The Villain’s White Lotus Halo

Chapter 55: Sword Saint Fanwai is unwilling to let go


Yunyang City, the fourth night of falling snow.

The chariots and horses, the shouts of the pawns, the beautiful silk and bamboo, and the crying of children all faded away in the thick night.

On such a night, there is no clear moonlight shining into the crimson gate, no green wine glasses, and no scarlet dancing skirts.

All I could hear was the sound of Canxue breaking the dead branches, the whistling sound of the gust of wind passing through the alley, mixed with the crisp impact of the silver bells under the flying scorpion. Long and jarring.

The swirling snow curtain fell overwhelmingly, and before it reached the ground, it was swept up by the north wind, and the waves slapped on the long bluestone street. The snow on the street was only carefully swept by the servants of the house in the daytime, but at this time it has accumulated a thick layer, I am afraid it will be another hard work until dawn.

In such a city that is used to good weather and raging fire, under the heavy snow that is rare in a century, there must be stinky wine and meat in Zhumen, but it is rare to see frozen bones on the roadside.

After all, in a rich city, beggars and wild cats are more than rich, but who does not have a bridge to shelter from the cold and snow, or a haystack to block the north wind

The lonely ten-mile long street suddenly sounded the 'creaking' sound of the soft snow being stepped on, from far to near, with a wonderful rhythm, slow and slow.

In the wind and snow at night, it is not like returning people eagerly and anxiously, but like a casual passer-by.

The bright yellow lanterns hanging under the eaves of the Zhuhong Mansion were fluttering in the wind and hitting the white walls. The flickering and dim yellow light sprinkled warm colors on the snow, giving people an illusion of temperature.

It also reflects the shadow of the passerby.

White robes and light furs, cloud-patterned brocade boots, and an oil-paper umbrella painted with azure gold. A long sword was tied around his narrow waist, and it swayed slightly with his steps, like a delicate ornament.

He stepped on the snow, and the thick snow that should have sank into his ankles left only shallow marks on the soles of his cloud boots.

He walked along the eaves of the Zhuhong Mansion Gate to the innermost corner, where the whimpering wind and the swaying tree shadows became strangely silent.

The blind spot that the lantern could not illuminate was a huddled shadow.

At this moment, the shadow suddenly raised his head, but only glanced at the visitor, and then quickly lowered his head.

The visitor did not leave, as if he had discovered something interesting, or perhaps it was a bit lonely to walk alone in the snowy night. He looked at the skinny little boy in front of him.

The child was wrapped in half a straw mat outside the tattered cotton robe, leaning against the corner of the wall, using the posture that best maintains the temperature and physical strength.

In this kind of weather, the fox fur jacket is not enough to keep out the cold, and the child has been there for a long time, his eyes have turned blue and black, and his breathing is weak.

The visitor did not have the slightest sympathy, but he seemed to have thought of something and asked, "Do you want to worship Lanyuan Academy?"

There was a hint of obscurity in his voice that was unique to a boy in the voice-changing period.

The child frowned, and it was a great waste for him to speak. But he remembered that it was rude not to answer when someone asked a question.

He knew how to save energy, and the words he uttered seemed to be inaudible, low and short, "Yes."

The visitor laughed, "Old man Wei Jingfeng, do you want to be my apprentice?"

No one does not know the three words 'Wei Jingfeng'. No one dared to recognize this name. Even if the person in front of him looks like a young man who is walking around the stage.

But who said the Juggernaut couldn't be a young boy

This name is enough to make the world change color.

It's a pity that this night and here, the listeners are only this child and the wind and snow in the sky, so I'm destined to see no touching scenes of crying and crying.

The child ignored his self-proclaimed and discordant, and did not lift his eyelids, but instead asked, "What's the benefit?"

Wei Jingfeng thought it was a bit ridiculous. No one had asked him such a question for many years.

But he did not laugh, because the child asked very seriously. Really don't know what the benefit will be.

He thought about it for a while, and then answered seriously, "Be my apprentice, if you ask for power, you will be the supreme national teacher, powerful and wealthy, and become the belief of thousands of people, and countless people will kneel at your feet. Like an ant, I beg you to take a look..."

The child did not speak, and was still leaning against the corner with the most energy-saving posture.

Wei Jingfeng went on to say, "If you cultivate the Dao, you will go to Cangya and practice the best sword art, and you will become very strong. People respect you and fear you, because you can bury millions of corpses and bleed on the scull with a single move of your mind. . Arbitrarily dominate life and death without anyone daring to speak."

With a "crunch", the snow crushed the green calyx plum branches. The snow is getting colder.

No matter how big the wind and snow was, Wei Jingfeng could still hear clearly, the child said,


This kind of answer that didn't take much thought but was serious enough obviously made him a little surprised and puzzled.

The young man raised his brows slightly, "Why? What Canglan Academy can give you, I can give you a hundred times more."

The child really didn't want to speak again, but out of courtesy, he explained the reason, "There's food there."


Wei Jingfeng let out a long laugh, the laughter resounded through the sky, causing the snow on the eaves to fall rustling, and the withered plum branches trembled slightly.

After he finished laughing, he seemed to be in a good mood and said, "I also take care of the meals."

The child finally raised his eyes, staring at him with dark eyes, as if to confirm the credibility of the person in front of him in charge of food.

Wei Jingfeng almost jumped, "This old man is a dignified swordsman, can he still lie to you?! Do you know! How many people are rushing..."


