The Villain Loaded My System

Chapter 66: The villain is the prince of the enemy country (1)


Dayan Kingdom, in the 30th year of Yuanhong, autumn.

In the Qing'an Hall in the palace, a girl wearing a pink-orange dress entered the palace and ran straight to the southwest while carrying the skirt. Her waist-length black hair swayed smoothly in the air. The palace maids, eunuchs and even the guards in the hall would bend over or bow slightly to salute when they saw her, but just after the movement, the girl disappeared in front of them like a gust of wind, and it was too late to respond.

The people in the temple didn't care, they seemed to be used to it.

A grandmother who was more familiar with her passed by and said to her back: "Princess, walk slowly and pay attention to your manners!"

The wind-like figure quickly disappeared around the corner of the promenade, apparently ignoring her warning. Holding the red satin in her arms, she continued to walk with the little palace maid beside her, shaking her head and sighing: "I'm about to get married, and I'm still so unstable, it's really worrying."

Other people walking around in the palace were also holding various large and small things in their hands. Outside the palace, there were many gifts that were brought in one after another, all piled up in the main hall waiting to be counted.

The little palace maid with a double ball head tied beside the mammy looked worried: "This marriage is a last resort. The seventh princess has a different temperament from other girls' families since she was a child. She is very rebellious. Will she really be obedient to marry?"

"Hey, being born in a royal family is inherently involuntary, not to mention that she and her brother are now helpless in the palace, this kind of thing can only fall on her head."

"I heard that the third prince from the remote country has a very surly temperament..."

"Shen Yan, don't forget why the Seventh Princess was forced to marry."

The two palace servants walked farther and farther, and the girl who was swaying in front of them stopped her hurried steps before running to a certain bedroom. After finishing her skirt, she raised her hand and knocked on the door, and said tentatively: " Brother Huang? I'm Wan'er."

A response came out quickly.

She pushed open the door and walked in. The faint smell of smoke that filled the room instantly hit her nostrils, it was the smell of herbs.

A tall and slender man sat beside a table with a tea cup and a golden-blue tablecloth. His long black hair was only half-tied with a simple wooden hairpin, and it fell quietly on his chest and back.

Seeing that the man who had been in bed for a long time was finally able to get up and sit at the table today, the expression on the girl's face became a little more relaxed.

Not far from the man stood a maid with a bewildered expression. He seemed to have just raised his hand to refuse her approach. His slender fingers were so thin that he could see the veins and knuckles under the skin.

The girl walked over and asked, "What's wrong?"

The maid explained: "His Royal Highness seemed to have a headache again just now. I just wanted to help him soothe it, but he refused."

The expression on her face was a bit aggrieved and puzzled: "Is Your Highness in a bad mood recently? Obviously I helped him like this before, but he doesn't want it now."

The girl frowned and was about to speak, but the pale-skinned man with a cold expression took a step forward after coughing a few times: "It's not about my mood, I just think it's fine for me to take it easy, and I don't need to trouble others."

The maid wanted to say more, but was invited out by him: "The imperial sister has come to see me, she will watch for me if anything happens, you go down first."

She could only leave in despair.

The girl also deliberately stepped forward and closed the door. She returned to the table with her hands on her cheeks and stared at the handsome-looking man, and said with a smile, "Hey, the emperor is so good-looking, he attracts bees and butterflies everywhere."

The man's chest was tight, and he coughed a few times and replied: "Is this the way to attract bees and attract butterflies?"

"I don't think it's a problem. But... Xiang'er does have an interest in you. Fortunately, I didn't let her know about it when I heard you, otherwise she would have secretly reported this matter to her father..."

As she said that, she glanced at the weak Ninth Prince, the corners of her mouth bent down, and her vigor instantly evaporated: "I saw it when I came in just now, the people in the hall are all arguing about the marriage, and the dowry in the remote country is also All delivered."

The man in front of him didn't answer, he calmly poured a cup of hot tea for himself to moisten his throat, and the temperature of the entrance added a touch of blood to his pale face.

The girl gritted her teeth: "Brother Huang, do you really want to do this? In case you are discovered—"

"I am in poor health, and even if the imperial doctor comes to see me, he will say that I am temporarily not in the same room, so I can hold it for you for a while." Anyway, the geese are about to become someone else's vassal state, rather than sending you to a dead end, it is better to seize the last ray of life and bet a try."

The hand he put down the teacup was still shaking slightly, as if the small cup weighed thousands of pounds in his hand.

It's been almost a month since Gu Xiyu came to this world. He can't say that he has a complete understanding of this world, but he has almost mastered the basic information.

This is a world with an ancient background, and what he wears is the cannon fodder who is the ninth prince of the Dayan Kingdom. The original body is a character set of a sick scorpion. What is more outrageous is that the body that needs to be in the company of drugs for the second half of his life was raised by the original body and the female protagonist's biological mother, Concubine Li.

