The Villain is Outrageously Beautiful

Chapter 47: 47. Excessively beautiful


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After sending Qu Chi away, Xu Xingzhi looked at the animal skin man who had only one breath left on the ground, and frowned: "Is this person coming for me?"

When only Meng Chongguang and Xu Xing were left, the former showed a very innocent and innocent look, with his hands behind his back, as if the mud on the ground had nothing to do with him: "...Yes."

Xu Xingzhi understood.

If that's the case, then it's fucking time to live.

After Xu Xingzhi was silent, Meng Chongguang cleaned up the Asura face just now, and carefully rubbed against Xu Xingzhi: "Senior brother... Was I a little reckless just now?"

Just now, the big wolf dog, who had not changed his face and smashed other people's bones, changed his face to a puppy. Seeing this scene, Xu Xingzhi felt very guilty.

Meng Chongguang is a character in his own writing. When Xu Xingzhi was originally set, he was a big pen, bloodthirsty and irritable, irritable and domineering, all of which were set by himself as Meng Chongguang's nature.

In the end, he still resents Xu Xingzhi, so not only is Xu Xingzhi not afraid of him, but his conscience still aches.

... I'm sorry son, it was Dad who made you like this.

Moreover, after living in the wilderness for more than ten years, Meng Chongguang was definitely used to the day when you died or I died. Now that someone has invaded the territory, it is not difficult to understand.

Besides, they suddenly came to arrest him, fearing that they wanted to use them to deal with Meng Chongguang.

If they were caught, the situation would certainly not be much better, and it was possible to die at their hands.

In addition, being kind and soft to the enemy who took the initiative to bully the door is also inconsistent with Xu Xingyi's usual behavior.

In terms of the degree of cruelty, yesterday, he used the dagger that killed Meng Zhongguang to kill the razor monster, and his method was not very kind.

However, Xu Xingzhi can understand it, but the original owner who brought Meng Chongguang up since childhood must not understand.

Xu Xingzhi looked indifferent and kicked the animal skin man's face with his toes: "Let him live, I will be useful."

Immediately, he took a step forward calmly, staying a little further away from Meng Chongguang.

Behind him, the light in Meng Chongguang's eyes dimmed, his fingers clenched, and there was a deep regret in his eyes.

... If this bastard hadn't hugged his senior brother in front of him, he would definitely not have lost control of his emotions, and he would have been so ruthless that his image in his senior brother's mind had been ruined.

Meng Chongguang silently cleaned up his bad mood, turned towards the sky, and whistled again.

After being summoned, the Bone Girl quickly appeared from the bamboo forest on the other side.

She avoided Xu Xingzhi and walked slowly to Meng Chongguang.

Meng Chongguang whispered a few words to her, and she answered "yes", then calmly lifted her head, lifted the garbage-like animal skin man, and walked towards the tower.

During this period, she never had any eye contact with Xu Xingzhi.

Xu Xingzhi also didn't look at her thoughtfully, and turned his attention to the woods where Qu Chi was cleaning the enemy, thinking about his own thoughts.

… Xu Xingzhi does not intend to assassinate Meng Chongguang for the time being, therefore, surviving in the wilderness has become Xu Xingzhi’s top priority.

He remembered very clearly that the "knowledge of the world" told him that Meng Chongguang and his group were planning to escape from the wilderness and return to the world to take revenge.

And Meng Chongguang wasn't the only group in the wild.

Xu Xingzhi doesn't know what the other branches are, where they are located, and how big their forces are.

Most importantly, where is this wild entrance? How to escape the wilderness

Xu Xingzhi knew in his heart that his appearance in the Wilderness was too abrupt, and Zhou Beinan suspected that he was a spy. And Meng Chongguang was willing to take him in and trusted him in every possible way, 80% of which was overwhelmed by the old friendship between the brothers and sisters.

If he asked Meng Chongguang these questions without authorization, once his suspicions aroused, it would be his turn to be pressed to the ground and crushed to pieces.

All in all, Xu Xingzhi needed a reliable source of intelligence.

This is the source of intelligence that came to the door. Whether it is reliable or not is another matter, but it is better than nothing.

After the bone girl left, Meng Chongguang also turned back to Xu Xingzhi and asked tamely, "I planted that forest, does my brother look familiar?"

... To be honest, after staring at it for a long time, Xu Xingzhi does feel a little familiar.

In the original owner's shattered memory, it seemed that such a red and fiery redwood forest really existed.

This redwood forest seems to have induced a certain spot in Xu Xingzhi's memory. It was originally just a piece of memory the size of a copper coin, but it gradually enlarged and became clear as time passed.

A violent dizziness came suddenly, instantly numbing Xu Xingzhi's five senses.

Xu Xingzhi stood unsteadily and fell backwards.