Wei Jingfeng was suddenly stunned, because the child pulled up the corner of his wide-sleeved shirt.

Almost instinctively, when the scrawny little hand approached, it would strike out.

But he held back. It felt so unfamiliar because no one had touched him for many years. Those who saw him were in awe of him and were far away from him. Anyone who wanted to get close to him came to kill him, and they all died.

The thin child stood up tremblingly with the strength of pulling the corner of his clothes. Then let go.

A dirty handprint was left on the white fur.

The child thought about it and said, "I'm sorry."

Wei Jingfeng felt a little regretful.

Not because of such hasty acceptance, but because I don't know how to answer. No one ever said those three words to him.

In his previous centuries, it did not include peaceful conversations with people.

He tried, but it was always regarded as provocation or disdain, and always angered others to draw their swords, and in the end he could only defeat or kill that person.

Just like just now, he thought there was nothing wrong with what he said, every word of the truth. But if another person listens to it, he will feel that he is condescending to show mercy and charity.

So, he really didn't know how to get along with people... or in other words, with his apprentices.

What to say at such a time

"It's ok."

Yes, I am a master, how can I be seen by my apprentices as not knowing the world.

The child was also silent, and he didn't even know what to say, 'Hello Master' or 'I have seen Master'? What is it like to be apprenticed by others? he does not know.

In fact, he walked all the way from the far north to Yunyang City in the Central Land without saying a word.

The dumb servant who took care of him died, and before he died, he told him to go to Yunyang City, the central capital, and see the world, it is best to find a school to learn his skills. He buried the old woman and set out on the road with the only two clothes in the package. The broken silver was spent before it reached Yunyang. Because he was too young, he ate a lot. Although he was stronger, there were not many places willing to accept him to work.

The tuition fees of other colleges and universities are expensive, of course they are not affordable. However, in the past half a month, Yunyang City, which used to be full of traffic, has become more and more crowded, making it difficult to move an inch. Only then did he hear that Lanyuan Academy was opening its doors to accept apprentices. This school is really good. It doesn't charge tuition fees. It can manage meals, see the world, and learn skills.

Of course, he didn't wait here all the time. He used to be on an abandoned boat. These days, he heard that the school's apprenticeship exam was coming, so he came to wait at the door.

Until now, he still doesn't understand why when he asked how to be admitted to the university, the strange expressions on those people's faces were unbelievable and mixed with weird smiles. They asked, 'You want to enter the university too? '

He didn't understand, could it be that he couldn't enter if he ate too much? Then eat as little as possible...

In the end, he believed what others told him - 'The school takes the order of entry as the standard for accepting apprentices', and sat in the corner for three days. He thought that people behind him would have to wait, so he had to wait in line.

Before the school opened, Wei Jingfeng arrived.

The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

Obviously, this is the most unspoken pair of master and apprentice in history.

Wei Jingfeng hit the umbrella on the child's head. After thinking about it, he took off his light fur and put it on the child.

Master... it should be like this, right

The big fox fur was draped over his body, dragging the elder behind the child. Like the floor-dragging robes of the nobles of the Northern Capital City.

The child moved and felt that it was too inconvenient to walk in this way.

But it's really warm.

Wei Jingfeng held the umbrella in one hand and the child in the other, walking slower.

"what's your name?"

"You Twelve."

"How can the apprentice of my Sword Saint be called such a name." The young man frowned and thought for a while, "Yu Zhe, Yao Ye, the meaning of Guanghua Dasheng, from now on you will be called Jun Yu... It's really a good name!"

He looked away from the signboard of 'Yuheji Pastry'.

Jun Yu has no objection. To him, his name is just a title, not to mention few people call him by his name. So he has no idea.

The young man held an umbrella and took the child's hand.

The figures, one big and one small, drifted farther into the distance.

The night was sinking, and the wind and snow in the sky annihilated their figures.


The lonely boat in the night rain floated swayingly on the Mincheon River, like a swirling fallen leaf.

The lights in the cabin were like beans, the two sat opposite each other, and the warm wine on the table had already cooled down.

The young man was wiping his sword, his expression focused,

"Even if you can reach the sky, it's hard to do things as you like. How can there be really unrestrained and unrestrained in the world? You don't understand this truth now, just like people who don't learn swordsmanship, they will never understand the truth of swordsmanship. I'll understand when I want to let go..."

Yin Biyue still didn't understand, in his opinion, his cheap master should be the most unrestrained and unrestrained person in the world, "What is unwilling to let go?"

Wei Jingfeng thought about it and decided to give an example.

"When the old man was young, no matter if he was holding an umbrella, wine, or money, he had to spare a hand. Do you know why?"

Yin Bi thought about it more,

"Empty hand, convenient to hold the sword at any time."

Wei Jingfeng smiled with satisfaction, "That's right! If I don't have a hand that can hold a sword at any time, my heart will be empty, and my whole body will feel uncomfortable!"

His eyes fell on the rainy river, as if it was in the distant past, and his tone slowed down, "The first time I saw your senior brother, the snow was so heavy that night, and the snowflakes were overwhelming... Senior brother can’t walk steadily again. I hold an umbrella in one hand and hold him in the other. I don’t have a third hand, so how can I hold a sword?”

"But I'm not at all uncomfortable, I just think it's enough to pull him and hold an umbrella."

"Many years later, I learned that this is the reluctance to let go."