When the main system sent him the world background data, it said: "There are many dangers in the deep palace. Concubine Li was not happy when she gave birth to a prince, but was extremely panicked. The other concubines who also gave birth to sons were killed. The crown prince has not yet been decided, even a boy has the right to inherit the throne. All concubines and concubines wanted the mother and the child to be more valuable, but only Concubine Li wanted to stay away from this harem strife, and only wished that the child could grow up safely. 』

"She believes that as long as her child loses the right to inherit because of her physical disability, she will not be the target of other princes' murder. She originally wanted to abolish one of the original body's limbs, but she couldn't do it. Finally, she thought of a compromise, and secretly fed the young original body a heavy drug to completely nourish his body. obsolete.

After the emperor diagnosed the original body as unhealthy by the imperial physician, he probably paid less attention to him after his untimely death. The other concubines and princes also knew about this, and indeed they were less malicious to them, and they even became a rare object that others were willing to maintain harmony with. Even if Concubine Li died later because of depression, Yuan Shi and his sister could grow up safely in the palace. 』

Before Gu Xiyu came through, the original body accidentally contracted some serious cold and died in the middle of the night when no one was there. After he wore it, although the system repaired his body like it did in other worlds, it only kept the body in a state that could barely allow him to survive, and did not fully recover.

"Your character design in this world is just a sick child. If you repair it directly, you will deviate from the original design. And once you have a healthy body, it means that you will also have the right to inherit the throne, which will greatly affect the movement of the original plot, which is not allowed by the world consciousness. 』

Gu Xiyu has no objection, and the setting of dragging a sick body is not unheard of. He clearly remembers that these are just passing away, and his goal is to complete the task.

The target danger value on the panel is 60 points from the normal start, and the target given by the main system is the object that the heroine is about to marry - the third prince of the remote country, Yu Chi Yan. The heroine happened to be the younger sister of the original body, named Murong Qingwan, the seventh princess of Dayan Kingdom. In Yaoguo's eyes, Dayan Kingdom is only a small country that is vulnerable, but the second prince accidentally offended Yuchi Sheng, the fifth prince of Yaoguo, by being arrogant and arrogant a while ago. It is said that these five princes have been favored by Emperor Yaoguo since childhood. This incident was used as a fuse, and in the end, it became more and more intense and triggered a war between the two countries.

The strength of Dayan Kingdom could not resist the invasion of Yao Kingdom, and finally the emperor had no choice but to send envoys to Yao Kingdom to negotiate. The result of the negotiation is that the remote country is willing to accept the tribute and apology sent by the Dayan Kingdom, but they have to send a princess to marry their royal family. I don't know what kind of calculus the fifth prince of the remote country was playing, such as marrying a petite wife, he finally gave the opportunity to his elder brother, the third prince, Wei Yan.

In front of him, Murong Qingwan lowered her head and said to him dejectedly, "I just went to inquire about Yu Chiyan, he is terrible. He is twenty-seven this year, and I heard that people around him have given him less money since he was eighteen. He arranged marriages and sent girls to his side, but not half of them could be done. He was cruel, even women would not let go, and he died in his bed on several wedding nights... "

"Brother Huang, why don't you kiss me? I've secretly learned some martial arts. You're so weak, I'm afraid that if you find out that you are a man, it's not that Yuchi Yan at all. The opponent will definitely be killed by him!"

Gu Xiyu: "..." As expected of the heroine, she speaks without pretence.

That's right, Gu Xiyu decided to 'marry instead' after knowing that Murong Qingwan rejected this marriage very much. Anyway, when you get on the sedan chair, you have to cover your head, and no one will see the bride's appearance. Especially the people from the remote country do not know what their princes and princesses look like. It is very easy to fool in the early stage.

There are many princesses in the Palace of Dayan Kingdom, but only the female protagonist Murong Qingwan lost her mother when she was young. Without a background to rely on, she could only be pushed out to take on this responsibility. But this is the world of a big heroine. The protagonist of this world is the heroine Murong Qingwan. Her character is different from other princesses, and she will also be a key figure in the later rise of the now corrupt Dayan Kingdom. In the early days, when she was sent to the remote country, she had a very difficult life. She was unfamiliar with her life, and Yu Chi Yan was still a difficult character.

According to the original plot, the heroine was still able to fool Na Yuchi to fight wits and courage with him to avoid all kinds of dangers, but now this skin has been replaced by a big devil, and according to the main system's calculations, the heroine will soon be killed by him.

It is the real death, and the world will collapse immediately. Therefore, in the first branch of the main quest he came back this time, he was instructed to prevent the heroine from marrying the target. After thinking about it, the most convenient and direct way is to marry the heroine.

"Don't worry, when the time comes... I have my own way." Gu Xiyu replied calmly.

In fact, there is nothing he can do for the time being. After all, he has not seen the great devil of this world, so he can only act according to the circumstances.

