The Villain is Outrageously Beautiful

Chapter 26: 26. Endgame


After a few people returned to the road, Zhou Wang kept asking Xu Xingzhi who was kidnapped by the gods.

Xu Xingyi said seriously: "A big man with chest hair."

After all, it is not a glorious thing to be almost beaten by a woman overlord. Xu Xingzhi believes that if he tells the truth about his shameful deeds, Zhou Beinan can use this to laugh at himself for a year without any hesitation.

Zhou Wang was curious: "Why did he kidnap you?"

Xu Xingzhi replied fluently: "He is the subordinate of the lord who seals the mountain and wants to avenge the old lord."

Zhou Wang: "Then why did you change your clothes again?"

Xu Xingzhi: "The original clothes were dirty, Meng Chongguang took his clothes for me to wear."

Without waiting for Zhou Wang to ask again, Xu Xingzhi said first: "Do you still want to ask, since that person took me back for revenge, why am I unscathed?"

Zhou Wang nodded.

Xu Xingzhi opened the fan he had just lost on the bank of the stream, and said in disgust, "You have so many questions."

Zhou Wang: "… "

Lu Yujiu, who has been listening to the conversation between the two since just now, couldn't help: "Hahahahaha."

Zhou Beinan came from behind and said to Zhou Wang, "Don't talk to this man too much. His mouth is too small."

Xu Xingzhi: "...I can hear it."

Zhou Beinan sneered: "I'm afraid you will hear?"

Xu Xingzhi picked up a piece of dirt from the ground and threw it back.

Zhou Beinan subconsciously stretched out his hand to block it, but Tu Kela went straight through the back of Zhou Beinan's hand and head, and fell to pieces on the ground.

Zhou Beinan frowned: "Xu Xingzhi, are you bored!?"

Xu Xingzhi said with a smile: "Seeing that you are in a bad mood, just gossip. I just want to make you happy."

Zhou Beinan: "... Googling, who is in a bad mood?"

Xu Xingzhi scratched the hickey-like red mark on the back of his neck with a fan: "Since you left the tower, you have either been silent, or you have been in a strange tone. ... This is how you used to be when you were in a good mood? "

Zhou Beinan didn't take Xu Xingzhi's words again, and walked to the front of the team alone, carrying a gun.

While Xu Xingzhi was wondering, Lu Yujiu caught up.

He whispered to Xu Xingzhi: "Brother Xu, don't mind, he has such a young master's temper."

"It's okay." Xu Xingzhi raised his fan, he didn't care about such trivial matters at all, "What's on his mind?"

Lu Yujiu lowered his voice and replied, "... He had an accident in Tiger Leaping Stream back then."

… no wonder.

Xu Xingzhi frowned: "Do you know what happened to him?"

"I don't know." Lu Yujiu replied, "I was near Tiger Leaping Stream when I picked him up. At that time, his soul core had already left his body, and he was about to dissipate in just one breath. I asked him, but he was probably severely stimulated and his spiritual body was scattered. He couldn’t remember the experience before his death. Also because his spiritual body was incomplete, his spiritual power was also incomplete over the years. After more than half of it, he still can't regain the strength of the year. He always held a sigh of relief in his heart, so since he knew that this time he was going to Tiger Leaping Stream, he had some knots in his heart."

Having said this, he folded his hands and said softly, "Senior Brother Xu, don't blame him, he didn't mean to target you..."

Xu Xingzhi smiled: "You are protecting him."

Lu Yujiu pursed her lips, and the half baby face exposed under the ghost face turned into half a reddish bean paste bag: "Me and him... In fact, he protects me more often."

Xu Xingzhi couldn't help laughing when he saw Lu Yujiu's expression that couldn't help showing off: "Don't you still have a few ghost slaves? I saw them on the first day of Wilderness. They all wore the uniform of Qinglianggu, but Why don't you see them hanging out all day like Zhou Beinan?"

