The Villain’s White Lotus Halo

Chapter 52: Magic repair


As the Young Sect Master of the Qinglu Sword Sect, Song Tang quickly got the news about the demon cultivator.

"Yecheng is well-guarded, and most of the buildings have protective formations, which can detect magical breaths, and are directly connected to the City Lord's Mansion. However, during the Flower Folding Meeting, there were no places for disciples of all sects. People in the City Lord's Mansion thought it might be The magic cultivator hides his whereabouts and hides in these places."

After negotiating with the enshrinement of the City Lord's Mansion, Song Tang notified the disciples in the sect to cooperate with the inspection of the black armored guards, and also explained the situation to the three Luo Mingchuan.

"My faction is the host, and now that something like this is happening in the city, it is obligatory."

Luo Mingchuan frowned and said, "How can I help? Just say it."

The reappearance of the magic cultivator is not only a major event for Ye Cheng, but also for the entire Nanlu.

Song Tang said solemnly, "Thank you."

Luo Mingchuan, the first disciple of Cangya, is now in the middle realm of Theravada. Regardless of his identity or cultivation realm, he is very convincing. If he can join the patrol team in the city, he can stabilize the situation and ensure the safety of the people in the city.

Yin Biyue and Duan Chongxuan also wanted to help, but they thought their cultivation was not enough, so they decided not to cause trouble. So he brought the black armored guards to Qiuhu Lake and took the initiative to accept the inspection.

The team leader took a rune paper to test the magic breath, and thanked them politely as he left.

After the barrier was broken, the practitioner's five senses became more acute, and the two of them could hear their whispered conversations as they walked by the autumn lake, "I didn't expect it to be so smooth this time."

"Yeah, it's all a sect, and the gap between the door style is too big!"

Yin Biyue and Duan Chongxuan listened for a while, but still didn't understand why. It seems... inexplicably praised.

They didn't know that the city guards went to the courtyard beside the Xinshui Bridge first.

As soon as he made it clear his purpose, the disciple who opened the door was in a hurry.

"I sent a dignified sect, and you actually suspect that we are covering up the demon cultivator!"

The squad leader was innocent, "No."

The disciple of Baopu Zong was aggressive, "Then why do you check us! It's obvious that you suspect us! It's too deceiving!"

The squad leader didn't know how to explain, "This... Every place will be checked."

"Nonsense! What's your purpose!"

"… "

Unable to communicate.

In the end, it was a Ye Cheng worshiper who came forward to solve this problem.

Yin Biyue and Duan Chongxuan came to the center of the city to see if they could find any clues.

Compared to the previous crowds, the streets were much empty at this time. But there has been no widespread panic, and shops and restaurants on Main Street are still opening their doors as normal. The Black Armored Guards swept through the streets and alleys with a neat look, their eyes sharp like swords.

After walking around the street, the chatter took his senior brother to the teahouse. Today's Taihe Building has only a handful of guests. There is no crowd of people in the past, and the seats are full of guests and friends, which is extraordinarily clean and elegant.

The location near the window has a wide field of vision, and the whole long street has a panoramic view. He ordered a pot of Biluochun, a plate of Yulu lotus cake, and a plate of hibiscus cake.

Because he was in retreat for a few days, he felt like he hadn't chatted with anyone for a long time.

There is an urgent need to speak.

The chatter raised the tea cup and took a sip, and sighed, "Fourth Senior Brother, I really didn't expect a demon cultivator to come to the Southern Continent."

Yin Biyue frowned, "It's been a long time since the devil's way has faded. If this is a sign of revival, chaos is imminent. Although the East Land and the continents are separated by sea, it is not difficult to cross the sea."

He still remembered that the second senior sister had participated in the exorcism of Xiling Mountain. That battle was brutal.

"It's rare for a magician to come to the Southern Continent when he has time. Originally, the twelve palaces of the magic way were in the Eastern Continent, and he couldn't finish it every day, so how could he even bother to find the other four continents?"

Yin Biyue understands that he knows a lot of secrets or gossip, "They are both magic cultivators and have many differences?"

"Quite a lot! Demon Zun died under the sword of Linyuan during the 'Dao and Demon War', and then came the chaos of the world and the 'era of the end of the law'. They were split into twelve houses, and they all thought that they were the orthodox demons and the heirs who inherited the mantle of Demon Venerable. They fought and looted each other in the East Land, and the civil strife was endless, so naturally it was not a climate."

Duan Chongxuan ate a piece of lotus cake, and the conversation changed.

"But funny to say, they all believe in one thing."

"What's up?"

"The Demon Venerable is not dead."

He continued, "This is really the power of faith. It's been a million years since the Demon Venerable. Not to mention practitioners, alien beasts don't have such a long lifespan."

Demon Venerable is not dead. This is a well-known joke in the market.

Yin Biyue suddenly felt a chill in her heart.

The strongest person today is the Juggernaut, the Saint Realm. There is no 'true fairy' in the 'Age of All Saints'. If Demon Venerable is not dead, who can compete with him

Mr. Zhang Yuan called this era 'The Stars'. Does it also include the magic cultivators of the Eastern Land

But he looked at the chattering and laughing look, and felt that maybe he thought too much.

Chatter looked at the street view outside the window, and suddenly stopped talking, as if he saw something interesting. The corners of his mouth curled up in a sarcastic arc.

