The Villain is Outrageously Beautiful

Chapter 58: 58. To fall asleep at night


If the subscription ratio is lower than 70%, then you can only see the update after 36 hours, be careful~ Even if there is no shadow instruction, Xu Xingzhi will definitely choose to go there.

There is no daylight in the wilderness, and the sky is heavy, like a pus in the eyes of an old man. It should have been a new rain here, the showers are beginning to end, the sky is dark, the trees are lush, and the green tide is melting.

Xu Xingzhi was trudging through the forest with a dying corpse on his back.

But after all, the surroundings were too quiet, so quiet that it made one's heart tremble, and Xu Xingzhi simply whistled.

The whistle was so clear that it seemed to seep into the wet rocks.

He played an ancient tune quite smoothly, and then praised himself sincerely: "It's really good."

The man behind him moved slightly, and a hot air blew onto his neck.

… as if laughing.

But when Xu Xingzhi turned his head, his head was quietly resting on his back, motionless.

Probably an illusion.

Passing through the woods, jagged hills began to appear one after another. Xu Xingzhi's legs were weak, and he was really exhausted, so he simply picked up a dry cave and drilled into it.

There was a moss-covered rock in the cave, Xu Xingzhi wanted to put the man down against the rock, but he found that the arms seemed to be stiff, and he almost exhausted all his strength to wrap around his neck. , leaving only a little room to breathe.

It's good that Xu Xingzhi didn't put him down. If he planned to put him down, he would easily strangle him to death if he was not careful.

Xu Xingzhi was very helpless, and he didn't dare to pat his body, for fear of accidentally shaking his fragile arms and legs: "Hey, wake up. Can you wake up?"

The person behind him wriggled.

Xu Xingzhi said, "Let's rest here for a while. You let me go."

The person behind him struggled to let go of his curled arm a little, but did not really let go of Xu Xingzhi, but clenched the corner of his clothes.

His voice was still hoarse after being burned out: "...Are you going?"

Although this face is so terrifying, Xu Xingzhi's heart is quite calm.

On the one hand, he just had a short fight with the monster, and his face was splattered with blood, and now everything is calm.

On the other hand, in the wilderness where monsters are crowded, a monster that basically maintains the shape of a human does not seem to be so scary.

Xu Xingzhi placed the man on the rock, and carefully removed his coat, wrapped it around him, and said, "...don't go."

The man's burned-out eyes looked straight at Xu Xingzhi, and said weakly, "Why save me?"

Xu Xingzhi tucked his clothes away: "Why are there so many?"

He murmured, "What if I die on your back?"

Xu Xingzhi thought it was amusing: "Of course I carry you home. Could it be possible to throw you in the middle of the road?"

After that, he stood up and said, "There is a river outside, I'll go get some water and come back. Don't peel off your clothes, or you won't cry if your flesh is torn."

The man grabbed the clothes that Xu Xingzhi wrapped for him like a puppy: "...It doesn't hurt."

When Xu Xingzhi left, he grabbed Xu Xingzhi's sleeve and sniffed it greedily.

Pieces of flesh on his body rustled as he pulled, but he didn't seem to notice the pain at all.

He whispered, "Senior brother, brother."

Xu Xingzhi walked out of the cave and squatted down by the river. He still had a sense of unreality in his heart, and he couldn't go.

He squatted down and tried to wash the blood off his hands, but while he was washing, the bloody smell became more and more thick, which was unbearable.

Xu Xingzhi's knees suddenly softened, and he retched several times by the river, but didn't spit out anything.

He wiped his mouth, lay down by the river, looked up at the wild green sky, and reached out to touch his waist.

The so-called dagger soaked with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is still there, reminding Xu Xingzhi of his unfinished task.

Xu Xingzhi didn't notice that in the forest dozens of feet away from him, a snake head the size of a dustpan slowly swam out.

The snake only had a complete head, and the torso was a snake bone, with only some carrion attached to it.

The snake silently spit out a bright red letter in the direction of Xu Xingzhi, and moved its jaw again.

Its jaws are open enough to bite off Xu Xingzhi's head.

Xu Xingzhi was ignorant, just lying in a daze.

The snake approached Xu Xingzhi step by step, but stopped when he was only ten feet away.

After a while, it seemed to smell something terrible, turned its head, and fled frantically. The snake bones swept across the ashes, making a sharp snapping sound.

Xu Xingzhi heard the abnormal sound, and immediately touched the dagger at his waist, turned over at the same time, and looked back—

There was nothing behind him, except for some strange traces that meandered all the way to the edge of the forest and disappeared.

… Hold.

Xu Xingzhi judged that this was not a place to stay for a long time, and swiftly picked a broad leaf from a tree by the river, washed it with water, simply rolled it up, and filled it with a little water.

While filling the water, he accidentally caught a glimpse of his own reflection on the water.

Rao knew that this place was dangerous, but Xu Xingzhi couldn't help but spend time for a while.