"That's the remnants of the few senior brothers I found." Speaking of which, Lu Yujiu's blushing faded, but her still round and tender bun face bulged earnestly, "Zhou Beinan is already the most complete soul among my ghost slaves. Now, without consuming the essence, he can maintain his form and soul on his own; and the depletion of the soul cores of the brothers is so great that it is difficult to even manifest. Usually, if I let them come out at will, I have to consume too much essence. "

Xu Xingzhi knew that the ghost slave and the ghost master are in a symbiotic relationship, and one party needs to be branded and swear allegiance to the ghost master;

The more advanced the ghost masters practice, the greater the number of ghost slaves who can support and drive away. In the Ming Crow Kingdom in its heyday, many ghost cultivators who were proficient in this technique could even spread leaves into soldiers and call out a million ghost army.

In comparison, the two or three kittens under Lu Yujiu's banner are really shabby.

Xu Xingzhi made a joke: "Qinglianggu is very strict. You can drive your senior brother at will, so you are not afraid of Wen Baimao's reprimand?"

Mentioning this person, Lu Yujiu was suddenly silent.

Xu Xingzhi calmly observed Lu Yujiu's reaction.

Of course he asked this on purpose.

In the memory of the original owner, Xu Xingzhi, Zhou Beinan, Qu Chi and Wen Xuechen were among the four peers of the year. Among them, Wen Xuechen disliked people who were not Taoist, and acted upright and rigid, not like the original owner who acted unruly, not like Qu Chi's soft temperament, nor like Zhou Beinan's impulsive and irritable.

If Xu Xingzhi was asked to name a person who could never have participated in the theft of an artifact thirteen years ago, Wen Xuechen would be the only person he could think of.

But based on the intermittent memories of the original owner, it may be difficult and difficult to complete the truth of the year, so Xu Xingzhi really wanted to get an accurate information from Lu Yujiu.

Did Wen Xuechen participate in the rebellion that year? At this time, is he hiding somewhere in the wild, or is he staying outside the wild

After a long while, Lu Yujiu gave an answer in a muffled voice: "I think Senior Brother Wen is no longer in this world."

Xu Xingzhi was really surprised this time, and his tone was slightly raised: "Huh?"

Lu Yujiu asked back: "Senior brother has been out for thirteen years and has never heard from senior brother Wen, right?"

Xu Xingzhi said, I would be a ghost if I heard it.

So he shook his head.

Lu Yujiu's eyes dimmed slightly under the mask: "...Really? I think so too."

Not only did he not get the answer, but Xu Xingzhi, who was confused, couldn't ask any more, so he had to watch Lu Yujiu go ahead and chase after Zhou Beinan.

He was about to regurgitate the information he got from Lu Yujiu when one hand grabbed the sleeve of his left hand from behind, while the other hand came around from behind him and caressed his chin.

Meng Chongguang whispered to the back of his neck: "Senior brother has been chatting with him for a long time? What are you talking about?"

Xu Xingzhi's neck was tickled by the heat he exhaled: "... just chat."

"If you chat casually, you have something to say for so long." Meng Chongguang felt aggrieved, "but senior brother doesn't want to talk to me. Chongguang also wants to chat with senior brother."

Xu Xingyi slapped the back of his hand teasing his chin: "No big or small. Okay, just chat with you. What do you want to hear?"

Meng Chongguang happily walked from behind Xu Xingzhi to the front, and asked with his hands behind his back, "Want to hear what Senior Brother and Lu Yujiu talked about just now?"

Xu Xingzhi: "... We didn't talk about anything."

Meng Chongguang was even more aggrieved: "Senior brother lied, you two just talked about Zhou Beinan, about ghost slaves, and about Wen Xuechen, how can you not talk about anything?"

Xu Xingzhi almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood: "...Since you heard everything, why are you asking?"

Meng Chongguang's eyes are full of sincere glinting waves, which is really moving: "I want to ask my senior brother to tell me again, and I want to hear my senior brother's voice."

Xu Xingzhi thought, this old goblin is really squeamish, who is used to it.

While thinking about it, he said, "Lu Yujiu came to tell me just now, don't bother with Zhou Beinan..."

Just walking all the way and talking, several people walked for nearly three hours.

Zhou Wang was young and could not afford the heavy task of finding key fragments. She had been staying in the tower to guard the tower before, but this was her first time out of the tower.

