The Villain’s White Lotus Halo

Chapter 50: Fold flowers


At dusk, people came down from the mountain one after another. The hem of their robes was dyed with frost, and they held lotus leaves as green as jade in their hands. When his classmates saw him, they would cheer loudly and go back with him.

He Yanyun came down a little late, and Ruan Xiaolian saw her at a glance in the afterglow of the sunset.

It's not because she has a light body and a graceful and graceful posture when going down the mountain, but... Her lotus leaves are really too big.

Most of the others were as big as a disc, like a palm fan, but He Yanyun, the upper half of her body was blocked by a huge lotus leaf.

She came out of the mountain road, and all the people around her looked at her along the way, but because she was a little girl, doing such a thing would only make people feel cute and cute.

Ruan Xiaolian hurried up to meet her, looked up and down, "This... is enough for a lot of servings."

He Yanyun proudly said, "That's right, I picked the biggest one."

Ruan Xiaolian laughed, "You can also ask a pile of cigarettes to eat together."

The people next to them were confused and didn't understand what they were talking about.

Chiba lotus will only open at midnight. According to the experience of predecessors, picking it too early or too late will cause the loss of medicinal properties.

Brother Yin wants to fold flowers, and Brother Luo will definitely accompany him. This is the common understanding of Cangya Mountain disciples.

So he didn't wait for Luo Mingchuan to go down the mountain, and went back with good expectations and blessings.

The moon is bright and the stars are sparse, and the Chongming Mountain is shrouded in the clouds and thick night, and it is impossible to see it.

There is no longer the sea of people gathered at the foot of Bairi Mountain, and there is only peace and tranquility.

At night, the mountain wind was cold and humid. Yin Biyue looked at thousands of lotus leaves, layer upon layer. I never imagined that there would really be a lake in this mountain.

The green leaves, the dark lake, the silvery moonlight, and the diffuse clouds, the light and shadow are intertwined, like an unreal fantasy.

The wind was fierce, the sky and the earth were vast between the pitches, and the bright moon above the nine heavens was within reach.

Standing here, it should be very cold.

But because there is another person beside me, the cold night also has temperature.

Yin Biyue was in a trance for a while.

This kind of temperature has never existed in his long past villain transmigration career. But I don't know since when, it has become familiar.

He spoke softly, his voice drifting in the mountain wind, "Senior Brother Luo..."

Luo Mingchuan didn't ask him what was wrong, but looked into his eyes and replied, "Junior Brother Yin."

His eyes were focused, and there seemed to be moonlight flowing in his eyes.

Yin Biyue suddenly trembled.

Subconsciously, he turned his head to look at the lake and lotus leaves, and saw the tiny lights rising from the center of the lake, like jumping fireflies and debris of stars. Constantly lit and extinguished, the moment fades, beautiful and fleeting.

Luo Mingchuan laughed, "The flowers are about to bloom."

Yin Biyue was stunned for a moment, then his wrist was gently pulled, and he flew forward.

They stepped on the lotus leaves, the mountain wind blew their faces, and their sleeves flew.

There is a single lotus flower in the middle of the lake.

The stems are slender, and the buds that have not yet bloomed are small and tender. A steady stream of light spots jumped up from the gaps in the petals.

Moon Shadow looked westward, just facing the lotus flower.

From budding to dazzling brilliance, it is only in an instant.

The rays of light flowed out from the stamens, reflecting the surrounding lake water in white.

The jade-colored lotus flower, but the size of a palm, is stacked on top of another, with thousands of layers and ten thousand petals.

"Junior brother, take it immediately after breaking it down, the effect is the best."

Yin Biyue nodded, stretched out his hand and folded off the flower stalk, most of the brilliance disappeared in an instant.

The entrance of the lotus flower turns into a stream of water without being chewed, cool but not cold, and flows along the meridians.

At the same moment, Luo Mingchuan tapped his toes and flew back quickly, but his breath could not be restrained from climbing!

Wherever you pass, the clouds and mists are scattered, the lotus leaves are open, the lake water is turbulent, and the waves are tumbling!

The blood oath is broken.

His realm actually skipped the first realm of Theravada, and did not stop until the middle realm.

He was worried that the power of his breakthrough would spread to his younger brother, so he retreated in an instant. At this moment, he looked at Yin Biyue from a distance, with a nervous expression.

Yin Biyue felt that the clear stream of lotus flowers nourished his limbs and bones, and the sea of consciousness became clearer than ever before.

The feeling was so amazing that he couldn't help closing his eyes.

After breaking the barrier, practitioners can see the sea in their bodies. At this moment, his consciousness floated on the sea, watching the silver rays of light gathered in countless small tributaries, flowing into the sea. He knew that it was the trickle that Qianye Lian turned into.

Hundreds of rivers return to the sea, and the sea glows with silver, sparkling, as if the moonlight is falling.

When Luo Mingchuan saw Yin Biyue's eyes closed, his whole body seemed to be plated with a layer of light brilliance, radiating with the bright moon in the sky.

