The Villain Loaded My System

Chapter 48: The villain is the Imperial Admiral (2)


Gu Xiyu suddenly understood why Xie Mingan asked that question just now.

The brooch is not the original item, but belongs to the general called Caesar in their empire. No matter how the original body was obtained, as long as the people in the empire hold it, it means that the holder's identity may be the 'fiancee' of the admiral.

Xie Mingan next to him was quickly called away by the staff. On the other side of the inspection gate, there were several people in silver-blue military uniforms, standing upright, as if waiting for him. A soldier with almost white hair suddenly appeared behind them, and they let them out of a passage to come to Xie Mingan.

Xie Mingan handed out a bag of things: "I found the crashed battleship of the Orcs in the same place, and they all died. These are some of the things I found there that might be useful."

Gu Xiyu could clearly hear their conversation in a low voice.

"What about that boy? Are you sure he's not from the Orc race?" The topic suddenly came to him.

Xie Ming'an said: "I'm not sure, I'll know after testing. According to the empire's understanding of the orcs over the years, the orcs are the least aggressive to the human race, and they can only transform into the form of the orcs. The probability that he is an orc accomplice should be not tall."

The elderly soldier frowned and stroked his beard, and said, "Not necessarily, it is said that the king of the orcs can transform into a complete human form."

"You didn't say a few days ago that their king is on their main star? Besides, the age is not right..." Xie Mingan said that he completed the test, and his identity was confirmed and he had no symptoms of being infected by a specific alien. As he took back his coat, he walked further afield with the old gentleman who looked like he was also a lieutenant general.

"Come on, please take off your armor first." The staff in charge of testing walked up to him and began to give him instructions.

Gu Xiyu had carefully observed the movements of the people around him just now, and he already knew the detection process. He followed the steps obediently without revealing any flaws.

They injected him with a tiny amount of clear liquid, and just waited a minute or so for him to pass through that metal door frame. If his identity is not human, the strange liquid will have some kind of chemical reaction with the blood in his body, and its changes can be directly detected by this magical instrument.

One minute will come soon, and the staff with a calm attitude pointed to the testing instrument: "Let's go."

Gu Xiyu sighed softly.

If his identity is not a human race, then when he steps over, the instrument will emit a harsh alarm sound.

He stood in front of the instrument for a few seconds, then slowly stepped forward.


The alarm sound, which was so harsh that it was about to pierce the eardrum, suddenly sounded in the testing hall. The people who were impatiently waiting for the people to be tested stopped their actions and conversations, and looked at the instrument that was flashing red.

Immediately afterwards, there were high-decibel shouts from the crowd.

The expressions of the staff around him suddenly became serious, and they even took out the weapons attached to their waists.

Gu Xiyu lowered his head and retracted his foot that he almost stepped over, followed the sound, and saw a man dressed like a white-collar man holding his head in pain in the direction of the red light. Immediately, his body gradually increased in front of everyone, until the top of his head was about to touch the ceiling. I saw his figure flickered, faded from his human form, and turned into a dark green monster with a big, long head, hard and smooth skin, and hands that looked like scythes.

The monster raised his hand and waved, cutting off the heads of the few people in front of him who had no time to react.

This scene caused everyone's panic, especially after a few 'people' behind him shouted, and turned into a very similar appearance to him.

Obviously, he has other companions.

The people in the testing hall were in a panic, and instinctively fled in the direction that could lead to the outside. The gate to the city was ordered to be closed, and people could not care about other things, and could only run on the road when they came and went. Gu Xiyu's body in this world also looked thinner, and he was pushed away by the crowd in three or two times. The staff of the testing hall ignored him, took up weapons and ran to the dangerous monsters against the flow of people, and at the same time had to evacuate the innocent people around.

Before Gu Xiyu was pushed out of the inspection hall, he saw that Xie Mingan and the soldiers who followed him had already begun to subdue the monster, completely forgetting his existence.

That's fine too, somehow he always had an ominous premonition that something was going to happen if he went through that detector.

Just thinking about it, Gu Xiyu, who was pushed to the corner by the crowd, suddenly felt a little unwell, the repelling soreness and numbness ran from the soles of his feet all the way up to his head.

His vision darkened for a second.

His limbs gradually lost his ability to perceive. He was sticking to the wall, surrounded by people who kept fleeing far away, and no one noticed his abnormality. Maybe even if there is, they don't have time to take care of his state, they just want to work hard to survive.

There is a public toilet at the corner in front, Gu Xiyu strenuously leaned on the wall and walked in.

