The Villain’s White Lotus Halo

Chapter 85: I will be responsible for you


Yin Biyue suddenly met a pair of good-looking eyes, and before she had time to rejoice, the words 'Senior Brother' got stuck in her throat, and she instantly fell into an ice cave, unable to speak.

Luo Mingchuan woke up. But those eyes were as dark as an abyss, and there was no confusion that had just woken up. Instead, they were calm and terrifyingly strange.

Yin Biyue's whole body was pushed to the extreme, the Linyuan sword in his hand vibrated slightly, and he called out tentatively, "Senior brother..."

Luo Mingchuan looked straight at him and said only two words, "Let's go."

Yin Biyue breathed a sigh of relief, "No, senior brother, how are you feeling now?"

Luo Mingchuan clearly knew his own condition, "I'm fine. You can leave now, before it's too late."

Yin Biyue shook her head, "If it's really okay, let's go and let's go together."


The cave trembled for a moment, and the coercive pressure surged like a tidal wave. Yin Biyue staggered two steps, fell to the ground, and shouted in disbelief, "Senior brother—"

Luo Mingchuan got up and stayed, the breath all over his body rose rapidly, like a flood burst, his sleeves and ink hair were raised high. He walked slowly and stood in front of Yin Biyue without speaking. His eyes flickered, as if trying to suppress something.

Inexplicably, Yin Biyue thought of the illusion in the Buddhist hall again.

Senior brother is still senior brother, and he still recognizes himself, but he looks a bit like the man in the black-colored robe on the throne of Changyuan Palace.

The indifferent look, the aloof posture, the same eyes.

Standing in a poorly furnished cave is like standing in a candle-lit Huadian.

It was too late to be vigilant. Under Yin Biyue's real pressure, the flow of true essence was stagnant, and his cultivation was restrained.

He could only watch Luo Mingchuan leaning over and approaching him.

An extreme sense of danger followed.

His eyes were full of hope, "Senior brother, you are sober, you still recognize me, right..."

Turn around.

He was picked up horizontally by someone, and suddenly he felt a pain in his back, only to realize that he was being pinned on the bed. Close at hand, the breath smells, and the warm nose is sprayed on the neck.

Yin Biyue was bewildered, he felt that his brother should not be like this.

Senior brother will not hurt him, senior brother will always be gentle. But this is the senior brother, not anyone else.

The warm breath seemed to scald the skin on the side of his neck, mixed with wet licking, and the figure on his body seemed to be tasting some delicious food, causing Yin Biyue to tremble slightly.

Although his cultivation base was restrained, he held the Linyuan Sword in his hand, so he would not be powerless to resist. Just remembering the words of that senior Cheng, worried that the divine sense in the sword would make Luo Mingchuan really become a demon, so he hurriedly put the sword into the universe in his sleeve.

When the hands are empty and there is no more to rely on, the real fear begins.

He remembered what his brother said before,

"Tian Luo Jiuzhuan practice to the eighth floor, you must continue to absorb the vitality and cultivation of others for your own use... This kind of practice, once you start, you can't go back."

So now, after the senior brother is released from the seal, he wants to suck his own life? But with such a posture of picking a place to eat, are you going to eat yourself

Yin Biyue remembered the words 'people are swords, I am fish'.

"No, don't..." He turned his head and tried his best to avoid, even raising his hand to push the person on him. But he was restrained by coercion, and he couldn't make up his mind.

Luo Mingchuan raised his head when he heard the sound, and his fingers crossed Yin Biyue's lower jaw, making him turn his head and face him.

Yin Biyue looked into his eyes that were as dark as ink, and the ink was as deep as an abyss, reflecting his pale face.

For a moment, the chaos in his mind, as if he had fallen into a warm cloud, and his comfortable thoughts were all in a trance.

Yin Biyue looked at his senior brother's eyes and felt that they were really bright and beautiful. The candles on the case jumped in his eyes, like stars.

Just looking at it is like a drunken immortal who has drunk dozens of altars, and the drunk does not know when it is today.

No matter how powerful the soul power is, it is not enough to resist the almost complete Tian Luo Jiuzhuan.

Luo Mingchuan chuckled lightly, raised his hand and took off the black crown that was always tied to his hair, so the three thousand white hairs poured down like a waterfall.

Yin Biyue whimpered vaguely, like a small animal in distress, weakly calling for help. Luo Mingchuan knew that he was calling himself.



He was unconsciously asking the perpetrator for help.

Luo Mingchuan felt that he must be crazy, otherwise how could he do such a thing.

I also felt that I had never been more awake than this moment, and finally did what I wanted to do.

Extreme contradictions, on the verge of eruption. Just like walking on a cliff, the next step is the abyss.

It's about love, it's about etiquette, and it doesn't go beyond the rules. He has always been like this.

Some people even think that he does not seek fame or profit, and is upright like a person without desire.

But as a human being, how can there really be no desire? How can there be an absolutely perfect gentleman or saint in the world

The cultivation of Tian Luo Jiuzhuan to this level is enough to evoke the deepest desire in people's hearts and magnify it to the extreme.

He clasped the back of the man in his arms, unable to refuse, and dropped a kiss.

Long and fierce.

Yin Bi was out of breath, all the broken moans stuck in her throat, and she could only let out a low whimper.

His body temperature has been low for many years because of his practice of Cold Water Sword, but now, he feels a fire all over his body, and the end of his eyes is slightly red.

