The Villain’s White Lotus Halo

Chapter 89: What a gift, just click and send


Yin Biyue went in happily, and as if afraid of Luo Mingchuan's repentance, he immediately closed the door with his backhand.

The lamp was lit in the room, illuminating the half-opened scroll on the sapphire case, and the faint scent of fenugreek floated in the air. He followed Luo Mingchuan from the outside to the inner room, and it was very pleasing to the eye wherever he looked. The layout is neither grand nor simple, all the furnishings are quite satisfactory, and they look like the owner here.

Yin Biyue even began to think, after joining the membership, should I move in with my senior brother, or should my senior brother live with me. Why don't we open a new hospital

Until they bypassed the ink-splashed landscape screen and came to the bed.

The bed is very wide and the jade pillow is long, so it can be seen that the two of them lie side by side without being cramped.

When Luo Mingchuan swept out of the corner of his eye, the candle flame suddenly went out, and the room suddenly darkened. Only the faint moonlight shone through the window lattice, reflecting the blurred silhouettes of people.

No one spoke, but Yin Biyue could clearly feel his brother's gaze falling on him.

And when he used up his impulses at this time, he realized that he was guilty.

Will I be too frivolous, making my senior brother feel insecure? After all, private meetings at night are not suitable for rituals.

He took two steps back and tried to explain, "Senior brother, I haven't seen you for so long. Actually, I just miss you... I want to see you. Don't worry, I won't touch you tonight." Go down, "When we are truly joined, then... ah!"

Luo Mingchuan directly carried the person onto the bed.

Yin Biyue was caught off guard on the bed, and the belt of his outer robe was neatly untied, revealing his snow-white private clothes.

The two were very close, and they could smell each other's breaths. A few strands of Luo Mingchuan's ink hair hung down and brushed across his cheeks, slightly itchy. He quickly came to his senses, sat up and quickly took off his robe, and reached out to untie his brother's belt.

Now it was Luo Mingchuan's turn to be stunned, but he didn't know what to do.

Yin Biyue took off the black crown, and the white hair was scattered, intertwined with Luo Mingchuan's black hair. He raised his eyes and asked in confusion, "Senior brother?"

The eyes are clear and innocent, like a little animal who is ignorant of the world.

Luo Mingchuan had to sigh, folded the robes of the two, and pulled the quilt to cover his junior and junior brothers. Trying to calm myself down, "It's late, go to sleep."

They were wearing only thin underclothes, lying side by side in the soft quilt. The temperature of the skin is clearly transmitted through the fabric.

Yin Biyue felt extremely comfortable, surrounded by his brother's breath, like lying on a warm cloud.

The dream of sleeping with a senior brother was achieved so easily. ~(≧▽≦)/~ Unable to help, and naturally, he gently hugged his brother's waist. He rubbed against his chest.

Luo Mingchuan reached out and took the person into his arms, his voice a little hoarse, "Don't move."

So Yin Biyue really didn't move, for fear of being thrown off the bed by his senior brother.

But he was so excited that he couldn't sleep, so he could only start talking,

"Senior brother, we are going to join the membership soon. According to the folk saying, this is called marriage, and we need to give gifts... I have nothing to give you... You are confused and followed me, which is too bad."

Luo Mingchuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

However, before he could speak, Yin Biyue got out of his arms, took out a few yellowed thin books from the space of his outer robe, and shoved them into his hands.

"I haven't finished talking about the last time. In fact, this is a note from Ling Xiao, the true fairy, and Mr. Zhang Yuan gave it to me... Although it doesn't seem to be of any use. But at least it is the legacy of a big man. The most valuable thing in me, except for Yi Lake Sword, that's it. Give it to Senior Brother! It's a betrothal gift!"

When Luo Mingchuan saw the names of these books, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. I also forgot to tell my younger brother that the word 'wedding gift' cannot be used in this way.

Yin Biyue simply opened a book and showed it to him by the faint moonlight, "It's the real thing, the handwriting and the time and year are correct. It's interesting to read a lot of things from that year."

Yin Biyue lamented in his heart that the opening ceremony that he got at the flower-folding fair was completely useless when he crossed the wasteland in the East Land.