A monster appeared in the testing hall, and the toilet outside was naturally empty. It's clean inside, the floor is dark yellow frosted tiles, and there's a faint scent of violets wafting in the air. He endured the increasingly irritating pain in his body, pushed open the innermost compartment door and walked in.

The moment he locked the door, it went dark without warning and passed out.

When Gu Xiyu regained consciousness, the noise that could have been faintly heard outside the toilet had disappeared. The surroundings were eerily quiet, except for the tap on the pool that was not tightly closed, and the sound of water dripping steadily came out.

There is no pain or discomfort in the body, and there is even an unprecedented sense of comfort and liberation.

He moved his body and stopped.

… not the same, the body moves differently than it did before.

He blinked suspiciously, only to realize his perspective had changed when he looked up. The door of the compartment suddenly became very high, and even the toilet next to him had to look up.

For a full minute, Gu Xiyu's head was blank. He kept his head up like that, stunned, until his thoughts returned, and he silently lowered his head and looked at his hands.

The human hands with five slender fingers in memory were gone, replaced by small furry claws. He was stunned for a long time, learning how to spread his fingers when he was a human before, but only the small fleshy palms were slightly stretched, and the sharp nails protruded from the bottom of the palms.

He was stunned for a while, and when he closed his palms, his pointed fingernails were hidden again.

This habit is very similar to that of a cat, but he also found that his current body has a pair of long ears that look like rabbits, hanging from left to right. The fluff on the body is light yellow, and there is a tail about half a meter long behind the buttocks.

So the original body is really not a human race. It is estimated that the drug injected for the test stimulated his body, which made him feel so uncomfortable, and he returned to his original shape when he woke up.

He wanted to look in the mirror to see what he had become, and just as he was about to leave the cubicle, the toilet door was suddenly kicked open by something from the outside, knocking heavily on the wall.

Gu Xiyu stopped preparing to go out, and looked vigilantly at the entrance of the toilet.

There are gaps about ten centimeters high under each compartment. As long as he bends down, he can see whether it is a person or some kind of monster.

The army-green claws quickly jumped into his line of sight. They looked bigger than his furry little palms. The outer skin was hard and rough, and the milky white claws were long and sharp, and the lethality was estimated to be great.

He recognized the color and skin as an alien who appeared in the testing room.

He should not be in a coma for too long, and the danger has not been completely cleared.

The big guy's gasping sound gave people an inexplicable sense of terror and tension in the silence. In normal times, Gu Xiyu would not be so worried, because he had certain confidence in his ability. But now he has become an animal like a little rabbit. He is not too big, only about 30 centimeters in size as a doll. He doesn't know what to do if he wants to restore his human form.

In this state, he can't guarantee that he can fight the monsters outside the door.

The monster's perception ability seems to be very powerful. The ugly guy quickly sensed his existence through his breath, lay directly on the ground, and stretched out his hand from the gap in the compartment.

The sharp sickle hand almost swung at him, and his body instinctively jumped to avoid the opponent's attack, but he did not expect that he would easily jump onto the covered toilet.

The species is more likely to be a rabbit.

It would definitely not work to leave directly through the gate. After finding that he had a strong jumping ability, he began to look for a place to leave at a high place.

The green-skinned monster was still making an unpleasant shrill cry and wanted to attack him, when hurried footsteps suddenly sounded outside the toilet.

"Lieutenant General Xie, there is another one here!"

Thanks to Xie Ming'an who happened to be at the scene with his troops, although the accident in the testing office still resulted in several injuries and deaths, they quickly caught the disturbing aliens and killed them, reducing the casualty rate to a minimum. The scene at that time was too chaotic, and it was inevitable that a few fish slipped through the net. They have blocked the entire testing hall building and are doing the final investigation.

When Xie Mingan rushed to the toilet, what he saw was the green-skinned monster standing at the end, baring his teeth at them. It also has a long tongue, and the saliva dripping from it has a certain degree of corrosive ability.

"The alien race RDE81 can be directly annihilated."

The green-skinned monster's skin is extremely defensive, and even if there are half a team of people, they fought against it for a long time before finally killing it.

Xie Mingan stepped forward to confirm its death, and then instructed the team members: "Take its body back."

In order to resist the attacks of other alien races, human beings do not spare any resources that can be used. Green-skinned monsters are a species that can be reused after death, and their cortex is strong enough to be used to make armor.

Xie Mingan watched the people below carry the green monster's body away, and was about to leave when he suddenly noticed the compartment the green monster had just approached. Unlike other compartments in the toilet, this door is locked.

He stared at the door thoughtfully for a few seconds, then kicked the sturdy compartment door open with a jerk.