In a trance, he heard someone calling his senior brother in a panic, one after another.

As if a sampan emerged from the huge sea of consciousness, a complete picture appeared in Xu Xingzhi's mind.

… This is also the first time Xu Xingzhi has obtained a complete piece of information from the original owner's broken memory.

The redwood forests in late autumn have dyed the mountains and peaks with ripe persimmon red.

The mountains stretch, called Lingqiu, and the mountains are like the beautiful eyebrows of beauties, lined up in layers.

At the end of the cloud, and at the end of the water, a boy was sitting in front of a green rock at the source of the creek, washing his feet.

He casually made a long coat out of reed grass, holding a fist-sized fragrant fruit with a strange color in his hand, nibbling it bit by bit, as if he was eating an ordinary wild berry.

A wave of spiritual power swayed, but the boy was unmoved, and continued to bury his head and slowly bite.

As the wind passed, two junior disciples of Ying Tianchuan drove the immortal soldiers and landed in front of the boy.

Ying Tianchuan's disciples' clothes are the same from top to bottom, so they can be easily identified. The navy blue background color, coupled with bronzing cloud shoulder and sleeve pattern, is gorgeous and noble.

The reason why they can be judged as junior disciples is that they all hold a long white oak spear in their hands, unlike Ying Tianchuan's high-level disciples, who have steel long spears made of evil bones.

Facing the boy, both of them frowned.

One of the taller disciples pointed at him with the tip of a long spear, and said very rudely: "Where did you get the floating jade fruit in your hand?"

The boy wiped the juice from the corner of his mouth and pointed to the west.

Another short man doubted: "Ling Qiuri has a strange beast named 'Yong', and the floating jade fruit is its favorite food. This fruit is harvested every five years, and there are no more than a hundred. 'Yong' is regarded as a treasure. Dare to fight with it, 'Yong' must drain the water and blood from his body before giving up.... Who are you, who can compete with 'Yong' for food?"

The boy took a bite of the fruit slowly and said vaguely: "I want to eat it, but if it is not given to me, I will grab it."

The tall man looked at the boy and found that apart from his delicate and beautiful appearance like a woman, he didn't have any spiritual energy at all. He looked like an ordinary child, and his tone was a little contemptuous: "Ho, what a big tone."

The short man poked the tall man on the arm, motioning him to look at the boy's feet.

The tall man took a closer look and couldn't help taking a breath of cold air.

Five or six floating jade fruits were strung together by a vine and wrapped around the boy's ankle.

Seeing this, the tall man immediately softened his attitude: "This little son?"

The boy glanced at them, nibbled at the core of Fuyuguo, and swept the soft and juicy flesh into his mouth.

The tall man was reluctant to ask for this unfortunate child who came out of nowhere, but considering the current situation of the two, he could only suppress his anger and say: "… Young Master, we are disciples of Ying Tianchuan. I wonder if you have heard of it. The name of 'Ying Tianchuan'?"

The boy was noncommittal and did not answer.

The short man took up his words, held a gun and clasped his fists, and said respectfully: "There are four cultivators in the world, and Ying Tianchuan is one of them. Every two years, we have to hold the Eastern Emperor sacrificial ceremony, which requires various This kind of sacrifice was sacrificed to the Eastern Emperor. Later, the sacrifice ceremony developed into a four-door competition. - If you can get the most sacrifices within a limited time, you can become the sacrifice officer to sacrifice to the Eastern Emperor; if any junior disciple If you can get a sacrifice and offer it, you will have the opportunity to enter the inner door and become a disciple…”

He pointed to the floating jade fruit on the boy's feet, and his eyes couldn't help showing a greedy look: "There is a floating jade fruit for sacrifice in Lingqiu Mountain, but our two brothers have insufficient spiritual strength, and dare not set foot on the 'Yong' easily. The site. This little boy, can you share the floating jade fruit you picked up with us?"

As soon as the boy raised his leg, a floating jade fruit broke away from the vine and fell into his hands.

He wiped the fruit and said in a milky voice, "This fruit is not as delicious as the rumors say. But I won't give it to you."

The two high and short frowned together: "Why?"

"I don't like you." The boy took a bite of the floating jade fruit, his voice was clear and lingering, with a kind of innocence and arrogance, "I grew up in the mountains since I was a child, and I don't know much about etiquette, but I At least you know that if you are really asking for something, you should be begging me on your knees instead of standing upright in front of me like this."

The two suddenly changed color.

"Don't toast, don't eat and drink fine!"

The boy ignored them, jumped off the blue rock, and walked forward on the water.

In just an instant, a spear flower was polished, and with a loud bang, it slammed across the boy's neck.

