The Villain’s Diary – The Heroine’s Character Crumbles

Chapter 15: Girl, I seem to have seen you


Xue Menghan, wearing a pig's head mask, quietly came to the back of the big red bed.

She saw that Jiang Mu, who was only wearing underpants, was lying on the bed, with his head and feet lifted up, and he was moving back and forth.

Also whining.

"Why hasn't my little sister come yet?"

"It's unprofessional to ask customers to wait for so long."

"My god waist can't wait."

God waist

Xue Menghan looked at Jiang Mu's waist, and suddenly his eyes showed a fierce look.

Angrily, she jumped into the air on the bed.

He raised his little powder fist, used his spiritual power, and slammed it down on Jiang Mu's waist.

My old lady makes you look good!

despair! There was a muffled sound of steel.

Xue Menghan's fist hit Jiang Mu's waist completely.



Xue Menghan actually screamed out in pain.

She felt a sharp pain in her lower back.

It was as if someone had punched her waist so hard that it almost broke her waist.

She was so painful that she lay on Jiang Mu's bare back.

I can't get up for a while.

"Fucking hell!"

Jiang Mu felt something lying on his back, and immediately turned over in horror.

Moreover, he felt something hit his waist.

it hurts.

Fortunately, the waist has been strengthened.

Coupled with the 'pretending to be beaten body', it offsets 50% of the damage.

Otherwise, his waist might be broken on the spot.

"Fuck! Who are you!"

Jiang Mu just turned over.

He saw a woman wearing a pig's head mask lying on top of him.

"What the hell, I'm scared to death!"

Jiang Mu angrily stretched out his hand to grab the pig's head mask, trying to see the woman's face clearly.

Xue Menghan was shocked.

Regardless of the pain in her back, she quickly grabbed Jiang Mu's hand.

Jiang Mu stretched out her other hand to grab it, and she also stretched out her other hand.


Jiang Mu's hands were firmly grasped by her, and were pressed above his head.

The two of them were in a stalemate on the big red bed, ambiguous and awkward.

Time passed minute by minute.

The two of them didn't speak, they just looked at each other eye to eye, their exhaled breath hit their faces, and their heartbeats beat each other regularly.

It made the two of them have a strange feeling that couldn't be explained.

after awhile.

Jiang Mu had no choice but to speak to break the silence.

"Girl, why did you sneak up on me?"

As he spoke, he struggled with his hands.


Xue Menghan didn't answer, she was afraid that Jiang Mu would recognize her after hearing her voice.

She also knew it was a place for fun.

And this big red bed is specially used for that.

Now the lonely men and widows, once Jiang Mu breaks free, maybe he will be killed

Her heart tightened for a moment.

So he held Jiang Mu's hands and tried harder.

Jiang Mu struggled to no avail, his strength was not as strong as hers at all, so he could only say:

"Girl, let me go, I won't pursue it anymore, really."

Just kidding, I will definitely pursue it! I can't chase you!

Hitting Lao Tzu's waist without hatred or resentment

I'll use you to test my waist later!


Xue Menghan still didn't dare to respond.

"Eh? Girl, I seem to have seen you before. Are you the one who sells monster insurance?"

Because they were very close, Jiang Mu felt her perfect figure firsthand.

Coupled with her emerald green and soft long skirt, she is exactly the same as the woman who sold monster insurance that she met at the door before.

"Tell me, why did you sneak up on me, we don't know each other?"

Jiang Mu continued to ask.


Xue Menghan still didn't reply.

Her waist is so painful now that it feels like it's about to break.

She didn't understand at all how she was hurt!

Could it be that there are other people in the house protecting Jiang

She looked around the room nervously.

But found out.

In the huge room, apart from himself and Jiang Mu on the bed, there was no third person in sight.

What the hell

"I said girl, are you dumb?"

Jiang Mu was very upset.

It's okay to sneak attack him, but now you don't even reply, and you still look around

Too much contempt for people!

"I see. I misunderstood you as a prostitute before. That's why you want to take revenge on me?"

Jiang Mu thought of this possibility.

After all, no one would be happy if a woman who worked hard with her hands was mistaken for this job.


Xue Menghan still didn't reply

Jiang Mu immediately became angry.

Damn it, whether it's revenge on me or not, you should say something anyway, what's the point of grabbing me like this

It's amazing!

He struggled to free his hands.

Seeing this, Xue Menghan hurriedly grasped his hand tightly to prevent him from moving.

"I said, girl, it's really my fault for misunderstanding you, but I've apologized, and you've sneaked up on me, so we're on even terms, right?"


Xue Menghan still didn't reply, and even increased his strength, pressing him tightly.

"Fuck, you forced me!"

Jiang Mu was too lazy to beep again, and kissed her neck directly.



Xue Menghan's face paled in shock.

She leaned back desperately to avoid Jiang Mu's shameless behavior.

However, how could this posture be avoided


blah blah blah


she cried!

And even if he cried, he didn't let go of Jiang Mu's hand!


You are fucking kidding me.

How can you be the victim

Fuck, tired.

Jiang Mu was very depressed, and it would not be a problem to gnaw on it like this.

I had no choice but to shut up and said helplessly:

"Girl, let's go, let's just pretend nothing happened."



Why are you still crying

"Don't cry, you go, I'm going back too."

Damn, crying makes people upset, and whoring.

"Wooooow! Whoa whoa whoa whoa!!!"

"Oh? Can you try crying louder?"

Jiang Mu cupped his mouth as if to kiss.


Xue Menghan was so frightened that she stopped crying immediately.

It's just that the trembling fragrant shoulders indicated that she was still sobbing.

Whatever, love to cry.

Jiang Mu didn't move either.

To be honest, he was a little confused when it came to girls crying.

As a good young man with positive views in the new century, although he plays the villain here.

But he really needs to make some indescribable punishments for this girl who works hard with her own hands.

He asked himself if he couldn't do it.

Although he can't do it, he is a vigorous man.

And it was a man in shorts.

A man with an inch of abs.

A man with a strengthened waist.


In short, very manly!


Xue Menghan screamed and jumped up, like a frightened rabbit, escaped from Jiang Mu's body like lightning.

In the end, feeling ashamed and angry, he walked out of the room holding his waist.

Only Jiang Mu was left alone, lying on the big red bed.


"How can I return to the clan like this?"


"no solution anymore."

"Professional problems can only be solved by professional people."

Jiang Mu was going to call the bustard.

As a result, he still hasn't spoken.

Seeing the old bustard open the door, he rushed in with his hips twisted.

As soon as the old bustard saw Jiang Mu's change, his heart bulged and his eyes straightened.

I'll be good!

It turns out that Miss Xue's seeking Sect Master Jiang is not a lie, but the truth is that she is having fun!


Yesterday she just came of age, today she will be outside with a man

And still with such a powerful man!

No wonder he came out with his waist supported.

(End of this chapter)