There was no one inside, and no other living creatures were seen. This compartment is no different from the others, except that there is an entrance for a ventilation duct at the top.

Xie Ming'an's gaze stayed there for a while, and when he turned to leave, he pressed the communicator in his ear: "It is not ruled out that there are other accomplices, who may not be of the same race. Open the second layer of protection investigation in the city to ensure that no other aliens slip into the main city."

Outside the toilet, a subordinate trotted to him to report: "The report, calculated through the playback of the monitor, this should be the last one for the time being."

Xie Ming'an nodded slightly: "Let the people in the testing office quickly organize the place and rearrange the people who enter the city for inspection."

After explaining the things that need to be dealt with, when he walked to the aircraft prepared for him by the military, he suddenly thought of Gu Xiyu: "What about the boy who came back with me?"

"It may have been scattered by the crowd. I will ask them to pay attention when the inspection office is investigating, and I will notify you if anyone finds it."

"No." Xie Ming'an said, his voice inexplicably cold, "Since it is from Caesar, just send it directly to him."

On the other side, Gu Xiyu, who escaped in a thrilling manner, was still walking in the metal ventilation pipe. His body can't be said to be light, but as long as he masters special skills, he can jump around in such a floating place without making any noise, which is very convenient.

The ventilation pipes extend in all directions, and there are so many forks in the road that in the end he couldn't tell where he was going. As he dragged his furry body around in the narrow passage, he felt a tingling sensation in his belly. He stretched out his small paws and touched it, only to find that there was a dark sac under the thick fluff on the belly of the prototype, which contained In addition to the black bracelet of the weapon, there is the silver flying eagle brooch.

Fortunately, the key items are still there.

The question now is how does he get out of this place? After going out, where will it be

After walking staggeringly for a while, light suddenly appeared on the plane ahead. As he got closer, the chatter and laughter below became clear.

It's like a group of people are getting together to talk.

"According to the people in the scientific research department, the data shows that the opening seems to have become larger again."

"Well, what do I have to do to block this thing?"

The topic suddenly became serious.

"By the way, Lieutenant General Xie is back? How's the Blue Ore Star going?"

"The point was temporarily taken back, and the ultrasonic protective equipment was successfully reactivated. The aliens should not be able to win the place for the time being. However, it is not a complete victory. It is said that they encountered an attack on their return trip, and only Xie Zhong was left in the team. Will a person…”

"This matter is really too dangerous. Admiral Caesar should be allowed to execute it in the first place. Maybe the whole team can return safely."

"Yes, after all, Admiral Caesar is our victorious general."

"Come on, today is the Admiral's birthday, let's toast him!"

The place where the light came in was a board sealed with screws, and there were slits on the board, through which you could see what was going on underneath.

Gu Xiyu didn't need to look carefully to know that this was not a suitable exit.

He jumped and planned to pass this place silently, but he didn't expect that his body had just gently landed on the light-transmitting board, and the soles of his feet suddenly stepped into the air and his body sank, and immediately felt a weightless fall—

On the large round table indoors, there is a plate of steak and mashed potatoes that has not been touched. When the metal plate above suddenly fell, and the little animal that looked like a rabbit smashed its butt on the plate of food, everyone fell silent, maintaining the gesture of standing up and raising a glass, with a stunned expression.

Gu Xiyu, who was soaked in mashed potatoes, raised his head in confusion and met a pair of quiet eyes.

The eyes are blue, hidden under the hair tips on the forehead, but they can still be seen as deep and beautiful as the deep sea. Probably because his intrusion was too sudden, there were still very shallow fluctuations under those eyes.

They belonged to a very handsome man, with a delicate and chiseled features that were unforgettable. He has black hair, but overall he looks a bit like a mixed race. He couldn't tell whether it was more eastern or western, but what was certain was that he took all the advantages of both, especially his amazing temperament.

Calm and elegant.

Gu Xiyu looked down subconsciously after appreciating the other's face.

The man was wearing a luxurious suit of silver and white with black over it. It looked clean and tidy. Only the white spot on his chest was suddenly dipped in some sauce that had apparently just been put on it.

Gu Xiyu thought to himself that he was probably the culprit.

Commander Gu was very annoyed. This seemed to be the first time in his life that he had made such an embarrassment and done such an offensive thing.

"This, where did this come from?!"

"Is it a rabbit? But it doesn't look like a normal pet rabbit..."

"Is it an orc? Will it be dangerous?"

"It's pretty cute."

