The Villain’s White Lotus Halo

Chapter 72: It's about life and death, not about winning or losing


He said he was going to draw his sword, but Yin Biyue's Yihu only had time to draw half an inch.

The shadow in the grass has been poised for a long time, and since he jumped out, he will never let him take the lead.

The withered grass in the four fields folded down fiercely, and the shadow slapped Yin Biyue's right shoulder with a palm. The huge demonic breath was pressing, Yin Bi crossed the sword to block, Yihu was still in the sheath, and with a humming sound, he hedged against the demonic breath.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed in front of him, and the dagger in the opponent's sleeve hit his face. The sharp light made his eyes sting for a moment. Yin Biyue flipped his wrist, leaning on the lake from blocking to stabbing, picking up the dagger, but he was caught off guard and took two steps back, and only then did he see the shadow clearly.

It was different from the two pale-skinned demon cultivators I had seen in Nanlu. The other party's whole body was wrapped in solid black cloth, the state was restrained, and the depth could not be seen, only a pair of cold and sharp eyes were exposed.

It was only after a long time that Yin Biyue learned that this type of people with the same dress has a unified name, the hunter in the wasteland.

They lived, wandered and raided the wasteland, hunting alone travelers. Usually know how to fight, after patient observation, long ambush, to judge the strength of the prey, and then kill.

But now, the hunter's tracks were exposed, and he suddenly shot and failed to kill Yin Biyue. According to experience, he should leave as quickly as possible. But he didn't.

Because these two people's robes are beautifully crafted, they look rich, and they look innocent and innocent. After this hunt, it should be enough to eat for half a year. it's a bargain.

Yin Biyue didn't know what the other party was thinking. In fact, from the horizontal sword to the pick dagger, it only took an instant. The Yihu Sword could not be unsheathed at the first moment, which made him panic for a while, but quickly calmed down, and the two steps back had subconsciously resorted to 'tread mountains and rivers'.

These two steps are going to the extreme, which has bought him time.

The Yihu sword was unsheathed, and the white figure jumped high, with the loud and long chirping echoing in the wilderness, pressing down on the opponent like a bird thrown into the forest.

The others were in the air, but the grass on the ground suddenly separated to both sides, extending ten feet all the way.

The sword energy is vertical and horizontal, like waves in the ocean.

It is the 'heju cloud' of the Cangya swordsmanship.

He is now in the Theravada realm, and his true essence and swordsmanship are not what they used to be. The power of this sword is ten times stronger than that of Zhanhuahui.

At the same moment when the sword came out, Yin Bi quickly calculated a hundred kinds of countermeasures for his opponent, even counting his own twenty moves.

But he did not expect that the other party ignored his sword at all.

The dagger pierced the air and slashed at his throat. Clean and neat, like to mow the weeds in the way.

Because it is so simple and fast that it is unbelievably fast, so that the trajectory it has passed forms a black arc of light.

The hunter was confident that he was faster than him, or at least as fast. Then when Yin Biyue's sword pierced his heart, he would also cut Yin Biyue's throat.


The blade of the short dagger is gaseous white gas. It was the sound of the practitioner's body-protecting essence being broken in Theravada realm.

In the slightest, Yin Biyue even felt the coldness that went deep into the bone marrow.

Even though his sword had already pierced into the opponent's body and his centrifugal vein was only half an inch, he was forced to change his moves and return to the sword for defense.

Because he was really scared.

It wasn't until this moment that he finally understood what the Juggernaut had just said.

This is a real life-or-death struggle. The opponent's fighting style of fighting for injury for injury is far different from Zhehuahui.

In the face of an enemy who has no fear of death, all subtle sword moves and calculations are meaningless.

Yin Biyue fell to the ground, and the hunter did not give him any chance to breathe. The black arc of the short dagger's blade slashed the air, and the trajectory it passed was condensed into thin lines.

Countless yellow grass blades were cut where the lines passed, and the cuts were flat. Dancing wildly in the autumn wind.

The trajectory of the dagger becomes a net, dividing the space on the wasteland messily.

This is the hunter's net.

And Yin Biyue was in this net, unable to advance or retreat.

