The Villain’s White Lotus Halo

Chapter 48: Chu Huan (2)


Ye Cheng and the Qinglu Sword Sect are in the southern land. Here, Zhong Shan is naturally more famous. As a disciple of Zhonglu Lianjian Zong Yasheng, Chu Huan seemed to be overshadowed by the radiance of the stars at this flower folding meeting. Although he showed great strength in the first few rounds, it was still to be expected, and there was no shocking breakthrough performance.

Some people also think that he has never encountered a strong enemy, so he did not use the strongest back-up. Just like Chen Yi never used the strongest sword before facing Yin Biyue, so he was underestimated.

Most of the female disciples of Lianjian Sect are as bold and bold as their Sect Master Yang Liu. And many male disciples are like the elder Qu Jiang.

As the most gentle and low-key Qu Jiang among the six sub-sages. Only when he draws his sword can he truly be like a sub-sage.

Duan Chongxuan finally combined various news and came to the conclusion, "I guess Chu Huan's strength in the last round was only 40% at most."

Yin Biyue frowned slightly, Chu Huan's competition he only went to see one. In that game, the dead wood rejuvenation technique was not used, and there was no clue at all.

Luo Mingchuan smiled and said with relief, "Don't worry, I have also practiced some wood-based exercises."

Brother! You haven't practiced anything!

Yin Biyue thought rationally that he was thinking too much, and his brother would definitely win. But I can't help but worry. Not a general worry.

This emotion was so unfamiliar that it made him wonder if something was wrong with him recently.

The time for both sides is set at the time of the rooster. As the first qualifying match, Cangya's first disciple faced Lianjian Zongyasheng's disciples. Even if the time was set earlier, countless people would get up early and come to watch the match. Especially the disciples of Lianjian and Cangya, almost all of them in Yecheng arrived.

The two greeted each other on the stage.

In terms of appearance alone, Chu Huan is more recognizable than Chen Yi, but the temperament is exactly the same. Lianjian's purple gown with wide sleeves and narrow waist wears on him, which also gives off a warm and peaceful feeling.

Everyone felt that it was a pleasure to see two gentlemen on stage together.

Chu Huan said, "I've admired it for a long time."

Luo Mingchuan replied, "Don't dare."

Without further communication, the competition officially began.

Chu Huan took the first step, and saw a green light flying from his sleeves, the wind howled, and the mouth of the bowl soared in a blink of an eye!

When they flew to Luo Mingchuan's front door, everyone saw that it was a vine. The green is dripping, and the new shoots are constantly being pulled out.

Chu Huan held the vine in his sleeve in his hand, like a long whip, and pulled it straight away!

Luo Mingchuan's expression did not change, almost the moment the vines appeared, a wall of fire ignited in front of him!

Duan Chongxuan was a little ashamed for a while, because he found that the speed at which he threw the talisman paper was not as fast as Luo Mingchuan's tricks.

However, the scorched black skin was quickly replaced by the vibrant emerald green, and it broke through the wall of fire and attacked without change!

This time, someone in the audience finally saw Luo Mingchuan's action, and before he could exclaim, the wall of fire turned into a sea of fire.

In the morning breeze, the fire was getting bigger and bigger, and it swept the entire arena like swallowing the sky. The disciples who were a little closer could even feel the rolling heat, blowing towards them.

Luo Mingchuan's figure could not be seen clearly in the firelight.

Chu Huan had Zhen Yuan to protect his body, but he still felt that his skin was tingling from the fire. The purple blouse showed green dots, extending rapidly, and the thin green vines covered him, but it was like an indestructible armor.

The vines in his hand swept across the sea of fire, like a gust of wind, the waves crashed on the shore, and went straight to Luo Mingchuan.

The rhythm of spiritual practice has always been slow, but the two of them played their cards so unreasonably that they had an immediate victorious attitude.

Even Duan Chongxuan couldn't understand, "Senior Brother Luo, the output of this true essence..."

The arena spans more than ten feet from the north to the south. How much real energy will be output in such a huge fire in an instant

Yin Biyue understood what he meant, but was not sure of his guess, so he whispered, "I have seen a practice technique in the school, which is a bit similar to 'Yuemi Jindu', the fire on the stage is probably half of the phantom."

Duan Chongxuan suddenly realized.

Not only Yin Biyue, but also others thought of a similar situation.

But what they didn't expect is that more than half, 80% of them are illusions. But it has the power to confuse the real with the fake.

Thick smoke began to rise from the fire, which was produced by the constant burning of the plants.

Some people saw that Chu Huan took back the vine, and they all wondered if he planned to admit defeat.

But Chu Huan walked to the center of the ring and was surrounded by fire, and he began to choke.

The pinching is the hand gesture, the posture is very strange, no one recognizes it.

The green vines around him kept scorching black and withering, losing their new strength, and the purple gown was directly exposed to the fire and scorched.

But he moved slowly and slowly, and his expression was solemn.

As his gestures became faster, someone felt the slight shaking of the ground under their feet, and said in shock, "Is the ground moving?"

"I feel it too, what's going on?"

Earthquakes are not strong, but practitioners are sensitive to the five senses and know that it is not an illusion.

For a moment, I was in a state of uncertainty, and I felt attentively.

