The Villain Loaded My System

Chapter 18: The villain is the scheming tyrant (18)


The amount of information in these words of Lan Yue is a bit large.

First of all, his relationship with Ji Zixuan or Ji's group is not very friendly, and it has reached the point where he needs to kidnap people to make trouble.

Secondly, he was actually not as friendly to Ji Chen as he appeared to be. And the original body in Liyang Group is not just a simple white-collar worker. He has secret cooperation and agreement with their president in dealing with Ji Chen or Fengming Group in private, but he suddenly chose to quit for some reason in the middle.

As for the last sentence, he couldn't tell whether it was Lan Yue's casual teasing, or whether there was something tricky between the original body and him.

"You sent the people who wanted to kill me and set fire to my house?" Gu Xiyu didn't answer Lan Yue's question.

Lan Yue shook his shoulders, stared at him with a cold smile and said, "Xiyu, you know my request is very simple, I just want to get back what you stole from me."

Said, it should be the U disk.

Gu Xiyu asked back: "Give the things back to you, and then you will kill me, who already knows your secrets?"

Lan Yue squinted his eyes: "When you betrayed the company and betrayed me, you had to expect such consequences, right?"

Gu Xiyu understood: "So including my father's company, it is also your secret hand."

Some automatic programs set by the system were suddenly triggered, and the matter between Yuanshen and Lanyue jumped out from the panel.

"Lan Yue is a very beautiful person. He eats both men and women, and he kicks after eating. The original cannon fodder looks outstanding. Lan Yue accidentally caught a glimpse of the photo on his resume and made an exception to let him join the company.

The original work ability is somewhat lacking compared to other people, so almost every day, in order to complete the work assigned to him that day, he will work overtime until late at night, giving Lan Yue, who is also often busy in the company until the evening, the opportunity to get close to him. Yuan only likes Fu Nian in his body and mind, but because of Lan Yue's pressure as his boss and his timid and cowardly character, he can only try to pull with Lan Yue to prevent him from succeeding.

After this back and forth, Lan Yue will also pass on some work to him later, so that he can help him handle things well when he is working overtime. When the original body went to his office to deliver documents to him, he accidentally discovered his plan to deal with Ji Chen and Feng Ming secretly, and the cooperation object also included the Fu family where Fu Nian was. In order not to be targeted, and because of his love for Fu Nian, the original body chose to stand on the same front as Lan Yue, and occasionally used his father's company to help Lan Yue get some convenience.

Until one day, he didn't realize that the cunning Lan Yue was not only planning to deal with Ji Chen, but also Fu Nian, who was cooperating with him, was actually part of his plan. Yuanshen was worried that Fu Nian would be hurt because of this, so he pretended to compromise with Lan Yue and drugged him when he relaxed his vigilance to make him fall into a coma. Lan Yue didn't expect that the little beauty who usually seemed very timid and obedient to him, and always said that he was grateful for his support and support, would plot against him, and said carelessly.

Yuanshen took this opportunity to steal the evidence, plans and materials in Lan Yue's hands, deleted all the originals, and fled from the company. He wanted to give things to Fu Nian, but Fu Nian was abroad all the year round, and after waking up, Lan Yue was looking for him overwhelmingly, and he couldn't leave at all. In the end, before giving the things to Fu Nian, they were found and murdered by Lan Yue's people. "

A strong sense of danger suddenly came from behind him. Although Gu Xiyu's mind was on the contents of the panel, his body subconsciously avoided to the side.

The strong man who was lying near him had recovered, Gu Xiyu avoided the attack and took time to glance in the direction of Lan Yue, turned around and easily blocked the attack of the attacker.

Lan Yue stopped patting his hand on the table, and the eyes that fell on the person in front of him gradually became sharp.

His movements are as skilled as a thug who has fought for many years, so that no one can see the flaws. The cowardice and timidity in the impression can no longer be seen on the body, and there is an arrogant self-confidence under the turbulent eyes.

Lan Yue felt that he had put him in his eyes, but he couldn't find his reflection.

"You look very different from before."

Gu Xiyu glanced at the strong man who was completely dizzy at his feet, and replied, "People always change."

Lan Yue laughed out loud as if he heard something interesting: "I thought it was the real you now."

Gu Xiyu estimated the time in his heart, and felt that Ji Chen and the others were almost there: "You don't have to be nervous. If I really want to betray you and leak the information to Ji Chen, do you think you can still sit here peacefully now?"

Lan Yue didn't answer.

Gu Xiyu said again: "I still have Ji Chen's tracker, and he will find us in about five minutes."

"What do you want to say?" Lan Yue asked.

After a few seconds of silence in the cabin, a man cried out in pain.

The black boots stepped heavily on the back of his hand, and he could even hear the sound of his bones shattering, while the small knife he was holding tightly in the palm of his hand for a sneak attack fell to the side, and the other foot was not too light. Kick away hard.

"I have the same purpose as you."

Gu Xiyu retracted his gaze looking down at the man beside his feet, did not move his feet, but took a step closer to Lan Yue along the steps.

"So your plan, we can continue as a collaborator."


When Ji Chen and Ji Zixuan took people to the final spot where the signal stopped, only Gu Xiyu and Cheng Qianqian were left in the room.

Gu Xiyu sat with his back against the stake, one of his legs was slightly bent, and when he saw them coming in, he just glanced at them calmly. Cheng Qianqian was lying not far from him, the blindfold on his face had been removed, but he had not woken up yet.