The effect of Qianye Lian is tantamount to the second time cutting the marrow. From then on, the aptitude of the younger brother will be improved.

He smiled slightly, feeling more relaxed than he had just broken through.

But the next moment, his smile froze at the corner of his mouth.

Yin Biyue opened her eyes, her eyes were cold, and there seemed to be a flash of silver in her pupils.

The white Taoist robe floated in the mountain wind, like his three thousand white hair.

Luo Mingchuan suddenly fell into an ice cave, and the chill in his heart overflowed.

Qianye Lian, failed to cure his younger brother's gray hair.

Yin Biyue opened his eyes and saw that Luo Mingchuan had risen to the middle realm of Theravada, with a harmonious breath and a stable realm. Just as he was about to congratulate him, he saw that he was in a daze, so he called out, "Senior brother?"

Luo Mingchuan pulled the man back to the shore, his eyes fell on the strands of white hair that fell on his chest, and he said solemnly, "Junior Brother, we are going to Xingshan Temple today, Xingshan Temple has nothing to do, we will go to Jikong Temple. There will always be a way! It will be fine, trust me!"

Yin Biyue followed his gaze, knew what the problem was, and hurriedly explained, "Senior brother, it's okay, I don't feel any discomfort."

Luo Mingchuan felt that his younger brother was comforting him, and could not accept this statement at all.

He looked into Yin Biyue's eyes and said seriously, "There will be a way, can you come with me?"


Midland. Yunyang City.

Mr. Zhang Yuan stood in the courtyard, and the locust trees in the courtyard were rustling by the evening wind.

He looked at the figure on the cornice.

It's like looking up at the moon, distant and unfamiliar, and it's like greeting on the street, extremely familiar.

He said, "Since you're here, why don't you come down and have a cup of tea?"

The distance is very far, and his voice is not loud, but the figure on the eaves jumped down.

The cloak swayed, like a white bird spreading its wings, drawing a bright arc in the night, and finally landed lightly in the courtyard.

fell three feet away from him.

The distance is just right.

Mr. Zhang Yuan knew that Wei Jingfeng walked out of the Meteorite Abyss and came to Yunyang City thousands of miles away, naturally not for tea.

He waited for the other person to speak first.

Wei Jingfeng glanced at the broken array plate and gray tiles on the stone case.

He saved Mr. Zhang Yuan and destroyed his magic weapon.

This look has a lot of meaning. Killing people and saving people is all in the sage's mind.

Then he said, "The old man said, you don't care about this matter."

His tone was gloomy, calling himself an old man, but his voice had the sluggishness characteristic of a boy in the voice-changing period.

The two should have been incomparably contradictory, but because of his demeanor, he didn't seem abrupt at all, making life impossible to think of disobedience.

Yuan Ting Yue Zhi, unfathomable.

Mr. Zhang didn't speak.

The silence at this time is not a default or acquiescence. but silent protest.

Wei Jingfeng understood what he meant, and his tone was even colder.

"Others praise you for 'getting the best of the world', but you still take it seriously. Who do you think you are? You are a scholar!"

He was mean and sounded hateful.

Useless is a scholar.

Mr. Zhang Yuan is indeed a scholar. But he is also the highest scholar in the world. Who dares to say he is useless

He hadn't heard such a taunt in six hundred years, but there was no sign of anger on his face.

Even a little funny thinking, look, this is the end of not reading, scolding and scolding, will also be able to say this.

So he really laughed and said something,

"Wei Jingfeng, I haven't seen you for many years, but your appearance has not changed at all."

After hearing this, the swordsman's voice became more severe, the wind in the whole courtyard became more severe, and the locust trees all over the courtyard were trembling slightly.

Saying that, he took two steps forward and walked out of the shadows under the corridor.

The moonlight fell on his face, clearly showing a young face!

With his Xuehua cape and cloud-patterned brocade boots, he looks like a young man who is walking on a horse.

The court took two steps back.

So their distance returned to three feet again.

The head court knew that he had made the other party angry, so the best thing to do was to change the subject immediately, "How about Meteorite Abyss?"

Wei Jingfeng replied, "It's still expanding. What did the person in Jiekong Temple say?"

"Same opinion as me."

These few questions and answers seem to be inexplicable, and they are also easy to say, but they are related to the fate and future of the entire world.

The person from Jiekong Temple naturally refers to the sub-sage Wuwang of Jiekong Temple.

That sub-sage has not asked about the world for thousands of years, but on this matter, he has the same opinion as Mr. Zhang Yuan.

So the head court advised, "Why are you so stubborn?"

The swordsman raised his eyes slightly, and his eyes fell hundreds of millions of miles away.

"Before everything happens, nothing can decide another person's fate. Saints can't, star trails can't, and heaven can't!"

This sentence is in line with Wei Jingfeng's usual code of conduct.

Mr. Zhang Yuan understood, but still couldn't accept it, because he felt that he was right. Not only Wuhuang's views are the same as him, if every ordinary person in the world knew it, they would make the same choice with him.

So he asked the swordsman,

"Even if that person will bring disaster to the world?"