Being pressed by the gun, the boy was not afraid at all. When his beautiful peach-shaped pupils swept over the two, he said with a bit of contempt: "This is my fruit, I don't want to give it to you."

The tall man who stopped with a gun did not listen to him, and ordered the short man: "Go, bring his fruit."

The short man bent down, ready to pick it up.

The boy pursed his lips in joy, and pinched his fingers.

A red cinnabar light flashed at the end of his eyes, and the cinnabar mole on his forehead also lit up brightly and darkly.

There was a rustling sound below the mantle, as if countless strange snakes were floating under it, and the floating soil on the ground was also shaking up and down, as if some monster would break out of the ground at any time.

The short man staggered, and used a long white oak spear to penetrate deeply into the soil before he stabilized his body and said in a panic, "...Is it the 'Yong' coming?"

The tall man gritted his teeth: "Hurry up! We'll leave after taking the Floating Jade Fruit!"

The short man stretched out his hand to pick it up, but he heard a whistling of spiritual power in the air, and a three-inch flying knife on fire came out of the air, nailed the short man's sleeve, and even took his body to the sky. , nailed him whole to a nearby redwood tree!

The boy couldn't help but startled, the index finger and thumb that were tightly attached were immediately separated, and the Zhu Guang at the end of his eyes and forehead also dissipated.

He looked around, looking for the trace of the master of the flying knife.

The short man was pinned to the point of immobility, and in panic he stretched out his hand to fight the flames burning on his sleeve, while the tall man immediately withdrew his long gun and pointed to the void: "Who? Which Wangba..."

Before the word "egg" was spoken, he was also nailed into his sleeve by a three-inch flying knife, his body flew into the air, and hit the trunk of another sequoia tree. The long gun in his hand rolled down and fell on the man. In the mountain stream beside the child.

The two men tried their best to free their sleeves from the flying knives, but the spiritual energy was tightly sewn between their sleeves and the tree trunk, and they couldn't even tear their sleeves to get out.

The tall man resisted his fear and asked sharply, "Who?"

His final voice trembled uncontrollably.

After a long while, there was a sloppy teasing voice from the top of the deep jungle: "...I am your conscience. You haven't spoken to me for a long time, I'm very sad."

The tall man was so panicked that he was out of his normal state, and he yelled: "Who is there pretending to be a ghost? Get out if you have the ability! Don't do anything wrong!!"

Before the perpetrator rolled out, dozens of three-inch flying knives flashing with aura shot out from the forest, plunged into the tree trunks, and used the blades to make a detailed outline of the human body for the two of them. .

When the two men, tall and short, were stunned, a white shadow descended slowly from the forest.

The person who came had empty hands and stood behind his back, dressed in frost and snow white, wearing a black black gauze curling cloud hat, and his long hair was simply pulled up by a wispy hairband. He tiptoed lightly and landed in front of the gurgling stream.

The visitor had a hexagonal bell tied around his wrist, and that was the source of the jingle bell.

The tall and short two who were still in shock and anger just now saw the appearance of the person who came, and they were a little more frightened than before: "...Xu... Senior Brother Xu?"

The boy stood in the stream curiously, looking up at this young and handsome young man.

The young man who was called "Senior Brother Xu" by the two walked slowly to the stream, stretched out his right hand, turned his palm upside down, held it and closed it, and all the blades that had nailed the tall and short brothers into ornaments flew back to him. hands. The shape of the blade melted and turned into a bamboo fractured fan.

He shook his fan twice with a smile in his eyes.

The curiosity in the boy's eyes grew brighter.

The two brothers, tall and short, fell from the tree and fell to the ground, their faces turned ashes.

The short man's cuff was scorched by the fire, and he covered it with his hands while hurriedly defending: "Senior Brother Xu, don't get me wrong, we just saw that this child has a floating jade fruit on his body, so we want to take care of him. …”

The young man walked to the boy's side, looked down, and happened to see the floating jade fruit strung with vines on his ankle.

Xu Shi was so handsome that the boy was a little embarrassed to see him, so he unknowingly hid his feet back.

The young man raised his brows when he saw the precious fruit that was strung up casually.

He boldly and casually touched the boy's soft hair, patted it again, and asked the two of them, "I ask you, is this child 'Yong'?"

The corners of the boy's lips twitched, but he resisted the discomfort of being touched on his head and did not move.

The two of them didn't dare to take a breath.

The young man asked again patiently: "I ask you, is this 'Yong'?"

The tall man replied in a hollow voice: "No..."

The young man flicked the tail of his clothes frivolously, let go of the boy, waded across the stream, walked to the tall and short two, bent down and asked, "He's not 'Yong', what do you want from him? Here, it's someone else's stuff, you better, point the iron gun at someone's neck and ask for it? I ask you, is this a 'want' or a robbery?"