Luo Mingchuan sat up halfway, took the book and turned it over carefully, his face calmed down.

Yin Biyue was nervous about being led by him, so he sat up and said, "Senior brother, what's the matter?"

"There's blindness in the book."


Yin Biyue turned pale in shock. He had held the book in his hand for so long, but he didn't see any clues, but the senior brother saw it at a glance.

"Jialan's pupil technique can see through the confusion." Luo Mingchuan frowned, "But why does it feel strange to say 'a gift from a real immortal, you can send it when you click it'?"

He held the scroll, his fingers crossed the title page, and the dazzling brilliance suddenly burst out.

The light faded away, and Yin Biyue saw that sentence. I reaffirmed Yi Lingxiao's fellowship status, and I'm also glad that the fellow was lazy and didn't write 'full-level divine beast, peerless divine weapon, top-quality equipment, click on it and send it away'.

Turning another page, Yin Biyue said in surprise, "It's actually the "Lingxiao Sword Art". Brother, let's practice together!"

However, Luo Mingchuan returned the book to him, "This is the opportunity of the younger brother. The younger brother can only practice by himself."

"It was clearly seen by my senior brother. How did I become alone? Besides, this is the dowry gift I want to give to my senior brother."

"Lingxiao Sword Art is the inheritance of true immortals. It is the only exercise in the world that can restrain Tianluo Jiuzhuan. If I go crazy one day, you will kill me with Lingxiao Sword." He was talking about life and death, but his voice was as always. With a smile, "If that day comes, I'm afraid that only you can kill me. Junior Brother, I have completely given myself to you."

After Yin Biyue listened to the silence, after a while, he muttered, "I won't kill senior brother. I won't even take a sword at senior brother."

There is a ray of Mo Changyuan's spiritual thoughts in the Linyuan sword.

For him and Luo Mingchuan, it is the most dangerous thing around. Fortunately, this sword is in his hand, and the spiritual sense will slowly dissipate if it is not awakened.

But he didn't know how to tell his brother all this. Traveling through the company, whitening the halo, Senior Cheng's words, and his own origins.

Escape the general thinking, wait for the world to be at peace, and then explain slowly.

Luo Mingchuan saw his frustration, and secretly annoyed that he had said the wrong thing, making his junior brother sad.

So the precious classics, the inheritance of the dignified and true immortals were thrown on the pillow at will, Luo Mingchuan lay down and pushed the person into his arms, "I'm talking nonsense, don't think about it, go to sleep."

Yin Biyue let out a 'uh', adjusted to a comfortable posture, and closed his eyes.

Luo Mingchuan looked at the person in his arms, his eyebrows stretched, his posture relaxed, and he relied on himself without reservation. After a while, he fell asleep breathing evenly.

The charming thoughts in my heart were all gone.

What can he do with his apprentice and brother

When I meet such a person in my life, what else can I do except get used to it

Until dawn, there are so many troublesome things. The latest news came that Donglu had been unified by Rong Zhuo, and the 100,000 demon army was ready to cross the sea.

But now, he was holding his junior brother, and he didn't worry about anything, just wanted time to stop at this moment.


Yin Biyue had no dreams all night, and slept soundly until dawn.

In the morning, I got out of the bed with a blushing face and got out of bed in a hurry. It was the first time I knew that I slept so badly. He didn't dare to look at his brother.

Luo Mingchuan didn't care, he put on his robe with a smile, smoothed the collar carefully, and fastened the lace.

"Senior brother, I will come by myself..."

"I come."

With their realm, their bodies are not stained with dirt, and they can also be dressed and crowned by pinch tricks. Luo Mingchuan condensed the water mirror and put a crown on the mirror for him.

The three thousand white hairs were as smooth as brocade, and they passed through the slender fingers with distinct knuckles.

Yin Biyue looked at the mirror, Senior Brother lowered his head slightly, his expression was serious, and his posture was skillful. Suddenly, there is a misunderstanding, as if they have been together for many years, and they have long been an old husband and wife.

When Yin Biyue went out, he thought, should he walk a little more secretly, so as not to be seen and ruin the reputation of his senior brother

Bah, my brother and I are justifiable, so I'm not guilty!

"Senior brother..."

