The Villain is Outrageously Beautiful

Chapter 117: 117. Wishes come true


If the subscription ratio is lower than 70%, then you can only see the update after 36 hours, than heart~ Xu Ping reached out and touched his body, his palm was wet, he was lying in a cold shallow pool, the pool was only half full The finger is deep, but it is cold to the bone, and the touch is real, not like a dream.


A flock of white light suddenly lit up in front of his eyes, stabbing Xu Ping's eyelids. He stretched out his hand to block the light, but a voice came from the white light feebly: " are here."

A dagger fell in front of Xu Ping, and after a crisp clang, the weak male voice that seemed to have been diluted by water sounded again: "You must kill him."

Xu Ping: "…Who?"

The male voice replied, "Meng Chongguang."

Xu Ping had a splitting headache, and he really couldn't tell what was going on right now.

He only felt that the name "Meng Chongguang" was very familiar, but he forgot where he had heard it.

He decided to refine his question to make it clearer: "Who are you?"

The male voice said, "I am the consciousness of the Three Realms."

Xu Ping: "..."

Listening to the voice, 80% of this knowledge of the Three Realms has contracted tuberculosis and will die soon.

Xu Ping endured the headache, and just as he opened his mouth to ask what was going on, his voice turned into cotton and stuck in his throat.

... He remembered who Meng Chongguang was.

In the eyes of the neighbors and other outsiders, Xu Ping is a prostitute, a thief, a weirdo, an outlier, a maverick, preferring to be side-by-side, reading all kinds of girls, reading all kinds of books, and making friends with everyone, unrestrained and happy. , often come up with some clever tricks and earn some money.

When he was wealthy, he spent a lot of money just to listen to a song; when he was not wealthy, he would not be sad.

Fortunately, the family favored him very much, allowing him to wander all day long.

Xu Pingxian was very bored. After reading a few more scriptures, he started thinking about writing something.

And Meng Chongguang is the villain in Xu Ping's unfinished storybook.

Strange to say, the name Meng Chongguang first appeared in his dreams. When Xu Ping woke up, he was sweating profusely, but he had long forgotten the specific content of the dream, and only remembered such a person's name.

After waking up, he picked up the pen and began to write the story. The writing process was quite smooth. In less than ten months, he wrote nearly 10,000 words.

There are no decent people in this book at all, and it tells the story of a group of demons, gods and monsters who were imprisoned in the wild and escaped from the wild.

My father had read his manuscripts and asked him what he wanted to write.

Xu Ping replied, "Write it down for fun."

His father was helpless and ordered him to study hard, but Xu Ping, as always, promised with all his might and would never change it.

Less than half of the manuscript was written, and Xu Ping was dragged into this world by a tuberculosis ghost who knew the Three Realms in his sleep.

The tuberculosis ghost said: "You have seriously disturbed the world's veins. Now, the demons in the wild are just like what you wrote, trying to escape, causing disasters everywhere."

The dagger thrown by him flashed a faint blue light again, attracting Xu Ping's eyes: "You will use this dagger to kill Meng Chongguang, who intends to take the lead in defecting."

Xu Ping was stunned for a moment and then laughed out loud: "My lord, did you make a mistake?"

He rolled up his sleeves and showed his right hand.

His right wrist was broken, and above the wrist was a prosthetic hand made of pear wood.

Xu Ping showed his imperfection calmly: "I look like this, you told me to go in, didn't you tell me to die in vain?"

Xu Ping still remembered how he set Meng Chongguang's combat strength in the storybook. He was a spirit monster born from the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, with a cold temperament like snow and ice in the mountains, and he didn't put anyone's life in his eyes.

Someone had offended him. Meng Chongguang peeled off the skin on his back while talking and laughing, pulled out his spine completely, ground it into powder, made a tea cup, and used it to drink tea every day.

The tuberculosis ghost coughed twice and said slowly: "There is only one person in the world, and he will never overstep the slightest offense. I will lend you his skin."

Xu Ping was even more amused: "Then why don't you just ask that person to kill Meng Chongguang?"

The tuberculosis ghost replied: "He is Meng Chongguang's senior brother. Because Meng Chongguang was stubborn and abominable, he slaughtered his peers, and robbed medicine pills and treasures. People, die in the outside world."

Xu Ping: "..."

Seeing his silence, the tuberculosis ghost asked, "What do you think?"

Xu Ping simply replied, "I don't think so."

This time it was the tuberculosis ghost's turn to be silent: "..."

After a long while, a force suddenly hit, Xu Ping felt his body lighten and fell backward.

The white light disappeared, and the back of his head was windy. He didn't have time to react at all, and he fell into the gloomy void again.

The tuberculosis ghost's voice was getting farther and farther away from Xu Ping in the rapid descent, but the weak voice was like a bell, and it crashed into Xu Ping's ear: "If you can't kill him, you will live forever. In the wild."

Xu Ping used all his strength and scolded your uncle.

I don't know how long it took to fall, but Xu Ping's heart was numb, and his body fell into a softness.

He couldn't get up at all.

As a rough estimate, Xu Ping flew in the air for at least half an hour, passing through majestic giant gates, and dazzling lights swirled around him, making his eyes glisten.