Yin Biyue followed his gaze and looked down, and saw a group of people on the street, the leader was wearing a blue gossip robe, concentrating on the realm. There were five or six barrier-breaking realms behind him, and there was even a Xiaocheng realm guard.

The group of them did not restrain their coercion. They walked in the middle of the street, and ordinary people could not approach, and they all retreated.

Right now, the city guards are busy tracking down the demon cultivators, and they haven't substantially disturbed the security or violated the city's laws, so no one really cares for a while.

The chatter jokingly said, "Yo, look at this majestic, tsk tsk, worthy of being the 'Hengduan Mountain Little Overlord'."

Only then did Yin Biyue recognize that the leader was Bao Puzong Li Lin, who was thrown off the stage by the chatter at the flower folding party with a burning talisman. He seems to be of great origin, the only son of the Mahayana elder Li Changhong. No wonder there are so many strong guards.

Although they were not used to it, this person had no grudge against them, and now in Yecheng, Yin Biyue didn't pay any attention to the other party's intentions.

However, the chatter's eyes were not concealed, and it had been noticed by the Xiaochengjing guard. Li Lin followed the other's eyes and saw two people by the window, and his complexion changed immediately.

The group turned around and followed Li Lin to the teahouse.

The guests from the other tables saw that the visitors were unkind, and now it was a tense time when the magic cultivators were haunting.

The entire second floor was completely empty.

When Li Lin walked over with the guard, Yin Biyue and Duan Chongxuan had already stood up.

Three feet apart, neither of them meant to greet each other.

Yin Biyue subconsciously took two steps forward and stood in front of Duan Chongxuan.

This is a kind of self-consciousness, because he is a senior, and Duan Chongxuan is a junior. No matter how many people there are on the other side, whether it is in the Hinayana state or the Mahayana state, even if Yasheng comes, he will stand in front of the chatter.

But the other party was obviously not at him.

Li Lin chuckled disdainfully, "What's wrong? Isn't he very imposing on the stage? Now you have the face to hide behind others? Where's your burning talisman? Are you running out?"

The more Yin Bi understood.

The other party is here to slap the face.

These guards obviously arrived in Yecheng later, and maybe they were called by the other party by writing a letter. It's just that since the diligent practice of Diao, the teahouses and casinos have been visited less, and there has been no chance to meet them.

Who knew it happened today.

Duan Chongxuan came out with no angry expression on his face and no refutation. He just asked earnestly, "What do you want?"

He wasn't holding back, but really wasn't very angry.

Because he has already broken the barrier, the other party is still in the contemplative stage and has not made any progress.

They are no longer on the same level, and he will not have a meaningless fight with each other. Just like a lion doesn't turn around because a dog barks.

Li Lin was stunned for a moment, wondering why he didn't play cards according to the routine.

At this time, there was a sudden sound from the stairs, and a team of black armored guards also came. The leader of the team bowed to both sides and asked, "What's going on? You can't fight here."

It turned out that the owner of the restaurant saw that the situation was not good, so he notified the city guard.

Li Lin suddenly laughed and said to Duan Chongxuan, "You know what? The city law says that martial arts are forbidden in the city. You can't hit me here. Otherwise, you will be the enemy of the City Lord's Mansion."

His smile was full of provocation, "So, I'll fuck you uncle!"

Duan Chongxuan was still not angry, and even thought with relief that Baopu Zong's disciple could read the city law. It turned out to be literate.

The captain was also stunned.

After thinking about it, the city law did not say that foreign cultivators could not scold. It was very embarrassing for a while, although it was obvious that one party was picking quarrels and provoking trouble, they had to act according to the law.

Li Lin's voice was loud, and the more he scolded it, the more unpleasant it sounded. Indecent and vicious, greetings to Duan Chongxuan's family.

Yin Biyue's face changed, and his hand was already gripping the hilt of the sword. Seeing a smile in Li Lin's eyes.

But Duan Chongxuan pulled him back and sat down to drink tea.

Then he heard the voice transmission, "His purpose is to provoke us to take action, as long as we do it first, the Xiaochengjing guard behind him will immediately take action. But according to the city law, he is self-defense, maybe the city guards have to Help them... This is a loophole in the law, and Shi's lower skin can get through it."

Yin Biyue glanced at the little vehicle, and sure enough, the aura around him was so excited that he could attack at any time.

But he doesn't think he's incapable of fighting.

And he felt that this kind of slap in the face was stupid, shockingly stupid.

But on second thought, behind such a stupid face slap, there may be someone instructed to support, want to test whether the Sword Saint is still in the world, and whether he will take care of his disciples. Li Lin was just a cannon fodder that was pushed out.

At this time, the chatter burst into laughter, "But we didn't do anything, suffocated him to death!"

The chatter raised his teacup and smiled, looking nonchalant.

Li Lin, who was scolding, turned red with anger, lucked out, and continued scolding.

Halfway through the pot of tea, someone in the black armored guards couldn't listen anymore, and muttered in dialect, "This mother's mouth is too poisonous..."

"My mother-in-law's temper is too good, if I couldn't bear it any longer..."

Just when everyone thought that Li Lin would go back when he was tired of scolding, Duan Chongxuan stood up.

Because the other party's last sentence was 'I fuck your father'.

He asked seriously, "Do you know who my father is?"