The people around them put down their cups in embarrassment and began to study the 'rabbit' that fell from the sky. This rabbit is different from the ones they have seen. The drooping ears are very similar to the lop-eared rabbit, but its coat is very light yellow, and its tail is not as slender as a normal rabbit. There are some dark brown patterns, and the pattern on the forehead looks particularly like the word 'king' from a distance.

Rabbits generally have iconic front teeth, but this one on the dinner plate has only a pair of sharp, lethal tiger teeth. The eyes are amazing, the pupil color is purple on one side and light blue like the sky on the other side.

Gu Xiyu didn't know who these people were, but he felt that it was not appropriate to stay here for a long time. They looked at him as if they would arrest him for research at any time. So, when the people around him started reaching out to him, he kicked his legs to the side to avoid it.

He wanted to escape from the dining table, but was accidentally grabbed by the tail of the man in silver-white clothes in front of him, and his warm hands followed his struggles and stopped at the tip of his fluffy tail.

The hand holding his tail exerted a little strength, and his back was suddenly numb when he was caught, and his body instinctively fought back.

The sound of the electric current was silent, but it was enough to be heard by the people around the dining table, and at the same time, it made the person who grabbed his tail let go.

"This thing will discharge?!"

"Then, isn't that a normal pet?"

Gu Xiyu thought to himself, he just knew that he had the ability to discharge electricity.

The door of the room was just pushed open, and Gu Xiyu seized the opportunity and quickly slipped away before the door was closed, without continuing to pay attention to the situation in the room.

The only quiet man at the table was looking down at the fluffy hand he had grabbed. Since his skin color was relatively white, the slightly congested red color of the finger pulp was more obvious.

"Admiral Caesar, are you... alright?"

The people in the room said angrily: "That rabbit is too hateful, maybe it is an alien who broke into the main city, I will immediately order it to be hunted down!"

The man rubbed his thumb on the pulp of the other fingers and said slightly, "No need."

"Just a non-threatening little rabbit."


The first thing Gu Xiyu did after escaping was to clean his ass. He also brought soap and washed it repeatedly to make sure that the smell of food on the fluff had been removed before stopping.

The main city is very large, and its coverage is almost equal to the small countries in his first two worlds. There are all kinds of people living in it, and the architectural styles of different regions can also be very different.

He didn't know if he was unlucky or not. He finally escaped from a group of people who looked like the military, and then he met a group of hunters who illegally caught rare animals.

With the changes of the times and the emergence of orcs, some species that are small in size and not attacking and dangerous have become existences that can live in harmony with people and treat them as pets. Among them, there are a few rarer races, which are generally banned from captivity | raising, but they can't stand the wealthy people who are willing to pay high prices to buy them, so there are such illegal organizations.

"Grass, that rabbit let go of our prey!"

"Millions of star coins!"

Coincidentally, he really didn't mean to make trouble, he just happened to pass by the small warehouse on the way to hide and hide. He heard animal voices inside, and strangely found that he was able to communicate with them. Most of the animals in the cage were oddly shaped, most of which he had never seen before, but they were basically cute and had fur that was easy to groom.

He asked them the way: "Do you know how to get to the palace?"

If the big devil's goal is to oppose the protagonist who is the prince of the empire, he will definitely become the person around him to get close, so he decided to sneak into the palace directly, find the male protagonist, and then speculate on the identity of the big devil.

"If you can let us out, I'll tell you." In the cage, the big bird with colorful feathers said to him.

He didn't know where to get the key, and after fiddling around for a long time, he couldn't find a tool that could be used to open the lock. In depression, he only felt a little itchy with anger, and unconsciously followed his instinct to bite the lock of the cage.

Unexpectedly, according to the detained animals, the lock, which was so strong that fire could not burn it, was easily broken by his teeth.

The animals in the cage were shocked, and Gu Xiyu was also a little dazed. He lowered his head and stared at the lock that was torn in half by his bite, and began to doubt his life.

The movement of the animals scrambling to escape attracted the attention of the hunters outside the door. When they hurried in, they only saw Gu Xiyu squatting outside the cage, so they directly pointed the finger at him.

Gu Xiyu escaped for a long time by virtue of his dexterity and petiteness, but finally managed to avoid their sight and hid in a car that seemed to be transporting supplies. The car was full of vegetables and fruits. He quietly curled up in the corner, and it was hard to find him if he didn't look carefully.

The big bird was quite trustworthy, and before flying away, he did not forget to tell him: "If you keep going north, you will soon see a very tall building, the highest place in the city, with a thin and long lightning rod. It's the palace you're looking for, and there are several large donut-like security stations floating around, which are heavily guarded and you can definitely recognize it."