She saw a lot of scenery that she had never seen before. Although the mist was steaming all around, and the barren and yellow cracked land could not be seen at a glance, she still ran around happily, folded several colored petals, and clumsily weaved the flower crown, Put them on Qu Chi and Tao Xian respectively.

In the end, the group decided to rest in a cave under the cliff and slept for a few hours before leaving.

Everyone found pampas grass and withered grass from everywhere, ready to make beds.

About a quarter of an hour after Qu Chi went out, he dragged back a dead deer-shaped monster with human teeth in its mouth.

He said to Tao Xian, "Here you are."

Tao Xian laughed: "It's all mine?"

Qu Chi nodded: "It's all yours."

Tao Xian patiently persuaded: "Senior Brother Qu, I can't eat so much by myself. How about I give you some?"

Qu Chi looked around the crowd and said resolutely, "It doesn't matter, this is yours."

After that, he turned around again and dragged in two more bizarre monsters: "...this is theirs."

He approached Tao Xian mysteriously, lowered his voice, and said something to Tao Xian: "This one of yours is better than the other two. I specially called you."

However, it was useless for him to lower his voice like this, and everyone in the room heard his words clearly.

Seeing Xu Xingzhi holding back his smile until his face turned green, Tao Xian's little white face flushed red.

He also imitated Qu Chi's appearance, lowered his voice and solemnly replied: "... um. Thank you, Brother Qu."

Qu Chi smiled gently and stroked Tao Xian's hair.

Although cultivators need to give up their appetites, and the people present except Xu Xingzhi and Tao Xian have long since succeeded in fasting, it is also a rare happiness in the world to gather together for a long time to eat a meal.

Zhou Wang and the bone girl lit a fire, while Xu Xingzhi and Meng Chongguang went out of the cave, picking and choosing, choosing a few branches with a strong fragrance of fruit trees.

Using this thing to roast meat, once it is smoked and tasted, it is the most delicious in the world.

Xu Xingzhi also picked up a lot of lake water from a nearby salt lake and steamed it with the pot rack stored in Meng Zhongguang's ring.

As the lake water boils, pale white particles gradually precipitate out at the edge of the pot.

Xu Xingzhi scraped off the condensed salt particles with the cleaned tree chips, took it to Zhou Wang and asked her, "Do you know what this is?"

Zhou Wang shook his head.

Xu Xingzhi said with a smile: "You have cultivated inedia since you were a child, and naturally you don't know what this is. You have a taste."

Zhou Wang looked at the white crystal he held up in front of him, cautiously dipped a little into his mouth, frowned slightly, trying to find a suitable description among all the senses to sum up the taste of this thing.

After some hesitation, she finally found a similar taste: "… bitter."

Xu Xingzhi patted her head: "Senior Brother Xu taught you, this is called 'salty'. You don't have to memorize it deliberately. I will cook a few more dishes in the future, and you will know what salty is."

After that, he said to himself: "The nectar in this wilderness is so bitter that it can't be eaten. I'll look around and see if I can find something sweet, and then I'll teach you what 'sweet' is."

Zhou Wang was taken aback.

She didn't expect Xu Xingzhi to take this little thing that taught her what "salty" and "sweet" mean to her heart.

After a long while, she said softly, "...Thank you Senior Brother Xu."

Meng Chongguang squatted beside the fire, looking at Xu Xingzhi's eyes a bit more fiery than the fire.

The bone girl also smiled together, and fed the firewood into the tongue of the fire, and the firewood made a burning sound.

Tao Xian sat in the cave and made the bed with Qu Chi.

Lu Yujiu, who had nothing to do, watched for a while, then walked out of the cave and walked straight along the mountain road to a cliff not far away.

Zhou Beinan really blew on it.

Hearing the footsteps, he guessed who was coming: "How do you know I'm here?"

Lu Yujiu raised his chin slightly: "Your eyes are mine, of course I know where my ghost slave is."

Zhou Beinan smiled and said nothing.