"Clang clang clang-"

The piercing sound of the impact reverberated excitedly, and in one breath, the Yihu Sword met each line, that is, it struck the dagger thousands of times.

Yin Biyue turned his wrist and stabbed the long sword straight at the ground beneath his feet. The ground cracked into deep cracks, and countless strands of sword energy shot out from around him, severing the overwhelming black net.

He drew his sword, and mud and gravel splashed into the sky.

The cold suddenly started, and the withered grass in the fields condensed heavy hoarfrost.

Cold Water Sword!

The hunter flew in with a short dagger, and he was about to confront him.

Yin Biyue was quite sure that his sword would cut off the opponent's dagger.

No one knows the sharpness and hardness of Yihu better than him.

However, the next moment, his sword did not fall.

Because the short dagger in the opponent's right hand suddenly let go and threw it towards his face, while a long knife appeared strangely in his left hand, slashing horizontally towards his waist and abdomen.

Knife in sleeve.

The enemy never said that he had only a dagger on his body.

Regardless of the seemingly favorable circumstances, it would be foolish to let hunters get close.


The white smoke rose, and the body-protecting essence shattered.

The method is shameless, but it works.

Yin Biyue blocked the dagger thrown by Lei Ting, but he couldn't protect the long knife.

The long sword came in a hurry, and the magic breath was not heavy, but it still broke his body protection. Thin blood lines ooze from the robe.

He changed his sword fast enough that he was not cut in half.

From the confrontation to the present, although the two sides made many moves, the fighting time was only half a cup of tea.

Yin Biyue has fallen into a dangerous situation twice.

This reminded him of his experience in the dark cave of Tixiang Mountain. If Senior Brother was here, he would still be a drag.


It is clear that he was guided all the way by the number one swordsman in the world, and it is clear that he has broken through the Theravada realm.

Still no progress.

Yin Biyue sealed the wound in his abdomen with his true essence, his face was as silent as water.

The long knife broke through the wind.

The vast demonic breath exploded in the wilderness, with the blade as the center, the wild grass in the four fields was smashed into powder, rustling like rain.

The hunter finally used the strongest means, because he was sure that the opponent had just been hit with a knife, and the situation was in chaos at this time.

If he wants to use a sword, he cannot avoid this sword.

If he wants to retreat, he can only retreat from now on.

Yin Biyue just turned to the side and drew out his sword at the same time.

The violent real essence poured out, but it was not the blue sky.

He flew towards the blade, and the Taoist robe was hunting and dancing.

There is no light, no jingling.

Only full of depression, all in one sword cut out!

Yihu felt the master's heart, and rang in the sky.

So the autumn wind was quiet, and only the sound of this sword remained in the wilderness!

The Sword Saint behind the weeds looked slightly surprised.

At this point in the battle, he showed his expression for the first time.

After a breath, the swords never met. At the same time did not enter the opponent's body.

Hunters don't use magic breath protection, that's considered a waste. However, Yin Biyue chose to use all his true essence in his sword.

So there was no sound at this time, only blood splashed.

Black and red blood turned into flowers blooming in the air.

The hunter's eyes froze in shock.

He didn't understand why the opponent's sword would be faster than his. What went wrong

The more Yin Bi drew his sword, the dead demon cultivator fell backwards, smashed to the ground, and smoke rose.

And the other party's long knife was also pulled away from his body, only a millimetre away from piercing the heart.

Blood dripped down the body of the sword, and the wind was full of heavy bloody aura.

Juggernaut came out.

Yin Biyue looked confused, "Master, I'm not doing well... I'm similar to him, but I almost lost to him."

Juggernaut patted his shoulder, "It's only about life and death, not about winning or losing."

There was another word that Wei Jingfeng didn't say. This person's realm is actually higher than his apprentice, but the magic cultivation method is special, and it is not easy to show coercion.

Yin Biyue was tapped on the shoulder by the master. Depression and confusion are gone.

He smiled lightly.

The burning setting sun fell on the wasteland, illuminating his blood-stained white hair and eyebrows.