This face is really not bad, with a slender appearance, quite the style of a chivalrous person and a celebrity, the face does not move, it is full of energy, and the eyebrows, mouth and nose are all in line with the word "handsome".

Probably because his temperament is too dignified and pure, and there is a teardrop in the corner of his left eye, Xu Xingzhi's face is straight, and he can see a bit of abstinence.

Xu Xingzhi thought that God actually gave this face to this broken mouth, which is really a waste of time.

When Xu Xingzhi sighed, the big snake that re-slid into the forest was tumbling silently and painfully on the ground.

-Its joints are being broken one by one by some strange force, the sound is loud, like a broken grass.

When Xu Xingzhi returned to the cave, he found that the shadow had already sat up, with a dry grass in his hand.

The withered grass started from the end, and he had broken several breaks.

As he folded, he counted: "... five, six, seven..."

Seeing Xu Xingzhi coming back, he put his hands behind him and looked up at Xu Xingzhi.

… the obsessive cuteness.

Seeing that he was in good spirits, Xu Xingzhi urged him after feeding him water, "Let's go quickly. Something is not right here."

The shadow nodded, put down the folded weeds in his hands, and stretched out his two arms with a clear meaning.

… to back.

Xu Xingzhi looked at him for a while: "I don't think you are seriously injured, get up and go by yourself."

The shadow didn't move, just looked up at Xu Xingzhi.

Xu Xingzhi confronted him for a few seconds, unmoved: "Get up."

Hei Ying still had his arms open and his chin slightly retracted, looking extremely aggrieved.

Xu Xingzhi persisted for a while in the face of the man whose facial features could not be seen, and frowned impatiently: "... tsk."

When leaving the cave again, the shadow was still lying on Xu Xingzhi's back, wrapped in Xu Xingzhi's robe.

Xu Xingzhi rolled up his trouser legs and waded toward the opposite bank, but the shadow turned back and looked at the dense forest, and smiled coldly.

The bone snake lay down in the forest, the bones twisted into a mess, and the ground was full of remnants after struggling.

It fell among the weeds, and has long since lost its breath.

A swarm of ants the size of a broad bean sprang from the nest, and in no time at all, they carved up the bone snake.

The strange thing is that when they passed by the footprints in the forest that Xu Xingzhi had just stepped on, they were all afraid to avoid it and bypassed directly, as if a terrifying beast had just passed there.

I didn't say a word for the thirty-mile journey. After all, it was a bit boring. Xu Xingzhi spent more than twenty miles. After sorting out the original owner's memory, he found that most of them were scattered details, and they were not a little complete. , even the appearance of Meng Chongguang is blurred.

Xu Xingzhi thought it strange at first, but it was reasonable when he thought about it. This memory was peeled off from a dead person.

The only thing he knows now is that Meng Chongguang has a cinnabar mole in the center of his forehead.

To kill Meng Chongguang, the knife must be taken from there.

Boring left and right, Xu Xingzhi took the initiative to talk to the person on his back: "How did you get hurt?",

The man said hoarsely, "... Someone plotted against it."

Xu Xingzhi asked again, "How long have you been in the wilderness?"

"I don't remember. It feels like a hundred years old," he said.

Xu Xingzhi thought he was joking, and went straight to the topic: "Do you know Meng Chongguang?"

Hei Ying was silent for a moment: "What are you doing to him?"

Xu Xingzhi found out that there is a door, he was not surprised, and replied: "He is my junior brother..."

Hei Ying was just about to say something, when the two suddenly heard a loud noise in the distance, and a wave of spiritual power wrapped in hot wind pushed over, almost swept Xu Xingzhi to the ground.

The source of the loud noise is the direction of the giant tower in the southeast.

The shadow showed a rare look of anxiety, and pushed Xu Xingzhi's shoulder: "That's the place, go! Go!"

According to Xu Xingzhi's personality, he must immediately turn around and run to the northwest, the faster the better, and never touch the moldy head, but when he thought that Meng Chongguang might be there, Xu Xingzhi simply gritted his teeth and moved towards the direction of the tower. Run away.

The closer he got to the center of the battle, the more restless Xu Xingzhi felt on his back.

In the same way, the closer to the edge of the giant tower, the more inexplicable oppression made Xu Xingzhi breathless.

The first person to enter Xu Xingzhi's line of sight was a young man standing on a cliff. A half terrifying iron ghost face blocked his upper face. He was at a high place, and his black clothes were flying like a crow. There are lilac flying glare.

… but this is a small crow.

Xu Xingzhi remembered this person, and he also appeared in his own words. He is Meng Chongguang's subordinate, a ghost repairer, and is proficient in the art of fighting ghosts.

But Xu Xingzhi hadn't had time to give him a name.

To be precise, in the whole book, Xu Xingzhi only named Meng Chongguang.

In Xu Xingzhi's vision, the world is divided into four ways: human cultivation, demon cultivation, ghost cultivation, and demon cultivation. Among them, only the human cultivation line is recognized as the right path and has the ability to lead the three worlds.