When he first landed, he couldn't hear, couldn't see, and could only lie flat.

Suddenly, countless messy information flashed into Xu Ping's mind.

He only ruminated for a moment, and then let out a whimper.

The fragment that poured into his mind seemed to belong to Meng Chongguang's senior brother, but the strange thing was that he had the same surname as himself, both surnamed Xu and called Xu Xingzhi.

The clips are quite disorganized, and there is only some basic information. After Xu Ping reviewed it for a long time, he could only barely summarize a few points.

Xu Xingzhi is the senior brother of the decent Xianshan Fengling Mountain. Meng Chongguang is a child who was picked up by Xu Xingzhi. He has followed Xu Xingzhi since he was a child. His spiritual power is low and he is often bullied. He was afraid that he would be bullied to death by other disciples.

However, Meng Chongguang's true identity is a celestial demon, with a strange spiritual power. He pretended to be weak and lurked in Fengling Mountain for many years, just to take the opportunity to seize the artifact placed in the four immortal gates.

Over the years, he has worked hard to gain connections among the major immortals, using conspiracy and instigation, and incitement, he has actually attracted a vote of righteous disciples for his own use. However, on the eve of his success in stealing the artifact, his conspiracy was revealed. He actually killed the master himself on the eve of the year, but Xu Xingzhi carried the blame for him by accident and was imprisoned. tormented.

Later, when Zhengdao cleared the door, Meng Zhongguang, along with several disciples who betrayed the sect, was exiled to the wild.

Wilderness is an alien creature and an unbreakable prison.

Xu Xingzhi was also regarded as a comrade and was demoted to a mortal.

And to kill Meng Chongguang, it is not difficult to say, as long as the dagger filled with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is aimed at the cinnabar mole in the center of his forehead, it can kill his life.

Xu Ping lay on the ground in despair, thinking, fuck, I didn't seem to think so much when I wrote it.

Xu Ping has no interest in talented and beautiful women, heroes and beauties, or the love history of Xianmen. He simply wants to write a story that is different from the Mandarin book and has the villain as the protagonist.

He didn't even think about compiling a prehistory for the "Meng Chongguang" in his book.

But now it seems that his story and Meng Chongguang in this world have accidentally overlapped, like two strings, which have no intersection at all, only because he plucked one of them, it caused the other one. The shock disrupted the world order here.

It is precisely because he and the "Xu Xingzhi" who fell into the mortal world and lost his immortal bones are both mortals, the so-called "knowledge of the three worlds" will invite him to come and destroy Meng Chongguang with his own hands.

Xu Ping, the current Xu Xingzhi, was relieved, turned over and sat up, touched it, and touched a round thing.

He looked down and saw that it was a human head.

Xu Xingzhi jumped up abruptly, only to discover that within a mile of this place, there were corpses and bones, most of which were torn to shreds, and red and white things were scattered all over the place.

The sense of smell returned to Xu Xingzhi's body the moment he saw these corpses.

Fortunately, he once spent three days and three nights in Yizhuang for a bet of a tael of silver in this world, eating and living with the old man in Shouyizhuang, and he was not afraid of corpses.

Just seeing such scattered corpses for the first time was too exciting for Xu Xingzhi.

Xu Xingzhi also described the tragic situation of cannibalism in the wilderness. The so-called "human tendons are like silver, and the human head is a lamp". It seems that the black and white characters don't seem like it, but the nakedness turns into reality, so I still call him Can not help but teeth cold.

He held back his nausea and tried his best to pick up the gap between the corpses, trying to escape the corpse as soon as possible.

Xu Xingzhi didn't want to see the tragic state of those corpses, but after a while, he stopped and squatted in front of a corpse.

A moment later, he stood up, and without hesitation, ran away.

Xu Xingzhi could see that the torn part of the corpse was not bitten by a beast, but a human tooth mark.

In other words, the corpse here is actually someone's kitchen in the wild.

Xu Xingzhi felt that if he didn't leave soon, maybe he should lie here instead.

But in this vast wilderness, where is he going to find Meng Chongguang

Thinking about this question, Xu Xingzhi, who had escaped a few steps, suddenly heard a roar.

He turned around and saw a terrifying humanoid monster running towards him like a madman.

Except for the two sharp razors on his arms, the monster's neck is still normal, but his face seems to be torn off and hastily put back together, the nose is on the forehead, and the eye is on the original lip position. , and the other grew on the neck and looked like a giant candle that melted disproportionately.

He crossed the sea of corpses and ran straight towards himself, and countless corpses burst into blood on the bottom of his feet.

Xu Xingzhi cursed loudly and ran away.

One deep foot and one shallow foot crossed the sea of blood on the mountain of corpses and came to the open space. He chose a random direction and rushed forward.

Obviously the monster didn't just intend to drive Xu Xingzhi out of his territory.

Xu Xingzhi had already run for nearly a mile, but he was still chasing behind Xu Xingzhi.

The distance between one person and one monster is getting closer and closer.

Xu Xingzhi was so tired that he was panting and kept paying attention to the situation behind him. When he turned his eyes, he caught a glimpse of a charred human-shaped body from the side, stumbling straight towards him.