It has been seven days since Luo Mingchuan came to the western border, and this time he brought more than 300 disciples from Cangya down the mountain. Parting in the middle, one team escorted the refugees to the north, and the other team continued to go west with him to exorcise the demons.

The traces of demon cultivators can be seen everywhere on the road, and they have also fought against a few loners. However, he has not yet met the Demon Cultivator Brigade.

until entering this town.

The town was not prosperous at first, but now it is completely empty, and you can't even hear cocks and dogs. The street was littered with luggage and debris, showing how frantic it was to flee at that time. Fortunately, there was no blood on the corpse, and the townspeople should have gotten the news earlier.

But there is still plenty of magic in this town.

There are magic cultivators still hiding here, but the enemy is in the dark, and they are in the light.

"Be vigilant at all times, and don't disperse the team. I'll go to a higher place to see." Luo Mingchuan confessed, and flew towards the tower in the town.

He has always had prestige among the disciples, and no one raised any objection no matter what arrangements he made along the way. And follow-up facts have proved that his decision-making is always the most appropriate and effective.

Luo Mingchuan looked far from the tower, and the desolate town had a panoramic view. Compared to the Jialan Eyeball Technique, Divine Consciousness seems tasteless. He didn't need to climb the heights deliberately, just to guard against the clues of being seen by others.

This is the first time he has used the pupil technique since going down the mountain. Because he has intentionally reduced his reliance on it.

Demon Xiu showed traces in his eyes. At least a dozen people gathered in the mansion on the east side of the town. They know a special concealment technique, which can restrain their breath and avoid the observation of divine consciousness. This kind of subtle concealment should be the person in the 'Bi Palace' in the 12th house.

Luo Mingchuan was watching intently, but suddenly took three steps back.

As soon as his footsteps fell, the blue bricks burst open where he had just stood!

The whole tower shook slightly. After the smoke and dust, the figure of the enemy appeared. Five people, whose cultivation base could not see the depth, sealed the retreat all over his body.

The Cangya disciples moved when they heard the sound, and some were already running towards the tower.

Luo Mingchuan shouted while shooting,

"Don't come here! Be careful!"

Before he finished speaking, a miserable wailing sounded from the team. At the moment when they were attracted by the explosion, they didn't notice that the magic cultivator came quietly to the side.

The golden light of the Buddhist Mahamudra lights up on the tower, which is the fastest way to break through. The enemy in front of him was blasted away, but the remaining three quickly gathered.

One of them has the highest cultivation base, and the other two are headed by him.

When the thief was captured, the king was captured first, and Shen Zhou's sword was unsheathed, and he slashed forward with a sharp sword energy.

The tower cracked at the foot of Luo Mingchuan, the cracks extended all the way, and the sky was filled with gravel and dust. It seems that there is life gathering in Jian Zhou, and together with Jian Feng, they slash towards the enemy.

Like a thousand swords.

The rich magic breath of the two people on the opposite side condensed into a substantial wall, blocking the other person, and the man's hands changed rapidly, and the magic breath gathered ten thousand swords into the sky.

Weng Ming was deafening, and countless swords from both sides met in the air.

Luo Mingchuan was eager to go down the tower to help Cangya disciples, and he made no reservations.


The magic breath wall was broken open, and the sword energy was vertical and horizontal. The two magic cultivators were violently backlashed, and their hearts were broken.

The fragile tower was finally overwhelmed and collapsed.

Amidst the overwhelming smoke and dust, the man stood in the air, still forming a seal. His expression did not change at all, as if he had not seen his companion fall or die. Wanjian was born out of thin air.

Luo Mingchuan's heart sank, knowing that he underestimated the opponent's strength and reaction.

It's too late to start the sword again, but the eyes can be faster than the sword.

His pupils shrank, and the magic sword in front of him shattered inch by inch. This bought him time to draw the sword.

Shen Zhou broke through the siege and came to the front of the enemy.

The other party suddenly withdrew his hand, with a shocked expression, allowing the gravel and soil to penetrate his body. Blood gushed.

In the end, he was pierced through the heart by the long sword, but he looked into Luo Mingchuan's eyes and shouted,

"Your Majesty..."

Then fell from the air, crashing into the ruins of the tower.