The car Gu Xiyu slipped into was heading north.

A notification suddenly sounded in my head.

"Your Qinqin smart system is online! 』

Gu Xiyu sat paralyzed in the car and did not speak.

After a long time, he received a message from the intelligent system.


Gu Xiyu stared at the question mark in silence for a long time, and finally calmly followed the procedure and introduced himself to the intelligent system.

The system's response was quite calm: "I see."

Just when he thought that the system would be as direct and hidden as before, it added: "The task doesn't sound easy, and if you need anything, please feel free to consult."

"Of course, I can't necessarily help."

"..." As expected of his nether system, no matter how many times it is reset, its characteristics will remain the same.

Maybe it was because he felt extremely tired after a whole day of confusion, or maybe it was too comfortable to lie down on the food pile. He silently ate a sweet red fruit and fell asleep in the corner.

"Mr. Mark, delivered to the house again!"

"Hey, good evening, guards! Sophia from the kitchen told me that there will be a dance party in the Admiral's house in a few days, and there will be many guests visiting and need fresh fruits and vegetables."

The warm and pleasant greetings from the men woke Gu Xiyu, who was sleeping comfortably.

He raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, still small furry paws.

"Please park the car on the side. Although we are old acquaintances, we still have to play by the rules, register you, and then check the contents of your car."

"Understood, I heard that something happened to the testing office this afternoon."

"Yes, but Lieutenant General Xie seems to have dealt with the matter well, so it shouldn't have any major impact."

The people outside the car were talking easily, but Gu Xiyu listened and listened, and another voice appeared: "Hello, Lieutenant General Xie asked me to bring important news to General Caesar, this is my ID card, you can Direct certification, may I ask if the admiral is there?"

Caesar, he heard the name again. The status of an admiral in the empire should be very high, especially in this crisis-ridden situation, people with strong combat capabilities have become national treasures.

So, did he come to the admiral's mansion by mistake? The supplies for this car... were sent to his house

Gu Xiyu stuck his head out while thinking, and watched the situation outside through the round car window.

The uniforms on the guards and those who came to find them were all blue and looked similar, but the details were slightly different.

The boy near the gate said hesitantly, "The Admiral hasn't come back yet. If you don't mind—ah, wait, it's the Admiral's aircraft."

Gu Xiyu looked at the foothold of the other party's line of sight, and there was indeed a flying vehicle several times the size of a modern vehicle parked there. The door of the aircraft was automatic, and it moved to the left, and a slender silver-white figure came out from the inside. The cuffs and collar were familiar black.

He was stunned, his eyes subconsciously glanced down the neckline.

It's clean, with no traces at all.

Look at the owner of the clothes again, it is exactly the same as the one he saw at the dining table just now. It looks like the facial features that have been carefully crafted, and there should be no second one.

"..." It turned out that this man was the legendary General Caesar.

When Mark got out of the car, he didn't close the door, just turned his back to the direction of the others, Gu Xiyu sneaked out of the car before they came to check. He moved quickly and hid in the nearby flowers, moved his ears, and continued to pay attention to the conversation of the people outside.

The soldier who claimed to be sent by Xie Mingan to speak to Caesar saluted Caesar, and then said, "Report, General Xie, who rescued a person when he was out on a mission. In view of various factors, we believe that the other party may be you. his fiancée, so he asked me to report to you."

After saying these words, Gu Xiyu felt that even the air around them stopped for a second.

The guards guarding outside the mansion all had split expressions.

The person involved was silent for half a minute before he said in a deep voice, "Oh? What about her?"

"I'm very sorry. There was an accident in the testing room when we were about to enter the city this afternoon. After we separated from him, we haven't found anyone yet. These are our existing photos and basic information. General Xie asked me to come over and check with you first. ."

The man calmly took the tablet handed by the other party.

The boy on the screen is very good-looking, with blond hair and long and thick eyelashes, like an elf walking out of a story.

"Gu Xiyu." He said in a low voice, it was obviously just a very common name, but when it came out of his mouth, there was an inexplicable tinge.

Gu Xiyu, who was hiding in the grass, observed Caesar's expression, and when he saw that his eyes were very shallow, he said meaningfully, "Boy."

"… "

very good.

He is now almost certain that the original body and the general must not have had a private marriage agreement in the first place.

Especially since the original body was still a rabbit, how could the orcs be engaged to the humans


The author has something to say:

Demon King: Why not? Not with me, who else do you want to book with? Xie Ming'an

Gu Xiyu: ...

#Today is still a day of failure to adjust your schedule#