incident, Tang Zhou felt that it was definitely Fu Shen who engaged Tang Tianyang!

He originally planned to ask Fu Shen directly, but when he thought of the post about "late night date", he felt a little awkward, so he gave up the idea and turned to "mouse loves rice" instead.

[Sweet porridge]: [Picture]

[Sweet Porridge]: Check the identity of the poster and his recent abnormal behavior.

[Rice loves rice]:…

[Sweet porridge]: Can't check

[Rice loves rice]: [Picture][Picture][Picture][Picture]

[Sweet Porridge]: ... so fast.

The first is a boy's student card. The second is a photo of the boy's private contact with Tang Tianyang. The third is the boy's previous consumption record. The fourth is his high consumption record in the first two days.

[Sweet Porridge]: How much is this order

[Mouse loves rice]: No money.

[Sweet Porridge]: Then can you find out who posted this post? [Link]

[Mouse loves rice]: The other party is more skilled than me, so I won't answer.

Tang Zhou had no choice but to give up.

At the same time, Fu Shen received a message.

[Mi Shu]: He's looking for me.

[Fu Shen]: Hmm.

[Mi Shu]: You really don't tell him

[Fu Shen]: Not for now.

He didn't want Tang Zhou to know that he was actually a person who would use despicable means.

He was afraid to see disappointment and disgust on Tang Zhou's face.

But then, a message jumped into view.

[Sweet Porridge]: Are you in love

The heart froze suddenly.

[Fu Shen]: No!

[Sweet porridge]: Oh.

Fu Shen breathed a lot lighter, rubbed his phone for a while, and asked a specious question.

[Fu Shen]: Tang Zhou, if I hid something from you, would you blame me

[Sweet Porridge]: You talk about it first, and then I know if it's strange.

[Fu Shen]:…

[Sweet Porridge]: Then let me ask again, did you let out the story of Tang Tianyang

[Fu Shen]: It's me.

He hesitated for a while, but decided to tell the truth.

Fu Shen had an intuition that if he continued to send it back in the same way as before, it might have even more dire consequences.

He really couldn't hold back and chose to ask directly.

[Fu Shen]: Do you think I'm dark and mean

After the news was sent, Tang Zhou didn't reply for a long time, Fu Shen frowned slightly, and it hurt a little.

He waited anxiously with his mobile phone in his hands, and had no intention of working.

This was the first time he cared so much about someone's thoughts.

It is precisely because he cares that he has been reluctant to take that step.

He is insidious and cunning, and he is sure to retaliate. He has never been an upright, kind and good person, but he is fortunate to meet a sweet little candy.

But just now, he seemed to have lost him.