The young and jerky body can't stand stimulation.

The younger brother is emotional.

This realization made Luo Mingchuan very happy, and the voice in his heart rang out.

You see, the younger brother also likes it, so why not

get him.

Make him completely yours.

Yin Bi was more obedient and allowed to play with it, and the brows in his eyes were dyed brightly, which was completely different from the usual coldness.

From the outer robe to the inner garment, it was like unwrapping the layers of a gift, Luo Mingchuan was extremely patient.

Fortunately, there is a lot of time, don't worry, take your time.

After the beginning of winter, the sky darkened early. Birds and beasts are silent, only the wind whistling through the mountains and forests, and the leaves are flying.

Midday on the moon.

The cold moonlight entered the cave, and it also had a scorching lingering temperature.


When Yin Biyue woke up, he didn't know how long it had passed. Also don't know what happened.

The mind is no longer dizzy, the thoughts are clear, the real essence is abundant, the operation is smooth, and even the cultivation base is higher than before.

His first reaction was to take the sword, only to remember that Lin Yuan had been put away by himself. For fear of hurting my brother...

Brother? !

Yin Biyue suddenly turned her head and met the concerned eyes of the people around her, "Junior Brother, you are awake."

His eyes were soft and guilty.

Only then did Yin Biyue realize that he was lying on the bed, while his senior brother was sitting beside the bed and guarding him.

Luo Mingchuan took out a brand new robe to put on for him, Yin Bi hurriedly got up, the quilt slipped off, and when he lowered his eyes, he saw that the robe on his body was also changed to a new one.

Miscellaneous memories flooded in like a tide, Yin Biyue had a headache for a moment, but only remembered that he was pressed on the bed, thinking that his brother was going to suck his life force...

Then what

No, I vaguely recall that it is very hot and very comfortable, like ups and downs in a warm ocean tide.

He suddenly had a very bad guess, "Yesterday, did I..."

Luo Mingchuan avoided his gaze, feeling that he was inferior to a beast. It's not yesterday, it's three days later.

Yin Biyue's heart sank, and he raised his hand to pull Luo Mingchuan's front. Luo Mingchuan didn't notice for a while, and he tore off his clothes. His fair chest was clearly textured, and several dazzling red marks appeared on it.

Apparently someone got caught.

It must be painful...

Yin Biyue couldn't think of it at all. It was because he cried and hoarse his voice, choked and begged for mercy, "No, no, no," while trying to scratch the traces on people's bodies. In fact, Luo Mingchuan was scratched more on the back.

He has now started the process of making up his mind for forcing his senior brother.

It looks right. He put his brother to sleep.

He took advantage of his senior brother's confusion and did something worse than a beast to his senior brother.

I was only answered questions yesterday morning, and I just realized that I like senior brother, but I fell asleep without a word at night!

Is this still human

He was respectful and inviolable, and could be called the senior brother of the most respectable gentleman in the cultivation world, and he fell asleep like this!

If it is irresponsible, it is still human!

Yin Biyue was spurning herself to death when she heard Luo Mingchuan speak, "Junior brother, where is your sword, take it out."

Luo Mingchuan wanted to say, after all, I have done such a thing, even if you draw your sword and kill me, I have no complaints.

Yin Biyue interrupted in a hurry, "I will take responsibility!"

Could it be that Senior Brother can't think of it, he will kill himself with his sword? !

"Senior brother! I know about this, it's not a good name, but when we go back, we will join together, and I will definitely give you a name!"

Luo Mingchuan had imagined dozens of consequences, but never included the current situation. He was stunned.

Isn't that what he should say

Seeing that his senior brother didn't speak, Yin Biyue simply took him into his arms, but because of the height difference, it was more like him threw himself into Luo Mingchuan's arms, "Senior brother, I figured it out clearly, I really love you. Cangya Mountain, you also mentioned about the Dao Companion... It can be seen that you don't hate me, and you have thought about being with me... I will definitely treat you well, and you believe me once."

Yin Biyue was not good at words, but after the first sentence was spoken, it went smoothly. He just wanted to express his feelings, and he didn't care about any shame.

Luo Mingchuan was stunned when he heard the first sentence. It was as if thousands of fireworks exploded at the same time.

Of course he was happy, but after he woke up, he still had to make the truth clear. He looked into Yin Biyue's eyes and said, "Junior Brother, this kind of thing is actually your fault. I should say all these things."

"My cultivation base was unsealed too quickly, and my soul couldn't bear it, so I was aroused by the practice itself."

He didn't finish speaking. In fact, it was because the evil thoughts were suppressed for too long, and once they were led to erupt, they could no longer be controlled.

Yin Biyue thought to himself, what kind of cultivation base to unblock what kind of cultivation method, anyway, raw rice is cooked and cooked.

My brother is mine. ~(≧▽≦)/~

Suddenly he blurted out, "Then, does Senior Brother like me?"

After asking Yin Biyue, he regretted it.

He felt that he was too free and easy, like a babbling heroine.

How can I do this, I should be the overbearing president Long Aotian, 'Don't try to run away from me! '

When Luo Mingchuan heard the words, the smile in his eyes was ups and downs, and the warm amber color was like a lake, making people addicted. The tone was very solemn, "I love you more than you can imagine."

Yin Biyue burned from cheek to ear.

Too, too foul. QAQ