Thinking about it, he said again: "Don't worry, you will come with me when the time comes, and you and I can take care of each other in case of any trouble."

Although he has to 'marry' Murong Qingwan, she still has to go to Yaoguo. After all, the male protagonist is Yuchirong, the fourth prince of Yaoguo. According to the original plot, they met in the palace. Knowing the burden of rejuvenating the country and changing fate against the sky, and then sharing weal and woe to love each other.

The princess and her relatives will naturally have dowry maids to follow. At that time, they only need Murong Qingwan to disguise as his personal maid and enter the remote country with him.

So the big wedding went on like a raging fire. During the period, the emperor, who had hardly been in or out of their palace in the past few years, came here a few times on purpose to confirm that Murong Qingwan was obedient and did not do anything to resist.

Because Xiang'er, the maid next to the original body, showed his admiration for him, in order to prevent any accident, they also transferred her away, and Gu Xiyu had a stable life. Until the day of the trip, in the company of Murong Qingwan and her maid Qinger, who grew up with her, Gu Xiyu put on a red wedding dress and a red hijab.

Murong Qingwan put on a maid's clothes, and used a lot of makeup to make her face invisible. She held her hand tightly and rode with her on the carriage that came from afar. The outside of the carriage was covered with several layers of red and pink gold silk gauze, and the inner layer was also made of burgundy high-quality thickened satin. In the spacious carriage, there was a low table with all kinds of fresh fruit, cakes and tea on it.

If nothing else, Yao Guo's sincerity was at least taken out.

Every once in a while, the original body will go to the inner courtyard for self-cultivation when his health is too bad. He only arranges familiar guards and people to wait outside, and gives him food and medicine at regular times every day. In order not to let Dayan Kingdom immediately notice the flaws, they used this excuse to lie to the outside world that Gu Xiyu had gone to cultivate, and it would take a while to come out.

It wasn't until the marriage car drove out of the imperial city that Murong Qingwan, who was sitting with him in the car, breathed a sigh of relief, patted her chest and said, "I hope that nothing will be revealed before entering Yaoguo."

"Probably not." Gu Xiyu was actually not worried, because the possibility of exposure was quite low.

The emperor of the Dayan Kingdom was not sober as he got older, and he was reluctant to let go of the throne, but he was unable to manage the country's affairs well. In addition to facing the invasion of the distant country now, they also have to worry about internal troubles. There are too many sons, each of them fighting for the throne, and the civil strife is worrying.

I'm afraid that at the end of the fight, the core of the country is directly hollowed out, but instead, it follows the intention of the enemy and enters while taking advantage of it.

This thing will happen soon.

Gu Xiyu glanced at Murong Qingwan who didn't know anything next to her, and felt sorry for her. He remembered that none of the royal family of Dayan Kingdom survived in the original plot, and it was because of this marriage that Murong Qingwan became the only surviving heir. Since then, her goal has only been one - to revive the fallen country.

It must be very painful to go through these journeys alone. Gu Xiyu has been with her for a while, and now he really treats her as his own sister. He only hopes that the tasks performed in this world can ease some obstacles for her.

The large-scale welcome brigade left the Big Wild Goose Country safely a few days later, and then passed through the boundaries of several small countries before entering the remote country.

During this period, the change of identity between Gu Xiyu and Murong Qingwan was not discovered, and the strange thing was that the people from the remote country did not confirm or check at all. It seemed that from the moment he put on his wedding gown, he had already been labelled as an exclusive item of the Third Prince Wei, and they were careful when they came into contact with him, for fear of touching him.

The peace that had been maintained for a long time was broken on the third day after entering the remote country.

At that time, Murong Qingwan was still happily discussing with him in the car which of the new cakes they brought was delicious, when the motorcade that had just rested and continued on its way suddenly stopped on the deserted road in the countryside.

There was a commotion from the front of the convoy.

"Let's see what's going on." Murong Qingwan, who couldn't sit still, lifted the curtain of the car and looked out a few times. The voice soon came from outside the curtain, "Huh? It seems that someone was blocking it."

Murong Qingwan watched for a while, disliked the distance, and said, "I'll go down to find out the situation, Huang...Princess, wait in the car first, don't come down if you have nothing to do!"

Before Gu Xiyu could speak to stop it, Murong Qingwan leaped out of the car as lightly as a butterfly and walked towards the front of the convoy.

He could only silently withdraw the hand he just raised.

It's that he relaxes too early, forgetting that there will always be events where the protagonist is.

In this episode, the main system did not mention it when it provided him with the data of the world background. I hope it is just a simple situation where the two teams meet and need to avoid each other.

On the other side, Murong Qingwan, who was already approaching the front of the convoy, suddenly saw the troops on both sides showing their weapons.

Only then did she realize that the welcoming team was the rampant bandits in the country.


The author has something to say:

#_(:з"∠)_The new world is an ancient background#