The Villain’s White Lotus Halo

Chapter 63: If it's fate, let it change


Luo Mingchuan felt that he fell off a cliff, and there was a meteoric abyss below.

And all of this is too real, the pain in the heart, the loss of blood, the cold body, and the strong wind, it is not like a dream at all.

People in the world say that Meteorite Abyss is a place where light cannot penetrate, and that after the calamity, the Heavenly Dao is a warning to mankind.

Perhaps only the few people standing at the top of the world know what lies beneath the abyss.

But he found himself still alive. It's just that all the pain in the body can no longer be felt.

The soul has not dissipated, it is still in the body.

But he was like an outsider watching, under the dark abyss, the strands of death energy condensed into substance and began to devour his corpse.

Only then did he know that there really are monsters in this world that were born in the land of Yin and devour flesh and blood.

Unexpectedly, the body that had lost its breath opened its eyes again.

The pupils are as black as ink, like a meteorite abyss that cannot be seen to the end. Not a shred of human emotion.

Luo Mingchuan suddenly felt cold in his heart. Intuition tells him that he absolutely does not want to see the following things.

Sure enough, his body stood up.

Then he opened his mouth to eat those monsters.

He kept devouring it, and his expression changed from indifference to contentment, as if he had been hungry for thousands of years, and finally ate the food he wanted again.

This body is no longer human.

He was walking under the abyss, and more and more monsters gathered around him, some of whom had turned their minds and crawled under his feet. After he was full, he gave the excess power to these monsters.

There is no day or night in the Meteorite Abyss, and I don’t know how long it has passed. With a wave of his sleeves, a gust of wind blew up, and his body swayed up in the wind, and he also brought countless monsters out of the abyss.

On the edge of the cliff, there are thousands of magic cultivators waiting. The setting sun is like blood, and the flags and flags reflecting different palace emblems are hunting and flying in the west wind. From a distance, it is dark and oppressive, and there is no edge in sight.

He stands before thousands of people. The sun and stars are hidden, the mountains are hidden, and the twelve houses of the devil do not surrender.

Everyone knelt down one by one like the tide, and separated the grand avenue for him to pass through.

Luo Mingchuan finally knew at this time that the most terrifying thing was not that the younger brother did not believe him.

But he himself is a devil.

Grinding teeth sucking blood, killing people like numbness.

Will bring destruction and sin into the world.

The boundless despair overwhelmed him.

When he opened his eyes again, he was standing in front of a huge mirror.

His pale face was reflected in the mirror. However, the edges and corners of the facial features are more severe, and the expression is arrogant and indifferent.

The wide sleeves of the black robe hung down, and it was embroidered with intricate golden runes. Just standing there, there is a brilliance that cannot be seen. It is dark light.

Luo Mingchuan calmed down, and he said, "You are not me."

The voice of the person in the mirror was low, "Why not?"

Luo Mingchuan said, "I am not a Demon Lord."

"Who believes it?"

"Teacher brother letter."

The man in the mirror smiled, "He doesn't believe it, otherwise he wouldn't want to kill you. Think about it carefully, why did he set up the 'Yinghushouxin' killing formation in the Zixiao Secret Realm at the earliest."

"It's just a misunderstanding. The younger brother was bewitched by others. His obsession was too deep and he went astray... It was originally my fault."

"It's ridiculous. Do you think that what you asked with the Jialan pupil technique is the truth? He shouldn't have known that you can pupil technique, but in the Buddhist hall of Xingshan Temple, why is he not surprised at all?"

really. He never told his younger brother.

Because this exercise is a bit treacherous, even if it is a competition in the folding flower meeting, he is urging it under the circumstances that the outside world does not know it. It was the first time he used it in front of his junior brother in the Buddhist temple, but his junior brother said, "What nonsense! Jialan pupil technique is your method of Xingshan Temple!"

It shouldn't.

The man in the mirror laughed again, like a demonic voice, "Don't you know, nothing happened that night when the school finished. If you don't believe me, I can send you back to see for yourself... It's just your junior brother. Ah, he will use a more powerful trick to make you feel sorry for him."

Luo Mingchuan also laughed this time.

He found that his thoughts just now were restrained by this person's words, which was ridiculous. He held Shen Zhoujian in his hand, and Lingtai became much clearer in an instant.

When the man in the mirror saw him holding the sword, he disapproved, "You think you can kill me..."

Before he finished speaking, Luo Mingchuan drew his sword and penetrated his heart!

Hot blood spurted out!

"How about my junior brother, you are not qualified to say."


The mirror is broken.

The temple reappears.


Yin Biyue felt that she was barely able to move, because the world was spinning around, but the next moment she realized that she was not at all.

Instead, he was picked up by someone and walked towards the inner hall behind the main hall.

All the way, the candles were shining brightly, falling on the man's face, illuminating a shadow under the thick eyelashes.

The cold body temperature seemed to seep into the bone and blood. Always reminded him that even with a similar face, this person is not a senior.

Brother's embrace is very warm, whether it is drunk at night or supporting each other under the scorching sun, it will always be like a warm spring sun.

In the inner hall, heavy gauze curtains hang down, and it seems that the incense burner is still lit, and the faint smoke floats in the air.

It would be too real to say that this was a dream.

Yin Biyue gave birth to infinite panic at this moment.

What if he had already died in the Buddhist hall, and now he has traveled to another world again

A world without brothers.