Ji Zixuan was obviously relieved.

When he helped her up, he accidentally saw a strawberry hair clip hidden in her hair, and under the clip was a fingernail-sized miniature tracker in addition to the hair.

This should be Gu Xiyu's masterpiece.

Gu Xiyu said: "The people in the room were beaten away by me after I woke up. I don't know their identities. The person they wanted to arrest was originally you, but they accidentally mistook me who was with her as you, You can check from here."

Ji Zixuan was stunned, and said to him seriously, "Thank you."

When Gu Xiyu finished speaking, Ji Chen, who hadn't said a word since entering the door, walked up to him, lowered his head and looked at him for a while, and then threw two words lightly: "Let's go."

Not the joy of finding someone, nor the irritability that caused him trouble, but a kind of indifference that was not in a good mood. Gu Xiyu is not good at analyzing other people's emotions, so he didn't study in depth, got in the car and left this place with him.

When this happens, it is impossible for the distraction to continue.

Ji Chen asked someone to buy a plane ticket, and the next day he took a long-distance flight back to China.

"Go to the hospital." Ji Chen said to his driver after getting into the car at the airport.

Gu Xiyu, who was a little sleepy at first, raised his spirits a little and asked him, "Are you uncomfortable?"

Although Ji Chen was not in a good mood, he still answered his questions: "I have been injured before, so I have to go for a review every once in a while."

"If you don't want to follow, I can ask the driver to take you back first."

Gu Xiyu just fastened his seat belt, and after hearing what he said again, he pursed his lips and unbuttoned it: "Okay, you can go by yourself."

Ji Chen didn't hold him back, didn't let him take the suitcase, and drove the car away after he got off.

He looked at the car that was gradually turning into a small point, and an automatic notification from the system suddenly sounded in his mind.

"The target's danger value is +10, and the current danger value is 55."

Gu Xiyu: "..."

What is the danger value, this is obviously the unhappy value.

After thinking about it all day, he couldn't understand why Ji Chen was unhappy, so he called the system to talk to him.

As a result, the system said: "?"

Gu Xiyu looked at the question mark and instantly lost interest in chatting: "Forget it."

He was taken back to the Ji family's main house.

"The five young masters will be staying here for the past few days, so I will send you here together." The driver explained to him.

Ji Chen doesn't live in Ji's big house now, and all his things are in the small courtyard next to him. The courtyard was very quiet, and there was not a single servant. When he entered, only the old housekeeper he had seen before was cleaning the table.

The old butler was also a little surprised to see him coming back: "Didn't you say you won't be back until next week?"

Gu Xiyu explained to him the accident that happened in country F, and the old butler's face was full of pity: "Next time, pick a good day to go."

"What about the young master?"

"He said he was going to the hospital."

The old housekeeper understood the word "hospital", and continued his work, saying, "He was seriously injured more than two years ago, especially his legs. He had to be in a wheelchair and couldn't walk for a while. He thought that he would have to rely on a wheelchair for the rest of his life, but he refused to accept his fate, gritted his teeth and insisted on rehabilitation, and endured the pain and hard work to get through it."

"However, this hand and leg have been injured, and the doctor still asked him to go back to check regularly to confirm the situation."

Gu Xiyu's eyes paused, and after a while of silence, he asked, "Did his eyes hurt at the time? I accidentally saw the medicine he was taking."

"Oh, that's because the doctor said that he has a small defect in his eye, which is weak and prone to disease. He needs to pay attention to protection, so he prescribed eye protection medicine."

Living under the watchful eyes of Ji's family, Gu Xiyu and Ji Chen sleep in the same room at night. But in fact, Ji Chen was busy until late at night most of the time, and got up early the next day to go out. For a short time, Gu Xiyu maintained a strange atmosphere with him that seemed like a cold war but didn't actually exist.

Until that night, when he was alone in the room with the new laptop brought to him by the old housekeeper, the system that didn't pay much attention to him for several days suddenly said, "Since Ji Chen is your mission target, Lan Yue I'm also ready to deal with him, will you cooperate with him?"

"I think this is the best option."

Gu Xiyu stopped typing: "I really told him that the other day."

The system was quiet for a long time before giving a monotonous response: "."

Gu Xiyu looked at the content about Fu's company found in the search, and continued while swiping the page: "But I don't plan to really cooperate with him."

People like Lan Yue, even Fu Nian, who provided him with a lot of help and support at the beginning, wanted to calculate, obviously unreliable. Especially when he killed the original body and wanted to plot against Fu Nian, not only would he not help him, but he would also find a way to put him in jail.

"...You lied to him?"

Gu Xiyu said: "If I don't do this, how can I get a quiet life? Maybe, he will let someone blow up my car next time."

The names of Fengming Group and Ji Chen appeared on the page that the browser swiped. Gu Xiyu dragged the arrow on the screen and circled the two words, and then said in a low voice, "My mission goal, I will look at it myself. Don't need anyone else to intervene."

The system smiled mechanically: "You're right."

"Your goal can only be bullied by you."

Gu Xiyu's movements were once again.

He was only acting according to the task order, how could he make Ji Chen look like a poor little boy who was suppressed by him

Ten minutes later, the phone dinged, he picked it up, and saw that the person who sent the message was the 'big devil'.

[The Great Demon King: I have booked a restaurant, let’s go have a meal together tomorrow night.]

How can this man be as fickle as a girl


The author has something to say:

#Fool will be so good at coaxing#