"Senior brother, I know that I went over the wall!"

Luo Mingchuan laughed, "I mean, let's go together to Qinghe Palace, your second sister and third brother are back."

Yin Biyue said in surprise, "That's great... Why didn't I know about this... "

"Someone must have passed the talisman to your courtyard this morning, but no one thought that you slept with me last night."

"… "

Yin Biyue followed Luo Mingchuan out of the hospital, feeling that he should not talk today.

The residences of Qinghe Palace and Luo Mingchuan are both on the main peak, and Xihua Peak is in the other direction. When Zheng Yangzi saw the two of them walking all the way, especially his apprentice's look of spring breeze, he immediately sank.

"How did you promise me?!" He asked Luo Mingchuan through voice transmission.

"Don't go to the junior brother before joining the membership, give the junior brother more time to think clearly... But yesterday, the junior brother came to me."

Zhengyangzi was speechless.

He thought to himself, Wei Jingfeng, Wei Jingfeng, don't be unreasonable when you come back, I really don't blame me for this, this old man can only help this.

Xi Huafeng's people didn't see anything wrong.

Yan Xing and Liu Lishuang had no other idea other than sighing that their cultivation had improved by leaps and bounds.

"Fourth, I suspected that you could increase your cultivation by eating and drinking, but now I think you don't need to eat and drink, you can increase your cultivation during the day and sleep! You put a lot of pressure on me!"

Liu Lishuang reprimanded Yan Xing lightly, "You're not too young, and you're not serious, so get down to business."

Yin Biyue bowed his head in shame, because after thinking about it, he seemed to be sleeping with his senior brother, double cultivation or something, he could really improve his cultivation.

Yan Xing stopped laughing at his junior and brother, and imagined a huge sand table out of thin air. The mountains, rivers and ravines above it, and the snowy peaks are clear at a glance.

Yin Bi recognized it at a glance, it was Donglu.

Yan Xing said, "When I went this time, I found that the East Land has changed dramatically. In the past, the twelve palaces were scattered, but now they are all under Rong Zhuo's orders. One hundred thousand demon cultivators have been integrated into three teams. ."

When he moved his fingers, a black robe appeared on the snowfield, and the march was neat and fast.

"One is going to the southern land, and the other is going to the middle land. It seems that they have no intention of coming to our side."

Luo Mingchuan frowned and said solemnly,

"Since the four continents are separated, Rong Zhuo doesn't want to stretch the battle line too long, and he won't be able to get back in time. He wants to defeat them all."

"The Lianjian in the Central Mainland is split, the schools are on the decline, the Qinglu Sword Sect in the Southern Land is supported by Song Tang and the others, the new emperor in the Northern Land is on the throne, and the foundation is unstable, he only needs to send someone to find trouble, so that the North cannot send troops..."

"If I guess right, Rong Zhuo wants to master the Central and Southern Lands first. As for us, he wants Bao Puzong to deal with it."

The situation became clear.

Yan Xing snorted coldly, "Let Bao Puzong deal with us and make a good plan."

When he was young and entered the world, he met an elder of Baopu Zong by a narrow road, and he was very impatient every time he mentioned it.

Jun Yu said, "I'll stay in Cangya. You can go down the mountain."

Luo Mingchuan understood what he meant, Cangya was guarded by Jun Yu, and they had better go to help other sects.

Luo Mingchuan thought, there is actually an easier way, that is to go to Donglu and kill Rong Zhuo. Once Rong Zhuo died, no more wars would have to happen in the future.

It's not that no one thought of it, but everyone thought that no one could kill Rong Zhuo.

He said, "My junior brother and I went down the mountain."

Yin Biyue nodded.

Yan Xing said, "Then my senior brother and I will guard Cangya."

Jun Yu nodded, "Yes. But I'm afraid I'll miss the day of joint membership."

Yan Xing jumped up in fright, "What? Co-registration?! Who is co-registration? Senior Brother, are you going to be co-registered with Master?!"

Yin Biyue was startled. However, Liu Cheshuang also looked at Jun Yu inquiringly.

Jun Yu gave them a cold look. The temperature in the hall dropped to freezing point.

"It's not me. It's the fourth junior brother who wants to join with the junior brother Luo."