The next moment, the ground collapsed and the mountains were destroyed, and the roar was deafening!

There are countless gaps in the ring!

A new sprout emerged from the crack, and the fire flew long in the wind, and in a blink of an eye, it jumped five or six feet high!

Everyone watched in disbelief as an elm forest rose up from the stage, covering the fire in the blink of an eye.

Duan Chongxuan exclaimed, "This... is also an illusion?"

Yin Biyue heard his voice trembling slightly, "No."

Chu Huan really spawned a forest on stage.

He also noticed that when the ring cracked, there was no gravel or smoke, as if it was willing to be broken open. This indicates that this attack has been approved.

Chu Huan's Rejuvenation Technique for Dead Trees has already given a glimpse into the true meaning of communicating with nature.

The elders in the east stand looked at the person who controlled the formation.

The elder of the Qinglu Sword Sect frowned, "No change."

The formation has not changed, indicating that the power of this attack is determined to be within the limit.

There was a lot of discussion under the ring,

"This is too exaggerated. It's still in the late stage of barrier breaking. If you reach the Mahayana realm, how strong will it be!"

"Can you grow a forest in a blink of an eye?"

Exaggerated indeed.

The elm trees on the stage have covered the sky and the sun, and the branches and leaves are intertwined, as if the entire arena is isolated from the outside world.

More than just line of sight. The stage has become Chu Huan's private domain.

He was pale, his eyes bright, and he stood at the very center.

Heavy branches and leaves sense the opponent's position and movement for him, and information is constantly sent to launch attacks.

The death and new life of this forest occurred at the same time, and there was a cycle of withering and prosperity a moment ago, but the life was endless and endless.

Everyone in the audience could not see the figures of the two of them, nor could they see the light of the fire.

Even if you concentrate, you can only hear the rustling of the leaves in the wind. It surged like a tidal wave, covering the sky for a while, sweeping the world.

Yin Biyue finally confirmed his guess, "Bihai Chaosheng."

Among the dead wood rejuvenation tactics, the power can be ranked in the top three tactics. No one below Theravada has ever practiced before. Because the purity of the innate spiritual veins is not enough, the amount of true essence cannot be supported.

As for Chu Huan's current state, not only did he communicate naturally, but he also took advantage of the power of heaven and earth.

This is a terrible thing. The sage who created this formula in the 'Era of All Saints' used this method to kill a sub-sage when he was in the Mahayana realm.

Even at Chu Huan's current level, the true meaning is still not up to one or two, which is enough to make people disgusted.

The elder of Lianjian Sect looked slightly surprised.

She thought she knew Chu Huan well, but who knew that she had underestimated this young man.

Many people are thinking about Luo Mingchuan in the woods, what method is he using to avoid the infinite crisis, is he injured, is his true essence not enough to support the sea of fire just now

In Chu Huan's view, the opponent was maintaining a high-speed movement for a while. Although he couldn't find the exact location, the entire forest was his eyes and ears. No matter how fast Luo Mingchuan was, he would still have a moment of slack under the constant attack. What's more, maintaining such a fast speed will consume a huge amount of real energy.

He could even feel the viscous touch of his opponent's wounds, dripping blood on the leaves.

In fact, Luo Mingchuan was standing on a branch on the south side of the ring with a calm expression.

The branches and leaves under his feet were quiet, gently brushing the hem of his clothes as if to please him.

I don't know when, his pupils have turned into a dark ink color like a long night.

He looked at the whole forest, and could even see the expressions of everyone in the ring.

The worry in the eyes of the younger brother.

He closed his eyes.

The obscuring woods began to pick up the wind.

The wind howled, blowing his robes and hunting, and the fallen leaves danced wildly.

Chu Huan felt a pain in his heart and spit out a mouthful of blood uncontrollably!

Because at that moment just now, the connection between him and the forest he spawned was forcibly cut off.

It was as if a sword had slashed straight into the sea of consciousness, leaving a notch deep in the bone marrow.

The next moment, all the branches and vines began to attack him frantically, and everything within sight became the enemy!

Everyone saw the entire forest trembling in the wind, then withered and withered rapidly, and the fly ash that had fallen to the ground was lifted up and scattered.

Chu Huan with a pale complexion and blood lines on the corners of his mouth was revealed. There were several cracks on the purple gown, as if it had been scratched by branches and leaves.

His voice was a little rough, "I admit defeat."

The cracks began to close, and eventually there was no trace. If you didn't look closely, you couldn't even find the cracked lines on it.

The people in the audience still haven't recovered.

No one knew what was going on, and the battle was over in one breath.

All that remains is a ring with beautiful fine lines.

Yin Biyue looked at it and felt that it was very familiar, like a trace of some kind of formation.

The deacon disciple of the Qinglu Sword Sect shouted, "This game is over, Cangya Mountain Luo Mingchuan wins—"

Luo Mingchuan handed over to Chu Huan, "Concession."

At this time, someone discovered that he was still standing where he was when he came to the stage to greet him, and he didn't even move a step.

Yin Biyue watched Senior Brother Luo pass through the crowd congratulating him, nodded in greeting, and walked straight towards him.

Endured, but still didn't hold back the corners of the upturned mouth.

So Luo Mingchuan also laughed.