The white jade bed behind the shark gauze was cold and hard, but the man's movements were very gentle, and a fragile treasure would be placed when he gently placed a person on it.

Rao is like this, and he can still feel the resistance of the person in his arms, so he smiled lowly, "You don't want to?"

The voice was too familiar, Yin Biyue raised her eyes suddenly and bumped into a pair of warm amber eyes.

Clear and inclusive, like a tranquil lake.

He couldn't help but call out, "Senior brother..."

As soon as the words fell, the smile on the man's face became strange, and his pupils returned to the original ink color. He raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Senior brother? Hahahahahaha, the head of Yin is so interesting."

He leaned over Yin Biyue's neck, his tone was warm but full of cruelty and malice,

"Your brother is dead, you killed him with your own hands."

"Don't you remember? On the edge of Meteorite Abyss, a sword pierces the heart, accurate and stable, this seat admires."

Yin Biyue widened her eyes in shock, "I killed... Senior Brother..."

Then he suddenly felt relieved that this was not a new world.

Maybe it's just a fantasy in the Buddhist temple.

The other party was still saying something, but he couldn't hear it anymore.

With a thought, the long sword was unsheathed and blood spurted.

In the end he said, "Whether it is a dream or an illusion, the one who will kill my brother is definitely not me."

He opened his eyes and saw the rotten ancient beams above his head.

In a blink of an eye, Luo Mingchuan was lying on the side, opening his eyes to look at him at the same time.

After experiencing all kinds of despair and pain before, the look at each other at this time, with the great joy of the rest of the life, is enough to make people dizzy.

Yin Biyue only realized what he had done after hearing his senior brother's groaning.

Although it was a hug, because of the height difference, it was more like he suddenly plunged into Luo Mingchuan's arms.

It's just... so rude!

He hurriedly tried to get up, but couldn't.

Because this time, Luo Mingchuan didn't let go, but hugged him as well.

The familiar breath and temperature shrouded involuntarily.

Yin Bi thought more and more, maybe... Senior brother also experienced some very painful things.

He stretched out his hand and patted his brother's back lightly.

This kind of act of comforting a child made Luo Mingchuan laugh and cry, and for a while he lost his mind. He also smiled and patted his simple junior brother.

After a while, the two quickly became vigilant and got up to look at the entire Buddhist hall again.

Still the same as when it came. But they knew at this time that no weirdness was the greatest weirdness.

So the two of them stood in the same place, full of True Yuan urging to the extreme, but they didn't take a step.

"Brother what did you see before?"

"...It doesn't matter. When I wake up now, I know it's all fake. Junior Brother, no matter what you see, you must believe that we will never deviate from each other."

Yin Biyue's heart instantly stood up with a bright FLAG!

What did you make!

Just based on my rich experience in watching the humanoid background board over the years, if I don't make it clear now, there will be major events in the future!

How many male and female protagonists were tortured to death because of a misunderstanding, tragic BE? !

How many good friends have turned against each other because they feel that there is no need to explain more? !

Tell me what is the most important thing in a happy life! !

That's right!

Bundle! talk! Say! clear!

Saying important things three times is not enough! !

He immediately became serious, "Senior brother, if we really believe in each other, and we won't question each other because of the illusory fantasy, we should speak out. By exchanging information, there will be no misunderstandings in the future."

Luo Mingchuan looked at the young man's clear eyes, and he found that in this matter, the younger brother was far more transparent than him.

"you're right."

Neither running away nor forgetting is the best way.

So he talked about the illusion just now, and Yin Biyue kept listening with a heavy expression.

At the end, he comforted his junior brother, "I know clearly that the one who killed me with the sword was not you, so I'm not sad." However, he pondered for a moment, "But if there really is a monster under Meteor Star Abyss..."

Yin Biyue understood what he meant.

Neither he nor Luo Mingchuan knew what was under the Meteorite Abyss.

The illusion that confuses the mind cannot be created out of thin air, but is just a projection of the inner subconscious. Maybe it's the thing that worries me the most.

If there are things that are not within the scope of cognition, such as the existence of monsters, it is very likely that this is not an illusion.

It is the projection of future destiny.

Will he kill Luo Mingchuan in the future


Yin Biyue said calmly, "Senior brother, I also saw a person with a face similar to yours. He said that I killed you. But we all know that this is impossible. And neither of us is what we saw in our dreams now. It means that maybe fate has changed."

After Luo Mingchuan said it, he was relieved, and after listening to Yin Biyue's words, he felt more at ease, "Yes. If it's an illusion, it's fake. If it's fate, let it change."

The cloud is no longer, and I am full of joy.

Just like when he pulled his junior and brother into the abyss at Xingshan Temple, the fleeting sense of familiarity came back again.

Luo Mingchuan's eyes fell on the Buddha statue facing him. The pupils turn black. Garan's pupil technique is pushed to the extreme.

Eyes are invisible.

But at this moment, Yin Biyue suddenly felt the majestic pressure.

He even felt that if he was being watched, his muscles and bones would be crushed by severe pain.

But the Buddha statue is dead, how can it hurt

Shockingly, the dilapidated Buddha statue, which has accumulated for a long time, has really begun to change.

The remaining gold paint rustled and peeled off, revealing the original black-brown stone body, and then from the eyelid to the fingertips, every inch of gray stone on the body was broken into pieces.

In the smoke and dust, the Buddha statue opened its eyes.

Maybe not a Buddha, but a dry monk.

The cassock loses its color, and the Dharma is solemn.