"I don't care about you either..." Lu Yujiu rubbed the soles of his feet against the gravel ground, "If you don't want to come to Tiger Leaping Stream, it's not impossible for me to go back with you..."

Zhou Beinan straddled the cliff with one foot and hung one foot under the cliff, exactly like Zhou Wang's accustomed sitting posture: "Of course I want to come. Even if I have to be laughed at by Xu Xingzhi for the rest of my life, I would like to know how I died that year."

"What can I do if I know this?" Lu Yujiu racked his brains thinking about the words of comfort, and sat down beside Zhou Beinan, "If the memory wasn't too painful, your soul wouldn't be broken..."

"But there is always only a small amount of spiritual power left like now, and it is not a long-term solution." Zhou Beinan looked at Lu Yujiu, "You are my ghost master, I have to give you a face, right?"

Lu Yujiu: "...I don't need to..."

Before he finished speaking, he was hugged by Zhou Beinan in his arms.

Lu Yujiu was caught off guard and stumbled: "You... you, what are you doing?"

Lu Yujiu was so small that when Zhou Beinan was hugged by the tall and majestic Zhou Beinan, Zhou Beinan could easily rest his chin on his hair.

Zhou Beinan's tone was no longer so violent, it sounded like a furry shell decorated with damp water mist: "...I want to replenish the essence."

Lu Yujiu wanted to struggle out of his arms, but he was softly stopped: "Don't move."

Lu Yujiu: "To replenish the essence, I need to call out the talisman..."

Zhou Beinan said, "It's enough to hold you."

Lu Yujiu immediately turned into a steamed shrimp: ", you are bold, I am your ghost master."

Zhou Beinan hummed: "I know, I'm your ghost slave. ... I'm no longer Ying Tianchuan's eldest son."

Lu Yujiu was at a loss for words, hesitated for a long time, and threw his head into Zhou Beinan's arms.

Zhou Beinan smiled: "Okay."

His eyes crossed the hazy sky, landed in the direction of Tiger Leaping Stream, and never moved away.

The main hall of Fengling Mountain at this time.

Wen Xuechen rubbed his temple with one hand, his face extremely cold: "...That's it, I only brought back two people. People have already gone to Takong. I used my spiritual power to test where they might go, but Meng Chongguang was in all directions. They have left traces of spiritual power, so I can't tell where they are going."

The nine lanterns above the high position are still dressed up in the old days, and the long wispy hairband made his cloud hair as dark as ebony, and his face became paler and colder under this contrast: "Senior brother is really not here. In the tower?"

Wen Xuechen asked back, "Didn't you listen to what I said?"

Jiuzhideng stood up and took a few steps back and forth: "You go to the Wilderness again."

Wen Xuechen: "What's the matter?"

Nine lanterns counted carefully: "You go to send some melon seeds snacks, and some clean cyan and white fabrics. Senior brother loves these two colors, and put them at the entrance of the tower."

Wen Xuechen: "...what are you doing?"

Jiuzhideng couldn't calm down: "They always have to go back. Senior brother likes these things, he can use them as long as he goes back..."

Wen Xuechen didn't speak, just stared straight at Jiuzhi Lan from the wheelchair.

In those eyes mixed with infinite coldness, Jiuzhideng, who was a little anxious at first, finally restrained his excited expression a little.

He sat back in his seat, and after thinking for a while, he said, "... I don't need it for now."

Wen Xuechen just breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Jiuzhideng say, "I'll go down to the Wilderness to find my brother myself."

"You can't go." Wen Xuechen said incredulously, "Are you crazy? You are in the wild, who will handle the affairs of the four sects now? Xu Xingzhi is by Meng Chongguang's side, could Meng Chongguang still be detrimental to him? Besides, do you know Where are they going? Wild, where are you going to find him?"

Jiuzhideng said coldly, "I feel disgusted even if my brother stays by Meng Chongguang's side for a moment."

Seeing Jiuzhideng's resolute attitude, Wen Xuechen's eyes became cold for a while, and then he threw out two words: "...I'll go."

After saying that, he looked down at his hands and smiled miserably: "I couldn't get rid of the traitor myself. Thirteen years have passed, and it's time to end the game."